vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 GMail = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceHook-2.0")
3 function GMail:OnInitialize()
5 tinsert(UISpecialFrames, "GMailInboxOpenAll")
7 -- Allows the mail frame to be pushed
8 if ( UIPanelWindows["MailFrame"] ) then
9 UIPanelWindows["MailFrame"].pushable = 1
10 else
11 UIPanelWindows["MailFrame"] = { area = "left", pushable = 1 }
12 end
14 -- Close FriendsFrame will close if you try to open a mail with mailframe+friendsframe open
15 if ( UIPanelWindows["FriendsFrame"] ) then
16 UIPanelWindows["FriendsFrame"].pushable = 2
17 else
18 UIPanelWindows["FriendsFrame"] = { area = "left", pushable = 2 }
19 end
21 MailItem1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "InboxFrame", "TOPLEFT", 48, -80)
22 for i = 1, 7, 1 do
23 getglobal("MailItem" .. i .. "ExpireTime"):SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", "MailItem" .. i, "TOPRIGHT", 10, -4)
24 getglobal("MailItem" .. i):SetWidth(280)
25 end
28 GMail_BagLinks = { }
29 GMail_ScheduledStack = { }
30 GMail_SelectedItems = { }
34 GMailFrame.num = 0
35 PanelTemplates_SetNumTabs(MailFrame, 3)
37 GMailForwardFrame.pickItem = { }
38 GMailForwardFrame.process = 0
40 GMailGlobalFrame.queue = { }
41 GMailGlobalFrame.update = 0
42 = 0
43 GMailGlobalFrame.sendmail = 0
44 GMailGlobalFrame.latency = 2.25
46 GMailTooltip:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE")
48 GMailInboxFrame.eventFunc = { }
50 end
52 function GMail:OnEnable()
54 self:RegisterEvent("MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE")
55 self:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")
56 self:RegisterEvent("MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS")
57 self:RegisterEvent("MAIL_SEND_INFO_UPDATE")
58 self:RegisterEvent("MAIL_CLOSED")
59 self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE")
61 self:Hook("ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick")
62 self:Hook("PickupContainerItem")
63 self:Hook("ContainerFrame_Update")
64 self:Hook("ClickSendMailItemButton")
65 self:HookScript(TradeFrame, "OnShow", "TF_Show")
66 self:Hook("InboxFrameItem_OnEnter")
67 self:Hook("MailFrameTab_OnClick")
68 self:Hook("InboxFrame_OnClick")
69 self:Hook("InboxFrame_Update")
70 self:Hook("CloseMail")
71 self:Hook("TakeInboxItem")
72 self:Hook("OpenMail_Reply")
73 oldTakeInboxMoney = OpenMailMoneyButton:GetScript("OnClick")
75 end
77 function GMail:MAIL_CLOSED()
78 GMail:ClearItems()
79 = 0
80 GMailGlobalFrame.queue = { }
81 end
83 function GMail:MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS()
85 end
87 function GMail:ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick(btn, ignore)
88 if ( self:GetItemFrame(this:GetParent():GetID(), this:GetID()) ) then
89 return
90 end
91 self.hooks["ContainerFrameItemButton_OnClick"].orig(btn, ignore)
92 self:UpdateItemButtons()
93 end
95 function GMail:PickupContainerItem(bag, item, special)
96 if ( ( self:GetItemFrame(bag, item) or ( GMail_addItem and GMail_addItem[1] == bag and GMail_addItem[2] == item ) ) and not special ) then
97 return
98 end
99 if ( not CursorHasItem() ) then
100 GMailFrame.bag = bag
101 GMailFrame.item = item
102 end
103 if ( IsAltKeyDown() and GMailFrame:IsVisible() and not CursorHasItem() ) then
104 local i
105 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
106 if ( not getglobal("GMailButton" .. i).item ) then
108 if ( self:ItemIsMailable(bag, item) ) then
109 GMail:Print("GMail: Cannot attach item.", 1, 0.5, 0)
110 return
111 end
113 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(bag, item)
114 self:MailButton_OnClick(getglobal("GMailButton" .. i))
115 self:UpdateItemButtons()
116 return
117 end
118 end
119 elseif ( IsAltKeyDown() and SendMailFrame:IsVisible() and not CursorHasItem() ) then
120 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(bag, item)
121 ClickSendMailItemButton()
