vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat = 0;
2 CThunWarnerStatus_Alarm = 1;
3 CThunWarnerStatus_Timer = 1;
4 CThunWarnerStatus_PlaySound = 1;
5 CThunWarnerStatus_SoundPhase2 = 0;
6 CThunWarnerStatus_ShowList = 4;
7 CThunWarnerStatus_Fake = 0;
8 CThunWarnerStatus_RangeStatus = 0;
9 CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime = 0;
10 CThunWarnerStatus_LastTimeCheck = 0;
11 CThunWarnerStatus_LastTimeSound = 0;
12 CThunWarnerStatus_Scale = 2;
13 CThunWarnerStatus_Locked = 0;
14 CThunWarnerStatus_InStomach = 0;
15 CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound = 0;
16 CThunWarnerStatus_Players = {};
17 CThunWarnerStatus_PlayersStomach = {};
18 CThunWarnerStatus_DigestiveAcidTexture = "Interface\\Icons\\Ability_Creature_Disease_02";
19 CThunWarnerStatus_Emote = "%s is weakened!";
20 CThunWarnerStatus_Dies = "Eye of C'Thun dies.";
21 CThunWarnerStatus_Victory = "C'Thun dies.";
22 CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible = true;
23 CThunWarnerStatus_VersionCheck = {};
24 CThunWarnerStatus_Offline = {};
25 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning = false;
26 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckProgress = 0;
27 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckTime = 3;
29 function CThunWarner_OnLoad()
30 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
31 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
32 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
33 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
34 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_ADDON");
35 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE");
36 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH");
37 SLASH_CThunWarner1 = "/ctw";
38 SlashCmdList["CThunWarner"] = CThunWarner_SlashHandler;
39 end
41 function CThunWarner_SlashHandler(arg1)
42 local _, _, command, args = string.find(arg1, "(%w+)%s?(.*)");
43 if(command) then
44 command = strlower(command);
45 else
46 command = "";
47 end
48 if(command == "sound") then
49 if(args == "on") then
50 CThunWarnerStatus_PlaySound = 1;
51 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Sound:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r.");
52 elseif(args == "off") then
53 CThunWarnerStatus_PlaySound = 0;
54 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Sound:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
55 end
56 elseif(command == "check") then
57 if(UnitInRaid("player")) then
58 CThunWarner_Check();
59 else
60 CThunWarner_Print("You are not in a raid.")
61 end
62 elseif(command == "fake") then
63 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Fake == 0) then
64 if(not CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible()) then
65 CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible = false;
66 CThunWarnerFrame:Show();
67 end
68 CThunWarnerStatus_Fake = 1;
69 CThunWarnerStatusBar_Timer(8);
70 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Alarm == 1) then
71 PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CThunWarner\\alarm.mp3");
72 end
73 else
74 CThunWarnerStatusBar:Hide();
75 CThunWarnerStatus_Fake = 0;
76 if(not CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible) then
77 CThunWarner_Off();
78 end
79 CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible = true;
80 end
81 elseif(command == "alarm") then
82 if(args == "on") then
83 CThunWarnerStatus_Alarm = 1;
84 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Alarm:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r.");
85 elseif(args == "off") then
86 CThunWarnerStatus_Alarm = 0;
87 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Alarm:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
88 end
89 elseif(command == "timer") then
90 if(args == "on") then
91 CThunWarnerStatus_Timer = 1;
92 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Timer:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r.");
93 elseif(args == "off") then
94 CThunWarnerStatus_Timer = 0;
95 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Timer:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
96 end
97 elseif(command == "soundphase2") then
98 if(args == "on") then
99 CThunWarnerStatus_SoundPhase2 = 1;
100 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Phase2 Sound:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r.");
101 elseif(args == "off") then
102 CThunWarnerStatus_SoundPhase2 = 0;
103 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Phase2 Sound:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
104 end
105 elseif(command == "lock") then
106 CThunWarnerStatus_Locked = 1;
107 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Position:|r |cFFFFFF00Locked|r.");
108 elseif(command == "unlock") then
109 CThunWarnerStatus_Locked = 0;
110 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Position:|r |cFFFFFF00Unlocked|r.");
111 elseif(command == "reset") then
112 CThunWarnerStatus_Locked = 0;
113 CThunWarnerFrame:SetScale(2);
114 CThunWarnerStatus_Scale = 2;
115 CThunWarnerFrame:ClearAllPoints();
116 CThunWarnerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent");
117 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Position:|r |cFFFFFF00Reset|r.");
118 elseif(command == "scale") then
119 if(tonumber(args)) then
120 local newscale = tonumber(args);
121 CThunWarnerStatus_Locked = 0;
