vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 function DFM_Add_Frame(frameName, name, header, addChildren, override, changeHeaderOrName, custom)
2 local frame = getglobal(frameName);
4 if (not frame) and (not custom) then
5 DL_Debug("A frame named "..frameName.." does not exist. Double-check your spelling and capitalization.");
6 return;
7 end
9 local oldHeader;
10 for h,frames in DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX] do
11 for f in frames do
12 if (f == frameName) then
13 if (changeHeaderOrName) then
14 oldHeader = h;
15 break;
16 else
17 DL_Error(frameName.." is already listed as "..frames[f].name.." beneath the "..h.." header.");
18 return;
19 end
20 end
21 end
22 end
24 if (not header) then
25 header = DFM_TEXT.UserAdded;
26 end
27 if (not DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header]) then
28 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header] = {};
29 end
30 if (not name or name == "") then
31 name = frameName;
32 end
34 if (oldHeader) then
35 if (oldHeader == header) then
36 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frameName].name = name;
37 else
38 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frameName] = {};
39 DL_Copy_Table(DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][oldHeader][frameName], DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frameName]);
40 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frameName].name = name;
41 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][oldHeader][frameName] = nil;
42 end
43 else
44 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frameName] = {name=name};
46 if (addChildren and frame.GetChildren) then
47 local children = {frame:GetChildren()};
48 if (children) then
49 for _, child in children do
50 if (child.GetName and child:GetName()) then
51 DFM_Add_Frame(child:GetName(), child:GetName(), header, 1, 1);
52 end
53 end
54 end
55 end
56 end
58 if (DFM_Options and (not override)) then
59 if (oldHeader) then
62 end
63 DFM_Update_FrameList();
64 DFM_FrameMenu_Update();
65 DFM_OptionsMenu_Update();
66 end
67 end
69 function DFM_Call_Method(header, frame, method)
70 if (not DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame][method].use) then return; end
71 local param = DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame][method];
72 local prefix = "";
73 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame][method].lock) then
74 prefix = "DFM_";
75 end
76 method = DFM_METHODS_LIST[method].method;
77 frame = getglobal(frame);
78 if (string.find(method, "Color")) then
79 frame[prefix..method](frame, param[1].r, param[1].g, param[1].b, param[2]);
80 elseif (method == "SetBackdrop") then
81 frame[prefix.."SetBackdrop"](frame, {bgFile = param[1], edgeFile = param[2], tile = param[3], tileSize = param[4], edgeSize = param[5], insets = { left = param[6], right = param[7], top = param[8], bottom = param[9] }});
82 elseif (method == "SetFont") then
83 local mc = "false";
84 if (param[4]) then
85 mc = "true";
86 end
87 --local flags = "outline='"..param[3].."', monochrome='""'";
88 frame[prefix.."SetFont"](frame, param[1], param[2]);
89 elseif (method == "SetParent") then
90 local parent = param[1];
91 if (not getglobal(parent)) then
92 parent = UIParent;
93 end
94 frame:SetParent(parent);
95 elseif (method == "EnableMouse" or method == "EnableMouseWheel") then
96 local value;
97 if (not param[1]) then
98 value = 1;
99 end
100 frame[prefix..method](frame, value);
101 else
102 frame[prefix..method](frame, param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4], param[5], param[6], param[7], param[8]);
103 end
104 end
106 function DFM_CastingBarFrame_UpdatePosition()
107 if (not CastingBarFrame.dfmmoved) then
108 DFM_Old_CastingBarFrame_UpdatePosition();
109 end
110 end
112 function DFM_Create_Profile(index)
113 if (not index) then
114 if (DFM_Options) then
115 index = DFM_Options_NewProfile:GetText();
116 if (not index or index == "") then return; end
117 else
118 return;
119 end
120 end
121 if (DFM_Settings[index]) then
122 DL_Error("That profile name already exists. If you wish to overwrite it, you must first delete it.");
123 return;
124 end
125 DFM_Settings[index] = {};
126 DL_Copy_Table(DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX], DFM_Settings[index]);
127 DFM_INDEX = index;
128 DFM_Settings[DFM_PROFILE_INDEX] = index;
129 if (DFM_Options) then
130 DFM_Options_ProfileLabel:SetText(DFM_TEXT.CurrentProfile.."|cFFFFFFFF "..DFM_INDEX);
131 DFM_Update_Profiles();
132 DFM_Options_NewProfile:SetText("");
133 DFM_Options_NewProfile:ClearFocus();
134 end
135 end
137 function DFM_GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(tooltip, parent)
138 if (DFM_Settings.usetooltipanchor) then
139 tooltip:SetOwner(parent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
140 local prefix = "TOP";
141 local suffix = "RIGHT";
