vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 local aquaformid, travelformid;
4 function DruidBar_OnLoad()
5 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
6 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD");
7 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
8 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA");
9 this:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_STOP");
10 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
11 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED");
12 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED");
13 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS");
15 this:RegisterEvent("INSTANCE_BOOT_START");
16 this:RegisterEvent("INSTANCE_BOOT_STOP");
17 SlashCmdList["DRUIDBARSLASH"] = DruidBar_Enable_ChatCommandHandler;
19 SLASH_DRUIDBARSLASH2 = "/druidbar";
20 DBarSpellCatch:SetOwner(DruidBarUpdateFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE");
21 end
23 local inform, lowregentimer, fullmanatimer, lastshift, inCombat, firstEZ, pre_UseAction, shiftload, isMoving, waitonce, firstshift;
24 lowregentimer = 0;
25 fullmanatimer = 0;
26 function DruidBar_OnEvent(event, arg1, arg2, arg3)
27 if event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
28 --Thanks to Tigerheart from Argent Dawn for this little piece of work, as well as fireball and prudence for bringing it up!
29 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
30 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA");
31 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
32 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
33 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED");
34 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED");
35 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS");
36 return;
37 elseif event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD" then
38 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
39 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA");
40 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
41 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
42 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED");
43 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED");
44 this:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS");
45 return;
46 end
47 if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then
48 if not DruidBarKey then DruidBarKey = {};
49 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = 0;
50 DruidBarKey.maxmana = 10;
51 = 0;
52 DruidBarKey.subtractmana = 0;
53 DruidBarKey.extra = 0;
54 DruidBarKey.Enabled = true;
55 DruidBarKey.EZShift = true;
56 DruidBarKey.Graphics = true;
57 end
58 _, init = UnitClass("player");
59 if UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then firstshift = true; end
60 if not shiftload and init == "DRUID" then
61 pre_ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm = ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm;
62 ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm = DruidBar_ChangeForm;
63 shiftload = true;
64 end
65 DBarSpellCatch:SetOwner(DruidBarUpdateFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE");
66 elseif init and init == "DRUID" and DruidBarKey.Enabled then
67 if event == "UNIT_MAXMANA" and arg1 == "player" then
68 DruidBar_MaxManaScript();
69 elseif event == "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED" and arg1 == "player" then
70 DruidBar_MaxManaScript();
71 elseif event == "UNIT_MANA" and arg1 == "player" then
72 if UnitPowerType(arg1) == 0 then
73 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = UnitMana(arg1);
74 elseif DruidBarKey.keepthemana < DruidBarKey.maxmana then
75 local add = DruidBar_ReflectionCheck();
76 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = DruidBarKey.keepthemana + add + DruidBarKey.extra;
77 if DruidBarKey.keepthemana > DruidBarKey.maxmana then DruidBarKey.keepthemana = DruidBarKey.maxmana; end
78 end
79 fullmanatimer = 0;
80 elseif event == "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED" or event == "UPDATE_SHAPESHIFT_FORMS" then
81 if UnitPowerType("player") == 1 and not inform then
82 inform = true;
83 --Bear
84 DruidBar_Subtract();
85 elseif UnitPowerType("player") == 3 and not inform then
86 inform = true;
87 --Cat
88 DruidBar_Subtract();
89 elseif UnitPowerType("player") == 0 and inform then
90 inform = nil;
91 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = UnitMana("player");
92 if DruidBarKey.maxmana ~= UnitManaMax("player") then
93 DruidBarKey.maxmana = UnitManaMax("player");
94 end
95 --player/aqua/travel
96 end
97 elseif (event == "SPELLCAST_STOP") then
98 if (not firstEZ) then
99 if (DruidBarKey.EZShift) then
100 pre_UseAction = UseAction;
101 UseAction = DruidBar_UseAction;