122 CThunWarnerFrame:SetScale(newscale);
123 CThunWarnerStatus_Scale = newscale;
124 CThunWarnerFrame:ClearAllPoints();
125 CThunWarnerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent");
126 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Scale:|r |cFFFFFF00"..newscale.."|r.");
127 end
128 elseif(command == "list") then
129 if(tonumber(args)) then
130 local newlines = tonumber(args);
131 CThunWarnerStatus_ShowList = newlines;
132 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Player List:|r |cFFFFFF00"..newlines.."|r.");
133 end
134 elseif(command == "ooc") then
135 CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat = 0;
136 CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound = 0;
137 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955Sound:|r |cFFFFFF00Reset|r.");
138 elseif(command == "help") then
139 CThunWarner_Print("Command List:");
140 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw on/off", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
141 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw alarm on/off", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
142 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw sound on/off", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
143 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw timer on/off", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
144 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw soundphase2 on/off", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
145 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw list 0..40", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
146 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw scale 1..9", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
147 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw reset", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
148 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw lock", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
149 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw unlock", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
150 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw ooc", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
151 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw fake", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
152 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" /ctw check", 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
153 CThunWarner_Print("Command List.");
154 elseif(command == "on") then
155 CThunWarnerFrame:Show();
156 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r.");
157 elseif(command == "off") then
158 CThunWarner_Off();
159 CThunWarnerStatus_Fake = 0;
160 CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible = true;
161 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
162 elseif(command == "") then
163 if(CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible()) then
164 CThunWarner_Off();
165 CThunWarnerStatus_Fake = 0;
166 CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible = true;
167 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
168 else
169 CThunWarnerFrame:Show();
170 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r.");
171 end
172 else
173 CThunWarner_Print("Type /ctw help for a command list.");
174 end
175 end
177 function CThunWarner_OnEvent(event)
178 if(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED" and GetZoneText() == "Ahn'Qiraj") then
179 if(CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible()) then
180 CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat = 1;
181 end
182 elseif(event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED" and CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat == 1) then
183 CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat = 0;
184 CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound = 0;
185 elseif(event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
186 CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat = 0;
187 CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound = 0;
188 elseif(event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
189 CThunWarnerFrame:SetScale(CThunWarnerStatus_Scale);
190 elseif(event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" and UnitInRaid("player")) then
191 if(arg1 == "CThunWarner" and arg3 == "RAID") then
192 CThunWarner_Reply(arg2, arg4);
193 end
194 elseif(event == "CHAT_MSG_MONSTER_EMOTE" and CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible() and GetZoneText() == "Ahn'Qiraj") then
195 if(arg1 == CThunWarnerStatus_Emote) then
196 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Alarm == 1) then
197 PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CThunWarner\\alarm.mp3");
198 end
199 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Timer == 1) then
200 CThunWarnerStatusBar_Timer(45);
201 end
202 end
203 elseif(event == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH" and CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible() and GetZoneText() == "Ahn'Qiraj") then
204 if(arg1 == CThunWarnerStatus_Dies) then
205 if(CThunWarnerStatus_SoundPhase2 == 0) then
206 CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound = 1;
207 end
208 elseif(arg1 == CThunWarnerStatus_Victory) then
209 CThunWarner_Off();
210 CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat = 0;
