vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 -- Utility functions for FlightMap
3 FlightMapUtil = {};
5 ------- Data access functions
7 -- Break up a "Town, Zone" string into town and zone components. If
8 -- there's no comma, ie, Moonglade, the string will be returned for
9 -- both town and zone.
10 FlightMapUtil.getNameAndZone = function(taxipath)
11 local comma = string.find(taxipath, FLIGHTMAP_SEP_STRING, 1, true);
12 if (comma) then
13 local name = string.sub(taxipath, 1, comma - 1);
14 local zone = string.sub(taxipath,
15 comma + string.len(FLIGHTMAP_SEP_STRING),
16 -1 - string.len(FLIGHTMAP_SEP_POSTAMBLE));
17 return name, zone;
18 else
19 return taxipath, taxipath;
20 end
21 end
23 -- Construct a node name from its continent and taxi coordinates
24 FlightMapUtil.makeNodeName = function(continent, taxiX, taxiY)
25 return string.format("%d:%d:%d", continent, taxiX * 1000, taxiY * 1000);
26 end
28 -- Return the flight map data appropriate to the current character
29 FlightMapUtil.getFlightMap = function()
30 -- Return default flight data for the specified faction
31 local function lGetFactionDefaults(faction)
32 if faction == FLIGHTMAP_ALLIANCE then
34 elseif faction == FLIGHTMAP_HORDE then
36 end
37 return {}; -- Catch all
38 end
40 local _, faction = UnitFactionGroup("player");
41 if not faction then return {}; end
42 if not FlightMap[faction] then
43 FlightMap[faction] = lGetFactionDefaults(faction);
44 end
45 return FlightMap[faction];
46 end
48 -- Returns true if the current character has seen a given node;
49 -- if the second argument is a true value, teaches the character of
50 -- the node's existence.
51 FlightMapUtil.knownNode = function(node, learning)
52 local name = UnitName("player");
53 local realm = GetCVar("realmName");
55 -- Conglomerate key
56 local key = name .. "@" .. realm;
58 -- If nothing is known for this character, make it known!
59 if not FlightMap.Knowledge[key] then
60 FlightMap.Knowledge[key] = {};
61 end
63 if learning then
64 FlightMap.Knowledge[key][node] = true;
65 end
67 return FlightMap.Knowledge[key][node];
68 end
70 -- TODO: put elsewhere
71 FlightMapUtil.lZoneNameMap = {};
72 FlightMapUtil.lContinentNameMap = {};
74 local function LoadNames(map, ...)
75 for i=1, arg.n, 1 do
76 map[i] = arg[i];
77 end
78 end
80 FlightMapUtil.getContinentName = function(c)
81 if not FlightMapUtil.lContinentNameMap[c] then
82 LoadNames(FlightMapUtil.lContinentNameMap, GetMapContinents());
83 end
85 return FlightMapUtil.lContinentNameMap[c];
86 end
88 -- Return the name of the current map zone
89 FlightMapUtil.getZoneName = function()
90 local cNum = GetCurrentMapContinent();
91 local zNum = GetCurrentMapZone();
92 if not FlightMapUtil.lZoneNameMap[cNum] then
93 FlightMapUtil.lZoneNameMap[cNum] = {};
94 LoadNames(FlightMapUtil.lZoneNameMap[cNum], GetMapZones(cNum));
95 end
97 return FlightMapUtil.lZoneNameMap[cNum][zNum];
98 end
100 -- Returns a table of nodes in a given zone; if second optional
101 -- argument is present and true, also returns subzone nodes.
