vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[****************************************************************
2 BankItems v10900
4 Author:
5 ****************************************************************
6 Description:
7 Type /bi or /bankitems to see what is currently in your
8 bank. You must visit your bank one time to initialize.
10 Credits:
11 Original concept from Merphle
12 I look for SellValue data for the list, an addon originally
13 by Sarf. I use the version from CapnBry at
15 Official Site:
18 BankItems-10900
19 ****************************************************************]]
21 BINDING_HEADER_BANKITEMS = "BankItems Bindings";
23 BINDING_NAME_TOGGLEBANKITEMSALL = "Toggle BankItems and all Bags";
24 BINDING_NAME_RESETFRAMEPOS = "Reset BankItems positions";
25 BANKITEMS_VERSIONTEXT = "BankItems v10900";
27 BankItems_Save = {};
28 local loaded = nil;
29 local bankPlayer = nil;
30 local bankPlayerName = nil;
31 local allRealms = 0;
32 local allBags = 0;
34 [0] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-BackpackBackground", 256, 256, 239},
35 [1] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4", 256, 128, 96},
36 [2] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4", 256, 128, 96},
37 [3] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4", 256, 128, 96},
38 [4] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4", 256, 128, 96},
39 [5] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4+2", 256, 128, 116},
40 [6] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4+2", 256, 128, 116},
41 [7] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-1x4+2", 256, 128, 116},
42 [8] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-2x4", 256, 256, 137},
43 [9] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-2x4+2", 256, 256, 157},
44 [10] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-2x4+2", 256, 256, 157},
45 [11] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-2x4+2", 256, 256, 157},
46 [12] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-3x4", 256, 256, 178},
47 [13] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-3x4+2", 256, 256, 198},
48 [14] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-3x4+2", 256, 256, 198},
49 [15] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-3x4+2", 256, 256, 198},
50 [16] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-4x4", 256, 256, 219},
51 [18] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-4x4+2", 256, 256, 239},
52 [20] = {"Interface\\ContainerFrame\\UI-Bag-5x4", 256, 256, 259},
53 };
55 function BankItems_OnLoad()
56 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
58 this:RegisterEvent("BANKFRAME_OPENED");
59 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYERBANKSLOTS_CHANGED");
61 this:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE");
63 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_MONEY");
65 SlashCmdList["BANKITEMS"] = function(msg) BankItems_SlashHandler(msg) end;
66 SLASH_BANKITEMS1 = "/bankitems";
67 SLASH_BANKITEMS2 = "/bi";
69 tinsert(UISpecialFrames,"BankItems_Frame");
70 end
72 function BankItems_OnEvent(event)
73 if ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then
74 loaded = 1;
75 end
76 if ( not loaded ) then
77 return;
78 end
79 if ( bankPlayer == nil ) then
80 bankPlayer = BankItems_GetPlayer(UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")));
81 BankItems_SaveMoney();
82 return;
83 end
85 BankItems_SaveItems();
86 return;
87 end
88 if ( event == "BAG_UPDATE" and BankFrame:IsVisible() ) then
89 BankItems_SaveItems();
90 if ( tonumber(arg1) and tonumber(arg1) > 4 and tonumber(arg1) <= 10 ) then
91 BankItems_PopulateBag(arg1);
92 end
93 return;
94 end
95 if ( event == "PLAYER_MONEY" ) then
96 BankItems_SaveMoney();
97 return;
98 end
99 end
101 function BankItems_Frame_OnShow()
102 PlaySound("igMainMenuOpen");
103 if ( not BankItems_Frame.hasShown ) then
104 BankItems_Frame.hasShown = 1;
105 SetPortraitTexture(BankItems_Portrait, "player");
106 BankItems_TotalMoneyText:ClearAllPoints();
107 BankItems_TotalMoneyText:SetPoint("LEFT","BankItems_MoneyFrameTotalCopperButton","RIGHT",0,0);
108 end
109 BankItems_SaveMoney();
110 end
112 function BankItems_Frame_OnHide()
113 for bagNum = 1, 6 do
114 getglobal("BankItems_ContainerFrame"..bagNum):Hide();
115 end
116 end
118 function BankItems_GetPlayer(playerName)
119 if ( not BankItems_Save[playerName] or (not BankItems_Save[playerName].money and table.getn(BankItems_Save[playerName]) == 0) ) then
