vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
2 <changelog>
3 <nextrelease>
4 <bugfix id="bugfix6" codedby="Luke1410" sourceforgeid="1292439" timestamp="2005-09-03 02:47">
5 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
6 <change function="TT_Chat_OnHyperlinkShow" />
7 </file>
8 <developer>
9 Used the wrong argument to generate the fabricatedLink. Though not sure in which case the second argument (which normally is the complete link) is nil, fixed that issue.
10 Though I could not test it myself, I'm almost 100% sure that this fixes the bug.
11 </developer>
12 <public>
13 Fixed the "error in Tooltip line 575 issue" when clicking on itemlinks in the chatwindow introduced in Tooltip 3.0.5.
14 </public>
15 </bugfix>
16 </nextrelease>
17 <release version="3.0.5" timestamp="2005-09-14 08:22">
18 <optimization id="optimization1" codedby="Luke1410" replace="bugfix4" text="concatenate" timestamp="2005-08-21 14:30">
19 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
20 <remove variable="TT_OldChatLinkItem" />
21 <add variable="OldChatLinkItem" />
22 <change function="TT_Chat_OnHyperlinkShow" />
23 <change function="TT_GameTooltip_OnHide" />
24 </file>
25 <developer>
26 Replaced the global variable TT_OldChatLinkItem with its local counterpart: OldChatLinkItem, as there's no need to have a global one.
27 </developer>
28 </optimization>
29 <bugfix id="bugfix5" codedby="Luke1410" sourceforgeid="1272712" replace="optimization1" text="concatenate" timestamp="2005-09-03 02:47">
30 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
31 <remove function="EnhTooltip_OnHyperLinkShow" />
32 <change function="TT_GameTooltip_OnHide" />
33 <change function="TT_Chat_OnHyperlinkShow" />
34 </file>
35 <developer>
36 In embed mode, the enhtooltiptext in the itemreftooltip became duplicated. This has been fixed. The itemreftooltip will now also adjust, when switching to/from embed mode while it is being displayed.
37 </developer>
38 </bugfix>
39 <bugfix id="bugfix4" codedby="Luke1410" sourceforgeid="1249951" timestamp="2005-08-20 10:58">
40 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
41 <add variable="TT_OldChatLinkItem" />
42 <add function="EnhTooltip_OnHyperLinkShow" />
43 <change function="TT_Chat_OnHyperlinkShow" />
44 <change function="TT_GameTooltip_OnHide" />
45 </file>
46 <public>
47 Only when /auctioneer embed = off: Moving the mouse over an item in your bagpack while there was already an item shown using a chatlink, the old enhTooltip disappeared while the WoW-Iteminfo was still displayed. Now the EnhTooltip will be displayed again, when you no longer mouse over the bagpackitem.
48 </public>
49 </bugfix>
50 <bugfix id="bugfix3" codedby="Luke1410" sourceforgeid="1240137" submitby="pandarus" timestamp="2005-08-10 20:15">
51 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
52 <change function="TT_Chat_OnHyperlinkShow" />
53 </file>
54 <developer>
55 The WoW parameters of the function "ChatFrame_OnHyperlinkShow" was changed in WoW 1.6.0.
56 </developer>
57 <public>
58 The rightclickmenu on characternames in the chatmenu works again. Thx to pandarus for providing the patch.
59 </public>
60 </bugfix>
61 <bugfix id="bugfix2" codedby="Luke1410" sourceforgeid="1254284" sbumitby="Derkyle" timestamp="2005-08-09 21:40">
62 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
63 <change function="fakeLink" />
64 </file>
65 <developer>
66 The reported error had been caused by a bug in ItemsMatrix. IM's function: ItemsMatrix_GetHyperlink returned nil because of an error which caused a nil error in TT_IMInv_ItemButton_OnEnter.
67 As fakeLink is a global function (TT_FakeLink), I changed that function to be nilsafe, so it won't cause any more errormessages for users, even if external addons cause trouble.
68 </developer>
69 <public>
70 Fixed the "attempt to call global `ItemsMatrix_GetHyperlink' (a nil value)"-bug (you should upgrade ItemsMatrix to version 15 or greater, too!)
71 </public>
72 </bugfix>
73 <bugfix id="bugfix1" codedby="Luke1410" sourceforgeid="1238391" timestamp="2005-08-05 01:10">
74 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
75 <change function="TT_Show" />
76 </file>
77 <developer>
78 changed the line: "elseif (parentRect.r + width < sWidth * 0.8) then" to "elseif (parentRect.r + width > sWidth * 0.8) then" as suggested by the sourceforgeuser (see sourceforgeid).
79 </developer>
80 <public>
81 the tooltip could swap over the right side of the window
82 </public>
83 </bugfix>
84 <added id="improvement1" codedby="Luke1410" timestamp="2005-08-05 00:19">
85 <file name="Tooltip.lua">
86 <change function="TT_GetTextGSC" />
87 </file>
88 <developer>
89 Added a new optional parameter to TT_GetTextGSC, to allow the exact amount being print to the tooltip.
90 If the second parameter is set to true, the amount of copper will also be printed out, even if the given money value is > 1g.
91 That functionality was needed to print the correct suggested price to the tooltip.
92 </developer>
93 </added>
94 </release>
95 <!--
96 Just a small example how that changelog is used,... will be removed as soon as a dtd has been written.
97 <bugfix id="bugfix1" sourceforgeid="" submitby="" fixedby="" timestamp="" replacebugfix="bugfix1" text="replace"></bugfix>
98 <added id="addition1" by="Alabana" text="concatenate"></added>
99 <removed id="remove1"></removed>
100 -->
101 </changelog>