vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local L = AceLibrary:GetInstance("AceLocale-2.0"):new("Clique")
2 local dewdrop = AceLibrary("Dewdrop-2.0")
4 local listSelected = 0 -- index of clickCasts selected (0 for none)
5 local maybeDoubleClick = nil -- listSelected prior to an unselect, in case of a double-click (to edit)
6 local editSet
7 local tempButton, tempModifiers, tempTexture
9 function Clique:SpellBookFrame_OnShow()
10 self.hooks[SpellBookFrame].OnShow.orig(SpellBookFrame)
12 -- This darkens the background of the options UI to match the spellbook more closely
13 CliqueBackdropLeft:SetVertexColor(.7,.7,.7,1)
14 CliqueBackdropRight:SetVertexColor(.7,.7,.7,1)
15 CliqueFrame:SetBackdropBorderColor(.5,.5,.5,1)
17 editSet = self.db.char[L"DEFAULT_FRIENDLY"]
18 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
20 local button
21 for i=2,8 do
22 button = getglobal("SpellBookSkillLineTab"..i)
23 if not button:IsVisible() then
24 CliquePulloutTab:ClearAllPoints()
25 CliquePulloutTab:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","SpellBookSkillLineTab"..(i-1),"BOTTOMLEFT",0,-17)
26 break
27 end
28 end
29 end
31 function Clique:SpellButton_OnClick()
32 if not CliqueFrame:IsVisible() then
33 self.hooks[this].OnClick.orig(this)
34 elseif CliqueEditFrame:IsVisible() then
35 -- We're editing a custom spell at the moment
36 return
37 else
38 local id = SpellBook_GetSpellID(this:GetID());
39 local texture = GetSpellTexture(id, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
40 local name, rank = GetSpellName(id, SpellBookFrame.bookType)
41 local a,c,s = IsAltKeyDown() or 0, IsControlKeyDown() or 0, IsShiftKeyDown() or 0
42 this:SetChecked(nil)
44 if rank and string.find(rank, "Passive") then
45 StaticPopup_Show("CLIQUE_PASSIVE_SKILL")
46 return
47 end
49 local modifiers = 0
50 modifiers = 0
51 modifiers = bit.bor(modifiers, a * 1)
52 modifiers = bit.bor(modifiers, c * 2)
53 modifiers = bit.bor(modifiers, s * 4)
55 local t = {}
56 t.button = arg1
57 t.texture = texture
58 t.modifiers = modifiers
59 = name
61 if self:CheckBinding(arg1, t.modifiers) then
62 return
63 end
65 local _,_,numrank = string.find(rank, L"RANK" .. " (%d+)")
66 t.rank = numrank
68 table.insert(editSet, t)
69 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
70 Clique:BuildActionTable()
71 end
72 end
74 StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_AUTO_SELF_CAST"] = {
75 text = "Clique will not work properly with Blizzard's AutoSelfCast. Please disable it.",
76 button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
77 OnAccept = function()
78 end,
79 timeout = 0,
80 hideOnEscape = 1
81 }
84 function Clique:CheckBinding(button, modifiers)
85 for k,v in ipairs(editSet) do
86 if modifiers == v.modifiers and button == v.button then
87 self:Debug("Found an existing instance of %s and %d.", button, modifiers)
89 -- Stop the binding from happening
90 return true
91 end
92 end
93 -- Allow the new binding
94 return nil
95 end
97 function Clique.ListScrollUpdate()
98 local idx,button
99 local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueListScroll)
100 local clickCasts = editSet
102 FauxScrollFrame_Update(CliqueListScroll, table.getn(clickCasts), 6, 48 )
104 Clique:SortList()
105 CliqueListFrame:Show()
107 for i=1,6 do
108 idx = offset + i
109 button = getglobal("CliqueList"..i)
110 if idx<=table.getn(clickCasts) then
111 Clique:FillListEntry("CliqueList"..i,idx)
112 button:Show()
113 if idx == listSelected then
114 button.lockedHighlight = 1
115 getglobal("CliqueList"..i.."Highlight"):Show()
116 else
117 button.lockedHighlight = nil
118 getglobal("CliqueList"..i.."Highlight"):Hide()
119 end
120 else
121 button:Hide()
122 end
123 end
124 Clique:ValidateButtons()
125 end
