vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 function DUF_Element_OnClick(button)
2 if (this.moving) then
3 DUF_Element_OnDragStop();
4 end
6 local unit = this.unit;
7 if (not unit) then
8 unit = this:GetParent().unit;
9 end
11 if ( SpellIsTargeting() ) then
12 if (button == "RightButton") then
13 SpellStopTargeting();
14 else
15 SpellTargetUnit(unit);
16 end
17 return;
18 elseif (CursorHasItem()) then
19 DropItemOnUnit(unit);
20 return;
21 end
23 local frameindex = DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index
24 local action;
25 if (button == "LeftButton") then
26 if (this.subindex) then
27 action = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].leftclick;
28 else
29 action = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].leftclick;
30 end
31 elseif (button == "RightButton") then
32 if (this.subindex) then
33 action = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].rightclick;
34 else
35 action = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].rightclick;
36 end
37 elseif (button == "MiddleButton") then
38 if (this.subindex) then
39 action = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].middleclick;
40 else
41 action = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].middleclick;
42 end
43 end
44 if (action == 1) then
45 TargetUnit(unit);
46 elseif (action == 2) then
47 AssistUnit(unit);
48 elseif (action == 3) then
49 DUF_UnitPopup_ShowMenu(unit);
50 end
51 end
53 function DUF_Element_OnDragStart()
55 this.moving = true;
56 if (this.moveparent) then
57 this:GetParent():StartMoving();
58 else
59 this:StartMoving();
60 end
61 elseif (DUF_FRAMES_UNLOCKED) then
62 if (this.moveparent) then
63 this:GetParent():GetParent():StartMoving();
64 else
65 this:GetParent():StartMoving();
66 end
67 end
68 end
70 function DUF_Element_GetOffsets(element, baseframe, settings)
71 if (settings.attach ~= "Unit Frame" and settings.attach ~= "UIParent") then
72 baseframe = getglobal(baseframe:GetName()..settings.attach);
73 elseif (settings.attach == "UIParent") then
74 baseframe = UIParent;
75 end
76 local xoffset, yoffset = DL_Get_Offsets(element, baseframe, settings.attachpoint, settings.attachto)
77 return xoffset, yoffset;
78 end
80 function DUF_Element_OnDragStop()
82 this.moving = nil;
83 if (this.moveparent) then
84 this:GetParent():StopMovingOrSizing();
85 else
86 this:StopMovingOrSizing();
87 end
88 local frameindex, unitframe, xoffset, yoffset, settings;
89 if (this.moveparent) then
90 frameindex = DUF_FRAME_DATA[this:GetParent():GetParent().unit].index;
91 if (this:GetParent().subindex) then
92 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this:GetParent().index][this:GetParent().subindex];
93 else
94 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this:GetParent().index];
95 end
96 unitframe = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetParent():GetName());
97 xoffset, yoffset = DUF_Element_GetOffsets(this:GetParent(), unitframe, settings);
98 else
99 frameindex = DUF_FRAME_DATA[this:GetParent().unit].index;
100 if (this.subindex) then
101 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex];
102 else
103 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index];
104 end
105 unitframe = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName());
106 xoffset, yoffset = DUF_Element_GetOffsets(this, unitframe, settings);
107 end
108 if (this.subindex) then
109 DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].xoffset = xoffset;
110 DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].yoffset = yoffset;
111 elseif (this.moveparent) then
112 DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this:GetParent().index].xoffset = xoffset;
113 DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this:GetParent().index].yoffset = yoffset;
114 else
115 DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].xoffset = xoffset;
116 DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].yoffset = yoffset;
117 end
118 if (this.moveparent) then
119 local settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this:GetParent().index];
120 local element = DUF_Get_ElementName(this:GetParent().index, this:GetParent().subindex);
121 if (frameindex == "party" or frameindex == "partypet") then
122 for i=1,4 do
123 local unitFrame = DUF_FRAME_DATA[frameindex..i].frame;
124 DUF_Set_ElementPosition(getglobal(unitFrame..element), unitFrame, settings);
125 end
126 else
127 local unitFrame = DUF_FRAME_DATA[frameindex].frame;
128 DUF_Set_ElementPosition(getglobal(unitFrame..element), unitFrame, settings);
129 end
130 else
131 local settings;
132 if (this.subindex) then
133 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex];
134 else
135 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index];
136 end
137 local element = DUF_Get_ElementName(this.index, this.subindex);
138 if (frameindex == "party" or frameindex == "partypet") then
139 for i=1,4 do
140 local unitFrame = DUF_FRAME_DATA[frameindex..i].frame;
