vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

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Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 ItemRackText = {}
4 -- These three strings are the only ones required for the mod to work in other languages. The rest are translations of benign text.
5 ItemRackText.INVTYPE_CONTAINER = "Bag"
6 ItemRackText.MOUNTCHECK = "^Increases speed" -- used only for checking if a mount buff is a real one
8 --[[ Key bindings ]]--
10 -- Bindings are created dynamically in the mod and are stored per-character with the binding attached to the set.
11 -- To add more bindings, change .MaxKeyBindings to the desired amount and add more _EQUIPSET here and in Bindings.xml
12 -- The key bindings is arguably the most complex part of the mod -- localize with care or hold off localizing until last
13 ItemRackText.BINDINGFORMAT = "Equip Set: %s"
14 ItemRackText.BINDINGSEARCH = "Equip Set: (.+)"
15 ItemRackText.MaxKeyBindings = 10
16 BINDING_HEADER_ItemRack = "ItemRack"
17 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET1 = "Equip Set: 1" -- these values change to string.format of BINDINGFORMAT on the binding owner's set
18 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET2 = "Equip Set: 2"
19 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET3 = "Equip Set: 3"
20 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET4 = "Equip Set: 4"
21 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET5 = "Equip Set: 5"
22 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET6 = "Equip Set: 6"
23 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET7 = "Equip Set: 7"
24 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET8 = "Equip Set: 8"
25 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET9 = "Equip Set: 9"
26 BINDING_NAME_EQUIPSET10 = "Equip Set: 10"
28 -- options text. none of the text below will affect how the mod runs. It's just displayed text.
30 ItemRackText.CONTROL_ROTATE_TEXT = "Rotate"
31 ItemRackText.CONTROL_ROTATE_tooltip = "Change the orientation of the bar between vertical or horizontal."
32 ItemRackText.CONTROL_LOCK_TEXT = "Lock"
33 ItemRackText.CONTROL_LOCK_TOOLTIP = "Lock or unlock the window. While locked, hold ALT and move the mouse over the bar to access controls."
34 ItemRackText.CONTROL_OPTIONS_TEXT = "Settings"
35 ItemRackText.CONTROL_OPTIONS_TOOLTIP = "Change ItemRack settings."
36 ItemRackText.OPT_TOOLTIPFOLLOW_TEXT = "Tooltips at pointer"
37 ItemRackText.OPT_TOOLTIPFOLLOW_TOOLTIP = "Check this to make tooltips follow the pointer instead of displaying at the default location."
38 ItemRackText.OPT_COOLDOWNNUMBERS_TEXT = "Cooldown numbers"
39 ItemRackText.OPT_COOLDOWNNUMBERS_TOOLTIP = "Check this to display the numerical time left in an item's cooldown."
40 ItemRackText.OPT_SOULBOUND_TEXT = "Hide tradables"
41 ItemRackText.OPT_SOULBOUND_TOOLTIP = "Check this to only display soulbound, quest or conjured items in the menus. Bind-On-Equip and tradable items will be ignored to prevent showing up as you loot through an instance."
42 ItemRackText.OPT_BINDINGS_TEXT = "Show key bindings"
43 ItemRackText.OPT_BINDINGS_TOOLTIP = "Check this to display any key bindings on the bar."
44 ItemRackText.OPT_MENUSHIFT_TEXT = "Menu on Shift only"
45 ItemRackText.OPT_MENUSHIFT_TOOLTIP = "Check this to prevent the menu from appearing unless you're holding the Shift key."
46 ItemRackText.OPT_CLOSE_TEXT = "Close Options"
47 ItemRackText.OPT_CLOSE_TOOLTIP = "Exit options. To close ItemRack completely, remove all items from the bar or /itemrack."
48 ItemRackText.INVFRAME_RESIZE_TEXT = "Resize"
49 ItemRackText.INVFRAME_RESIZE_TOOLTIP = "Drag the 'grip' in the lower right corner to resize the window."
50 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWEMPTY_TEXT = "Allow empty slots"
51 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Check this to add empty slots to the swap menu. Items will be dropped in the left-most available bag slot, if one exists. You cannot queue empty slots. Trinkets will not show empty slots if TrinketMenu Clicks is enabled."