127 function Clique.SortFunc(a,b)
128 -- Calculate modifier score
129 -- The more modifiers you have, the higher your score
131 if == then
132 if a.rank and b.rank then
133 return a.rank < b.rank
134 elseif a.action and b.action then
135 return a.action < b.action
136 else
137 return a.modifiers < b.modifiers
138 end
139 else
140 return <
141 end
142 end
144 function Clique:SortList()
145 table.sort(editSet, self.SortFunc)
146 end
148 -- fills the members of the ClickListTemplate for button (string frame name) and ClickIdx index to clickCasts
149 function Clique:FillListEntry(button, clickIdx)
150 local clickCasts = editSet[clickIdx]
151 getglobal(button.."Icon"):SetTexture(clickCasts.texture or "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Gizmo_02")
152 getglobal(button.."Name"):SetText( or L"CUSTOM_SCRIPT")
153 getglobal(button.."Rank"):SetText(clickCasts.rank and L"RANK" .. " " .. clickCasts.rank or "")
154 getglobal(button.."Binding"):SetText(Clique:GetBindingText(clickIdx))
155 end
157 -- the tab attached to the spellbook that toggles the window
158 function Clique:Toggle()
159 Clique:EditCancel()
160 if CliqueFrame:IsVisible() then
161 CliquePulloutTab:SetChecked(0)
162 CliqueFrame:Hide()
163 dewdrop:Close()
164 else
165 CliquePulloutTab:SetChecked(1)
166 CliqueFrame:Show()
167 self:ValidateButtons()
168 end
169 end
171 -- returns "Modifier+Modifier+Click" string for clickCasts index
172 function Clique:GetBindingText(clickIdx)
173 local click = editSet[clickIdx]
174 local alt = (, 1) > 0) and "Alt+" or ""
175 local control = (, 2) > 0) and "Ctrl+" or ""
176 local shift = (, 4) > 0) and "Shift+" or ""
177 return string.format("%s%s%s%s", alt,control,shift,click.button)
178 end
180 --[[ Grey button functions ]]
182 -- for both CliqueListFrame and CliqueEditFrame, turn buttons on and off
183 function Clique:ValidateButtons()
184 if CliqueListFrame:IsVisible() then
185 if listSelected==0 then
186 CliqueButtonDelete:Disable()
187 CliqueButtonEdit:Disable()
188 CliqueButtonMax:Disable()
189 Clique:SetTutorial("MAIN")
190 else
191 Clique:SetTutorial("SELECTED")
192 CliqueButtonDelete:Enable()
193 CliqueButtonEdit:Enable()
194 if editSet[listSelected].rank then
195 CliqueButtonMax:Enable()
196 else
197 CliqueButtonMax:Disable()
198 end
199 end
200 end
201 end
203 -- All the grey button clicks go through here
204 function Clique:ButtonOnClick(override)
205 local source = override or this -- other parts of mod can call this, or the button itself did if not override
207 if source==CliqueButtonOk then -- "Ok" : close list window
208 CliqueFrame:Hide()
209 CliquePulloutTab:SetChecked(0)
210 dewdrop:Close()
211 elseif source==CliqueButtonEdit then -- "Edit" : edit selected entry
212 --Clique:FillListEntry("CliqueEditEntry",listSelected)
213 tempButton = editSet[listSelected].button
214 tempModifiers = editSet[listSelected].modifiers
215 tempTexture = editSet[listSelected].texture
217 CliqueEditBindingName:SetText(Clique:GetBindingText(listSelected))
218 CliqueEditIconTexture:SetTexture(editSet[listSelected].texture or "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Gizmo_02")
220 CliqueEditBox:SetText(editSet[listSelected].action)
221 CliqueNameEditBox:SetText(editSet[listSelected].name)
222 Clique:SetTutorial("EDIT")
223 CliqueListFrame:Hide()
224 CliqueEditFrame:Show()
225 if editSet[listSelected].action then
226 CliqueTextEditBox:Show()
227 --CliqueNameEditBox:Show()
228 --CliqueNameEditBox:EnableMouse(true)
229 --CliqueNameEditBox:EnableKeyboard(true)
230 CliqueNameEditBox.readOnly = false
231 CliqueFocusGrabber:Show()
232 else
233 CliqueTextEditBox:Hide()
234 --CliqueNameEditBox:Hide()
235 --CliqueNameEditBox:EnableMouse(nil)
236 --CliqueNameEditBox:EnableKeyboard(nil)
237 CliqueNameEditBox.readOnly = true
