vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0")
2 local tablet = AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0")
3 local metro = AceLibrary("Metrognome-2.0")
5 FuXP = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("FuBarPlugin-2.0", "AceDB-2.0", "AceEvent-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0")
7 local defaults = {
8 Shadow = true,
9 ShowRemaining = false,
10 Thickness = 2,
11 Spark = 1,
12 Spark2 = 1,
13 XP = {0, 0.4,.9,1},
14 Rest = {1, 0.2, 1, 1},
15 None = {0.3,0.3,0.3,1},
16 }
18 FuXP:RegisterDB("FuXPDB")
19 FuXP:RegisterDefaults('profile', defaults);
21 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("FuXP")
23 function FuXP:GetXPColor()
24 return self.db.profile.XP[1], self.db.profile.XP[2], self.db.profile.XP[3]
25 end
27 function FuXP:SetXPColor(r, g, b)
28 self.db.profile.XP[1] = r
29 self.db.profile.XP[2] = g
30 self.db.profile.XP[3] = b
31 self.XPBarTex:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, 1)
32 self.Spark:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, 1)
33 end
35 function FuXP:GetRestColor()
36 return self.db.profile.Rest[1], self.db.profile.Rest[2], self.db.profile.Rest[3]
37 end
39 function FuXP:SetRestColor(r, g, b)
40 self.db.profile.Rest[1] = r
41 self.db.profile.Rest[2] = g
42 self.db.profile.Rest[3] = b
43 self.RestedXPTex:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, 1)
44 end
46 function FuXP:GetNoXPColor()
47 return self.db.profile.None[1], self.db.profile.None[2], self.db.profile.None[3]
48 end
50 function FuXP:SetNoXPColor(r, g, b)
51 self.db.profile.None[1] = r
52 self.db.profile.None[2] = g
53 self.db.profile.None[3] = b
54 self.NoXPTex:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, 1)
55 end
57 local optionsTable = {
58 type = 'group',
59 args = {
60 currentXP = {
61 type = "color",
62 name = L["Current XP"],
63 desc = L["Sets the color of the XP Bar"],
64 get = "GetXPColor",
65 set = "SetXPColor",
66 order = 110,
67 },
68 restedXP = {
69 type = 'color',
70 name = L["Rested XP"],
71 desc = L["Sets the color of the Rested Bar"],
72 get = "GetRestColor",
73 set = "SetRestColor",
74 order = 111,
75 },
76 color = {
77 type = 'color',
78 name = L["No XP"],
79 desc = L["Sets the empty color of the XP Bar"],
80 get = "GetNoXPColor",
81 set = "SetNoXPColor",
82 order = 112,
83 },
84 spark = {
85 type = 'range',
86 name = L["Spark intensity"],
87 desc = L["Brightness level of Spark"],
88 get = function() return FuXP.db.profile.Spark end,
89 set = function(v)
90 FuXP.db.profile.Spark = v
91 FuXP.Spark:SetAlpha(v)
92 FuXP.Spark2:SetAlpha(v)
93 end,
94 min = 0,
95 max = 1,
96 step = 0.05,
97 order = 113
98 },
99 thickness = {
100 type = 'range',
101 name = L["Thickness"],
102 desc = L["Sets thickness of XP Bar"],
103 get = function() return FuXP.db.profile.Thickness end,
104 set = function(v)
105 FuXP:SetThickness(v)
106 end,
107 min = 1.5,
108 max = 8,
109 step = 0.1,
110 order = 114
111 },
112 shadow = {
113 type = 'toggle',
114 name = L["Shadow"],
115 desc = L["Toggles Shadow under XP Bar"],
116 get = function() return FuXP.db.profile.Shadow end,
117 set = function()
118 FuXP.db.profile.Shadow = not FuXP.db.profile.Shadow
119 if FuXP.db.profile.Shadow then FuXP.Border:Show() else FuXP.Border:Hide() end
120 end,
121 order = 115
122 },
123 remaining = {
124 type = 'toggle',
125 name = L["Remaining"],
126 desc = L["Show Remaining in Bar"],
127 get = function() return FuXP.db.profile.ShowRemaining end,
128 set = function()
129 FuXP.db.profile.ShowRemaining = not FuXP.db.profile.ShowRemaining
130 end,
131 order = 116
132 },
133 }
134 }
136 FuXP.version = "2.0." .. string.sub("$Revision: 7495 $", 12, -3)
137 FuXP.hasIcon = true
138 FuXP.cannotDetachTooltip = true
139 FuXP.defaultPosition = "LEFT"
140 FuXP.hideWithoutStandby = true
141 FuXP.cannotAttachToMinimap = true
