vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("VolumeFu")
3 L:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function() return {
4 ["Mute"] = "静音",
5 ["Quick Fix"] = "快速修复",
6 ["Levels"] = "音量",
7 ["Settings"] = "设置",
8 ["Master"] = "主音量",
9 ["Sound"] = "声效",
10 ["Music"] = "音乐",
11 ["Ambience"] = "环境",
12 ["Sound Effects"] = "声音效果",
13 ["Error Speech"] = "错误提示",
14 ["Sound at Character"] = "人物声音",
15 ["Emote Sounds"] = "表情声效",
16 ["Loop Music"] = "音乐循环",
18 ["Mute sound"] = "静音",
19 ["Always reset game volume on mouseover"] = "鼠标移动到图标重置音量",
20 ["Set volume levels"] = "设置音量大小",
21 ["Change volume settings"] = "设置声音选项",
22 ["Set the master volume"] = "设置主音量大小",
23 ["Set the sound volume"] = "设置声效音量大小",
24 ["Set the music volume"] = "设置音乐音量大小",
25 ["Set the ambience volume"] = "设置环境音量大小",
26 ["Toggle master sound effects"] = "开关主声音效果",
27 ["Toggle ambient noise"] = "开关主声音效果",
28 ["Toggle error speech"] = "开关主声音效果",
29 ["Toggle music"] = "开关音乐效果",
30 ["Toggle sound at character"] = "开关人物声音",
31 ["Toggle emote sounds"] = "开关表情声效",
32 ["Toggle loop music"] = "开关音乐循环",
34 ["Muted"] = "已静音",
35 ["QuickFix-hint"] = "鼠标移动到图标重置音量",
36 ["RegularFix-hint"] = "Shift 点击图标重置音量",
37 ["MuteOn-hint"] = "双击图标重置音量",
38 ["MuteOff-hint"] = "双击图标静音",
39 } end)