102 FlightMapUtil.getNodesInZone = function(zone, subZones)
103 local map = FlightMapUtil.getFlightMap();
104 local nodes = {};
105 for k, v in map do
106 if v.Zone == zone then
107 nodes[k] = v;
108 elseif subZones and FLIGHTMAP_SUBZONES[v.Zone] == zone then
109 nodes[k] = v;
110 end
111 end
113 return nodes;
114 end
116 -- Get the current continent number
117 FlightMapUtil.getContinent = function()
118 SetMapToCurrentZone();
119 return GetCurrentMapContinent();
120 end
122 ------- Format and display functions
124 -- Format a second amount into m:ss, returning "-:--" for zero seconds
125 -- unless the "showZero" argument is true
126 FlightMapUtil.formatTime = function(secs, showZero)
127 if secs == 0 and not showZero then return "-:--"; end
129 return string.format("%d:%02d", secs / 60, math.mod(secs, 60));
130 end
132 -- Format a copper amount into a gold, silver, copper string
133 FlightMapUtil.formatMoney = function(amount)
134 local FORMAT_GOLD = "|cffddbb00%d%s|r";
135 local FORMAT_SILVER = "|cffcccccc%d%s|r";
136 local FORMAT_COPPER = "|cffcc9010%d%s|r";
138 local copper = math.mod(amount, 100);
139 local silver = math.mod(math.floor(amount/100), 100);
140 local gold = math.floor(amount/10000);
142 local result = "";
143 local pad = "";
145 -- Only show gold and silver if they are non-zero
146 if gold > 0 then
147 local s = string.format(FORMAT_GOLD, gold, FLIGHTMAP_MONEY_GOLD);
148 result = result .. s;
149 pad = " ";
150 end
151 if silver > 0 then
152 local s = string.format(FORMAT_SILVER, silver, FLIGHTMAP_MONEY_SILVER);
153 result = result .. pad .. s;
154 pad = " ";
155 end
157 -- But show copper anyway if there's neither gold nor silver..
158 if (gold == 0 and silver == 0) or copper > 0 then
159 local s = string.format(FORMAT_COPPER, copper, FLIGHTMAP_MONEY_COPPER);
160 result = result .. pad .. s;
161 end
163 return result;
164 end
166 -- Draw a line by stretching the texture widget given in texture
167 -- across the parent frame given in parent. The coordinates
168 -- should be expressed as a number between 0 and 1, representing
169 -- the homogenized space of the parent. (0, 0) is the lower left
170 -- corner.
171 FlightMapUtil.drawLine = function(parent, texture, x1, y1, x2, y2)
172 texture:ClearAllPoints();
174 -- Get the line deltas in pixels
175 local dx = abs((x1 - x2) * parent:GetWidth());
176 local dy = abs((y1 - y2) * parent:GetHeight());
178 -- Seven possible cases:
179 -- 1) Horizontal line (dy = 0)
180 -- 2) Vertical line (dx = 0)
181 -- 3) source is ABOVE and RIGHT of dest
182 -- 4) source is BELOW and RIGHT of dest
183 -- 5) source is ABOVE and LEFT of dest
184 -- 6) source is BELOW and LEFT of dest
185 -- 7) Source and destination are equal
187 -- Equal points is the easiest case.
188 if dx == 0 and dy == 0 then
189 texture:Hide();
190 return false;
191 end
193 -- The remaining cases can be reduced to four by swapping the
194 -- source and destination points to ensure the source point is
195 -- always to the left of the destination point:
196 if x1 > x2 then
197 local tmpX = x1;
198 local tmpY = y1;
199 x1 = x2; x2 = tmpX;
200 y1 = y2; y2 = tmpY;
201 end
203 -- And then further reduced to two by making sure no lines really
204 -- are horizontal or vertical
205 if dy < 1 then dy = 1; end
206 if dx < 1 then dx = 1; end
208 -- Clip the texture if either delta is smaller than the base size
209 -- This prevents the texture from being scaled down, which could result
210 -- in parts of the line vanishing during interpolation.
211 local clipsize = dx;
212 if dy < dx then clipsize = dy; end
214 -- Now normalize the clipping size to 0-1
215 clipsize = clipsize / FLIGHTMAP_LINE_SIZE;
216 if clipsize > 1 then clipsize = 1; end
218 local anchorPoint = "NONE";
219 if y1 > y2 then -- Case 1: source ABOVE dest
220 -- Set correct texture
221 texture:SetTexture(FLIGHTMAP_TEX_UP);
222 -- Use the bottom left corner of it
223 texture:SetTexCoord(0, clipsize, 1 - clipsize, 1);
224 -- Place the bottom left corner
225 anchorPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT";
226 else -- Case 2: source BELOW dest
227 -- Set correct texture
228 texture:SetTexture(FLIGHTMAP_TEX_DOWN);
229 -- Use the top left corner of it
230 texture:SetTexCoord(0, clipsize, 0, clipsize);
231 -- Place the top left corner
232 anchorPoint = "TOPLEFT";
233 end
235 -- Set the origin, using whichever anchor point is appropriate
236 texture:SetPoint(anchorPoint, parent, "TOPLEFT",
237 x1 * parent:GetWidth(),
238 -y1 * parent:GetHeight());
240 -- Set the texture's width and height
241 texture:SetWidth(dx);
242 texture:SetHeight(dy);
244 -- Show the texture
245 texture:Show();
247 -- Success :)
248 return true;
249 end