142 FuXP:RegisterChatCommand(L:GetTable("AceConsole-commands"), optionsTable)
143 FuXP.OnMenuRequest = optionsTable
145 function FuXP:OnInitialize()
146 local XPBar = CreateFrame("Frame", "FuXPBar", UIParent)
147 local tex = XPBar:CreateTexture("XPBarTex")
148 XPBar:SetFrameStrata("HIGH")
149 tex:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FuBar_FuXPFu\\Textures\\texture.tga")
150 tex:SetVertexColor(self.db.profile.XP[1], self.db.profile.XP[2], self.db.profile.XP[3], self.db.profile.XP[4])
151 tex:ClearAllPoints()
152 tex:SetAllPoints(XPBar)
153 tex:Show()
154 XPBar:SetHeight(self.db.profile.Thickness)
156 local spark = XPBar:CreateTexture("XPSpark", "OVERLAY")
157 spark:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FuBar_FuXPFu\\Textures\\glow.tga")
158 spark:SetWidth(128)
159 spark:SetHeight((self.db.profile.Thickness) * 8)
160 spark:SetVertexColor(self.db.profile.XP[1], self.db.profile.XP[2], self.db.profile.XP[3], self.db.profile.Spark or 1)
161 spark:SetBlendMode("ADD")
163 local spark2 = XPBar:CreateTexture("XPSpark2", "OVERLAY")
164 spark2:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FuBar_FuXPFu\\Textures\\glow2.tga")
165 spark2:SetWidth(128)
166 spark2:SetAlpha(self.db.profile.Spark or 1)
167 spark2:SetHeight((self.db.profile.Thickness) * 8)
168 spark2:SetBlendMode("ADD")
170 local RestedXP = CreateFrame("Frame", "FuRestXPBar", UIParent)
171 local restex = RestedXP:CreateTexture("RestedXPTex")
172 restex:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FuBar_FuXPFu\\Textures\\texture.tga")
173 restex:SetVertexColor(self.db.profile.Rest[1], self.db.profile.Rest[2], self.db.profile.Rest[3], self.db.profile.Rest[4])
174 restex:ClearAllPoints()
175 restex:Show()
176 restex:SetAllPoints(RestedXP)
177 RestedXP:SetHeight(self.db.profile.Thickness)
179 local NoXP = CreateFrame("Frame", "FuNoXPBar", UIParent)
180 local notex = NoXP:CreateTexture("NoXPTex")
181 notex:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FuBar_FuXPFu\\Textures\\texture.tga")
182 notex:SetVertexColor(self.db.profile.None[1], self.db.profile.None[2], self.db.profile.None[3], self.db.profile.None[4])
183 notex:ClearAllPoints()
184 notex:Show()
185 notex:SetAllPoints(NoXP)
186 NoXP:SetHeight(self.db.profile.Thickness)
188 local Border = CreateFrame("Frame", "BottomBorder", UIParent)
189 local bordtex = Border:CreateTexture("BottomBorderTex")
190 bordtex:SetTexture("Interface\\AddOns\\FuBar_FuXPFu\\Textures\\border.tga")
191 bordtex:SetVertexColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
192 bordtex:ClearAllPoints()
193 bordtex:SetAllPoints(Border)
194 Border:SetHeight(5)
195 if not self.db.profile.Shadow then
196 Border:Hide()
197 end
200 self.XPBar = XPBar
201 self.XPBarTex = tex
202 self.Spark = spark
203 self.Spark2 = spark2
204 self.NoXP = NoXP
205 self.NoXPTex = notex
206 self.RestedXP = RestedXP
207 self.RestedXPTex = restex
208 self.Border = Border
209 self.BorderTex = bordtex
210 self.Spark:SetParent(self.XPBar)
211 self.Spark2:SetParent(self.XPBar)
212 self.RestedXP:SetParent(self.XPBar)
213 self.NoXP:SetParent(self.XPBar)
214 self.Border:SetParent(self.XPBar)
215 metro:Register("XPFuBar", self.Reanchor, 3, self)
216 metro:Register(, self.Update, 1, self)
217 end
219 function FuXP:OnEnable()
220 self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_EXHAUSTION", "UpdateBars")
221 self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_XP_UPDATE", "UpdateBars")
222 self:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_FACTION", "UpdateBars")
223 self:RegisterEvent("FuBar_ChangedPanels")
224 metro:Start("XPFuBar")
225 metro:Start(
226 MainMenuExpBar:Hide()
227 ReputationWatchBar:Hide()
228 ExhaustionTick:Hide()
229 end
231 function FuXP:OnDisable()
232 -- you do not need to unregister the event here, all events/hooks are unregistered on disable implicitly.