120 BankItems_Save[playerName] = {};
121 end
122 BankItems_TitleText:SetText(BankItems_Split(playerName,"|")[1].." of "..BankItems_Split(playerName,"|")[2]);
123 bankPlayerName = playerName;
124 if ( playerName == UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")) ) then
125 SetPortraitTexture(BankItems_Portrait, "player");
126 else
127 BankItems_Portrait:SetTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestLog-BookIcon");
128 end
129 return BankItems_Save[playerName];
130 end
132 function BankItems_SlashHandler(msg)
133 if ( msg and strlen(msg) > 0 ) then
134 msg = strlower(msg);
135 end
136 if ( not msg ) then
137 msg = "";
138 end
139 if ( msg == "list" ) then
140 BankItems_ListAll();
141 return;
142 end
143 if ( msg == "resetpos" ) then
144 BankItems_ResetPos();
145 return;
146 end
147 if ( msg == "clear" ) then
148 local selected = BankItems_UserDropdown_GetValue();
149 if ( BankItems_Save[selected] ) then
150 BankItems_Save[selected] = nil;
151 end
152 bankPlayer = BankItems_GetPlayer(UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")));
153 if ( BankFrame:IsVisible() ) then
154 BankItems_SaveItems();
155 end
156 BankItems_SaveMoney();
158 BankItems_Frame:Hide();
159 end
160 if ( msg == "clearall" ) then
161 BankItems_Save = {};
162 bankPlayer = BankItems_GetPlayer(UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")));
163 if ( BankFrame:IsVisible() ) then
164 BankItems_SaveItems();
165 end
166 BankItems_SaveMoney();
168 BankItems_Frame:Hide();
169 end
170 if ( msg == "help" ) then
172 BankItems_Chat("Type /bi or /bankitems to open BankItems");
173 BankItems_Chat("-- /bi all : open BankItems and all bags");
174 BankItems_Chat("-- /bi list : list contents in chat");
175 BankItems_Chat("-- /bi clear : clear currently selected player's info");
176 BankItems_Chat("-- /bi clearall : clear all players' info");
177 BankItems_Chat("-- /bi resetpos : reset BankItems and bags position");
178 return;
179 end
180 if ( msg == "allrealms" ) then
181 if ( allRealms == 0 ) then
182 allRealms = 1;
183 else
184 allRealms = 0;
185 end
186 end
187 BankItems_PopulateFrame();
189 if ( BankItems_Frame:IsVisible() ) then
190 BankItems_Frame:Hide();
191 else
192 BankItems_Frame:Show();
193 if ( msg == "all" ) then
194 allBags = 1;
195 for num = 1, 6 do
196 getglobal("BankItems_ContainerFrame"..num):Hide();
197 BankItems_Bag_OnClick(num + 4);
198 end
199 else
200 allBags = 0;
201 end
202 end
203 end
205 function BankItems_ResetPos()
206 BankItems_Frame:ClearAllPoints();
207 BankItems_Frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","UIParent","TOPLEFT",50,-104);
209 BankItems_ContainerFrame1:ClearAllPoints();
210 BankItems_ContainerFrame1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BankItems_Frame","TOPRIGHT",0,-260);
212 BankItems_ContainerFrame2:ClearAllPoints();
213 BankItems_ContainerFrame2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BankItems_Frame","TOPRIGHT",0,0);
215 BankItems_ContainerFrame3:ClearAllPoints();
216 BankItems_ContainerFrame3:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BankItems_Frame","TOPRIGHT",0,-520);
218 BankItems_ContainerFrame4:ClearAllPoints();
219 BankItems_ContainerFrame4:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BankItems_Frame","TOPRIGHT",256,0);
221 BankItems_ContainerFrame5:ClearAllPoints();
222 BankItems_ContainerFrame5:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BankItems_Frame","TOPRIGHT",256,-260);
224 BankItems_ContainerFrame6:ClearAllPoints();
225 BankItems_ContainerFrame6:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","BankItems_Frame","TOPRIGHT",256,-520);
226 end
228 function BankItems_SaveMoney()
229 if ( UnitName("player") and BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")) ) then
230 if ( BankItems_Save[UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName"))] ) then
231 BankItems_Save[UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName"))]["money"] = GetMoney();
232 end
233 if ( BankItems_MoneyFrame:IsVisible() ) then
234 MoneyFrame_Update("BankItems_MoneyFrame",;
235 end
236 end
237 end
239 function BankItems_UpdateTotalMoney()
240 BankItems_SaveMoney();
241 local totalMula = 0;
243 if ( allRealms == 1 ) then
244 for key, value in BankItems_Save do
245 if ( BankItems_Save[key].money ) then
246 totalMula = totalMula + BankItems_Save[key].money;
247 end
248 end
249 else
250 for key, value in BankItems_Save do
251 local thisRealmPlayers = BankItems_Split(key, "|")[2];