102 end
103 firstEZ = true;
104 end
105 if UnitPowerType("player") == 0 then lowregentimer = 5;
106 waitonce = nil; end
107 end
108 elseif init and init == "DRUID" and not DruidBarKey.Enabled then
109 if event == "UNIT_MAXMANA" and arg1 == "player" then
110 DruidBar_MaxManaScript();
111 end
112 end
113 end
115 local notyet;
116 function DruidBar_OnUpdate(elapsed)
117 if init and init == "DRUID" and DruidBarKey.Enabled then
118 if not notyet then
119 DruidBar_MaxManaScript();
120 for i = 1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do
121 local icon = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i);
122 if icon == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_AquaticForm" then aquaformid = i; end
123 if icon == "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_TravelForm" then travelformid = i; end
124 end
125 notyet = true;
126 end
127 DruidBarMana:SetMinMaxValues(0, DruidBarKey.maxmana);
128 DruidBarMana:SetValue(DruidBarKey.keepthemana);
129 if lowregentimer > 0 then
130 lowregentimer = lowregentimer - elapsed;
131 if lowregentimer <= 0 then lowregentimer = 0; end
132 end
133 if UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then
134 fullmanatimer = fullmanatimer + elapsed;
135 if fullmanatimer > 6 and floor((DruidBarKey.keepthemana*100) / DruidBarKey.maxmana) > 90 then
136 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = DruidBarKey.maxmana;
137 end
138 end
139 if DruidBarKey.Graphics then
140 if DruidBarKey.kmg then
141 dbarhide(DruidBarFrame);
142 dbarhide(DruidBarReplaceText);
143 DruidBar_KMGraphics();
144 else
145 dbarhide(DruidBarKMG);
146 if DruidBarKey.Replace then DruidBar_ReplaceGraphics(); else DruidBar_MainGraphics(); end
147 end
148 else
149 dbarhide(DruidBarFrame);
150 dbarhide(DruidBarReplaceText);
151 dbarhide(DruidBarKMG);
152 if PlayerFrameManaBar:GetWidth() < 100 then PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(120); end
153 end
154 else
155 dbarhide(DruidBarFrame);
156 dbarhide(DruidBarKMG);
157 end
158 end
160 function DruidBar_ReflectionCheck()
161 local managain = 0;
162 local j = 1;
163 while (UnitBuff("player",j)) do
164 DBarSpellCatch:SetUnitBuff("player", j);
165 local msg = DBarSpellCatchTextLeft1:GetText();
166 if msg and (strfind(msg,DRUIDBAR_INNERVATE)) then
167 return ((ceil(UnitStat(arg1,5) / 5)+15) * 5);
168 end
169 j = j + 1;
170 end
171 if lowregentimer > 0 then
172 if waitonce then
173 local name, iconTexture, tier, column, rank, maxRank, isExceptional, meetsPrereq = GetTalentInfo(3, 6);
174 if rank == 0 then return 0; else
175 managain = ((ceil(UnitStat("player",5) / 5)+15) * (0.05 * rank));
176 end
177 else
178 waitonce = true;
179 end
180 elseif lowregentimer <= 0 then
181 managain = (ceil(UnitStat("player",5) / 5)+15);
182 end
183 return managain;
184 end
186 --Gets the mana cost of your shapeshifting spells.
187 function DruidBar_GetShapeshiftCost()
188 if not DBarSpellCatch:IsOwned(DruidBarUpdateFrame) then DBarSpellCatch:SetOwner(DruidBarUpdateFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE"); end
189 DruidBarKey.subtractmana = 0;
190 local a, b, c, d = GetSpellTabInfo(4);
191 for i = 1, c+d, 1 do
192 local spellname = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
193 spellname = strlower(spellname);
194 if spellname and (strfind(spellname, DRUIDBAR_CAT_FORM) or strfind(spellname, DRUIDBAR_BEAR_FORM)) then
195 DBarSpellCatch:SetSpell(i, 1);
196 local msg = DBarSpellCatchTextLeft2:GetText();
197 if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg); end
198 local params;
199 if msg then
200 local index = strfind(msg, DRUIDBAR_MANA_DELIM);
201 if index then
202 if GetLocale() == "frFR" then params = strsub(msg, index+1); else params = strsub(msg, 1, index-1); end
203 if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(params); end
204 DruidBarKey.subtractmana = tonumber(params);
205 if DruidBarKey.subtractmana and DruidBarKey.subtractmana > 0 then return; end
206 end
207 end
208 end
209 end
210 end
212 function DruidBar_Subtract()
213 if not firstshift then
214 local j = 1;
215 while (UnitBuff("player",j)) do
216 DBarSpellCatch:SetUnitBuff("player", j);
217 local msg = DBarSpellCatchTextLeft1:GetText();
218 if msg and (strfind(msg,DRUIDBAR_META)) then
219 if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Rune detected, no mana cost!"); end
220 return;
221 end
222 j = j + 1;
223 end
224 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = DruidBarKey.keepthemana - DruidBarKey.subtractmana;
225 if DruidBarKey.Debug then DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Mana Deduction: "..DruidBarKey.subtractmana); end
226 else
227 firstshift = nil;
228 end
229 end
231 --Change form! whatever you cast, if you're shifted, you'll shift back to caster.