238 CliqueFocusGrabber:Hide()
239 end
240 elseif source==CliqueButtonDelete then -- "Delete" : remove entry from Clique.clickCasts
241 table.remove(editSet,listSelected)
242 listSelected = math.min(listSelected,table.getn(editSet))
243 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
244 Clique:BuildActionTable()
245 elseif source==CliqueButtonNew then -- "New" : add a new entry and go edit it
246 table.insert(editSet,{name="Custom",button=L"BINDING_NOT_DEFINED",modifiers=0,action="",custom=true})
247 listSelected = table.getn(editSet)
248 Clique:ButtonOnClick(CliqueButtonEdit)
249 elseif source==CliqueButtonSave then -- "Save" : Save editbox to Clique.clickCasts[x].action and go back to list
250 if CliqueEditBox:IsVisible() then
251 editSet[listSelected].action = CliqueEditBox:GetText()
252 end
253 editSet[listSelected].name = CliqueNameEditBox:GetText()
254 -- Close the icon select frame either way
256 Clique:EditCancel() -- go back to CliqueListFrame
257 Clique:BuildActionTable()
258 listSelected = 0
259 dewdrop:Close()
260 Clique:SetTutorial("SELECTED")
261 elseif source==CliqueButtonCancel then -- "Cancel" : Abort changes and go back to list
262 if CliqueIconSelectFrame:IsVisible() then
263 CliqueIconSelectFrame:Hide()
264 return
265 end
267 if CliqueEditFrame:IsVisible() then
268 local entry = editSet[listSelected]
269 if entry then
270 if entry.custom and not entry.texture and == "Custom" and entry.button == L"BINDING_NOT_DEFINED" and entry.action == "" then
271 table.remove(editSet, listSelected)
272 listSelected = 0
273 end
274 if tempButton and entry.button ~= tempButton then
275 entry.button = tempButton
276 end
277 if tempModifiers and entry.modifiers ~= tempModifiers then
278 entry.modifiers = tempModifiers
279 end
280 if tempTexture and entry.texture ~= tempTexture then
281 entry.texture = tempTexture
282 end
283 end
284 end
286 Clique:EditCancel()
287 dewdrop:Close()
288 Clique:SetTutorial("SELECTED")
289 elseif source==CliqueButtonMax then -- "Max Rank" : Remove rank value from table
290 local click = editSet[listSelected]
291 click.rank = nil
292 --Clique:FillListEntry("CliqueEditEntry",listSelected)
293 self:ListScrollUpdate()
294 Clique:BuildActionTable()
295 elseif source==CliqueButtonHelp then
296 if CliqueTutorial:IsVisible() then
297 CliqueTutorial:Hide()
298 else
299 CliqueTutorial:Show()
300 end
301 end
302 Clique:ValidateButtons()
303 end
305 --[[ CliqueListFrame functions (note most of work done in Clique.ButtonOnClick) ]]
306 -- the central list update function: shows help if needed, highlights, validates buttons, etc. Call anytime clickCasts changes
307 -- when a list entry on ClickListFrame is clicked: select or unselect entry
308 function Clique:ListOnClick()
309 local idx = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueListScroll) + this:GetID()
310 maybeDoubleClick = idx
311 listSelected = (listSelected==idx) and 0 or idx
312 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
313 end
315 -- when a list entry on ClickListFrame is double clicked: edit entry irregardless of selection
316 function Clique:ListOnDoubleClick()
317 if maybeDoubleClick then
318 listSelected = maybeDoubleClick
319 Clique:ButtonOnClick(CliqueButtonEdit)
320 end
321 end
323 --[[ CliqueEditFrame functions (note most of work done in Clique.ButtonOnClick) ]]
324 -- go from ClickEditFrame to ClickListFrame
325 function Clique:EditCancel()
326 CliqueEditFrame:Hide()
327 CliqueListFrame:Show()
328 listSelected = 0
329 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
330 CliqueIconSelectFrame:Hide()
331 end
333 -- updates key binding from when the user does a click combo on the entry above the edit box
334 function Clique:EditSelectedBinding()
335 local click = editSet[listSelected]