52 ItemRackText.OPT_FLIPMENU_TEXT = "Flip menu"
53 ItemRackText.OPT_FLIPMENU_TOOLTIP = "The menu grows towards the middle of the screen by default. Check this to make the menu grow from the opposite side that it automatically chooses."
54 ItemRackText.OPT_RIGHTCLICK_TEXT = "TrinketMenu mode"
55 ItemRackText.OPT_RIGHTCLICK_TOOLTIP = "Check this to make left-clicking a trinket go to the top trinket slot (as displayed on your character screen), and right-click to go to the bottom trinket slot. Trinket pairs on the bar together will share one menu as well."
56 ItemRackText.OPT_TINYTOOLTIP_TEXT = "Use tiny tooltips"
57 ItemRackText.OPT_TINYTOOLTIP_TOOLTIP = "Check this to make item tooltips only show name, durability and cooldown."
58 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWTOOLTIPS_TEXT = "Show tooltips"
59 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWTOOLTIPS_TOOLTIP = "Check this to show tooltips."
60 ItemRackText.OPT_NOTIFY_TEXT = "Notify when ready"
61 ItemRackText.OPT_NOTIFY_TOOLTIP = "Check this to display a message when a used item has finished cooldown."
62 ItemRackText.OPT_ROTATEMENU_TEXT = "Rotate menu"
63 ItemRackText.OPT_ROTATEMENU_TOOLTIP = "The menu grows perpendicular to the bar by default. Check this to make it grow parallel to the bar."
64 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWICON_TEXT = "Minimap button"
65 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWICON_TOOLTIP = "Check this to display a button around the edge of the minimap to access options and sets."
66 ItemRackText.OPT_DISABLETOGGLE_TEXT = "Minimap sets menu"
67 ItemRackText.OPT_DISABLETOGGLE_TOOLTIP = "Check this to toggle the set menu on left click. Uncheck to toggle the bar on left click."
68 ItemRackText.OPT_FLIPBAR_TEXT = "Flip bar growth"
69 ItemRackText.OPT_FLIPBAR_TOOLTIP = "The bar grows down or to the right by default. Check this to make it grow leftwards or upwards."
70 ItemRackText.OPT_ENABLEEVENTS_TEXT = "Enable Events"
71 ItemRackText.OPT_ENABLEEVENTS_TOOLTIP = "Check this to allow automated events enabled below to swap gear based on conditions defined within the events.\n\nUncheck to stop all event processing."
72 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWALLEVENTS_TEXT = "Show All"
73 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWALLEVENTS_TOOLTIP = "Check this to show all events for all classes.\n\nUncheck to prevent sets for other classes from listing."
74 ItemRackText.OPT_COMPACTLIST_TEXT = "Compact"
75 ItemRackText.OPT_COMPACTLIST_TOOLTIP = "Check this to list sets in a more compact form to see more at once."
76 ItemRackText.OPT_SAVEDSETSCLOSE_TEXT = "Cancel"
77 ItemRackText.OPT_SAVEDSETSCLOSE_TOOLTIP = "Cancel choosing a set."
78 ItemRackText.OPT_NOTIFYTHIRTY_TEXT = "Notify at 30 secs"
79 ItemRackText.OPT_NOTIFYTHIRTY_TOOLTIP = "Check this to notify at the 30-second mark instead of when an item's cooldown ends."
80 ItemRackText.OPT_ALLOWHIDDEN_TEXT = "Allow hidden items"
81 ItemRackText.OPT_ALLOWHIDDEN_TOOLTIP = "Check this to allow menu items to be hidden with ALT+click. To recover a hidden item on the menu, hold ALT as you enter the bar and ALT+click the item again."
82 ItemRackText.OPT_LARGEFONT_TEXT = "Large Font"
83 ItemRackText.OPT_LARGEFONT_TOOLTIP = "Check this to use a bigger font in the script edit window below."
84 ItemRackText.OPT_SQUAREMINIMAP_TEXT = "Square minimap"
85 ItemRackText.OPT_SQUAREMINIMAP_TOOLTIP = "Check this to have the minimap button drag around the full square of the minimap."