232 function DruidBar_ChangeForm(id)
233 local a, b, c, d;
234 a = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_AquaticForm";
235 b = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Racial_BearForm";
236 c = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_CatForm";
237 d = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_TravelForm";
238 local changingback = nil;
239 for i = 1, GetNumShapeshiftForms() do
240 local icon, name, active = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(i);
241 if active then id = i; changingback = true; end
242 end
243 if (id) then
244 local tex = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(id);
245 if DruidBarKey.message and not changingback then
246 if not DruidBarKey.BearMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.BearMessage), "table:") then
247 DruidBarKey.BearMessage = {};
248 DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1] = "ROAR! ROAR I SAY! I guess there's no denyin'...";
249 DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = "SAY";
250 end
251 if not DruidBarKey.CatMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.CatMessage), "table:") then
252 DruidBarKey.CatMessage = {};
253 DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1] = "Nyao.";
254 DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = "SAY";
255 end
256 if not DruidBarKey.AquaMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.AquaMessage), "table:") then
257 DruidBarKey.AquaMessage = {};
258 DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1] = "Thrust vectoring owns the seas!";
259 DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = "SAY";
260 end
261 if not DruidBarKey.TravMessage or not strfind(tostring(DruidBarKey.TravMessage), "table:") then
262 DruidBarKey.TravMessage = {};
263 DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1] = "Multi-cat drifting!";
264 DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = "SAY";
265 end
266 if tex == b and DruidBarKey.BearMessage then
267 SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1], DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2]);
268 elseif tex == a and DruidBarKey.AquaMessage then
269 SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1], DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2]);
270 elseif tex == c and DruidBarKey.CatMessage then
271 SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1], DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2]);
272 elseif tex == d and DruidBarKey.TravMessage then
273 SendChatMessage(DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1], DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2]);
274 end
275 end
276 pre_ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(id);
277 return nil;
278 else
279 return true;
280 end
281 end
283 --Hooks into the original UseAction. Passes ChangeForm to shift out of caster.
284 function DruidBar_UseAction(id, ex, theSelf)
285 local texture = GetActionTexture(id);
286 local a, b, c, d;
287 a = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_AquaticForm";
288 b = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Racial_BearForm";
289 c = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_CatForm";
290 d = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Druid_TravelForm";
291 e = ".blp";
292 if (texture == a or texture == b or texture == c or texture == d or texture == a..e or texture == b..e or texture == c..e or texture == d..e) then
293 local fix = DruidBar_ChangeForm(nil);
294 if (GetActionText(id) or fix) then
295 pre_UseAction(id, ex, theSelf);
296 end
297 else
298 pre_UseAction(id, ex, theSelf);
299 end
300 end
302 function dbarhide(frame)
303 if frame:IsVisible() then
304 frame:Hide();
305 end
306 end
307 function dbarshow(frame)
308 if not frame:IsVisible() then
309 frame:Show();
310 end
311 end
313 function dbarlen()
314 if not DruidBarKey.xvar then DruidBarKey.xvar = 160; end
315 if DruidBarFrame:GetWidth() ~= DruidBarKey.xvar then
316 DruidBarFrame:SetWidth(DruidBarKey.xvar);
317 DruidBarKey.xvar = DruidBarFrame:GetWidth();
318 end
319 DruidBarMana:SetWidth(DruidBarKey.xvar*0.9375);
320 end
322 function dbarhei()
323 if not DruidBarKey.yvar then DruidBarKey.yvar = 18; end
324 if DruidBarFrame:GetHeight() ~= DruidBarKey.yvar then
325 DruidBarFrame:SetHeight(DruidBarKey.yvar);
326 DruidBarKey.yvar = DruidBarFrame:GetHeight();