141 DUF_Set_ElementPosition(getglobal(unitFrame..element), unitFrame, settings);
142 end
143 else
144 local unitFrame = DUF_FRAME_DATA[frameindex].frame;
145 DUF_Set_ElementPosition(getglobal(unitFrame..element), unitFrame, settings);
146 end
147 end
148 if (DUF_Options) then
149 DUF_Init_BaseOptions();
150 end
151 elseif (DUF_FRAMES_UNLOCKED) then
152 if (this.moveparent) then
153 this = this:GetParent():GetParent();
154 else
155 this = this:GetParent();
156 end
157 DUF_UnitFrame_OnDragStop();
158 end
159 end
161 function DUF_Element_OnEnter()
162 local unit = this:GetParent().unit;
163 local settings;
164 if (this.subindex) then
165 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index][this.index][this.subindex];
166 else
167 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index][this.index];
168 end
170 if (settings.usemouseovercolor) then
171 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(settings.mouseovercolor.r, settings.mouseovercolor.g, settings.mouseovercolor.b, settings.bgalpha);
172 end
174 if (settings.mouseovergroup) then
175 local unitFrame = this:GetParent();
176 local unitFrameName = unitFrame:GetName();
177 local element;
179 if (DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
180 if (DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].usemouseovercolor) then
181 getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].mouseovercolor.r, DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].mouseovercolor.g, DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].mouseovercolor.b, DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].bgalpha);
182 end
183 end
185 for index, value in DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index] do
186 if (type(value) == "table") then
187 if (index == "StatusBar") then
188 for i = 1,6 do
189 if (value[i]) then
190 if (value[i].mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
191 if (value[i].mouseover) then
192 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):Show();
193 elseif (value[i].hidemouseover) then
194 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):SetAlpha(0);
195 end
196 if (value[i].usemouseovercolor) then
197 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i).."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(value[i].mouseovercolor.r, value[i].mouseovercolor.g, value[i].mouseovercolor.b, value[i].bgalpha);
198 end
199 end
200 end
201 end
202 elseif (index == "TextBox") then
203 for i = 1,10 do
204 if (value[i].mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
205 if (value[i].mouseover) then
206 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):Show();
207 elseif (value[i].hidemouseover) then
208 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):SetAlpha(0);
209 end
210 if (value[i].usemouseovercolor) then
211 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i).."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(value[i].mouseovercolor.r, value[i].mouseovercolor.g, value[i].mouseovercolor.b, value[i].bgalpha);
212 end
213 end
214 end
215 else
216 if (value.mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
217 if (value.mouseover) then
218 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):Show();
219 elseif (value.hidemouseover) then
220 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):SetAlpha(0);
221 end
222 if (value.usemouseovercolor) then
223 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index).."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(value.mouseovercolor.r, value.mouseovercolor.g, value.mouseovercolor.b, value.bgalpha);
224 end
225 end
226 end
227 end
228 end
229 end
231 if (settings.hidemouseover) then
232 this.oldalpha = this:GetAlpha();
233 this:SetAlpha(0);
234 end
236 if (settings.disabletooltip) then
237 return;
238 end
239 if (unit and UnitName(unit)) then
240 if (settings.usecustomtooltip) then
241 local text = settings.customtooltip;
242 if (text) then
243 for var, value in DUF_VARIABLE_FUNCTIONS do
244 if (string.find(text, var)) then
245 text = value.func(text, unit);
246 end
247 end
248 GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(GameTooltip, this)
249 GameTooltip:SetText(text, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
250 GameTooltip:Show();
251 end
252 else
253 this.unit = unit;
254 UnitFrame_OnEnter();
255 end
256 end
257 end
259 function DUF_Element_OnEvent(event)
261 end
263 function DUF_Element_OnHide()
264 if (this.moving) then
265 DUF_Element_OnDragStop();
266 end
267 end
269 function DUF_Element_OnLeave()
270 if (this:GetParent().unit and UnitName(this:GetParent().unit)) then
271 this.unit = this:GetParent().unit;
272 UnitFrame_OnLeave();
273 end
275 if (this.moving) then
276 DUF_Element_OnDragStop();
277 end
279 local unit = this:GetParent().unit;
281 local settings;
282 if (this.subindex) then
283 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index][this.index][this.subindex];
284 else