336 a = IsAltKeyDown() or 0
337 s = IsShiftKeyDown() or 0
338 c = IsControlKeyDown() or 0
340 local modifiers = 0
341 modifiers = bit.bor(modifiers, a * 1)
342 modifiers = bit.bor(modifiers, c * 2)
343 modifiers = bit.bor(modifiers, s * 4)
345 if self:CheckBinding(arg1, modifiers) then
346 return
347 end
349 click.button = arg1
350 click.modifiers = modifiers
352 CliqueEditBindingName:SetText(Clique:GetBindingText(listSelected))
353 Clique:BuildActionTable()
354 end
356 function Clique:DropDown_OnShow()
357 = self:ClearTable(
358 for k,v in pairs(self.db.char) do
359 table.insert(, k)
360 end
361 table.sort(
363 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, Clique.DropDown_Initialize);
364 UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(CliqueDropDown, editSet)
365 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
366 end
368 function Clique.DropDown_Initialize()
369 local info = {}
371 for k,v in ipairs( do
372 info = {};
373 info.text = v;
374 info.value = Clique.db.char[v];
375 info.func = Clique.DropDown_OnClick;
376 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
377 end
378 end
380 function Clique.DropDown_OnClick()
381 UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(CliqueDropDown, this.value);
382 editSet = this.value
383 listSelected = 0
384 Clique:ListScrollUpdate()
385 end
387 function Clique:EnableTooltips()
388 -- Set Dropdown selection
389 self:SetTooltip(CliqueDropDown, L"TT_DROPDOWN")
390 --[[
391 self:SetTooltip(CliqueList1, L"TT_LIST_ENTRY")
392 self:SetTooltip(CliqueList2, L"TT_LIST_ENTRY")
393 self:SetTooltip(CliqueList3, L"TT_LIST_ENTRY")
394 self:SetTooltip(CliqueList4, L"TT_LIST_ENTRY")
395 self:SetTooltip(CliqueList5, L"TT_LIST_ENTRY")
396 self:SetTooltip(CliqueList6, L"TT_LIST_ENTRY")
397 --]]
398 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonDelete, L"TT_DEL_BUTTON")
399 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonMax, L"TT_MAX_BUTTON")
400 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonNew, L"TT_NEW_BUTTON")
401 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonEdit, L"TT_EDIT_BUTTON")
402 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonOk, L"TT_OK_BUTTON")
403 --self:SetTooltip(CliqueEditEntry, L"TT_EDIT_BINDING")
405 --self:SetTooltip(CliqueNameEditBox, L"TT_NAME_EDITBOX")
406 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonSave, L"TT_SAVE_BUTTON")
407 self:SetTooltip(CliqueButtonCancel, L"TT_CANCEL_BUTTON")
408 self:SetTooltip(CliqueTextEditBox, L"TT_TEXT_EDITBOX")
409 self:SetTooltip(CliquePulloutTab, L"TT_PULLOUT_TAB")
410 end
412 function Clique:SetTutorial(screen)
413 local message = ""
415 if screen == "MAIN" then
416 message = "Using Clique is very simple. Find a spell in the spellbook to the left, and then click on it. When clicking you can hold any number of modifiers (Alt, Control and Shift) and you can use any button on your mouse (Left, Right, Middle, Button4 and Button5.) This will add a spell to the list above.\n\nYou can also use the \"New\" button to add a custom lua script."
417 elseif screen == "SELECTED" then
418 message = "You have selected a spell or custom script. If this is a spell (from the spellbook) and you'd like to always cast the highest rank, click the \"Max\" button.\n\nYou can also use the \"Edit\" button to change the binding of a spell, or the name/lua code of a custom script."
419 elseif screen == "EDIT" then
420 message = "You are in the edit screen. You can re-bind this cast by clicking the button above. In custom scripts, you can use Clique.unit to refer to the unit we're clicking on.\n\nYou may also right-click in the edit box to pop up a list of custom functions that are available to you. See the documentation for more details."