86 ItemRackText.OPT_BIGCOOLDOWN_TEXT = "Large cooldown"
87 ItemRackText.OPT_BIGCOOLDOWN_TOOLTIP = "Check this to make cooldown numbers bigger, resembling Cooldown Count."
88 ItemRackText.OPT_SETLABELS_TEXT = "Show set icon labels"
89 ItemRackText.OPT_SETLABELS_TOOLTIP = "Check this to show set labels on set icons."
90 ItemRackText.OPT_AUTOTOGGLE_TEXT = "Auto toggle sets"
91 ItemRackText.OPT_AUTOTOGGLE_TOOLTIP = "Check this to make chosing a set always toggle it: If equipped it will revert to gear it replaced. If unequipped it will equip the set.\nThis is the same as choosing a set while Shift is held.\nNote: This behavior does not happen while in combat or dead, since it can't be sure what you're going to wear in the future."
93 ItemRackText.SETS_CLOSE_TEXT = "Close Set Builder"
94 ItemRackText.SETS_CLOSE_TOOLTIP = "Exit Set Builder. To close ItemRack completely, remove all items from the bar or /itemrack."
95 ItemRackText.SETS_NAMELABEL_TEXT = "Choose a name and icon:"
96 ItemRackText.SETS_HIDESET_TEXT = "Hide"
97 ItemRackText.SETS_HIDESET_TOOLTIP = "When checked, this set will not appear in the popup menu on the rack. Note: The set icon on the rack will always reflect the last set equipped, hidden or not.\n\nHold ALT while you mouseover sets on the bar to see hidden sets. You can ALT+click sets in the menu to toggle their hidden status."
98 ItemRackText.SETS_BINDBUTTON_TEXT = "Bind Key"
99 ItemRackText.SETS_BINDBUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Bind a key to this set."
100 ItemRackText.SETS_SAVEBUTTON_TEXT = "Save"
101 ItemRackText.SETS_SAVEBUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Save this set as the name given above. Except for key bindings, changes made to an existing set are not permanent until you save."
102 ItemRackText.SETS_REMOVEBUTTON_TEXT = "Remove"
103 ItemRackText.SETS_REMOVEBUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Remove this set definition. To keep a set but prevent it from showing on the menu, check Hide below the set's icon and then save."
104 ItemRackText.SETS_LOADBUTTON_TEXT = "Equip"
105 ItemRackText.SETS_LOADBUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Equip the selected set."
107 ItemRackText.READY = "%s ready!"
108 ItemRackText.READYTHIRTY = "%s ready soon!"
109 ItemRackText.QUEUED = "Queued: %s"
110 ItemRackText.SAVED = "Set %s saved with %d items."
111 ItemRackText.BINDCLEAR = "Binding cleared for this set."
112 ItemRackText.BINDSET = "Set bound to key %s"
114 ItemRackText.ERROR_MISSING = "ItemRack: Some items were not found: "
115 ItemRackText.ERROR_NOROOM = "ItemRack: Not enough free bag space to complete swap."
117 ItemRackText.COUNTFORMAT = "%s slots"
118 ItemRackText.NOSAVEDSETS = "No saved sets."
119 ItemRackText.SETTOOLTIPFORMAT = "Set: %s"
120 ItemRackText.SETREMOVE = "Set %s removed."
121 ItemRackText.EMPTYSET = ""
122 ItemRackText.SETTOOLTIPCOUNT = "%s items"
123 ItemRackText.SETTOOLTIPMISSING = "%s missing"
124 ItemRackText.EVENTSSUSPENDED = "Note: Event processing is suspended\nwhile this window is up."
126 ItemRackText.UNDEFINEDEVENT_TEXT = "Not Defined Yet"
127 ItemRackText.UNDEFINEDEVENT_TOOLTIP = "Click here to associate a set with this event. You can edit the event to use multiple sets per event, but all events must have one set associated with it before it can be used."
128 ItemRackText.ENABLEEVENT_TEXT = "Enable Event"
129 ItemRackText.ENABLEEVENT_TOOLTIP = "Check this to enable this particular event. Uncheck to disable the event. Use the 'Enable' checkbox at the top as a master on/off for events."
131 ItemRackText.EVENTSDELETE_TEXT = "Delete Event"
132 ItemRackText.EVENTSDELETE_TOOLTIP = "Delete this event. If any other characters on this account use this event, it will revert to an undefined state for this character."
133 ItemRackText.EVENTSEDIT_TEXT = "Edit Event"
134 ItemRackText.EVENTSEDIT_TOOLTIP = "Edit this event.\n\nSome knowledge of lua or WoW macros helps immensely in dealing with events.\n\nYou cannot associate a set with this event by editing it. Click the set icon in the list above to associate a set."