233 self:Print("Disabling")
234 self:HideBar()
235 MainMenuExpBar:Show()
236 ReputationWatchBar:Show()
237 ExhaustionTick:Show()
238 end
240 function FuXP:FuBar_ChangedPanels()
241 if(self.Loaded) then
242 self:Reanchor()
243 end
244 end
246 function FuXP:Reanchor()
247 local point, relpoint, y
249 if(self.panel) then
250 metro:Stop("XPFuBar")
251 else
252 return
253 end
255 self.Loaded = true
256 self.Panel = self.panel
258 if(self.Panel:GetAttachPoint() == "BOTTOM") then
259 self.Side = "BOTTOM"
260 self.FuPanel = FuBar:GetTopmostBottomPanel()
261 point = "BOTTOMLEFT"
262 relpoint = "TOPLEFT"
263 self.BorderTex:SetTexCoord(1,0,1,0)
264 else
265 self.Side = "TOP"
266 self.FuPanel = FuBar:GetBottommostTopPanel()
267 point = "TOPLEFT"
268 relpoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
269 self.BorderTex:SetTexCoord(1,0,0,1)
270 end
271 if(not self.FuPanel) then
272 self.FuPanel = self.panel
273 end
274 self.XPBar:ClearAllPoints()
275 self.Spark:ClearAllPoints()
276 self.Spark2:ClearAllPoints()
277 self.RestedXP:ClearAllPoints()
278 self.NoXP:ClearAllPoints()
279 self.Border:ClearAllPoints()
280 self.XPBar:SetParent(self.FuPanel.frame)
281 self.XPBar:SetPoint(point, self.FuPanel.frame, relpoint, 0, y or 0)
282 self.Spark:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.XPBar, "RIGHT",11,0 )
283 self.Spark2:SetPoint("RIGHT", self.XPBar, "RIGHT",11,0 )
284 self.RestedXP:SetPoint("LEFT", self.XPBar, "RIGHT")
285 self.NoXP:SetPoint("LEFT", self.RestedXP, "RIGHT")
286 self.Border:SetPoint(point, self.XPBar, relpoint)
287 self:ShowBar()
288 self:UpdateBars()
289 end
291 function FuXP:ShowBar()
292 self.XPBar:Show()
293 self.Spark:Show()
294 self.Spark2:Show()
295 self.RestedXP:Show()
296 self.NoXP:Show()
297 end
299 function FuXP:HideBar()
300 self.XPBar:Hide()
301 self.Spark:Hide()
302 self.Spark2:Hide()
303 self.RestedXP:Hide()
304 self.NoXP:Hide()
305 end
307 function FuXP:SetThickness(thickness)
308 self.XPBar:SetHeight(thickness)
309 self.Spark:SetHeight((thickness) * 8)
310 self.Spark2:SetHeight((thickness) * 8)
311 self.RestedXP:SetHeight(thickness)
312 self.NoXP:SetHeight(thickness)
313 self.db.profile.Thickness = thickness
314 end
316 function FuXP:UpdateBars()
317 if(not self.Loaded) then return end
319 local name, standing, minRep, maxRep, currentRep = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
320 local total = self.Panel.frame:GetWidth()
322 self.XPBar:SetWidth(0.001)
323 self.RestedXP:SetWidth(0.001)
324 self.NoXP:SetWidth(0.001)
325 self.Border:SetWidth(total)
327 if(not name) then
328 if(UnitLevel("player") == 60) then
329 self.NoXP:SetWidth(total)
330 return
331 end
332 local currentXP = UnitXP("player")
333 local maxXP = UnitXPMax("player")
334 local restXP = GetXPExhaustion() or 0
335 local remainXP = maxXP - (currentXP + restXP)
337 if(remainXP <= 0) then remainXP = 0 end
339 self.XPBar:SetWidth((currentXP/maxXP)*total)
340 if(((restXP + currentXP)/maxXP) > 1) then
341 self.RestedXP:SetWidth(total - self.XPBar:GetWidth())
342 else
343 self.RestedXP:SetWidth((restXP/maxXP)*total + 0.001)
344 end
345 self.NoXP:SetWidth((remainXP/maxXP)*total)
346 else
347 self.XPBar:SetWidth(((currentRep - minRep)/(maxRep-minRep))*total)