122 return
123 elseif ( IsAltKeyDown() and TradeFrame:IsVisible() and not CursorHasItem() ) then
124 for i = 1, 6, 1 do
125 if ( not GetTradePlayerItemLink(i) ) then
126 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(bag, item)
127 ClickTradeButton(i)
128 return
129 end
130 end
131 elseif ( IsAltKeyDown() and not CursorHasItem() and ( not TradeFrame or not TradeFrame:IsVisible() ) and ( not AuctionFrame or not AuctionFrame:IsVisible() ) and UnitExists("target") and CheckInteractDistance("target", 2) and UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and UnitIsPlayer("target") ) then
132 InitiateTrade("target")
133 GMail_addItem = { bag, item, UnitName("target"), 2 }
134 for i = 1, NUM_CONTAINER_FRAMES, 1 do
135 if ( getglobal("ContainerFrame" .. i):IsVisible() ) then
136 ContainerFrame_Update(getglobal("ContainerFrame" .. i))
137 end
138 end
139 return
140 end
141 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(bag, item)
142 self:UpdateItemButtons()
143 end
145 function GMail:MailFrameTab_OnClick(tab)
146 if ( not tab ) then
147 tab = this:GetID()
148 end
150 if ( tab == 3 ) then
151 PanelTemplates_SetTab(MailFrame, 3)
152 InboxFrame:Hide()
153 SendMailFrame:Hide()
154 GMailFrame:Show()
155 SendMailFrame.sendMode = "massmail"
156 MailFrameTopLeft:SetTexture("Interface\\ClassTrainerFrame\\UI-ClassTrainer-TopLeft")
157 MailFrameTopRight:SetTexture("Interface\\ClassTrainerFrame\\UI-ClassTrainer-TopRight")
158 MailFrameBotLeft:SetTexture("Interface\\ClassTrainerFrame\\UI-ClassTrainer-BotLeft")
159 MailFrameBotRight:SetTexture("Interface\\ClassTrainerFrame\\UI-ClassTrainer-BotRight")
160 MailFrameTopLeft:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "MailFrame", "TOPLEFT", 2, -1)
161 return
162 else
163 GMailFrame:Hide()
164 end
165 self.hooks["MailFrameTab_OnClick"].orig(tab)
166 self:Forward_EnableForward()
167 end
169 function GMail:ClickSendMailItemButton()
170 if ( not GetSendMailItem() ) then
171 GMailFrame.mailbag = GMailFrame.bag
172 GMailFrame.mailitem = GMailFrame.item
173 end
174 self.hooks["ClickSendMailItemButton"].orig()
175 end
177 -- Handle the dragging of items
178 function GMail:MailButton_OnClick(button)
179 if ( not button ) then button = this end
180 if ( CursorHasItem() ) then
181 local bag = GMailFrame.bag
182 local item = GMailFrame.item
183 if ( not bag or not item ) then return end
184 if ( self:ItemIsMailable(bag, item) ) then
185 GMail:Print("GMail: Cannot attach item.", 1, 0.5, 0)
186 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(bag, item)
187 return
188 end
189 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(bag, item)
190 if ( this.bag and this.item ) then
191 -- There's already an item there
192 -- Pickup that item to replicate Send Mail's behaviour
193 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(button.bag, button.item)
194 GMailFrame.bag = button.bag
195 GMailFrame.item = button.item
196 else
197 GMailFrame.bag = nil
198 GMailFrame.item = nil
199 end
200 local texture, count = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, item)
201 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "IconTexture"):Show()
202 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "IconTexture"):SetTexture(texture)
203 if ( count > 1 ) then
204 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "Count"):SetText(count)
205 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "Count"):Show()
206 else
207 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "Count"):Hide()
208 end
209 button.bag = bag
210 button.item = item
211 button.texture = texture
212 button.count = count
213 elseif ( button.item and button.bag ) then
214 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(button.bag, button.item)
215 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "IconTexture"):Hide()
216 getglobal(button:GetName() .. "Count"):Hide()