135 ItemRackText.EVENTSNEW_TEXT = "New Event"
136 ItemRackText.EVENTSNEW_TOOLTIP = "Create a new event.\n\nSome knowledge of lua or WoW macros helps immensely in dealing with events."
138 ItemRackText.EVENTSSAVE_TEXT = "Save Event"
139 ItemRackText.EVENTSSAVE_TOOLTIP = "Save this event. You can save unfinished events, just be sure not to associate them with any set until it's ready.\n\nIf the name of an existing event is changed, a COPY is made under the new name."
140 ItemRackText.EVENTSTEST_TEXT = "Test Script"
141 ItemRackText.EVENTSTEST_TOOLTIP = "Test the above script by running it once now. This is mostly to catch syntax or other errors that would produce a red error window. It can't test the trigger or ensure the script will have desired results."
142 ItemRackText.EVENTSCANCEL_TEXT = "Return to Events"
143 ItemRackText.EVENTSCANCEL_TOOLTIP = "This will cancel any unsaved changes and return to the events list."
144 ItemRackText.EVENTNAME_TEXT = "Event Name"
145 ItemRackText.EVENTNAME_TOOLTIP = "This is the name of the event as listed in the previous window. ie, \"Riding\", \"Warrior:Berserker\", etc\n\nPrefix a name with Class: to let the 'Show All' option filter events by classes, ie, \"Priest:Shadowform\""
146 ItemRackText.EVENTTRIGGER_TEXT = "Event Trigger"
147 ItemRackText.EVENTTRIGGER_TOOLTIP = "This is the trigger fired from WoW when you want the event to occur.\n\nSome common ones:\nPLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED : When your buffs or forms change.\nPLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED : When you enter combat mode.\nPLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED : When you leave combat mode.\n\ lists them all."
148 ItemRackText.EVENTDELAY_TEXT = "Event Delay"
149 ItemRackText.EVENTDELAY_TOOLTIP = "This is the time (in seconds) after the latest trigger before performing this event. A zero here will immediately perform the event each trigger. Some triggers can happen many times in a flurry, such as BAG_UPDATE. A delay here will ensure the event runs a single time once the flurry of triggers are over."
151 ItemRackText.RESETBUTTON_TEXT = "Reset Bar"
152 ItemRackText.RESETBUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Click this to restore the windows and scales to a default state in the event you lose them off the screen or shrink them too small to resize. Events, sets and items on the bar are not affected."
153 ItemRackText.RESETEVENTSBUTTON_TEXT = "Reset Events"
154 ItemRackText.RESETEVENTSBUTTON_TOOLTIP = "Click this to restore events (Mount, Plaguelands, etc) to their default state. Custom events will be removed. NOTE: THIS WILL REMOVE CUSTOM EVENTS"
156 ItemRackText.DisableToggleText = {
157 ["ON"] = "Left click: toggle sets menu\nRight click: toggle config\nDrag: move icon",
158 ["OFF"] = "Left click: toggle bar\nRight click: toggle config\nDrag: move icon"
159 }
161 ItemRackText.HELP = "This is a mod to make swapping equipment easier. You add equipment slots to a bar and mouseover on the bar will create a menu of all items in your bags that can go in that slot.\n\nTo move the minimap button, drag it like you would an ordinary window.\n\nTo set up:\n1. Open your character sheet. (C key is default)\n2. Alt+Click slots in the character sheet to add them to the bar.\n3. Alt+Click yourself in the character sheet to add sets to the bar.\n4. Use Alt+Click to remove slots/sets from the bar as well.\n\nTo use:\nMouseover a slot you added to the bar and it will present a menu of all items in your bags that can go in that slot.\nClick an item in the menu to swap to that item.\nClick an item on the bar to use that item if it's usable.\n\nTo create a set:\n1. Select which slots to save by clicking the slots around this window.\n2. Highlighted slots will save to the set, darkened slots will be ignored.\n3. If needed, swap to the gear you want to save to this set.\n4. Enter a name at the top of the sets window.\n5. Choose an icon below the name.\n6. Click Save.\n\nTo use a set, one of:\n- Bind a key to the set with 'Bind Key' button.\n- Swap from the bar as you would an item.\n- /script EquipSet(\"setname\") in a macro."