211 CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound = 0;
212 CThunWarner_Print("|cFF5DFC0AVictory!|r |cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00Off|r.");
213 end
214 end
215 end
217 function CThunWarner_OnUpdate(arg1)
218 CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime = CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime + arg1;
219 if(CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime > (CThunWarnerStatus_LastTimeCheck+0.1)) then
220 local unitid;
221 CThunWarnerStatus_Players = {};
222 CThunWarnerStatus_PlayersStomach = {};
223 CThunWarnerStatus_InStomach = 0;
224 for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers(), 1 do
225 unitid = "raid"..i;
226 if(not UnitIsDeadOrGhost(unitid)) then
227 if(not UnitIsUnit(unitid, "player")) then
228 if(CheckInteractDistance(unitid, 3)) then
229 tinsert(CThunWarnerStatus_Players, (UnitName(unitid)));
230 end
231 end
232 for a=1,16 do
233 local t,c = UnitDebuff(unitid,a);
234 if(t == nil) then break; end;
235 if(t == CThunWarnerStatus_DigestiveAcidTexture) then
236 if(UnitIsUnit(unitid, "player")) then
237 CThunWarnerStatus_InStomach = 1;
238 end
239 tinsert(CThunWarnerStatus_PlayersStomach, unitid);
240 break;
241 end
242 end
243 end
244 end
245 if(getn(CThunWarnerStatus_Players) > 0) then
246 CThunWarnerStatus_RangeStatus = 1;
247 CThunWarnerStatusTexture:SetVertexColor(1,0,0);
248 if(CThunWarnerStatus_InCombat == 1 and CThunWarnerStatus_PlaySound == 1 and CThunWarnerStatus_TempDisableSound == 0 and CThunWarnerStatus_InStomach == 0) then
249 if(CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime > (CThunWarnerStatus_LastTimeSound+1)) then
250 PlaySoundFile("Interface\\AddOns\\CThunWarner\\beep.mp3");
251 CThunWarnerStatus_LastTimeSound = CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime;
252 end
253 end
254 else
255 CThunWarnerStatus_RangeStatus = 0;
256 CThunWarnerStatusTexture:SetVertexColor(0,1,0);
257 end
258 CThunWarner_UpdateList();
259 CThunWarner_UpdateStomachList();
260 CThunWarnerStatus_LastTimeCheck = CThunWarnerStatus_CurrentTime;
261 end
262 if(CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning) then
263 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckProgress = CThunWarnerStatus_CheckProgress + arg1;
264 if(CThunWarnerStatus_CheckProgress > CThunWarnerStatus_CheckTime) then
265 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning = false;
266 local foundcount = 0;
267 local notfoundcount = 0;
268 local notfound = "Not Found: ";
269 for i=1,MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
270 local raidname = (UnitName("raid"..i));
271 if(CThunWarnerStatus_VersionCheck[raidname] == false) then
272 notfoundcount = notfoundcount + 1;
273 notfound = notfound.."|Hplayer:"..raidname.."|h["..raidname.."]|h, ";
274 elseif(CThunWarnerStatus_VersionCheck[raidname] == true and raidname ~= UnitName("player")) then
275 foundcount = foundcount + 1;
276 end
277 end
278 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF5333"..notfound.."("..notfoundcount.." Total)|r");
279 CThunWarner_Print("|cFF5DFC0AFound: ("..foundcount.." Total)|r");
280 end
281 end
282 end
284 function CThunWarnerStatusBar_Timer(time)
285 CThunWarnerStatusBar.startTime = GetTime();
286 CThunWarnerStatusBar.endTime = CThunWarnerStatusBar.startTime + time;
287 CThunWarnerStatusBar:SetMinMaxValues(CThunWarnerStatusBar.startTime, CThunWarnerStatusBar.endTime);
288 CThunWarnerStatusBar:SetValue(CThunWarnerStatusBar.startTime);
289 CThunWarnerStatusBar:Show();
290 end
292 function CThunWarnerStatusBar_OnUpdate()
293 local time = GetTime();
294 if(time > this.endTime) then
295 time = this.endTime
296 end
297 if(time == this.endTime) then
298 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Fake == 1) then
299 CThunWarnerStatus_Fake = 0;
300 if(not CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible) then
301 CThunWarner_Off();
302 CThunWarnerStatus_WasVisible = true;
303 end
304 end
305 this:Hide();
306 return;
307 end
308 this:SetValue(this.startTime + (this.endTime - time));
309 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText(format("%.2f", this.endTime - time));
310 end
312 function CThunWarner_UpdateList()
313 CThunWarnerTooltip:SetOwner(CThunWarnerFrame, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT");
314 CThunWarnerTooltip:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM");
315 if(CThunWarnerStatus_RangeStatus == 0 or CThunWarnerStatus_ShowList == 0) then
316 CThunWarnerTooltip:Hide();
317 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Fake == 1) then
318 CThunWarnerTooltip:SetOwner(CThunWarnerFrame, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT");
319 CThunWarnerTooltip:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM");
320 CThunWarnerTooltip:ClearLines();
321 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("Linking:",0.890,0.811,0.341,0);
322 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("- Farming",1,0.498,0,0);
323 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("- Stranglekelp",0.666,0.666,1,0);
324 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("- Liferoot",0.666,0.666,1,0);
325 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("- Forever",1,0.498,0,0);
326 CThunWarnerTooltip:Show();
327 end
328 else
329 CThunWarnerTooltip:ClearLines();