142 local x, y = UIParent:GetCenter();
143 local x2, y2 = DFM_GameTooltipAnchor:GetCenter();
144 if (x2 < x) then
145 suffix = "LEFT";
146 end
147 if (y2 < y) then
148 prefix = "BOTTOM";
149 end
150 tooltip:SetPoint(prefix..suffix, DFM_GameTooltipAnchor, prefix..suffix, 0, 0);
151 else
152 DFM_Old_GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor(tooltip, parent);
153 end
154 end
156 function DFM_Initialize()
157 if (DFM_INITIALIZED) then return; end
159 if (not DFM_Settings) then
160 DFM_Settings = {};
161 elseif (not DFM_Settings["INITIALIZED1.0"]) then
162 DFM_Settings = {};
163 end
164 DFM_Settings["INITIALIZED1.0"] = 1;
166 DFM_PROFILE_INDEX = UnitName("player").." :: "..GetCVar("realmName");
167 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_PROFILE_INDEX]) then
169 else
170 DFM_INDEX = DFM_TEXT.Default;
171 DFM_Settings[DFM_PROFILE_INDEX] = DFM_TEXT.Default;
172 end
174 if (not DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX]) then
175 local err = DFM_Load_DefaultSettings();
176 if (err) then
177 DL_Debug("** Default settings not found for Discord Frame Modifier. Unable to initialize. **");
178 return;
179 end
180 end
182 if (not DFM_Initialized) then
183 DFM_Initialized = {};
184 end
187 DFM_Settings.Custom = {};
188 DL_Copy_Table(DFM_CUSTOM_SETTINGS, DFM_Settings.Custom);
190 end
192 if (not DFM_Settings.LoadOnDemandFunctions) then
193 DFM_Settings.LoadOnDemandFunctions = {
194 "AuctionFrame_LoadUI",
195 "BattlefieldMinimap_LoadUI",
196 "ClassTrainerFrame_LoadUI",
197 "CraftFrame_LoadUI",
198 "InspectFrame_LoadUI",
199 "KeyBindingFrame_LoadUI",
200 "MacroFrame_LoadUI",
201 "RaidFrame_LoadUI",
202 "TalentFrame_LoadUI",
203 "TradeSkillFrame_LoadUI"
204 }
205 end
208 DL_Hook("CastingBarFrame_UpdatePosition", "DFM");
209 DL_Hook("GameTooltip_SetDefaultAnchor", "DFM");
211 for _,func in DFM_Settings.LoadOnDemandFunctions do
212 RunScript(string.gsub(DFM_LODHOOKFUNC, "$f", func));
213 DL_Hook(func, "DFM");
214 end
216 DFM_Initialize_AllFrames();
217 end
219 function DFM_Initialize_AllFrames(lod)
220 if (not DFM_Initialized[DFM_INDEX]) then
221 DFM_Initialized[DFM_INDEX] = {};
222 end
223 DFM_Initialized[DFM_INDEX]["1.2"] = 1;
224 if (not DFM_Initialized[DFM_INDEX]["1.2"]) then
225 DFM_Add_Frame("MasterFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
226 DFM_Add_Frame("SystemFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
227 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontNormal", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
228 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontHighlight", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
229 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontDisable", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
230 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontGreen", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
231 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontRed", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
232 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontBlack", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
233 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontWhite", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
234 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontNormalSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
235 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontHighlightSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
236 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontDisableSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
237 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontDarkGraySmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
238 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontGreenSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
239 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontRedSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
240 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontHighlightSmallOutline", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
241 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontNormalLarge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
242 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontHighlightLarge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
243 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontDisableLarge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
244 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontGreenLarge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
245 DFM_Add_Frame("GameFontRedLarge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
246 DFM_Add_Frame("NumberFontNormal", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
247 DFM_Add_Frame("NumberFontNormalSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