163 -- German translation by Leelaa at
164 if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
165 ItemRackText.INVTYPE_CONTAINER = "Beh\195\164lter"
166 ItemRackText.MOUNTCHECK = "^Erh\195\182ht Tempo" -- fix by Yarok
168 ItemRackText.CONTROL_ROTATE_TEXT = "Rotieren"
169 ItemRackText.CONTROL_ROTATE_TOOLTIP = "\195\132ndern der Ausrichtung der Leiste zwischen horizontal und vertikal."
170 ItemRackText.CONTROL_LOCK_TEXT = "Sperren"
171 ItemRackText.CONTROL_LOCK_TOOLTIP = "Sperren oder entsperren des Fensters. Wenn gesperrt, ALT halten und mit der Maus \195\188ber das Fenster fahren um die Kontrollen zu sehen."
172 ItemRackText.CONTROL_OPTIONS_TEXT = "Einstellungen"
173 ItemRackText.CONTROL_OPTIONS_TOOLTIP = "ItemRack Einstellungen ver\195\164ndern."
174 ItemRackText.OPT_TOOLTIPFOLLOW_TEXT = "Tooltips am Zeiger"
175 ItemRackText.OPT_TOOLTIPFOLLOW_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen, um die Tooltips dem Mauszeiger folgen zu lassen."
176 ItemRackText.OPT_COOLDOWNNUMBERS_TEXT = "Cooldown Z\195\164hler"
177 ItemRackText.OPT_COOLDOWNNUMBERS_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen, um einen numerischen Z\195\164hler f\195\188r die restliche Cooldown-Zeit einzublenden."
178 ItemRackText.OPT_SOULBOUND_TEXT = "Handelbares verstecken"
179 ItemRackText.OPT_SOULBOUND_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen um nur seelengebundene-, Quest- oder herbeigezauberte Gegenst\195\164nde in den Men\195\188s anzuzeigen. Bei-Aufheben-Gebundene und handelbare Gegenst\195\164nde werden ignoriert um die Anzeige zu verhindern."
180 ItemRackText.OPT_BINDINGS_TEXT = "Tastenbelegungen"
181 ItemRackText.OPT_BINDINGS_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen um die Tastenbelegungen anzuzeigen."
182 ItemRackText.OPT_MENUSHIFT_TEXT = "Men\195\188 bei Shift"
183 ItemRackText.OPT_MENUSHIFT_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen um zu verhindern, dass das Men\195\188 erscheint ohne das Shift gedr\195\188ckt wird."
184 ItemRackText.OPT_CLOSE_TEXT = "Optionen schliessen"
185 ItemRackText.OPT_CLOSE_TOOLTIP = "Optionen verlassen. Um ItemRack vollst\195\164ndig zu schliessen m\195\188ssen alle Gegenst\195\164nde entfernt werden oder /itemrack eingeben."
186 ItemRackText.INVFRAME_RESIZE_TEXT = "Gr\195\182\195\159enanpassung"
187 ItemRackText.INVFRAME_RESIZE_TOOLTIP = "Den 'Griff' in der rechten unteren Ecke ziehen um die Fenstergr\195\182\195\159e anzupassen."
188 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWEMPTY_TEXT = "Leere Pl\195\164tze erlauben"
189 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWEMPTY_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen um es zu erm\195\182glichen, leere Inventarpl\195\164tze in den Men\195\188s hinzuzuf\195\188gen. Gegenst\195\164nde werden im \195\164u\195\159erst linken freien Taschenplatz abgelegt, wenn einer existiert. Man kann leere Pl\195\164tze nicht in die Queue legen. Trinkets haben keine leeren Pl\195\164tze wenn TrinketMenu Clicks aktiviert ist."
190 ItemRackText.OPT_FLIPMENU_TEXT = "Men\195\188 umdrehen"
191 ItemRackText.OPT_FLIPMENU_TOOLTIP = "Die Richtung des Men\195\188s w\195\164chst rechtwinklig zur Leiste. Hier einen Haken setzen um das Men\195\188 auf der entgegengesetzen Seite erscheinen zu lassen, welche automatisch gew\195\164hlt w\195\188rde."