217 GMailFrame.bag = button.bag
218 GMailFrame.item = button.item
219 button.item = nil
220 button.bag = nil
221 button.count = nil
222 button.texture = nil
224 end
225 local num = self:GetNumMails()
226 GMailFrame.num = num
227 self:CanSend(GMailNameEditBox)
228 if ( num == 0 ) then num = 1 end
229 MoneyFrame_Update("GMailCostMoneyFrame", GetSendMailPrice()*num)
230 for i = 1, NUM_CONTAINER_FRAMES, 1 do
231 if ( getglobal("ContainerFrame" .. i):IsVisible() ) then
232 ContainerFrame_Update(getglobal("ContainerFrame" .. i))
233 end
234 end
235 end
237 function GMail:ItemIsMailable(bag, item)
239 -- Make sure tooltip is cleared
240 for i = 1, 29, 1 do
241 getglobal("GMailTooltipTextLeft" .. i):SetText("")
242 end
244 GMailTooltip:SetBagItem(bag, item)
245 for i = 1, GMailTooltip:NumLines(), 1 do
246 local text = getglobal("GMailTooltipTextLeft" .. i):GetText()
247 if ( text == ITEM_SOULBOUND or text == ITEM_BIND_QUEST or text == ITEM_CONJURED or text == ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP ) then
248 return 1
249 end
250 end
251 return nil
252 end
255 function GMail:UpdateItemButtons(frame)
256 local i
257 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
258 local btn = getglobal("GMailButton" .. i)
259 if ( not frame or btn ~= frame ) then
260 local texture, count
261 if ( btn.item and btn.bag ) then
262 texture, count = GetContainerItemInfo(btn.bag, btn.item)
263 end
264 if ( not texture ) then
265 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "IconTexture"):Hide()
266 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "Count"):Hide()
267 btn.item = nil
268 btn.bag = nil
269 btn.count = nil
270 btn.texture = nil
271 else
272 btn.count = count
273 btn.texture = texture
274 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "IconTexture"):Show()
275 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "IconTexture"):SetTexture(texture)
276 if ( count > 1 ) then
277 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "Count"):Show()
278 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "Count"):SetText(count)
279 else
280 getglobal(btn:GetName() .. "Count"):Hide()
281 end
282 end
283 end
284 end
285 end
287 function GMail:GetItemFrame(bag, item)
288 local i
289 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
290 local btn = getglobal("GMailButton" .. i)
291 if ( btn.item == item and btn.bag == bag ) then
292 return btn
293 end
294 end
295 return nil
296 end
298 function GMail:GetNumMails()
299 local i
300 local num = 0
301 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
302 local btn = getglobal("GMailButton" .. i)
303 if ( btn.item and btn.bag ) then
304 num = num + 1
305 end
306 end
307 return num
308 end
310 function GMail:ClearItems()
311 local i
312 local num = 0
313 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
314 local btn = getglobal("GMailButton" .. i)
315 btn.item = nil
316 btn.count = nil
317 btn.bag = nil
318 btn.texture = nil
319 end
320 self:UpdateItemButtons()
321 GMailMailButton:Disable()
322 GMailNameEditBox:SetText("")
323 GMailSubjectEditBox:SetText("")
324 GMailStatusText:SetText("")
325 GMailAbortButton:Hide()
326 GMailAcceptSendFrame:Hide()
327 end
329 function GMail:CanSend(eb)
330 if ( not eb ) then eb = this end
331 if ( strlen(eb:GetText()) > 0 and GMailFrame.num > 0 and GetSendMailPrice()*GMailFrame.num <= GetMoney() ) then
332 GMailMailButton:Enable()
333 else
334 GMailMailButton:Disable()
335 end
336 end
338 function GMail:SendMail()
339 for key, val in this.queue do
340 GMailStatusText:SetText(format(GMAIL_SENDING, key,
341 GMailAbortButton:Show()
343 if ( GetSendMailItem() and GMailFrame.mailbag and GMailFrame.mailitem ) then
344 -- There's already an item in the slot
345 ClickSendMailItemButton()
346 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(GMailFrame.mailbag, GMailFrame.mailitem)
347 GMailFrame.mailbag = nil
348 GMailFrame.mailitem = nil