330 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("Linking:",0.890,0.811,0.341,0);
331 local index = 1;
332 for key, player in CThunWarnerStatus_Players do
333 for i=1,MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
334 local partyid = "raid"..i;
335 if((player == (UnitName(partyid))) and UnitExists(partyid) and UnitInParty(partyid)) then
336 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("- "..player,0.666,0.666,1,0);
337 else
338 if((player == (UnitName(partyid))) and UnitExists(partyid) and not UnitInParty(partyid)) then
339 CThunWarnerTooltip:AddLine("- "..player,1,0.498,0,0);
340 end
341 end
342 end
343 if(index >= CThunWarnerStatus_ShowList) then
344 break;
345 end
346 index = index + 1;
347 end
348 CThunWarnerTooltip:Show();
349 end
350 end
352 function CThunWarner_UpdateStomachList()
353 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:SetOwner(CThunWarnerFrame, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
354 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM");
355 if(getn(CThunWarnerStatus_PlayersStomach) == 0 or CThunWarnerStatus_ShowList == 0 or CThunWarnerStatus_InStomach == 1) then
356 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:Hide();
357 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Fake == 1) then
358 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:SetOwner(CThunWarnerFrame, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
359 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM");
360 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:ClearLines();
361 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:AddLine("Stomach:",0.635,0.737,0.074,0);
362 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:AddLine("- Pepcid",0.666,0.666,1,0);
363 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:AddLine("- Reflux",1,0.498,0,0);
364 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:Show();
365 end
366 else
367 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:ClearLines();
368 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:AddLine("Stomach:",0.635,0.737,0.074,0);
369 for key, unit in CThunWarnerStatus_PlayersStomach do
370 if(UnitExists(unit)) then
371 if(UnitInParty(unit)) then
372 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:AddLine("- "..(UnitName(unit)),0.666,0.666,1,0);
373 else
374 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:AddLine("- "..(UnitName(unit)),1,0.498,0,0);
375 end
376 end
377 end
378 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:Show();
379 end
380 end
382 function CThunWarner_Check()
383 if(UnitInRaid("player")) then
384 if(CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible() and not CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning) then
385 CThunWarner_Print("|cFF5DFC0AReady Check!|r");
386 elseif(not CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible()) then
387 CThunWarnerFrame:Show();
388 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r. |cFF5DFC0AReady Check!|r");
389 end
390 if(not CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning) then
391 CThunWarnerStatus_VersionCheck = {};
392 CThunWarnerStatus_Offline = {};
393 for i=1,MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
394 local raidname = (UnitName("raid"..i));
395 local isonline = UnitIsConnected("raid"..i);
396 if(raidname and isonline ~= nil) then
397 CThunWarnerStatus_VersionCheck[raidname] = false;
398 else
399 if(raidname and isonline == nil) then
400 CThunWarnerStatus_Offline[raidname] = true;
401 end
402 end
403 end
404 SendAddonMessage("CThunWarner", "Check", "RAID");
405 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning = true;
406 CThunWarnerStatus_CheckProgress = 0;
407 CThunWarner_Reply("Ready", (UnitName("player")));
408 CThunWarner_Offline();
409 end
410 end
411 end
413 function CThunWarner_Offline()
414 local offlinecount = 0;
415 local isoffline = "Offline: ";
416 for i=1,MAX_RAID_MEMBERS do
417 local raidname = (UnitName("raid"..i));
418 if(CThunWarnerStatus_Offline[raidname] == true) then
419 offlinecount = offlinecount + 1;
420 isoffline = isoffline.."|Hplayer:"..raidname.."|h["..raidname.."]|h, ";
421 end
422 end
423 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFC6C3B5"..isoffline.."("..offlinecount.." Total)|r");
424 end
426 function CThunWarner_Reply(msg, sender)
427 if(msg == "Check" and sender ~= UnitName("player")) then
428 SendAddonMessage("CThunWarner", "Ready", "RAID");
429 if(not CThunWarnerFrame:IsVisible() and GetZoneText() == "Ahn'Qiraj") then
430 local name, rank;
431 for i = 1, GetNumRaidMembers(), 1 do
432 name, rank = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
433 if(name == sender) then
434 if(rank and rank > 0) then
435 CThunWarnerFrame:Show();
436 CThunWarner_Print("|cFFFF9955C'Thun Warner:|r |cFFFFFF00On|r. |cFF5DFC0AReady Check!|r |cFFFF9955|Hplayer:"..sender.."|h["..sender.."]|h|r");
437 break;
438 end
439 break;
440 end
441 end
442 end
443 elseif(CThunWarnerStatus_CheckRunning and msg == "Ready" and sender) then
444 CThunWarnerStatus_VersionCheck[sender] = true;
445 end
446 end
448 function CThunWarner_Off()
449 CThunWarnerFrame:Hide();
450 CThunWarnerTooltip:Hide();
451 CThunWarnerStomachTooltip:Hide();
452 CThunWarnerStatusBar:Hide();
453 end
455 function CThunWarner_Print(msg)
456 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("<C'Thun Warner> "..msg, 0.988, 0.819, 0.086);
457 end