192 ItemRackText.OPT_RIGHTCLICK_TEXT = "TrinketMenu Clicks"
193 ItemRackText.OPT_RIGHTCLICK_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen, damit ein Linksclick auf ein Trinket dieses in den obersten Trinketplatz einwechselt, und ein Rechtsclick in den unteren Trinketplatz einwechselt. (Falls man an TrinketMenu gew\195\182hnt ist)"
194 ItemRackText.OPT_TINYTOOLTIP_TEXT = "Winzige Tooltips"
195 ItemRackText.OPT_TINYTOOLTIP_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen damit die Tooltips nur den Namen, die Haltbarkeit und den Cooldown anzeigen."
196 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWTOOLTIPS_TEXT = "Tooltips anzeigen"
197 ItemRackText.OPT_SHOWTOOLTIPS_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen um Tooltips anzuzeigen."
198 ItemRackText.OPT_NOTIFY_TEXT = "Benachrichtigen wenn bereit"
199 ItemRackText.OPT_NOTIFY_TOOLTIP = "Hier einen Haken setzen um eine Nachricht zu erhalten wenn ein Cooldown abgelaufen ist."
201 ItemRackText.READY = "%s bereit!"
202 ItemRackText.QUEUED = "In Warteschlange: %s"
203 end
205 -- French translation by Tinou at
206 if (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
207 ItemRackText.INVTYPE_CONTAINER = "Conteneur"
208 ItemRackText.MOUNTCHECK = "^Augmente la vitesse de"
209 end
211 --[[ Extra Icons
213 Here you can add more icons available for use in the set builder.
214 There are two ways to add an icon:
216 1. Draw your own 64x64 uncompressed 32-bit TGA file and put it into Interface\Icons
218 2. Use a "built-in" icon by adding its exact path/name to the list below.
220 The icons below will list immediately after the icons for the worn gear in the order
221 they are listed here. If you draw your own icon and put it into Interface\Icons,
222 you do not need to list it here. They will be picked up automatically.
224 ]]
226 ItemRackExtraIcons = {
227 "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Banner_02",
228 "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Banner_03",
229 -- add new icons here in this format: "Interface\\Icons\\(ExactIconName)",
230 }
233 --[[ Events
235 These are the default events. They are locale-specific.
236 /itemrack reset events : Will restore events to a default state
237 ]]
239 ItemRack_DefaultEvents = {
240 ["Druid:Caster Form"] = {
241 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
242 ["delay"] = 0,
243 ["script"] = "if not ItemRack_GetForm() and IR_FORM then EquipSet() IR_FORM=nil end --[[Equip a set when not in an animal form.]]",
244 },
245 ["Druid:Aquatic Form"] = {
246 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
247 ["delay"] = 0,
248 ["script"] = "local form=ItemRack_GetForm() if form==\"Aquatic Form\" and IR_FORM~=form then EquipSet() IR_FORM=form end --[[Equip a set when in aquatic form.]]",
249 },
250 ["Druid:Moonkin Form"] = {
251 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
252 ["delay"] = 0,
253 ["script"] = "local form=ItemRack_GetForm() if form==\"Moonkin Form\" and IR_FORM~=form then EquipSet() IR_FORM=form end --[[Equip a set when in moonkin form.]]",
254 },
255 ["Insignia Used"] = {
256 ["trigger"] = "ITEMRACK_ITEMUSED",
257 ["delay"] = 0.5,
258 ["script"] = "if arg1==\"Insignia of the Alliance\" or arg1==\"Insignia of the Horde\" then EquipSet() end --[[Equips a set when the Insignia of the Alliance/Horde has been used.]]",
259 },
260 ["Plaguelands"] = {
261 ["trigger"] = "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA",
262 ["delay"] = 1,
263 ["script"] = "local zone = GetRealZoneText(),0\nif (zone==\"Western Plaguelands\" or zone==\"Eastern Plaguelands\" or zone==\"Scholomance\" or zone==\"Stratholme\") and not IR_PLAGUE then\n EquipSet() IR_PLAGUE=1\nelseif IR_PLAGUE then\n LoadSet() IR_PLAGUE=nil\nend\n--[[Equips set to be worn while in plaguelands.]]",