349 elseif ( CursorHasItem() and GMailFrame.bag and GMailFrame.item ) then
350 PickupContainerItem(GMailFrame.bag, GMailFrame.item)
351 GMailFrame.bag = nil
352 GMailFrame.item = nil
353 end
355 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(val.bag, val.item)
357 ClickSendMailItemButton()
359 local name, useless, count = GetSendMailItem()
361 if ( not name ) then
362 GMail:Print("GMail: " .. GMAIL_ERROR, 1, 0, 0)
363 else
365 local subjectstr = GMailSubjectEditBox:GetText()
366 if ( strlen(subjectstr) > 0 ) then
367 subjectstr = subjectstr .. " "
368 end
370 if ( count > 1 ) then
371 subjectstr = subjectstr .. "[" .. name .. " x" .. count .. "]"
372 else
373 subjectstr = subjectstr .. "[" .. name .. "]"
374 end
376 SendMail(, subjectstr, format(GMAIL_ITEMNUM, key,
377 end
379 GMailGlobalFrame.queue[key] = nil
380 return
381 end
382 GMailStatusText:SetText(format(GMAIL_DONESENDING,
383 GMailAbortButton:Hide()
384 GMailGlobalFrame:Hide()
386 = 0
387 GMailGlobalFrame.queue = { }
388 end
390 function GMail:FillItemTable()
391 local arr = { }
392 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
393 local btn = getglobal("GMailButton" .. i)
394 if ( btn.item and btn.bag ) then
395 tinsert(arr, { ["item"] = btn.item, ["bag"] = btn.bag, ["to"] = GMailNameEditBox:GetText() })
396 end
397 end
398 return arr
399 end
401 function GMail:ProcessQueue(elapsed)
402 if ( not GMAIL_CANSENDNEXT ) then
403 return
404 end
405 this.sendmail = this.sendmail + elapsed
406 if ( this.sendmail > 0.5 ) then
407 this.sendmail = 0
408 if ( > 0 ) then
409 self:SendMail()
411 end
412 end
413 end
415 function GMail:ContainerFrame_Update(frame)
416 self.hooks["ContainerFrame_Update"].orig(frame)
417 local id = frame:GetID()
418 if ( GMailFrame:IsVisible() ) then
419 local i
420 for i = 1, GMAIL_NUMITEMBUTTONS, 1 do
421 local btn = getglobal("GMailButton" .. i)
422 if ( btn.item and btn.bag ) then
423 if ( btn.bag == frame:GetID() ) then
424 SetItemButtonDesaturated(getglobal(frame:GetName() .. "Item" .. (frame.size-btn.item)+1), 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
425 end
426 end
427 end
428 end
429 if ( GMail_addItem and GMail_addItem[1] == frame:GetID() ) then
430 SetItemButtonDesaturated(getglobal(frame:GetName() .. "Item" .. (frame.size-GMail_addItem[2])+1), 1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
431 end
432 end
434 function GMail:MAIL_SEND_INFO_UPDATE()
435 if ( not SendMailFrame:IsVisible() ) then return end
436 local name, useless, count = GetSendMailItem()
438 if ( name and strlen(SendMailSubjectEditBox:GetText()) == 0 ) then
439 if ( count > 1 ) then
440 name = name .. " x" .. count
441 end
442 SendMailSubjectEditBox:SetText(name)
443 end
444 end
446 function GMail:InboxFrameItem_OnEnter()
447 local didSetTooltip
448 if ( this.index ) then
449 if ( GetInboxItem(this.index) ) then
450 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
451 GameTooltip:SetInboxItem(this.index)
452 didSetTooltip = 1
453 end
454 end
455 if ( not didSetTooltip ) then
456 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
457 end
458 if ( then
459 GameTooltip:AddLine(ENCLOSED_MONEY, "", 1, 1, 1)
460 SetTooltipMoney(GameTooltip,
462 elseif (this.cod) then
463 GameTooltip:AddLine(COD_AMOUNT, "", 1, 1, 1)
464 SetTooltipMoney(GameTooltip, this.cod)
465 if ( this.cod > GetMoney() ) then
466 SetMoneyFrameColor("GameTooltipMoneyFrame", RED_FONT_COLOR.r, RED_FONT_COLOR.g, RED_FONT_COLOR.b)
467 else
469 end
470 end
471 if ( didSetTooltip and ( or this.cod ) ) then
472 GameTooltip:SetHeight(GameTooltip:GetHeight()+getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft" .. GameTooltip:NumLines()):GetHeight())
473 if ( GameTooltipMoneyFrame:IsVisible() ) then
474 GameTooltip:SetHeight(GameTooltip:GetHeight()+GameTooltipMoneyFrame:GetHeight())
475 end
476 end
477 GameTooltip:Show()
478 end
480 function GMail:TF_Show()