421 end
423 CliqueTutorialText:SetText(message)
424 end
426 function Clique:UpdateIconFrame()
427 local MAX_MACROS = 18;
428 local NUM_MACRO_ICONS_SHOWN = 20;
429 local NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW = 5;
430 local NUM_ICON_ROWS = 4;
431 local MACRO_ICON_ROW_HEIGHT = 36;
432 local macroPopupOffset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(CliqueIconScrollFrame);
433 local numMacroIcons = GetNumMacroIcons();
435 -- Icon list
436 for i=1, NUM_MACRO_ICONS_SHOWN do
437 macroPopupIcon = getglobal("CliqueIcon"..i.."Icon");
438 macroPopupButton = getglobal("CliqueIcon"..i);
440 if not macroPopupButton.icon then
441 macroPopupButton.icon = macroPopupIcon
442 end
444 index = (macroPopupOffset * NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW) + i;
445 if ( index <= numMacroIcons ) then
446 macroPopupIcon:SetTexture(GetMacroIconInfo(index));
447 macroPopupButton:Show();
448 else
449 macroPopupIcon:SetTexture("");
450 macroPopupButton:Hide();
451 end
452 macroPopupButton:SetChecked(nil);
453 end
455 FauxScrollFrame_Update(CliqueIconScrollFrame, ceil(numMacroIcons / NUM_ICONS_PER_ROW) , NUM_ICON_ROWS, MACRO_ICON_ROW_HEIGHT );
456 end
458 function Clique:SetSpellIcon(texture)
459 editSet[listSelected].texture = texture
460 CliqueEditIconTexture:SetTexture(texture)
461 end
463 function Clique:ClickSpellIcon()
464 Clique:SetSpellIcon(this.icon:GetTexture())
465 CliqueIconSelectFrame:Hide()
466 if editSet[listSelected].custom then
467 CliqueTextEditBox:Show()
468 end
469 end
471 --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
472 Handle the function dropdown, with registrations
473 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
475 local function InsertEditBox(text)
476 CliqueEditBox:Insert(text.."\n")
477 end
479 function Clique:RegisterCustomFunction(code, display, tooltip)
480 if not code or type(code) ~= "string" then
481 error("Bad argument #1 to 'RegisterCustomFunction', (string expected got " .. type(code) .. ")")
482 end
483 if not display or type(display) ~= "string" then
484 error("Bad argument #2 to 'RegisterCustomFunction', (string expected got " .. type(display) .. ")")
485 end
486 if not tooltip or type(tooltip) ~= "string" then
487 error("Bad argument #3 to 'RegisterCustomFunction', (string expected got " .. type(tooltip) .. ")")
488 end
490 -- Create the table if it doesn't exist
491 if not self.CustomFunctions then self.CustomFunctions = {} end
493 local t = {["code"] = code, ["display"] = display, ["tooltip"] = tooltip}
494 table.insert(self.CustomFunctions, t)
495 end
497 local function DewDropMenu()
498 dewdrop:AddLine(
499 'text', "Custom Functions",
500 'isTitle', true)
502 for k,v in ipairs(Clique.CustomFunctions) do
503 Clique:LevelDebug(2, "Adding Custom Function %s", v.display)
504 dewdrop:AddLine(
505 'text', v.display,
506 'closeWhenClicked', true,
507 'arg1', v.code,
508 'func', InsertEditBox,
509 'tooltipText', v.tooltip)
510 end
511 end
513 function Clique:DropMenu(frame)
514 dewdrop:Open(frame, 'children', DewDropMenu, 'cursorX', true, 'cursorY', true)
515 end
517 StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_PASSIVE_SKILL"] = {
518 text = "You can't bind a passive skill.",
519 button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
520 OnAccept = function()
521 end,
522 timeout = 0,
523 hideOnEscape = 1
524 }
526 StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_BINDING_PROBLEM"] = {
527 text = "That combination is already bound. Delete the old one before trying to re-bind.",
528 button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
529 OnAccept = function()
530 end,
531 timeout = 0,
532 hideOnEscape = 1
533 };
535 StaticPopupDialogs["CLIQUE_AUTOSELFCAST"] = {
536 text = "Clique will not work properly if Blizzard's AutoSelfCast is enabled. Please disable it under the Interface Options.",
537 button1 = TEXT(OKAY),
538 OnAccept = function()
539 end,
540 timeout = 0,
541 hideOnEscape = 1
542 };