vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local MAJOR_VERSION = "1.0"
2 local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 2427 $", 12, -3))
3 if CrayonLib and CrayonLib.versions[MAJOR_VERSION] and CrayonLib.versions[MAJOR_VERSION].minor >= MINOR_VERSION then
4 return
5 end
7 -------------IRIEL'S-STUB-CODE--------------
8 local stub = {};
10 -- Instance replacement method, replace contents of old with that of new
11 function stub:ReplaceInstance(old, new)
12 for k,v in pairs(old) do old[k]=nil; end
13 for k,v in pairs(new) do old[k]=v; end
14 end
16 -- Get a new copy of the stub
17 function stub:NewStub()
18 local newStub = {};
19 self:ReplaceInstance(newStub, self);
20 newStub.lastVersion = '';
21 newStub.versions = {};
22 return newStub;
23 end
25 -- Get instance version
26 function stub:GetInstance(version)
27 if (not version) then version = self.lastVersion; end
28 local versionData = self.versions[version];
29 if (not versionData) then
30 message("Cannot find library instance with version '"
31 .. version .. "'");
32 return;
33 end
34 return versionData.instance;
35 end
37 -- Register new instance
38 function stub:Register(newInstance)
39 local version,minor = newInstance:GetLibraryVersion();
40 self.lastVersion = version;
41 local versionData = self.versions[version];
42 if (not versionData) then
43 -- This one is new!
44 versionData = { instance = newInstance,
45 minor = minor,
46 old = {}
47 };
48 self.versions[version] = versionData;
49 newInstance:LibActivate(self);
50 return newInstance;
51 end
52 if (minor <= versionData.minor) then
53 -- This one is already obsolete
54 if (newInstance.LibDiscard) then
55 newInstance:LibDiscard();
56 end
57 return versionData.instance;
58 end
59 -- This is an update
60 local oldInstance = versionData.instance;
61 local oldList = versionData.old;
62 versionData.instance = newInstance;
63 versionData.minor = minor;
64 local skipCopy = newInstance:LibActivate(self, oldInstance, oldList);
65 table.insert(oldList, oldInstance);
66 if (not skipCopy) then
67 for i, old in ipairs(oldList) do
68 self:ReplaceInstance(old, newInstance);
69 end
70 end
71 return newInstance;
72 end
74 -- Bind stub to global scope if it's not already there
75 if (not CrayonLib) then
76 CrayonLib = stub:NewStub();
77 end
79 -- Nil stub for garbage collection
80 stub = nil;
81 -----------END-IRIEL'S-STUB-CODE------------
83 local function assert(condition, message)
84 if not condition then
85 local stack = debugstack()
86 local first = string.gsub(stack, "\n.*", "")
87 local file = string.gsub(first, "^(.*\\.*).lua:%d+: .*", "%1")
88 file = string.gsub(file, "([%(%)%.%*%+%-%[%]%?%^%$%%])", "%%%1")
89 if not message then
90 local _,_,second = string.find(stack, "\n(.-)\n")
91 message = "assertion failed! " .. second
92 end
93 message = "CrayonLib: " .. message
94 local i = 1
95 for s in string.gfind(stack, "\n([^\n]*)") do
96 i = i + 1
97 if not string.find(s, file .. "%.lua:%d+:") then
98 error(message, i)
99 return
100 end
101 end
102 error(message, 2)
103 return
104 end
105 return condition
106 end
108 local function argCheck(arg, num, kind, kind2, kind3, kind4)
109 if tostring(type(arg)) ~= kind then
110 if kind2 then
111 if tostring(type(arg)) ~= kind2 then
112 if kind3 then
113 if tostring(type(arg)) ~= kind3 then
114 if kind4 then
115 if tostring(type(arg)) ~= kind4 then
116 local _,_,func = string.find(debugstack(), "\n.-`(.-)'\n")
117 assert(false, format("Bad argument #%d to `%s' (%s, %s, %s, or %s expected, got %s)", num, func, kind, kind2, kind3, kind4, type(arg)))
118 end
119 else
120 local _,_,func = string.find(debugstack(), "\n.-`(.-)'\n")
121 assert(false, format("Bad argument #%d to `%s' (%s, %s, or %s expected, got %s)", num, func, kind, kind2, kind3, type(arg)))
122 end
123 end
124 else
125 local _,_,func = string.find(debugstack(), "\n.-`(.-)'\n")
126 assert(false, format("Bad argument #%d to `%s' (%s or %s expected, got %s)", num, func, kind, kind2, type(arg)))
127 end
128 end
129 else
130 local _,_,func = string.find(debugstack(), "\n.-`(.-)'\n")
131 assert(false, format("Bad argument #%d to `%s' (%s expected, got %s)", num, func, kind, type(arg)))
132 end
133 end
134 end
136 local lib = {}
138 lib.COLOR_HEX_RED = "ff0000"
139 lib.COLOR_HEX_ORANGE = "ff7f00"
140 lib.COLOR_HEX_YELLOW = "ffff00"
141 lib.COLOR_HEX_GREEN = "00ff00"
142 lib.COLOR_HEX_WHITE = "ffffff"
143 lib.COLOR_HEX_COPPER = "eda55f"
144 lib.COLOR_HEX_SILVER = "c7c7cf"
145 lib.COLOR_HEX_GOLD = "ffd700"
147 function lib:Colorize(hexColor, text)
148 return "|cff" .. tostring(hexColor or 'ffffff') .. tostring(text) .. "|r"