327 end
328 DruidBarMana:SetHeight(DruidBarKey.yvar*(2/3));
329 end
330 local DruidBar_Anchored = nil
332 function DruidBar_MainGraphics()
333 local str;
334 if DruidBarKey.Percent and DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then
335 str = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%|r";
336 elseif DruidBarKey.Percent then
337 str = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana).."/"..floor(DruidBarKey.maxmana).."|r";
338 else
339 str = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana).."/"..floor(DruidBarKey.maxmana).." "..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%|r";
340 end
341 dbarhide(DruidBarReplaceText);
342 if PlayerFrameManaBar:GetWidth() < 100 then PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(120); end
344 if (DruidBarKey.Hide and UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 and DruidBar_Full()) or not DruidBarKey.Hide then
345 dbarshow(DruidBarFrame);
346 dbarshow(DruidBarBorder);
347 if (DruidBarKey.Text and DruidBarKey.Text == 1) or (not DruidBarKey.Text and MouseIsOver(DruidBarFrame)) then
348 dbarshow(DruidBarText1);
349 dbarhide(DruidBarText);
350 DruidBarText1:SetText(str);
351 elseif DruidBarKey.Text then
352 dbarshow(DruidBarText);
353 dbarhide(DruidBarText1);
354 DruidBarText:SetText(str);
355 else
356 dbarhide(DruidBarText);
357 dbarhide(DruidBarText1);
358 end
359 dbarlen();
360 dbarhei();
361 if DruidBarKey.XPBar then
362 DruidBarFrame:ClearAllPoints();
363 DruidBarFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","PlayerFrame","TOPLEFT", 80, -63);
364 PlayerFrame:SetFrameLevel("1");
365 DruidBarFrame:SetFrameLevel("1");
366 DruidBarMana:SetFrameLevel("1");
367 DruidBar_Anchored = true;
368 elseif DruidBar_Anchored then
369 DruidBarFrame:ClearAllPoints();
370 DruidBarFrame:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","CENTER", 0, 0);
371 PlayerFrame:SetFrameLevel("1")
372 DruidBarFrame:SetFrameLevel("1");
373 DruidBarFrame:SetFrameLevel("1");
374 DruidBar_Anchored = nil;
375 end
376 if DruidBarKey.Lock then
377 dbarshow(DruidBarDontMove);
378 else
379 dbarhide(DruidBarDontMove);
380 end
381 else
382 dbarhide(DruidBarFrame);
383 dbarhide(DruidBarDontMove);
384 end
385 end
387 function DruidBar_ReplaceGraphics()
388 if UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then
389 dbarshow(DruidBarFrame);
390 dbarhide(DruidBarDontMove);
391 dbarhide(DruidBarBorder);
392 dbarhide(DruidBarText);
393 dbarhide(DruidBarText1);
394 dbarhide(PlayerFrameManaBarText);
395 dbarshow(DruidBarReplaceText);
396 PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(60);
397 DruidBarFrame:ClearAllPoints();
398 DruidBarFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","PlayerFrame","TOPLEFT", 116, -50);
399 DruidBarMana:SetWidth(60);
400 DruidBarMana:SetHeight(10);
401 DruidBarMana:SetFrameLevel("1");
402 local str, str1;
403 str = "|CFFFFFFFF"..UnitMana("player").."|r";
404 if DruidBarKey.Percent and DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then
405 str1 = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%|r";
406 elseif DruidBarKey.Percent then
407 str1 = "|CFFFFFFFF"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana).."|r";
408 else
409 str1 = "|CFFFFFFFF"..(floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana / 100)/10).."k,"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100).."%|r";
410 end
411 DruidBarReplaceText:SetFrameLevel("2");
412 if (DruidBarKey.Text and DruidBarKey.Text == 1) or (not DruidBarKey.Text and (MouseIsOver(DruidBarFrame) or MouseIsOver(PlayerFrameManaBar)))then
413 dbarshow(DEnergyText1);
414 dbarshow(DManaText1);
415 dbarhide(DManaText);
416 dbarhide(DEnergyText);
417 DEnergyText1:SetText(str);
418 DManaText1:SetText(str1);
419 elseif DruidBarKey.Text then
420 dbarshow(DEnergyText);
421 dbarhide(DEnergyText1);
422 dbarshow(DManaText);
423 dbarhide(DManaText1);
424 DEnergyText:SetText(str);
425 DManaText:SetText(str1);
426 else
427 dbarhide(DEnergyText);
428 dbarhide(DEnergyText1);
429 dbarhide(DManaText);
430 dbarhide(DManaText1);
431 end
432 else
433 dbarhide(DruidBarFrame);
434 dbarhide(DEnergyText);
435 dbarhide(DEnergyText1);
436 dbarhide(DManaText);
437 dbarhide(DManaText1);
438 dbarhide(DruidBarReplaceText);
439 PlayerFrameManaBar:SetWidth(120);
440 end
441 end
443 function DruidBar_KMGraphics()