285 settings = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index][this.index];
286 end
288 if (this.oldalpha) then
289 this:SetAlpha(this.oldalpha);
290 this.oldalpha = nil;
291 end
293 if (settings.usemouseovercolor) then
294 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(settings.bgcolor.r, settings.bgcolor.g, settings.bgcolor.b, settings.bgalpha);
295 end
297 if (settings.mouseovergroup) then
298 local unitFrame = this:GetParent();
299 local unitFrameName = unitFrame:GetName();
300 local element;
302 if (DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
303 if (DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].usemouseovercolor) then
304 getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].bgcolor.r, DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].bgcolor.g, DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].bgcolor.b, DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index].bgalpha);
305 end
306 end
308 for index, value in DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index] do
309 if (type(value) == "table") then
310 if (index == "StatusBar") then
311 for i = 1,6 do
312 if (value[i]) then
313 if (value[i].mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
314 if (value[i].mouseover) then
315 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):Hide();
316 elseif (value[i].hidemouseover) then
317 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):SetAlpha(value[i].alpha);
318 end
319 if (value[i].usemouseovercolor) then
320 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i).."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(value[i].bgcolor.r, value[i].bgcolor.g, value[i].bgcolor.b, value[i].bgalpha);
321 end
322 end
323 end
324 end
325 elseif (index == "TextBox") then
326 for i = 1,10 do
327 if (value[i].mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
328 if (value[i].mouseover) then
329 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):Hide();
330 elseif (value[i].hidemouseover) then
331 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):SetAlpha(value[i].alpha);
332 end
333 if (value[i].usemouseovercolor) then
334 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i).."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(value[i].bgcolor.r, value[i].bgcolor.g, value[i].bgcolor.b, value[i].bgalpha);
335 end
336 end
337 end
338 else
339 if (value.mouseovergroup == settings.mouseovergroup) then
340 if (value.mouseover) then
341 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):Hide();
342 elseif (value.hidemouseover) then
343 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index, i)):SetAlpha(value.alpha);
344 end
345 if (value.usemouseovercolor) then
346 getglobal(unitFrameName..DUF_Get_ElementName(index).."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(value.bgcolor.r, value.bgcolor.g, value.bgcolor.b, value.bgalpha);
347 end
348 end
349 end
350 end
351 end
352 end
353 end
355 function DUF_Element_OnLoad()
356 this:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton", "RightButton");
357 this:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp", "Button4Up", "Button5Up");
358 if (string.find(this:GetName(), "Bar")) then
359 this.index = "StatusBar";
360 this.subindex = this:GetID();
361 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "Portrait")) then
362 this.index = "Portrait";
363 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "ClassIcon")) then
364 this.index = "ClassIcon";
365 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "RankIcon")) then
366 this.index = "RankIcon";
367 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "RaceIcon")) then
368 this.index = "RaceIcon";
369 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "Buffs")) then
370 this.index = "Buffs";
371 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "Debuffs")) then
372 this.index = "Debuffs";
373 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "LootIcon")) then
374 this.index = "LootIcon";
375 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "PVPIcon")) then
376 this.index = "PVPIcon";
377 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "LeaderIcon")) then
378 this.index = "LeaderIcon";
379 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "StatusIcon")) then
380 this.index = "StatusIcon";
381 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "TextBox")) then
382 this.index = "TextBox";
383 this.subindex = this:GetID();
384 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "HappinessIcon")) then
385 this.index = "HappinessIcon";
386 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "ComboPoints")) then
387 this.index = "ComboPoints";
388 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "EliteTexture")) then
389 this.index = "EliteTexture";
390 end
391 this.baseframelevel = this:GetFrameLevel();
392 end
394 function DUF_Element_OnShow()
395 if (not DUF_INITIALIZED) then return; end
396 local unit = this:GetParent().unit;