264 },
265 ["Druid:Cat Form"] = {
266 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
267 ["delay"] = 0,
268 ["script"] = "local form=ItemRack_GetForm() if form==\"Cat Form\" and IR_FORM~=form then EquipSet() IR_FORM=form end --[[Equip a set when in cat form.]]",
269 },
270 ["Low Mana"] = {
271 ["trigger"] = "UNIT_MANA",
272 ["delay"] = 0.5,
273 ["script"] = "local mana = UnitMana(\"player\") / UnitManaMax(\"player\")\nif mana < .5 and not IR_OOM then\n SaveSet()\n EquipSet()\n IR_OOM = 1\nelseif IR_OOM and mana > .75 then\n LoadSet()\n IR_OOM = nil\nend\n--[[Equips a set when mana is below 50% and re-equips previous gear at 75% mana. Remember: You can't swap non-weapons in combat.]]",
274 },
275 ["Rogue:Stealth"] = {
276 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
277 ["delay"] = 0,
278 ["script"] = "local _,_,isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1)\nif isActive and not IR_FORM then\n EquipSet() IR_FORM=1\nelseif not isActive and IR_FORM then\n LoadSet() IR_FORM=nil\nend\n--[[Equips set to be worn while stealthed.]]",
279 },
280 ["Mage:Evocation"] = {
281 ["trigger"] = "ITEMRACK_BUFFS_CHANGED",
282 ["delay"] = 0.25,
283 ["script"] = "local evoc=arg1[\"Interface\\\\Icons\\\\Spell_Nature_Purge\"]\nif evoc and not IR_EVOC then\n EquipSet() IR_EVOC=1\nelseif not evoc and IR_EVOC then\n LoadSet() IR_EVOC=nil\nend\n--[[Equips a set to wear while channeling Evocation.]]",
284 },
285 ["Warrior:Berserker"] = {
286 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
287 ["delay"] = 0,
288 ["script"] = "local _,_,isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3) if isActive and IR_FORM~=\"Berserker\" then EquipSet() IR_FORM=\"Berserker\" end --[[Equips set to be worn in Berserker stance.]]",
289 },
290 ["Druid:Bear Form"] = {
291 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
292 ["delay"] = 0,
293 ["script"] = "local form = ItemRack_GetForm()\nif (form==\"Dire Bear Form\" or form==\"Bear Form\") and IR_FORM~=\"Bear Form\" then EquipSet() IR_FORM=\"Bear Form\" end --[[Equip a set when in bear form.]]",
294 },
295 ["Priest:Spirit Tap Begin"] = {
296 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED",
297 ["delay"] = 0.25,
298 ["script"] = "local found=ItemRack.Buffs[\"Interface\\\\Icons\\\\Spell_Shadow_Requiem\"]\nif not IR_SPIRIT and found then\nEquipSet() IR_SPIRIT=1\nend\n--[[Equips a set when you leave combat with Spirit Tap. Associate a set of spirit gear to this event.]]",
299 },
300 ["Priest:Spirit Tap End"] = {
301 ["trigger"] = "ITEMRACK_BUFFS_CHANGED",
302 ["delay"] = 0.5,
303 ["script"] = "local found=arg1[\"Interface\\\\Icons\\\\Spell_Shadow_Requiem\"]\nif IR_SPIRIT and not found then\nLoadSet() IR_SPIRIT = nil\nend\n--[[Returns to normal gear when Spirit Tap ends. Associate the same spirit set as Spirit Tap Begin.]]",
304 },
305 ["Warrior:Battle"] = {
306 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
307 ["delay"] = 0,
308 ["script"] = "local _,_,isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1) if isActive and IR_FORM~=\"Battle\" then EquipSet() IR_FORM=\"Battle\" end --[[Equips set to be worn in battle stance.]]",
309 },
310 ["Skinning"] = {
311 ["trigger"] = "UPDATE_MOUSEOVER_UNIT",
312 ["delay"] = 0,
313 ["script"] = "if UnitIsDead(\"mouseover\") and GameTooltipTextLeft3:GetText()==UNIT_SKINNABLE then\n local r,g,b = GameTooltipTextLeft3:GetTextColor()\n if r>.9 and g<.2 and b<.2 and not IR_SKIN then\n EquipSet() IR_SKIN=1\n end\nelseif IR_SKIN then\n LoadSet() IR_SKIN=nil\nend\n--[[Equips a set when you mouseover something that can be skinned but you have insufficient skill.]]\n",