444 if (MGplayer_ManaBar) then
445 if UnitPowerType("player") == 0 then
446 MGplayer_ManaBar:SetWidth(MGplayer_HealthBar:GetWidth());
447 MGplayer_ManaBar:ClearAllPoints();
448 MGplayer_ManaBar:SetPoint("TOP","MGplayer_HealthBar","BOTTOM",0,-2);
449 DruidBarKMG:Hide();
450 else
451 local sub = 0;
452 if MG_Get("ShowEndcaps") == 1 then sub = 1; else sub = -1; end
453 KMGDruidBar:SetWidth(MGplayer_HealthBar:GetWidth() / 2 - sub);
454 KMGDruidBar:SetHeight(MGplayer_ManaBar:GetHeight());
455 MGplayer_ManaBar:SetWidth(MGplayer_HealthBar:GetWidth() / 2);
456 DruidBarKMG:Show();
457 DruidBarKMG:ClearAllPoints();
458 MGplayer_ManaBar:ClearAllPoints();
459 MGplayer_ManaBar:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","MGplayer_HealthBar","BOTTOMLEFT",0,-2);
460 local points = MGplayer_HealthBar:GetWidth() / 4 * 3;
461 if MG_Get("ShowEndcaps") == 1 then
462 dbarshow(KMGDruidBar_ManaEndcapRight);
463 else
464 dbarhide(KMGDruidBar_ManaEndcapRight);
465 if MGplayer_ManaBar:GetWidth() <= 92 then points = points - 1; else points = points - 1; end
466 end
467 DruidBarKMG:SetScale(MGplayer_HealthBar:GetScale());
468 DruidBarKMG:SetPoint("LEFT","MGplayer_ManaBar","LEFT", points, 0);
469 DruidBarKMG:SetFrameLevel("1");
470 KMGDruidBar:SetFrameLevel(MGplayer_ManaBar:GetFrameLevel());
471 KMGDruidBar:SetMinMaxValues(0, DruidBarKey.maxmana);
472 KMGDruidBar:SetValue(DruidBarKey.keepthemana);
473 if (DruidBarKey.Percent and MGplayer_HealthBar:GetWidth() <= 92) then
474 local curstat = (UnitMana("player") / UnitManaMax("player") * 100);
475 local manstat = (floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana / DruidBarKey.maxmana * 100)).."%";
476 MGplayer_ManaText:SetText(curstat.."/"..manstat);
477 elseif (MGplayer_HealthBar:GetWidth() <= 92) then
478 local curstat = UnitMana("player");
479 MGplayer_ManaText:SetText(curstat.."/"..floor(DruidBarKey.keepthemana));
480 end
481 end
482 else
483 DruidBarKMG:Hide();
484 DruidBarKey.kmg = nil;
485 end
486 end
488 --Text Parsing. Yay!
489 function TextParse(InputString)
490 --[[ By FERNANDO!
491 This function should take a string and return a table with each word from the string in
492 each entry. IE, "Linoleum is teh awesome" returns {"Linoleum", "is", "teh", "awesome"}
493 Some good should come of this, I've been avoiding writing a text parser for a while, and
494 I need one I understand completely. ^_^
496 If you want to gank this function and use it for whatever, feel free. Just give me props
497 somewhere. This function, as far as I can tell, is fairly foolproof. It's hard to get it
498 to screw up. It's also completely self-contained. Just cut and paste.]]
499 local Text = InputString;
500 local TextLength = 1;
501 local OutputTable = {};
502 local OTIndex = 1;
503 local StartAt = 1;
504 local StopAt = 1;
505 local TextStart = 1;
506 local TextStop = 1;
507 local TextRemaining = 1;
508 local NextSpace = 1;
509 local Chunk = "";
510 local Iterations = 1;
511 local EarlyError = false;
513 if ((Text ~= nil) and (Text ~= "")) then
514 -- ... Yeah. I'm not even going to begin without checking to make sure Im not getting
515 -- invalid data. The big ol crashes I got with my color functions taught me that. ^_^
517 -- First, it's time to strip out any extra spaces, ie any more than ONE space at a time.
518 while (string.find(Text, " ") ~= nil) do
519 Text = string.gsub(Text, " ", " ");
520 end
522 -- Now, what if text consisted of only spaces, for some ungodly reason? Well...
523 if (string.len(Text) <= 1) then
524 EarlyError = true;
525 end
527 -- Now, if there is a leading or trailing space, we nix them.
528 if EarlyError ~= true then
529 TextStart = 1;
530 TextStop = string.len(Text);
532 if (string.sub(Text, TextStart, TextStart) == " ") then
533 TextStart = TextStart+1;
534 end
536 if (string.sub(Text, TextStop, TextStop) == " ") then
537 TextStop = TextStop-1;
538 end
540 Text = string.sub(Text, TextStart, TextStop);
541 end
543 -- Finally, on to breaking up the goddamn string.
545 OTIndex = 1;
546 TextRemaining = string.len(Text);
548 while (StartAt <= TextRemaining) and (EarlyError ~= true) do
550 -- NextSpace is the index of the next space in the string...
551 NextSpace = string.find(Text, " ",StartAt);
552 -- if there isn't another space, then StopAt is the length of the rest of the
553 -- string, otherwise it's just before the next space...