348 self.RestedXP:SetWidth(0.0001)
349 self.NoXP:SetWidth(((maxRep - currentRep)/(maxRep - minRep))*total)
350 end
351 end
353 function FuXP:UpdateText()
354 if(not self.Loaded) then return end
355 if(GetWatchedFactionInfo()) then
356 local name, standing, minRep, maxRep, currentRep = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
357 if(self.Type == "XP") then
358 self:UpdateBars()
359 end
360 if(self.db.profile.ShowRemaining) then
361 self:SetText(string.format(L["%s:%s %3.0f%% left (%s/%s)"], name, maxRep - currentRep, ((currentRep-minRep)/(maxRep-minRep))*100 , currentRep-minRep, maxRep-minRep))
362 else
363 self:SetText("FuRepFu")
364 end
365 self.Type = "Rep"
366 else
367 if(self.Type == "Rep") then
368 self:UpdateBars()
369 end
370 if(self.db.profile.ShowRemaining) then
371 self:SetText(string.format(L["%s to go (%3.0f%%)"], UnitXPMax("player") - UnitXP("player"), ((UnitXPMax("player") - UnitXP("player"))/UnitXPMax("player"))*100 ))
372 else
373 self:SetText("FuXPFu")
374 end
375 self.Type = "XP"
376 end
377 end
379 function FuXP:OnTooltipUpdate()
380 if(not self.Loaded) then return end
382 local totalXP = UnitXPMax("player")
383 local currentXP = UnitXP("player")
384 local toLevelXP = totalXP - currentXP
385 local xp = tablet:AddCategory(
386 'columns', 2
387 )
388 local name, standing, minRep, maxRep, currentRep = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
390 self:UpdateBars()
392 if(self.panel:GetAttachPoint() ~= self.Side) then
393 self:Reanchor()
394 end
396 if(not name) then
397 xp:AddLine(
398 'text', L["Current XP"],
399 'text2', string.format("%s/%s (%3.0f%%)", currentXP,totalXP, (currentXP/totalXP)*100)
400 )
401 xp:AddLine(
402 'text', L["To Level"],
403 'text2', toLevelXP
404 )
405 if(GetXPExhaustion()) then
406 xp:AddLine(
407 'text', L["Rested XP"],
408 'text2', string.format("%d (%2.f%%)", GetXPExhaustion(), (GetXPExhaustion()/totalXP)*100)
409 )
410 end
411 tablet:SetHint(L["Click to send your current xp to an open editbox."])
412 else
413 xp:AddLine(
414 'text', L["Faction"],
415 'text2', name
416 )
417 xp:AddLine(
418 'text', L["Rep to next standing"],
419 'text2', maxRep - currentRep
420 )
421 xp:AddLine(
422 'text', L["Current rep"],
423 'text2', getglobal("FACTION_STANDING_LABEL"..standing)
424 )
425 tablet:SetHint(L["Click to send your current rep to an open editbox."])
426 end
427 end
429 function FuXP:OnClick()
430 local totalXP = UnitXPMax("player")
431 local currentXP = UnitXP("player")
432 local toLevelXP = totalXP - currentXP
433 local name, standing, minRep, maxRep, currentRep = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
435 if(not name) then
436 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText(string.format(L["%s/%s (%3.0f%%) %d to go"], currentXP,totalXP, (currentXP/totalXP)*100, totalXP - currentXP))
437 else
438 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME.editBox:SetText(string.format(L["%s:%s/%s (%3.2f%%) Currently %s with %d to go"],
439 name,
440 currentRep - minRep,
441 maxRep - minRep,
442 (currentRep-minRep)/(maxRep-minRep)*100,
443 getglobal("FACTION_STANDING_LABEL"..standing),
444 maxRep - currentRep))
445 end
446 end