481 self.hooks[TradeFrame].OnShow.orig()
482 if ( GMail_addItem and not CursorHasItem() and UnitName("NPC") == GMail_addItem[3] ) then
483 self.hooks["PickupContainerItem"].orig(GMail_addItem[1], GMail_addItem[2])
485 ClickTradeButton(1)
486 end
487 GMail_addItem = nil
488 end
490 function GMail:Inbox_OnUpdate(elapsed)
491 if ( GMail_addItem ) then
492 GMail_addItem[4] = GMail_addItem[4] - elapsed
493 if ( GMail_addItem[4] <= 0 ) then
494 GMail_addItem = nil
495 for i = 1, NUM_CONTAINER_FRAMES, 1 do
496 if ( getglobal("ContainerFrame" .. i):IsVisible() ) then
497 ContainerFrame_Update(getglobal("ContainerFrame" .. i))
498 end
499 end
500 end
501 end
502 if ( this.num and this.elapsed ) then
503 this.elapsed = this.elapsed - elapsed
504 if ( this.elapsed <= 0 ) then
505 this.elapsed = nil
506 if ([1] ) then
507 local val =[1]
508 local success = GMail:PickMail(val, this.openSelected)
509 if ( success ~= 2 ) then
510 tremove(, 1)
511 this.num = this.num - 1
512 end
513 if ( success == 1 ) then
514 for key, va in do
515 if ( va > val ) then
516[key] = va-1
517 end
518 end
519 this.lastVal = val
520 InboxFrame_Update()
521 else
522 this.elapsed = 1+GMail_DELETEDELAY
523 this.lastVal = nil
524 end
525 if ( this.num == 0 ) then
526 this.num = nil
527 GMail:Inbox_DisableClicks(nil)
528 end
529 end
530 end
531 end
532 if ( this.delete ) then
533 this.delete[1] = this.delete[1] - elapsed
534 if ( this.delete[1] <= 0 ) then
535 local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, itemID, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated = GetInboxHeaderInfo(this.delete[2])
536 if ( money == 0 and not itemID ) then
537 GetInboxText(this.delete[2])
538 DeleteInboxItem(this.delete[2])
539 end
540 this.delete = nil
541 this.elapsed = 0.5+GMail_DELETEDELAY
542 end
543 end
544 end
546 function GMail:MAIL_INBOX_UPDATE()
547 if ( GMailInboxFrame.eventDelete ) then
548 GMailInboxFrame.delete = { GMail_DELETEEVENTDELAY, GMailInboxFrame.eventDelete }
549 GMailInboxFrame.eventDelete = nil
550 end
551 end
552 function GMail:UI_ERROR_MESSAGE()
553 if ( event == "UI_ERROR_MESSAGE" and ( arg1 == ERR_INV_FULL or arg1 == ERR_ITEM_MAX_COUNT ) ) then
554 if ( this.num ) then
555 if ( arg1 == ERR_INV_FULL ) then
556 GMail:Inbox_Abort()
557 GMail:Print("GMail: Inventory full. Aborting.", 1, 0, 0)
558 elseif ( arg1 == ERR_ITEM_MAX_COUNT ) then
559 GMail:Print("GMail: You already have the maximum amount of that item. Skipping.", 1, 0, 0)
560 this.elapsed = GMail_DELETEDELAY
561 if ( this.lastVal ) then
562 for key, va in do
563 if ( va >= this.lastVal ) then
564[key] = va+1
565 end
566 end
567 end
568 end
569 end
570 end
571 end
573 function GMail:Print(msg, r, g, b)
574 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg, r, g, b);
575 end
577 function GMail:PickMail(id, openSelected)
578 if ( not id ) then
579 return 0
580 end
581 local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply = GetInboxHeaderInfo(id)
582 if ( CODAmount > 0 ) then
583 GMail:Print("GMail: Mail |c00FFFFFF" .. this.numMails-(this.num-1) .. "|r/|c00FFFFFF" .. this.numMails .. "|r is Cash on Delivery, skipping.", 1, 0, 0)
584 return 0
585 elseif ( not hasItem and money == 0 and not openSelected ) then
586 GMail:Print("GMail: Mail |c00FFFFFF" .. this.numMails-(this.num-1) .. "|r/|c00FFFFFF" .. this.numMails .. "|r has no money or items, skipping.", 1, 1, 0)
587 return 0
588 end
589 GMail:Print("GMail: Opening mail |c00FFFFFF" .. this.numMails-(this.num-1) .. "|r/|c00FFFFFF" .. this.numMails .. "|r: \"|c00FFFFFF" .. ( subject or "<No Subject>" ) .. "|r\" from |c00FFFFFF" .. ( sender or "<Unknown Sender>" ) .. "|r.", 1, 1, 0)
590 local eventDelete
591 if ( hasItem ) then
592 self.hooks["TakeInboxItem"].orig(id)
593 eventDelete = 1
594 if ( money > 0 ) then
595 return 2
596 end
597 end
598 if ( money > 0 ) then
599 TakeInboxMoney(id)
600 eventDelete = 1