554 if (NextSpace ~= nil) then
555 StopAt = (NextSpace - 1);
556 else
557 StopAt = string.len(Text);
558 LetsEnd = true;
559 end
561 Chunk = string.sub(Text, StartAt, StopAt);
562 OutputTable[OTIndex] = Chunk;
563 OTIndex = OTIndex + 1;
565 StartAt = StopAt + 2;
567 end
568 else
569 OutputTable[1] = "Error: Bad value passed to TextParse!";
570 end
572 if (EarlyError ~= true) then
573 return OutputTable;
574 else
575 return {"Error: Bad value passed to TextParse!"};
576 end
577 end
579 --Normal print job.
580 function DruidBar_Print(msg,r,g,b,frame,id,unknown4th)
581 if(unknown4th) then
582 local temp = id;
583 id = unknown4th;
584 unknown4th = id;
585 end
587 if (not r) then r = 1.0; end
588 if (not g) then g = 1.0; end
589 if (not b) then b = 1.0; end
590 if ( frame ) then
591 frame:AddMessage(msg,r,g,b,id,unknown4th);
592 else
593 if ( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
594 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg, r, g, b,id,unknown4th);
595 end
596 end
597 end
599 function DruidBar_Toggle(tog, str) if tog then DruidBar_Print(str.." off"); return nil; else DruidBar_Print(str.." on"); return true; end end
601 function DruidBar_Enable_ChatCommandHandler(text)
602 local msg = TextParse(text);
603 msg[1] = strlower(msg[1]);
604 if msg[1] == "on" then
605 DruidBarKey.Enabled = true;
606 DruidBar_Print("DruidBar is Enabled!",1,1,0);
607 elseif msg[1] == "off" then
608 DruidBarKey.Enabled = nil;
609 DruidBar_Print("DruidBar is Disabled!",1,1,0);
610 elseif msg[1] == "toggle" then
611 DruidBarKey.Enabled = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Enabled, "DruidBar is");
612 elseif msg[1] == "vis" then
613 DruidBarKey.Graphics = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Graphics, "DruidBar's visual data is");
614 elseif msg[1] == "message" then
615 if msg[2] and msg[2] == "toggle" then
616 DruidBarKey.message = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.message, "Shapeshifting messages are");
617 elseif msg[2] then
618 msg[2] = strlower(msg[2]);
619 if msg[3] then msg[3] = strlower(msg[3]); end
620 if msg[3] and (msg[3] == "say" or msg[3] == "party" or msg[3] == "raid" or msg[3] == "emote") then
621 --ookay...
622 else
623 DruidBar_Print("Invalid chat type. message format is: /dbar message [toggle/bear/cat/aqua/travel] [say/party/raid/emote] [message]");
624 return;
625 end
626 if msg[2] == "bear" then
627 DruidBarKey.BearMessage = {};
628 local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
629 DruidBarKey.BearMessage[1] = x;
630 DruidBarKey.BearMessage[2] = msg[3];
631 DruidBar_Print("Current Bear message is now:"..x);
632 elseif msg[2] == "cat" then
633 DruidBarKey.CatMessage = {};
634 local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
635 DruidBarKey.CatMessage[1] = x;
636 DruidBarKey.CatMessage[2] = msg[3];
637 DruidBar_Print("Current Cat message is now:"..x);
638 elseif msg[2] == "aqua" then
639 DruidBarKey.AquaMessage = {};
640 local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
641 DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[1] = x;
642 DruidBarKey.AquaMessage[2] = msg[3];
643 DruidBar_Print("Current Aquatic message is now:"..x);
644 elseif msg[2] == "travel" then
645 DruidBarKey.TravMessage = {};
646 local x = string.gsub(text, msg[1].." "..msg[2].." "..msg[3].." ", "");
647 DruidBarKey.TravMessage[1] = x;
648 DruidBarKey.TravMessage[2] = msg[3];
649 DruidBar_Print("Current Travel message is now:"..x);
650 else
651 DruidBar_Print("Invalid message type. message takes 5 parameters: Toggle, Bear, Cat, Aqua, or Travel.");
652 end
653 else
654 DruidBar_Print("Invalid chat type. message format is: /dbar message [toggle/bear/cat/aqua/travel] [say/party/raid/emote] [message]");
655 end
656 elseif msg[1] == "width" and msg[2] and tonumber(msg[2]) then
657 DruidBarKey.xvar = tonumber(msg[2]);
658 DruidBar_Print("Width is now set to "..msg[2]);
659 elseif msg[1] == "height" and msg[2] and tonumber(msg[2]) then
660 DruidBarKey.yvar = tonumber(msg[2]);
661 DruidBar_Print("Height is now set to "..msg[2]);
662 elseif msg[1] == "hide" then
663 DruidBarKey.Hide = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Hide, "Hiding bar when in caster form is");
664 elseif msg[1] == "full" then
665 DruidBarKey.Full = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Full, "Hiding bar when mana is full is");
666 elseif msg[1] == "lock" then
667 DruidBarKey.Lock = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Lock, "Lock feature is");
668 elseif msg[1] == "replace" then
