vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 -- Manage outfits, whether they're from OutfitDisplayFrame or something else
2 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager = {};
4 -- Inferred from Draznar's Fishing FAQ
5 local Accessories = {
6 [19979] = { ["n"] = "Hook of the Master Angler", ["score"] = 5, },
7 [19947] = { ["n"] = "Nat Pagle's Broken Reel", ["score"] = 4, },
8 [19972] = { ["n"] = "Lucky Fishing Hat", ["score"] = 5, },
9 [7996] = { ["n"] = "Lucky Fishing Hat", ["score"] = 5, },
10 [8749] = { ["n"] = "Crochet Hat", ["score"] = 3, },
11 [19039] = { ["n"] = "Zorbin's Water Resistant Hat", ["score"] = 3, },
12 [3889] = { ["n"] = "Russet Hat", ["score"] = 3, },
13 [14584] = { ["n"] = "Dokebi Hat", ["score"] = 2, },
14 [4048] = { ["n"] = "Emblazoned Hat", ["score"] = 1, },
15 [10250] = { ["n"] = "Masters Hat of the Whale", ["score"] = 1, },
16 [9508] = { ["n"] = "Mechbuilder's Overalls", ["score"] = 3, },
17 [6263] = { ["n"] = "Blue Overalls", ["score"] = 4, },
18 [3342] = { ["n"] = "Captain Sander's Shirt", ["score"] = 4, },
19 [5107] = { ["n"] = "Deckhand's Shirt", ["score"] = 2, },
20 [6795] = { ["n"] = "White Swashbuckler's Shirt", ["score"] = 1, },
21 [2576] = { ["n"] = "White Linen Shirt", ["score"] = 1, },
22 [6202] = { ["n"] = "Fingerless Gloves", ["score"] = 3, },
23 [792] = { ["n"] = "Knitted Sandals", ["score"] = 4, },
24 [1560] = { ["n"] = "Bluegill Sandals", ["score"] = 4, },
25 [13402] = { ["n"] = "Timmy's Galoshes", ["score"] = 2, },
26 [10658] = { ["n"] = "Quagmire Galoshes", ["score"] = 2, },
27 [1678] = { ["n"] = "Black Ogre Kickers", ["score"] = 1, },
28 [19969] = { ["n"] = "Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots", ["score"] = 5, },
29 [15405] = { ["n"] = "Shucking Gloves", ["score"] = 5, },
30 [15406] = { ["n"] = "Crustacean Boots", ["score"] = 3, },
31 [3287] = { ["n"] = "Tribal Pants", ["score"] = 2, },
32 [5310] = { ["n"] = "Sea Dog Britches", ["score"] = 4, },
33 }
35 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.ItemStylePoints = function(itemno, enchant)
36 local points = 0;
37 if ( itemno ) then
38 itemono = tonumber(itemno);
39 enchant = tonumber(enchant);
40 if (Accessories[itemno]) then
41 points = points + Accessories[itemno].score;
42 end
43 if ( enchant == 846 ) then
44 -- bonus for being enchanted with Fishing +2
45 points = points + 2;
46 end
47 end
48 return points;
49 end
51 local CheckSwitch = nil;
53 -- update the watcher when we're done switching outfits
54 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.WaitForUpdate =
55 function(arg1)
56 local hasPole = FishingBuddy.IsFishingPole();
57 if ( hasPole == CheckSwitch ) then
58 FishingOutfitUpdateFrame:Hide();
59 FishingBuddy.FishingMode();
60 end
61 end
63 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.CheckSwitch = function(topole)
64 CheckSwitch = topole;
65 FishingOutfitUpdateFrame:Show();
66 end
68 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.Switch = function(outfitname)
69 if ( OutfitDisplayFrame_OnLoad ) then
70 FishingBuddy.OutfitFrame.Switch();
71 else
72 local vOut, vCat, vInd = Outfitter_FindOutfitByStatId(Outfitter_cFishingStatName);
73 if ( vOut ) then
74 if ( FishingBuddy.IsFishingPole() ) then
75 Outfitter_RemoveOutfit(vOut);
76 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.CheckSwitch(false);
77 else
78 vOut.Disabled = nil;
79 Outfitter_WearOutfit(vOut, vCat);
80 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.CheckSwitch(true);
81 end
82 Outfitter_Update(true);