248 DFM_Add_Frame("NumberFontNormalLarge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
249 DFM_Add_Frame("NumberFontNormalYellow", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
250 DFM_Add_Frame("NumberFontNormalSmallGray", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
251 DFM_Add_Frame("NumberFontNormalHuge", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
252 DFM_Add_Frame("ChatFontNormal", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
253 DFM_Add_Frame("QuestTitleFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
254 DFM_Add_Frame("QuestFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
255 DFM_Add_Frame("QuestFontNormalSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
256 DFM_Add_Frame("QuestFontHighlight", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
257 DFM_Add_Frame("ItemTextFontNormal", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
258 DFM_Add_Frame("MailTextFontNormal", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
259 DFM_Add_Frame("SubSpellFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
260 DFM_Add_Frame("DialogButtonNormalText", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
261 DFM_Add_Frame("DialogButtonHighlightText", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
262 DFM_Add_Frame("ZoneTextFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
263 DFM_Add_Frame("SubZoneTextFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
264 DFM_Add_Frame("ErrorFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
265 DFM_Add_Frame("TextStatusBarText", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
266 DFM_Add_Frame("TextStatusBarTextSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
267 DFM_Add_Frame("CombatLogFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
268 DFM_Add_Frame("GameTooltipText", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
269 DFM_Add_Frame("GameTooltipTextSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
270 DFM_Add_Frame("GameTooltipHeaderText", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
271 DFM_Add_Frame("WorldMapTextFont", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
272 DFM_Add_Frame("InvoiceTextFontNormal", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
273 DFM_Add_Frame("InvoiceTextFontSmall", nil, "Fonts", nil, 1);
274 DFM_Initialized[DFM_INDEX]["1.2"] = 1;
275 end
276 for header in DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX] do
277 for frame in DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header] do
278 if (lod) then
279 if (getglobal(frame) and (not getglobal(frame).dfminitialized)) then
280 DFM_Initialize_Frame(header, frame);
281 end
282 else
283 DFM_Initialize_Frame(header, frame);
284 end
285 end
286 end
287 if (DFM_Options and DFM_Options:IsVisible()) then
288 DFM_Update_FrameList();
289 DFM_OptionsMenu_Update();
290 end
291 end
293 function DFM_Initialize_Frame(header, frame)
294 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame] and DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].customFrame and (not getglobal(frame))) then
295 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].frameType == "Texture") then
296 UIParent:CreateTexture(frame, "ARTWORK");
297 elseif (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].frameType == "FontString") then
298 UIParent:CreateFontString(frame, "ARTWORK");
299 getglobal(frame):SetFontObject(GameFontNormal);
300 elseif (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].frameType == "Font") then
301 CreateFont(frame);
302 else
303 CreateFrame(DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].frameType, frame, UIParent);
304 end
305 local f = getglobal(frame);
306 f:SetHeight(10);
307 f:SetWidth(10);
308 f:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER", 0, 0);
309 end
310 if (not getglobal(frame)) then return; end
311 local f = getglobal(frame);
312 f.dfminitialized = true;
313 for method=1, table.getn(DFM_METHODS_LIST) do
314 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame][method]) then
315 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame][method].lock) then
316 local methodName = DFM_METHODS_LIST[method].method;
317 if (not f["DFM_"..methodName]) then
318 f["DFM_"..methodName] = f[methodName];
319 f[methodName] = function() end;
320 end
321 end
322 DFM_Call_Method(header, frame, method);
323 end
324 end
325 DFM_Initialize_FrameLocation(header, frame);
326 if (DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].forceHide) then
327 f.DFMShow = f.Show;
328 f.Show = function() end;
329 f:Hide();
330 elseif (f.DFMShow) then
331 f:DFMShow();
332 end
333 for header in DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX] do
334 for frameName in DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header] do
335 local checkParent = getglobal(frameName);