149 end
150 function lib:Red(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_RED, text) end
151 function lib:Orange(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_ORANGE, text) end
152 function lib:Yellow(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_YELLOW, text) end
153 function lib:Green(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_GREEN, text) end
154 function lib:White(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_WHITE, text) end
155 function lib:Copper(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_COPPER, text) end
156 function lib:Silver(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_SILVER, text) end
157 function lib:Gold(text) return self:Colorize(self.COLOR_HEX_GOLD, text) end
159 local inf = 1/0
161 function lib:GetThresholdColor(quality, worst, worse, normal, better, best)
162 argCheck(quality, 2, "number")
163 if quality ~= quality or quality == inf or quality == -inf then
164 return 1, 1, 1
165 end
166 if not best then
167 worst = 0
168 worse = 0.25
169 normal = 0.5
170 better = 0.75
171 best = 1
172 end
174 if worst < best then
175 if (worse == better and quality == worse) or (worst == best and quality == worst) then
176 return 1, 1, 0
177 elseif quality <= worst then
178 return 1, 0, 0
179 elseif quality <= worse then
180 return 1, 0.5 * (quality - worst) / (worse - worst), 0
181 elseif quality <= normal then
182 return 1, 0.5 + 0.5 * (quality - worse) / (normal - worse), 0
183 elseif quality <= better then
184 return 1 - 0.5 * (quality - normal) / (better - normal), 1, 0
185 elseif quality <= best then
186 return 0.5 - 0.5 * (quality - better) / (best - better), 1, 0
187 else
188 return 0, 1, 0
189 end
190 else
191 if (worse == better and quality == worse) or (worst == best and quality == worst) then
192 return 1, 1, 0
193 elseif quality >= worst then
194 return 1, 0, 0
195 elseif quality >= worse then
196 return 1, 0.5 - 0.5 * (quality - worse) / (worst - worse), 0
197 elseif quality >= normal then
198 return 1, 1 - 0.5 * (quality - normal) / (worse - normal), 0
199 elseif quality >= better then
200 return 0.5 + 0.5 * (quality - better) / (normal - better), 1, 0
201 elseif quality >= best then
202 return 0.5 * (quality - best) / (better - best), 1, 0
203 else
204 return 0, 1, 0
205 end
206 end
207 end
209 function lib:GetThresholdHexColor(quality, worst, worse, normal, better, best)
210 local r, g, b = self:GetThresholdColor(quality, worst, worse, normal, better, best)
211 return format("%02x%02x%02x", r*255, g*255, b*255)
212 end
214 function lib:GetThresholdColorTrivial(quality, worst, worse, normal, better, best)
215 argCheck(quality, 2, "number")
216 if quality ~= quality or quality == inf or quality == -inf then
217 return 1, 1, 1
218 end
219 if not best then
220 worst = 0
221 worse = 0.25
222 normal = 0.5
223 better = 0.75
224 best = 1
225 end
227 if worst < best then
228 if worse == better and normal == worse then
229 return 1, 1, 0
230 elseif quality <= worst then
231 return 1, 0, 0
232 elseif quality <= worse then
233 return 1, 0.5 * (quality - worst) / (worse - worst), 0
234 elseif quality <= normal then
235 return 1, 0.5 + 0.5 * (quality - worse) / (normal - worse), 0
236 elseif quality <= better then
237 return 1 - (quality - normal) / (better - normal), 1, 0
238 elseif quality <= best then
239 local x = 0.5 * (quality - better) / (best - better)
240 return x, 1 - x, x
241 else
242 return 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
243 end
244 else
245 if worse == better and normal == worse then
246 return 1, 1, 0
247 elseif quality >= worst then
248 return 1, 0, 0
249 elseif quality >= worse then
250 return 1, 0.5 - 0.5 * (quality - worse) / (worst - worse), 0
251 elseif quality >= normal then
252 return 1, 1 - 0.5 * (quality - normal) / (worse - normal), 0
253 elseif quality >= better then
254 return (quality - better) / (normal - better), 1, 0
255 elseif quality >= best then
256 local x = 0.5 * (quality - best) / (better - best)
257 return 0.5 - x, 0.5 + x, 0.5 - x
258 else
259 return 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
260 end
261 end
262 end
264 function lib:GetThresholdHexColorTrivial(quality, worst, worse, normal, better, best)
265 local r, g, b = self:GetThresholdColorTrivial(quality, worst, worse, normal, better, best)
266 return format("%02x%02x%02x", r*255, g*255, b*255)
267 end
269 function lib:GetLibraryVersion()
271 end
273 function lib:LibActivate(stub, oldLib, oldList)
274 end
276 function lib:LibDeactivate(stub)
277 end
279 CrayonLib:Register(lib)
280 lib = nil