601 end
602 if ( eventDelete ) then
603 GMailInboxFrame.eventDelete = id
604 else
605 GMailInboxFrame.delete = { GMail_DELETEDELAY, id }
606 end
607 return 1
608 end
610 function GMail_Inbox_SetSelected()
611 local id = this:GetID() + (InboxFrame.pageNum-1)*7
612 if ( not this:GetChecked() ) then
613 for k, v in GMail_SelectedItems do
614 if ( v == id ) then
615 tremove(GMail_SelectedItems, k)
616 break
617 end
618 end
619 else
620 tinsert(GMail_SelectedItems, id)
621 end
622 end
624 function GMail_Inbox_OpenSelected(openAll)
625 GMail:Inbox_DisableClicks(1)
626 GMailInboxFrame.num = 0
627 GMailInboxFrame.elapsed = GMail_DELETEDELAY
628 = { }
629 GMailInboxFrame.openSelected = not openAll
630 if ( openAll ) then
631 for i = 1, GetInboxNumItems(), 1 do
632 GMailInboxFrame.num = GMailInboxFrame.num + 1
633 tinsert(, i)
634 end
635 else
636 for k, v in GMail_SelectedItems do
637 GMailInboxFrame.num = GMailInboxFrame.num + 1
638 tinsert(, v)
639 end
640 end
641 GMailInboxFrame.numMails = GMailInboxFrame.num
642 GMail_SelectedItems = { }
643 end
645 function GMail:InboxFrame_Update()
646 self.hooks["InboxFrame_Update"].orig()
647 for i = 1, 7, 1 do
648 local index = (i + (InboxFrame.pageNum-1)*7)
649 if ( index > GetInboxNumItems() ) then
650 getglobal("GMailBoxItem" .. i .. "CB"):Hide()
651 else
652 getglobal("GMailBoxItem" .. i .. "CB"):Show()
653 getglobal("GMailBoxItem" .. i .. "CB"):SetChecked(nil)
654 for k, v in GMail_SelectedItems do
655 if ( v == index ) then
656 getglobal("GMailBoxItem" .. i .. "CB"):SetChecked(1)
657 break
658 end
659 end
660 end
661 end
662 if ( GMailInboxFrame.num ) then
663 GMail:Inbox_DisableClicks(1, 1)
664 end
665 end
667 function GMail:Inbox_DisableClicks(disable, loopPrevention)
668 if ( disable ) then
669 for i = 1, 7, 1 do
670 getglobal("MailItem" .. i .. "ButtonIcon"):SetDesaturated(1)
671 end
672 if not self:IsHooked("InboxFrame_OnClick") then self:Hook("InboxFrame_OnClick", "DummyFunction") end
673 else
674 for i = 1, 7, 1 do
675 getglobal("MailItem" .. i .. "ButtonIcon"):SetDesaturated(nil)
676 end
677 if ( not loopPrevention ) then
678 InboxFrame_Update()
679 end
680 if self:IsHooked("InboxFrame_OnClick") then self:Unhook("InboxFrame_OnClick") end
681 end
682 end
684 function GMail:InboxFrame_OnClick()
685 this:SetChecked(nil)
686 end
688 function GMail:Inbox_Abort()
689 GMailInboxFrame.num = nil
690 GMailInboxFrame.elapsed = nil
691 = { }
692 GMail_SelectedItems = { }
693 GMail:Inbox_DisableClicks()
694 HideUIPanel(GMailInboxOpenAll)
695 end
697 function GMail:CloseMail()
698 self.hooks["CloseMail"].orig()
699 GMail:Inbox_Abort()
700 end
702 function GMail:TakeInboxItem(id)
703 self.hooks["TakeInboxItem"].orig(id)
704 local name, itemTexture, count, quality, canUse = GetInboxItem(id)
705 tinsert(GMailForwardFrame.pickItem, name)
706 end
708 -- Mail Forwarding
709 function GMail:DisableAttachments(disable)
710 if ( disable ) then
711 OpenMailMoneyButtonIconTexture:SetDesaturated(1)
712 OpenMailPackageButtonIconTexture:SetDesaturated(1)
713 if not self:IsHooked(OpenMailMoneyButton, "OnClick") then self:HookScript(OpenMailMoneyButton, "OnClick", "DummyFunction") end
714 if not self:IsHooked(OpenMailPackageButton, "OnClick") then self:HookScript(OpenMailPackageButton, "OnClick", "DummyFunction") end
715 else
716 OpenMailMoneyButtonIconTexture:SetDesaturated(nil)
717 OpenMailPackageButtonIconTexture:SetDesaturated(nil)
718 if self:IsHooked(OpenMailMoneyButton, "OnClick") then self:Unhook(OpenMailMoneyButton, "OnClick") end
719 if self:IsHooked(OpenMailPackageButton, "OnClick") then self:Unhook(OpenMailPackageButton, "OnClick") end
720 end
721 end
723 function GMail:DummyFunction()
724 end
726 function GMail:OpenMail_Reply()
727 self.hooks["OpenMail_Reply"].orig()
728 SendMailMoneyCopper:SetText("")
729 SendMailMoneySilver:SetText("")
730 SendMailMoneyGold:SetText("")
731 end