397 local frameindex = DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index;
398 if (string.find(this:GetName(), "TargetHealthBar") or string.find(this:GetName(), "TargetManaBar") or this.checkname) then
399 unit = unit.."target";
400 end
401 local color, bgcolor, bordercolor;
402 local context, bgcontext, bordercontext, bgstyle;
404 if (this.subindex) then
405 context = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].context;
406 bgcontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bgcontext;
407 bordercontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bordercontext;
408 else
409 context = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].context;
410 bgcontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bgcontext;
411 bordercontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bordercontext;
412 end
414 if ((not context) and (not bgcontext) and (not bordercontext)) then return; end
416 if (this.subindex) then
417 bgcolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bgcolor;
418 bordercolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bordercolor;
419 bgalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bgalpha;
420 borderalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].borderalpha;
421 else
422 bgcolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bgcolor;
423 bordercolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bordercolor;
424 bgalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bgalpha;
425 borderalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].borderalpha;
426 end
428 local background = getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background");
430 if (this.index == "StatusBar") then
431 if (this.subindex == 2 or this.subindex == 5) then
432 color = this.manacolor;
433 else
434 color = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].color;
435 end
436 elseif (this.index == "TextBox") then
437 color = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].textcolor;
438 else
439 color = bgcolor;
440 end
442 local r, g, b;
443 if (context and context < 4) then
444 if (context == 1) then
445 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_DifficultyColor(unit, color);
446 elseif (context == 2) then
447 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_ReactionColor(unit, color);
448 elseif (context == 3) then
449 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_ClassColor(unit, color);
450 end
451 DUF_Element_SetColor(r, g, b, bgstyle, bgalpha);
452 end
453 if (bgcontext and bgcontext < 4) then
454 if (bgcontext == 1) then
455 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_DifficultyColor(unit, bgcolor);
456 elseif (bgcontext == 2) then
457 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_ReactionColor(unit, bgcolor);
458 elseif (bgcontext == 3) then
459 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_ClassColor(unit, bgcolor);
460 end
461 background:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, bgalpha);
462 end
463 if (bordercontext and bordercontext < 4) then
464 if (bordercontext == 1) then
465 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_DifficultyColor(unit, color);
466 elseif (bordercontext == 2) then
467 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_ReactionColor(unit, color);
468 elseif (bordercontext == 3) then
469 r, g ,b = DUF_Get_ClassColor(unit, color);
470 end
471 background:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, borderalpha);
472 end
473 end
475 function DUF_Element_OnUpdate(elapsed)
476 if (not DUF_INITIALIZED) then return; end
478 if (not this.timer) then this.timer = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX].updatespeed; end
479 if (not this.index) then return; end
481 if (this.flashing) then
482 this.flashtime = this.flashtime - elapsed;
483 if (this.flashtime < 0) then
484 this.flashtime = .5;
485 if (this.direction) then
486 this.direction = nil;
487 else
488 this.direction = 1;
489 end
490 end
491 if (this.direction) then
492 this:SetAlpha(1 - this.flashtime);
493 else
494 this:SetAlpha(this.flashtime + .5);
495 end
496 end
498 this.timer = this.timer - elapsed;
499 if (this.timer < 0) then
500 this.timer = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX].updatespeed;
501 if (this.index == "TextBox") then
502 this.update = true;
503 end
504 local unit = this:GetParent().unit;
505 local frameindex = DUF_FRAME_DATA[unit].index;
506 if (string.find(this:GetName(), "TargetHealthBar") or string.find(this:GetName(), "TargetManaBar") or this.checkname) then
507 unit = unit.."target";
508 end
510 local context, bgcontext, bordercontext, flash, targetIcon;
511 if (this.subindex) then
512 context = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].context;
513 bgcontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bgcontext;
514 bordercontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bordercontext;
515 flash = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].flashlowhealth;