314 },
315 ["Warrior:Overpower End"] = {
316 ["trigger"] = "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES",
317 ["delay"] = 5,
318 ["script"] = "--[[Equip a set five seconds after opponent dodged: your normal weapons. ]]\nif IR_OVERPOWER==1 then\nEquipSet()\nIR_OVERPOWER=nil\nend",
319 },
320 ["Druid:Travel Form"] = {
321 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
322 ["delay"] = 0,
323 ["script"] = "local form=ItemRack_GetForm() if form==\"Travel Form\" and IR_FORM~=form then EquipSet() IR_FORM=form end --[[Equip a set when in travel form.]]",
324 },
325 ["Mount"] = {
326 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
327 ["delay"] = 0,
328 ["script"] = "local mount\nif UnitIsMounted then mount = UnitIsMounted(\"player\") else mount = ItemRack_PlayerMounted() end\nif not IR_MOUNT and mount then\n EquipSet()\nelseif IR_MOUNT and not mount then\n LoadSet()\nend\nIR_MOUNT=mount\n--[[Equips set to be worn while mounted.]]",
329 },
330 ["Swimming"] = {
331 ["trigger"] = "MIRROR_TIMER_START",
332 ["delay"] = 0,
333 ["script"] = "local i,found\nfor i=1,3 do\n if getglobal(\"MirrorTimer\"..i):IsVisible() and getglobal(\"MirrorTimer\"..i..\"Text\"):GetText() == BREATH_LABEL then\n found = 1\n end\nend\nif found then\n EquipSet()\nend\n--[[Equips a set when the breath gauge appears. NOTE: This will not re-equip gear when you leave water. There's no reliable way to know when you leave water. Also note: Won't work with eCastingBar.]]",
334 },
335 ["Eating-Drinking"] = {
336 ["trigger"] = "ITEMRACK_BUFFS_CHANGED",
337 ["delay"] = 0,
338 ["script"] = "local found=arg1[\"Interface\\\\Icons\\\\INV_Misc_Fork&Knife\"] or arg1[\"Drink\"]\nif not IR_DRINK and found then\nEquipSet() IR_DRINK=1\nelseif IR_DRINK and not found then\nLoadSet() IR_DRINK=nil\nend\n--[[Equips a set while eating or drinking.]]",
339 },
340 ["Warrior:Defensive"] = {
341 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED",
342 ["delay"] = 0,
343 ["script"] = "local _,_,isActive = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(2) if isActive and IR_FORM~=\"Defensive\" then EquipSet() IR_FORM=\"Defensive\" end --[[Equips set to be worn in Defensive stance.]]",
344 },
345 ["Insignia"] = {
346 ["trigger"] = "ITEMRACK_NOTIFY",
347 ["delay"] = 0,
348 ["script"] = "if arg1==\"Insignia of the Alliance\" or arg1==\"Insignia of the Horde\" then EquipSet() end --[[Equips a set when the Insignia of the Alliance/Horde finishes cooldown.]]",
349 },
350 ["Priest:Shadowform"] = {
351 ["trigger"] = "ITEMRACK_BUFFS_CHANGED",
352 ["delay"] = 0,
353 ["script"] = "local f=arg1[\"Interface\\\\Icons\\\\Spell_Shadow_Shadowform\"]\nif not IR_Shadowform and f then\n EquipSet() IR_Shadowform=1\nelseif IR_Shadowform and not f then\n LoadSet() IR_Shadowform=nil\nend\n--[[Equips a set while under Shadowform]]",
354 },
356 ["Warrior:Overpower Begin"] = {
357 ["trigger"] = "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_SELF_MISSES",
358 ["delay"] = 0,
359 ["script"] = "--[[Equip a set when the opponent dodges. Associate a heavy-hitting 2h set with this event. ]]\nlocal _,_,i = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1)\nif string.find(arg1 or \"\",\"^You.+dodge[sd]\") and i then\nEquipSet()\nIR_OVERPOWER=1\nend",
360 },
361 ["About Town"] = {
362 ["trigger"] = "PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING",
363 ["delay"] = 0,
364 ["script"] = "if IsResting() and not IR_TOWN then EquipSet() IR_TOWN=1 elseif IR_TOWN then LoadSet() IR_TOWN=nil end\n--[[Equips a set while in a city or inn.]]"
365 }
366 }