83 end
84 end
85 -- if we're now sporting a fishing pole, let's go fishing
86 FishingBuddy.FishingMode();
87 end
89 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.HasManager = function()
90 return ( OutfitDisplayFrame_OnLoad or Outfitter_OnLoad );
91 end
93 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.Initialize = function()
94 -- no outfit managers, no outfit switching
95 if ( not FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.HasManager() ) then
96 FishingBuddy.SetSetting("InfoBarClickToSwitch", 0);
97 FishingBuddy.SetSetting("TitanClickToSwitch", 0);
98 FishingBuddy.SetSetting("MinimapClickToSwitch", 0);
99 end
100 if ( (not OutfitDisplayFrame_OnLoad) and Outfitter_OnLoad ) then
101 -- create the default fishing outfit, if it doesn't exist
102 if ( gOutfitter_Settings ) then
103 local vOut, vCat, vInd = Outfitter_FindOutfitByStatId(Outfitter_cFishingStatName);
104 local vName = "Fishing Buddy";
105 if ( not vOut ) then
106 vOut = Outfitter_GenerateSmartOutfit(vName, Outfitter_cFishingStatName, OutfitterItemList_GetEquippableItems(true));
107 if not vOut then
108 vOut = Outfitter_NewEmptyOutfit(vName);
109 end
111 local vCategoryID = Outfitter_AddOutfit(vOut);
112 end
113 end
114 end
115 end
117 -- calculate scores based on Outfitter
118 local function StylePoints(outfit)
119 local isp = FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.ItemStylePoints;
120 local points = 0;
121 if ( outfit )then
122 for slot in outfit.Items do
123 points = points + isp(outfit.Items[slot].Code,
124 outfit.Items[slot].EnchantCode);
125 end
126 end
127 return points;
128 end
130 local function BonusPoints(outfit, vStatID)
131 local points = 0;
132 if ( outfit )then
133 for slot in outfit.Items do
134 if ( outfit.Items[slot][vStatID] ) then
135 points = points + outfit.Items[slot][vStatID];
136 end
137 -- Enternium Fishing Line
138 if ( outfit.Items[slot].EnchantCode == 2603 ) then
139 points = points + 5;
140 end
141 end
142 end
143 return points;
144 end
146 -- Outfitter patches
148 function Outfitter_FindOutfitByStatId(pStatID)
149 if not pStatID or pStatID == "" then
150 return nil;
151 end
153 for vCategoryID, vOutfits in gOutfitter_Settings.Outfits do
154 for vOutfitIndex, vOutfit in vOutfits do
155 if vOutfit.StatID and vOutfit.StatID == pStatID then
156 return vOutfit, vCategoryID, vOutfitIndex;
157 end
158 end
159 end
161 -- return nil, nil, nil;
162 end
164 local Saved_OutfitterItem_OnEnter = OutfitterItem_OnEnter;
165 FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.OutfitterItem_OnEnter = function(pItem)
166 Saved_OutfitterItem_OnEnter(pItem);
167 if ( not pItem.isCategoryItem ) then
168 local vOutfit = Outfitter_GetOutfitFromListItem(pItem);
169 if ( vOutfit and vOutfit.StatID == Outfitter_cFishingStatName ) then
170 local vDescription;
171 local bp = BonusPoints(vOutfit, Outfitter_cFishingStatName);
172 if ( bp >= 0 ) then
173 bp = "+"..bp;
174 else
175 bp = 0 - bp;
176 bp = "-"..bp;
177 end
178 bp = Outfitter_cFishingStatName.." "..bp;
179 local sp = StylePoints(vOutfit);
180 local pstring;
181 if ( points == 1 ) then
182 pstring = FishingBuddy.POINT;
183 else
184 pstring = FishingBuddy.POINTS;
185 end
186 vDescription = string.format(FishingBuddy.CONFIG_OUTFITTER_TEXT,
187 bp, sp)..pstring;
188 GameTooltip_AddNewbieTip(vOutfit.Name, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, vDescription, 1);
189 end
190 end
191 end
192 OutfitterItem_OnEnter = FishingBuddy.OutfitManager.OutfitterItem_OnEnter;