669 DruidBarKey.Replace = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Replace, "Replacing the player frame's mana bar is");
670 elseif msg[1] == "player" then
671 DruidBarKey.XPBar = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.XPBar, "Showing the bar below the Player Frame is");
672 if DruidBarKey.XPBar then DruidBarKey.xvar = 150; DruidBarKey.yvar = 18; else DruidBarKey.xvar = 160; DruidBarKey.yvar = 18; end
673 elseif msg[1] == "text" then
674 if not DruidBarKey.Text then DruidBarKey.Text = 0; DruidBar_Print("Original-Style text on!"); elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 0 then DruidBarKey.Text = 1; DruidBar_Print("New-Style text on!"); elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 1 then DruidBarKey.Text = nil; DruidBar_Print("Text removed."); end
675 elseif msg[1] == "percent" then
676 if not DruidBarKey.Percent then DruidBarKey.Percent = 0; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar will show Raw numbers"); elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 0 then DruidBarKey.Percent = 1; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar will now show Percentages"); elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then DruidBarKey.Percent = nil; DruidBar_Print("DruidBar will show both Percentages and Raw numbers"); end
677 elseif msg[1] == "status" then
678 DruidBar_Status();
679 elseif msg[1] == "best" then
680 DruidBar_ChangeBestForm();
681 elseif msg[1] == "ez" then
682 DruidBarKey.EZShift = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.EZShift, "Easy Shifting is now");
683 elseif msg[1] == "kmg" then
684 if (MGplayer_ManaBar) then
685 DruidBarKey.kmg = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.kmg, "Replacing the MiniGroup mana bar is");
686 else
687 DruidBarKey.kmg = nil;
688 DruidBar_Print("Can't replace MiniGroup if it don't exist, YO!");
689 end
690 elseif msg[1] == "debug" then
691 DruidBarKey.Debug = DruidBar_Toggle(DruidBarKey.Debug, "Debug options");
692 else
693 DruidBar_Print("Invalid option. Options are: [on/off/toggle/vis/message/width/height/percent/hide/full/lock/replace/kmg/best/player/text/status]");
694 end
695 end
697 function DruidBar_Status()
698 DruidBar_Print("DruidBar Toggle Status:");
699 DruidBar_Print("DruidBar's enabled status is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Enabled));
700 DruidBar_Print("Graphics are "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Graphics));
701 DruidBar_Print("Shapeshift messages are "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.message));
702 DruidBar_Print("Hiding when in caster is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Hide));
703 DruidBar_Print("Hiding when mana is full is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Full));
704 DruidBar_Print("Replacing the Player Frame's mana bar is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Replace));
705 DruidBar_Print("Showing under the Player Frame is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.XPBar));
706 local str;
707 if not DruidBarKey.Text then str = "|CFF888888Off|r"; elseif DruidBarKey.Text == 1 then str = "|CFFFFFFFFModern|r"; else str = "|CFF00FF00Classic|r"; end
708 DruidBar_Print("The current style of text is "..str);
709 if not DruidBarKey.Percent then str = "|CFF00FF00Percent and Raw|r"; elseif DruidBarKey.Percent == 1 then str = "|CFFFF00FFRaw|r"; else str = "|CFF0000FFPercent|r"; end
710 DruidBar_Print("The current display of text is "..str);
711 DruidBar_Print("Debugging is "..DruidBar_On(DruidBarKey.Debug));
712 end
714 function DruidBar_On(tog)
715 if tog then
716 return "|CFF00FF00On.|r";
717 else
718 return "|CFFFF0000Off.|r";
719 end
720 end
722 function DruidBar_MaxManaScript()
723 local _, int = UnitStat("player", 4);
724 DruidBar_GetShapeshiftCost();
725 if UnitPowerType("player") == 0 then
726 if UnitManaMax("player") > 0 then
727 DruidBarKey.maxmana = UnitManaMax("player");
728 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = UnitMana("player");
729 = int;
730 end
731 elseif UnitPowerType("player") ~= 0 then
732 if ~= int then
733 if int > then
734 local dif = int -;
735 DruidBarKey.maxmana = DruidBarKey.maxmana + (dif * 15);
736 = int;
737 elseif int < then
738 local dif = - int;
739 DruidBarKey.maxmana = DruidBarKey.maxmana - (dif * 15);
740 = int;
741 end
742 end
743 if DruidBarKey.keepthemana > DruidBarKey.maxmana then
744 DruidBarKey.keepthemana = DruidBarKey.maxmana;
745 end
746 end
747 DruidBarKey.extra = 0;
748 for i = 1, 18 do
749 DBarSpellCatch:ClearLines();
750 DBarSpellCatch:SetInventoryItem("player", i);