734 function GMail:OpenReply()
735 OpenMail_Reply()
736 local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply = GetInboxHeaderInfo(InboxFrame.openMailID)
738 -- Money
739 local gold, silver, copper = "", "", ""
740 if ( money and money > 0 ) then
741 gold = floor(money / (COPPER_PER_SILVER * SILVER_PER_GOLD))
742 silver = floor((money - (gold * COPPER_PER_SILVER * SILVER_PER_GOLD)) / COPPER_PER_SILVER)
743 copper = mod(money, COPPER_PER_SILVER)
744 end
745 SendMailMoneyCopper:SetText(copper)
746 SendMailMoneySilver:SetText(silver)
747 SendMailMoneyGold:SetText(gold)
749 -- Items
750 local name, itemTexture, count, quality, canUse = GetInboxItem(InboxFrame.openMailID)
751 SendMailPackageButton:SetNormalTexture(itemTexture)
752 if ( count > 1 ) then
753 SendMailPackageButtonCount:SetText(count)
754 else
755 SendMailPackageButtonCount:SetText("")
756 end
758 -- Text fields
759 SendMailNameEditBox:SetText("")
760 local subject = OpenMailSubject:GetText()
761 local prefix = "FW:".." "
762 if ( strsub(subject, 1, strlen(prefix)) ~= prefix ) then
763 subject = prefix..subject
764 end
765 SendMailSubjectEditBox:SetText(subject or "")
766 SendMailBodyEditBox:SetText(string.gsub(OpenMailBodyText:GetText() or "", "\n", "\n>"))
767 SendMailNameEditBox:SetFocus()
769 -- Set the send mode so the work flow can change accordingly
770 SendMailFrame.sendMode = "reply"
772 self:Forward_EnableForward(1)
773 end
775 function GMail:SendMailMailButton_OnClick()
776 local name, itemTexture, count, quality, canUse = GetInboxItem(InboxFrame.openMailID)
777 local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, hasItem, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated, canReply = GetInboxHeaderInfo(InboxFrame.openMailID)
778 if ( name ) then
779 GMailForwardFrame.searchItem = name
780 GMailForwardFrame.forwardStep = 1
781 self.hooks["TakeInboxItem"].orig(InboxFrame.openMailID)
782 else
783 GMailForwardFrame.forwardStep = 2
784 if ( money and money > 0 ) then
785 SetSendMailMoney(money)
786 GMailForwardFrame.countDown = 2
787 oldTakeInboxMoney(InboxFrame.openMailID)
788 else
789 GMailForwardFrame.countDown = 0.5
790 end
791 end
792 SendMailMailButton:Disable()
793 end
795 function GMail:Forward_OnUpdate(elapsed)
796 if ( this.forwardStep and this.forwardStep > 1 ) then
797 if ( this.countDown ) then
798 this.countDown = this.countDown - elapsed
799 if ( this.countDown <= 0 ) then
800 if ( this.forwardStep == 2 ) then
801 this.countDown = 0.5
802 this.forwardStep = 3
803 -- Send the mail
804 SendMail(SendMailNameEditBox:GetText(), SendMailSubjectEditBox:GetText(), SendMailBodyEditBox:GetText())
805 SendMailMailButton:Disable()
806 elseif ( this.forwardStep == 3 ) then
807 -- Delete the old one
808 local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, itemID, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated = GetInboxHeaderInfo(InboxFrame.openMailID)
809 if ( money == 0 and not itemID ) then
810 DeleteInboxItem(InboxFrame.openMailID)
811 end
812 self:MailFrameTab_OnClick(1)
813 HideUIPanel(OpenMailFrame)
814 this.countDown = nil
815 this.forwardStep = nil
816 end
817 end
818 end
819 end
820 this.process = this.process - elapsed
821 if ( this.process <= 0 ) then
822 this.process = 3
823 if ( getn(GMail_ScheduledStack) > 0 ) then
824 self:ProcessStack()
825 end
826 end
827 end
829 function GMail:InboxFrame_OnClick(id)
830 self.hooks["InboxFrame_OnClick"].orig(id)
831 local packageIcon, stationeryIcon, sender, subject, money, CODAmount, daysLeft, itemID, wasRead, wasReturned, textCreated = GetInboxHeaderInfo(id)
832 if ( CODAmount and CODAmount > 0 ) then
833 OpenMailForwardButton:Disable()
834 else
835 OpenMailForwardButton:Enable()
836 end
837 end
839 function GMail:Forward_EnableForward(enable)
840 if ( enable ) then
841 OpenMailForwardButton:Disable()