516 else
517 context = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].context;
518 bgcontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bgcontext;
519 bordercontext = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bordercontext;
520 flash = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].flashlowhealth;
521 end
523 if (flash) then
524 if (UnitHealth(unit) and UnitHealthMax(unit)) then
525 if (UnitHealth(unit) / UnitHealthMax(unit) <= DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX].flashthreshold and UnitHealth(unit) > 0) then
526 if (not this.flashing) then
527 this.flashing = true;
528 this.direction = 1;
529 this.flashtime = .5;
530 end
531 else
532 this.flashing = nil;
533 if (this.subindex) then
534 this:SetAlpha(DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].alpha);
535 else
536 this:SetAlpha(DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].alpha);
537 end
538 end
539 end
540 end
542 if ((not context) and (not bgcontext) and (not bordercontext)) then return; end
544 local color, bgcolor, bordercolor;
545 if (this.subindex) then
546 bgcolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bgcolor;
547 bordercolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bordercolor;
548 bgstyle = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].backgroundstyle;
549 bgalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].bgalpha;
550 borderalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].borderalpha;
551 else
552 bgcolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bgcolor;
553 bordercolor = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bordercolor;
554 bgstyle = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].backgroundstyle;
555 bgalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].bgalpha;
556 borderalpha = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index].borderalpha;
557 end
559 if (this.index == "StatusBar") then
560 if (this.subindex == 2 or this.subindex == 5) then
561 color = this.manacolor;
562 else
563 color = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].color;
564 end
565 elseif (this.index == "TextBox") then
566 color = DUF_Settings[DUF_INDEX][frameindex][this.index][this.subindex].textcolor;
567 else
568 color = bgcolor;
569 end
570 local r, g, b;
571 if (context == 4 or bgcontext == 4 or bordercontext == 4) then
572 local health = UnitHealth(unit);
573 local healthmax = UnitHealthMax(unit);
574 if ( ~= health or this.healthmax ~= this.healthmax) then
575 = health;
576 this.healthmax = healthmax;
577 if (context == 4) then
578 r, g, b = DUF_Get_HealthColor(unit, color);
579 DUF_Element_SetColor(r, g, b, bgstyle, bgalpha);
580 end
581 if (bgcontext == 4) then
582 r, g, b = DUF_Get_HealthColor(unit, bgcolor);
583 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, bgalpha);
584 end
585 if (bordercontext == 4) then
586 r, g, b = DUF_Get_HealthColor(unit, bordercolor);
587 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, borderalpha);
588 end
589 end
590 end
591 if (context == 5 or bgcontext == 5 or bordercontext == 5) then
592 local mana = UnitMana(unit);
593 local manamax = UnitManaMax(unit);
594 if (this.mana ~= mana or this.manamax ~= this.manamax) then
595 this.mana = mana;
596 this.manamax = manamax;
597 if (context == 5) then
598 if (not color) then return; end
599 r, g, b = DUF_Get_ManaColor(unit, color);
600 DUF_Element_SetColor(r, g, b, bgstyle, bgalpha);
601 end
602 if (bgcontext == 5) then
603 r, g, b = DUF_Get_ManaColor(unit, bgcolor);
604 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, bgalpha);
605 end
606 if (bordercontext == 5) then
607 r, g, b = DUF_Get_ManaColor(unit, bordercolor);
608 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, borderalpha);
609 end
610 end
611 end
612 if (context == 2 or bgcontext == 2 or bordercontext == 2) then
613 local reaction = DUF_Get_Reaction(unit);
614 if (this.reaction ~= reaction) then
615 this.reaction = reaction;
616 if (context == 2) then
617 if (not color) then return; end
618 r, g, b = DUF_Get_ReactionColor(unit, color);
619 DUF_Element_SetColor(r, g, b, bgstyle, bgalpha);
620 end
621 if (bgcontext == 2) then
622 r, g, b = DUF_Get_ReactionColor(unit, bgcolor);
623 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, bgalpha);
624 end
625 if (bordercontext == 2) then
626 r, g, b = DUF_Get_ReactionColor(unit, bordercolor);
627 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, borderalpha);
628 end
629 end
630 end
631 end
632 end
634 function DUF_Element_SetColor(r, g, b, bgstyle, alpha)
635 if (this.index == "StatusBar") then
636 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Bar"):SetVertexColor(r, g, b);
637 elseif (this.index == "TextBox") then
638 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Text"):SetTextColor(r, g, b);
639 else
640 getglobal(this:GetName().."_Background"):SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, alpha);
641 end
642 end