751 for j = 1, DBarSpellCatch:NumLines() do
752 local strchek = getglobal("DBarSpellCatchTextLeft"..j):GetText();
753 if strchek then
755 if strfind(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN1) then
756 DruidBarKey.extra = DruidBarKey.extra + string.gsub(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN3, "%1")
757 end
758 if strfind(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN2) then
759 DruidBarKey.extra = DruidBarKey.extra + string.gsub(strchek, DRUIDBAR_REGEN4, "%1");
760 end
761 end
762 end
763 end
764 DruidBarKey.extra = (DruidBarKey.extra * 2) / 5;
765 end
767 function DruidBar_Full()
768 if DruidBarKey.Full then
769 if DruidBarKey.keepthemana < DruidBarKey.maxmana then
770 return true;
771 else
772 return nil;
773 end
774 else
775 return true;
776 end
777 end
780 function UIErrorsFrame:realEcho()
782 end
786 function UIErrorsFrame:fakeEcho(str, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
787 --DruidBar_Print(str, a1, a2, a3)
788 --The outdoors message is normally delayed by lag so that it doesn't actually come until after the function is re-enabled. However, on occasion when the latency is very low and the interface lags, it will come while the function is still disabled. Allow the message through if this is the case.
789 if(str == "Can only use outside") then
790 UIErrorsFrame:realEcho(str, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
791 end
793 end
796 --[[ Shapeshifting Code ]]--
797 --Thanks to mib for this code! it's awesome!
798 --also thanks to Zevzabich for a bit of help since the pure rapeage of both my character and my lua that is know as 0.10
799 function DruidBar_ChangeBestForm()
800 local m_bag = -1;
801 local m_pos = -1;
802 local aq_bag = -1;
803 local aq_pos = -1;
804 -- search position of mount
805 for bag = 0,4 do
806 for i = 1,16 do
807 local t = GetContainerItemInfo(bag, i)
808 if (t) then
809 if (strfind(t,"\Ability_Mount_")) then
810 m_bag = bag;
811 m_pos = i;
812 end
813 if strfind(t, "\INV_Misc_Horn_01") and strfind(strlower(GetContainerItemLink(bag,i)), "frostwolf") then
814 m_bag = bag;
815 m_pos = i;
816 end
817 if (strfind(t, "INV_Misc_QirajiCrystal")) then
818 aq_bag = bag;
819 aq_pos = i;
820 end
821 end
822 end
823 end
824 local _, pqrs = UnitClass("player");
825 if pqrs == "DRUID" then
826 --first hide the error messages
827 --we try to do all 3 at once!
829 UIErrorsFrame.realEcho = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage;
830 UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.fakeEcho;
831 if strfind(GetRealZoneText(), "Ahn'Qiraj") and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), "Gates of Ahn'Qiraj") and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj") then
832 UseContainerItem(aq_bag, aq_pos);
833 else
834 UseContainerItem(m_bag, m_pos);
835 end
836 ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(travelformid);
837 ShapeshiftBar_ChangeForm(aquaformid);
838 --then we allow error messages again
839 UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.realEcho;
840 else
841 local i = 1;
842 --check for high-speed castable mounts.
843 while true do
844 local spellName = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
845 if not spellName then
846 do break end
847 end
848 if spellName == "Summon Charger" or spellName == "Summon Dreadsteed" then
849 CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
850 return;
851 end
852 i = i + 1;
853 end
854 i = 1;
855 --check for lv40 castable mounts, or ghost wolf.
856 while true do
857 local spellName = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
858 if not spellName then
859 do break end
860 end
861 if spellName == "Summon Felsteed" or spellName == "Ghost Wolf" or spellName == "Summon Warhorse" then
862 CastSpell(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL);
863 return;
864 end
865 i = i + 1;
866 end
867 --nothing yet? let's try to mount normally.
868 UIErrorsFrame.realEcho = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage;
869 UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.fakeEcho;
870 --and trying...
871 if strfind(GetRealZoneText(), "Ahn'Qiraj") and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), "Gates of Ahn'Qiraj") and not strfind(GetRealZoneText(), "Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj") then
872 UseContainerItem(aq_bag, aq_pos);
873 else
874 UseContainerItem(m_bag, m_pos);
875 end
876 --then we allow error messages again
877 UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = UIErrorsFrame.realEcho;
878 end
879 end