842 if not self:IsHooked(SendMailPackageButton, "OnEnter") then self:HookScript(SendMailPackageButton, "OnEnter", "SMPBOE") end
843 SendMailCODButton:Disable()
844 self:DisableAttachments(1)
845 if not self:IsHooked("SendMailMailButton_OnClick") then self:Hook("SendMailMailButton_OnClick") end
846 if not self:IsHooked("SendMailPackageButton_OnClick") then self:Hook("SendMailPackageButton_OnClick") end
847 else
848 OpenMailForwardButton:Enable()
849 if self:IsHooked(SendMailPackageButton, "OnEnter") then self:Unhook(SendMailPackageButton, "OnEnter") end
850 SendMailCODButton:Enable()
851 self:DisableAttachments(nil)
852 if self:IsHooked("SendMailMailButton_OnClick") then self:Unhook("SendMailMailButton_OnClick") end
853 if self:IsHooked("SendMailPackageButton_OnClick") then self:Unhook("SendMailPackageButton_OnClick") end
854 end
855 end
857 function GMail:SMPBOE()
858 GameTooltip:SetOwner(SendMailPackageButton, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
859 GameTooltip:SetInboxItem(InboxFrame.openMailID)
860 end
861 function GMail:SendMailPackageButton_OnClick()
862 end
864 function GMail:Forward_AttachSlot(container, item)
865 PickupContainerItem(container, item)
866 ClickSendMailItemButton()
867 GMailForwardFrame.searchItem = nil
868 GMailForwardFrame.forwardStep = 2
869 GMailForwardFrame.countDown = 1.5
870 end
872 function GMail:BAG_UPDATE()
873 local old = { }
874 for k, v in GMail_BagLinks do
875 if ( type(v) == "table" ) then
876 old[k] = { }
877 for key, val in v do
878 old[k][key] = val
879 end
880 end
881 end
882 GMail_BagLinks = { }
883 for i = 0, 4, 1 do
884 GMail_BagLinks[i] = { }
885 for y = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(i), 1 do
886 local curr = GetContainerItemLink(i, y)
887 local _, _, name = string.find(( curr or "" ), "%[(.+)%]")
888 if ( name ) then
889 if ( GMailForwardFrame.searchItem ) then
890 if ( name and name == GMailForwardFrame.searchItem and not old[i][y] ) then
891 self:Forward_AttachSlot(i, y)
892 end
893 else
894 local _, _, name = string.find(( curr or "" ), "%[(.+)%]")
895 if ( name and name == GMailForwardFrame.pickItem[1] and not old[i][y] ) then
896 tremove(GMailForwardFrame.pickItem, 1)
897 for k, v in old do
898 local hasFound
899 for key, val in v do
900 if ( val == name and ( k ~= i or key ~= y ) ) then
901 local _,_, link = string.find((GetContainerItemLink(k, key) or ""), "(item:[%d:]+)")
902 if ( link ) then
903 local texture, itemCount = GetContainerItemInfo(k,key)
904 local tex, iC = GetContainerItemInfo(i, y)
905 local sName, sLink, iQuality, iLevel, sType, sSubType, iCount = GetItemInfo(link)
906 if ( sName and itemCount and iCount and iC ) then
907 if ( iCount >= (itemCount+iC) ) then
908 if ( getn(GMail_ScheduledStack) == 0 ) then
909 GMailForwardFrame.process = 2
910 end
911 tinsert(GMail_ScheduledStack, { i, y, k, key })
912 hasFound = 1
913 break
914 end
915 end
916 end
917 end
918 end
919 if ( hasFound ) then
920 break
921 end
922 end
923 end
924 end
925 GMail_BagLinks[i][y] = name
926 end
927 end
928 end
929 end
932 function GMail:ProcessStack()
933 local val = tremove(GMail_ScheduledStack, 1)
934 PickupContainerItem(val[1], val[2])
935 PickupContainerItem(val[3], val[4])
936 end
938 local oldSMMFfunc = SendMailMoneyFrame.onvalueChangedFunc
939 SendMailMoneyFrame.onvalueChangedFunc = function()
940 if ( oldSMMFfunc ) then
941 oldSMMFfunc()
942 end
943 local subject = SendMailSubjectEditBox:GetText()
944 if ( subject == "" or string.find(subject, "%[%d+G, %d+S, %d+C%]") ) then
945 local copper, silver, gold = SendMailMoneyFrameCopper:GetText(), SendMailMoneyFrameSilver:GetText(), SendMailMoneyFrameGold:GetText()
946 if ( not tonumber(copper) ) then
947 copper = 0
948 end
949 if ( not tonumber(silver) ) then
950 silver = 0
951 end
952 if ( not tonumber(gold) ) then
953 gold = 0
954 end
955 SendMailSubjectEditBox:SetText(format("[%sG, %sS, %sC]", gold, silver, copper))
956 end
957 end