336 if (checkParent and checkParent.GetParent and checkParent:GetParent() and checkParent:GetParent().GetName and checkParent:GetParent():GetName() == frame) then
337 DFM_Initialize_Frame(header, checkParent);
338 end
339 end
340 end
341 end
343 function DFM_Initialize_FrameLocation(header, frame)
344 local settings = DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX][header][frame].Location;
345 if (not settings or not settings.use) then
346 getglobal(frame).dfmmoved = nil;
347 return;
348 end
349 local anchorFrame = settings.frame;
350 if (not getglobal(anchorFrame)) then
351 anchorFrame = "UIParent";
352 end
353 local prefix = "";
354 frame = getglobal(frame);
355 frame.dfmmoved = true;
356 if (settings.lock) then
357 prefix = "DFM_";
358 if (not frame.DFM_SetPoint) then
359 frame.DFM_SetPoint = frame.SetPoint;
360 frame.SetPoint = function() end;
361 end
362 elseif (frame.DFM_SetPoint) then
363 frame.SetPoint = frame.DFM_SetPoint;
364 frame.DFM_SetPoint = nil;
365 end
367 frame:ClearAllPoints();
368 frame[prefix.."SetPoint"](frame, settings.point, anchorFrame,, settings.x, settings.y);
369 end
371 function DFM_Load_DefaultSettings()
372 DFM_Settings[DFM_INDEX] = {};
375 else
376 return true;
377 end
378 end
380 function DFM_Load_Options(framefinder)
381 if (DFM_Options) then return; end
382 UIParentLoadAddOn("DiscordFrameModifierOptions");
383 DL_Set_OptionsTitle("DFM_Options", "DiscordFrameModifierOptions\\title", DFM_VERSION);
384 DL_Layout_Menu("DFM_DropMenu", DFM_DropMenu_OnClick);
385 DL_Layout_ScrollButtons("DFM_ScrollMenu_Button", 10, DFM_ScrollMenu_OnClick);
386 DL_Layout_ScrollButtons("DFM_Options_FrameMenu_Button", 14, DFM_FrameMenu_OnClick);
387 DL_Layout_VerticalFrames("DFM_Options_OptionsMenu_Button", 7, DFM_OptionsMenu_OnClick);
388 DL_Layout_VerticalFrames("DFM_LoDFrame_Menu_Button", 7);
389 DFM_Options_ProfileLabel:SetText(DFM_TEXT.CurrentProfile.."|cFFFFFFFF "..DFM_INDEX);
390 DFM_Update_FrameList();
391 DFM_Update_Profiles();
392 DFM_CreateFrameForm_FrameType_Setting:SetText("Frame");
393 if (framefinder) then
394 DFM_FrameFinder:Show();
395 else
396 DFM_Options:Show();
397 end
398 DFM_FrameMenu_Update();
399 end
401 function DFM_Load_Profile(index)
402 if (not index) then
403 if (DFM_Options) then
404 index = DFM_Options_LoadProfile_Setting:GetText();
405 if (not index or index == "") then return; end
406 else
407 return;
408 end
409 end
410 DFM_Settings[DFM_PROFILE_INDEX] = index;
411 ReloadUI();
412 end
414 function DFM_Main_OnLoad()
415 DiscordLib_RegisterInitFunc(DFM_Initialize);
417 SlashCmdList["DFM"] = DFM_Slash_Handler;
418 SLASH_DFM1 = "/dfm";
419 SLASH_DFM2 = "/discordframemodifier";
420 end
422 function DFM_Slash_Handler(msg)
423 if (msg == "resetall") then
424 DFM_Settings = nil;
425 ReloadUI();
426 elseif (msg == "usetooltipanchor") then
427 if (DFM_Settings.usetooltipanchor) then
428 DFM_Settings.usetooltipanchor = nil;
429 DL_Feedback("Discord Frame Modifier will no longer use its tooltip anchor to position the tooltip.");
430 else
431 DFM_Settings.usetooltipanchor = 1;
432 DL_Feedback("Discord Frame Modifier will now use its tooltip anchor to position the tooltip.");
433 end
434 elseif (msg == "usecontaineranchors") then
435 if (DFM_Settings.usecontineranchors) then
436 DFM_Settings.usecontineranchors = nil;
437 else
438 DFM_Settings.usecontineranchors = 1;
439 end
440 else
441 DFM_Toggle_Options();
442 end
443 end
445 function DFM_Toggle_FrameFinder()
446 if (DFM_Options) then
447 if (DFM_FrameFinder:IsVisible()) then
448 DFM_FrameFinder:Hide();
449 else
450 DFM_FrameFinder:Show();
451 end
452 else
453 DFM_Load_Options(1);
454 end
455 end
457 function DFM_Toggle_Options()
458 if (DFM_Options) then
459 if (DFM_Options:IsVisible()) then
460 DFM_Options:Hide();
461 else
462 DFM_Options:Show();
463 end
464 else
465 DFM_Load_Options();
466 end
467 end
469 DFM_Old_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate = CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate;
470 function DFM_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate()
471 DFM_Old_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate();
472 if ( this.casting ) then
473 local status = GetTime();
474 local sparkPosition = ((status - this.startTime) / (this.maxValue - this.startTime)) * CastingBarFrame:GetWidth();
475 if ( sparkPosition < 0 ) then
476 sparkPosition = 0;
477 end
478 CastingBarSpark:SetPoint("CENTER", CastingBarFrame, "LEFT", sparkPosition, 2);
479 elseif ( this.channeling ) then
480 local time = GetTime();
481 local barValue = this.startTime + (this.endTime - time);
482 local sparkPosition = ((barValue - this.startTime) / (this.endTime - this.startTime)) * CastingBarFrame:GetWidth();
483 CastingBarSpark:SetPoint("CENTER", CastingBarFrame, "LEFT", sparkPosition, 2);
484 end
485 end
486 CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate = DFM_CastingBarFrame_OnUpdate;