252 if ( thisRealmPlayers == BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")) and (table.getn(BankItems_Save[key]) > 0 or BankItems_Save[key].money) ) then
253 if ( BankItems_Save[key].money ) then
254 totalMula = totalMula + BankItems_Save[key].money;
255 end
256 end
257 end
258 end
259 MoneyFrame_Update("BankItems_MoneyFrameTotal", totalMula);
260 end
262 function BankItems_SaveItems()
263 local itemLink,icon,quantity,bagNum_Slots;
264 local currPlayer = BankItems_Save[UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName"))];
265 if ( BankFrame:IsVisible() ) then
266 for num = 1, 24 do
267 itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(BANK_CONTAINER, num);
268 icon, quantity = GetContainerItemInfo(BANK_CONTAINER, num);
269 if ( itemLink ) then
270 currPlayer[num] = {
271 ["icon"] = icon,
272 ["count"] = quantity,
273 ["link"] = itemLink
274 };
275 else
276 currPlayer[num] = nil;
277 end
278 end
279 for bagNum = 5, 10 do
280 bagNum_Slots = GetContainerNumSlots(bagNum);
281 bagNum_ID = BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(bagNum, 1);
282 itemLink = GetInventoryItemLink("player", bagNum_ID);
283 icon = GetInventoryItemTexture("player", bagNum_ID);
285 if ( icon ) then
286 currPlayer["Bag"..bagNum] = {
287 ["link"] = itemLink,
288 ["icon"] = icon,
289 ["size"] = bagNum_Slots
290 };
291 else
292 currPlayer["Bag"..bagNum] = nil;
293 getglobal("BankItems_ContainerFrame"..(bagNum - 4)):Hide();
294 break;
295 end
297 itemLink = nil;
299 for bagItem = 1, bagNum_Slots do
300 itemLink = GetContainerItemLink(bagNum, bagItem);
301 icon, quantity = GetContainerItemInfo(bagNum, bagItem);
302 if ( itemLink ) then
303 currPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem] = {
304 ["link"] = itemLink,
305 ["icon"] = icon,
306 ["count"] = quantity
307 };
308 else
309 currPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem] = nil;
310 end
311 end
312 end
313 end
314 BankItems_SaveMoney();
315 if ( BankItems_Frame:IsVisible() ) then
316 BankItems_PopulateFrame();
317 end
318 currPlayer = nil;
319 end
321 function BankItems_ListAll()
322 local sellValue;
323 if ( bankPlayer ) then
324 for num = 1, 24 do
325 if ( bankPlayer[num] and bankPlayer[num].link ) then
326 if ( sellValues ) then
327 sellValue = BankItem_ParseMoney(SellValues[BankItems_ParseLink(bankPlayer[num].link)]);
328 elseif ( ItemLinks ) then
329 sellValue = BankItem_ParseMoney(ItemLinks[BankItems_ParseLink(bankPlayer[num].link)].p);
330 end
331 if ( sellValue ) then
332 BankItems_Chat("Item "..num..": "..bankPlayer[num].link.." x"..bankPlayer[num].count.." (Sells for "..sellValue.." each)");
333 else
334 BankItems_Chat("Item "..num..": "..bankPlayer[num].link.." x"..bankPlayer[num].count);
335 end
336 end
337 end
338 for bagNum = 5, 10 do
339 if ( bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum] and bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum].size > 0 ) then
340 for bagItem = 1, bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum].size do
341 if ( bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem] and bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].link ) then
342 if ( sellValues ) then
343 sellValue = BankItem_ParseMoney(SellValues[BankItems_ParseLink(bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].link)]);
344 elseif ( ItemLinks ) then
345 sellValue = BankItem_ParseMoney(ItemLinks[BankItems_ParseLink(bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].link)].p);
346 end
347 if ( sellValue ) then
348 BankItems_Chat("Bag "..(bagNum - 4).." Item "..bagItem..": "..bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].link.." x"..bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].count.." (Sells for "..sellValue.." each)");
349 else
350 BankItems_Chat("Bag "..(bagNum - 4).." Item "..bagItem..": "..bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].link.." x"..bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum][bagItem].count);
351 end
352 end
353 end
354 end
355 end
356 end
357 end
359 function BankItems_PopulateFrame()
360 local texture,button;
361 if ( bankPlayer ) then
362 for num = 1, 24 do
363 button = getglobal("BankItems_Item"..num);
364 texture = getglobal("BankItems_Item"..num.."IconTexture");
365 if ( bankPlayer[num] ) then
366 texture:SetTexture(bankPlayer[num].icon);
367 SetItemButtonCount(button,bankPlayer[num].count);
368 else
369 texture:SetTexture("");
370 SetItemButtonCount(getglobal("BankItems_Item"..num),nil);
371 end
372 end
373 for bagNum = 5, 10 do
374 button = getglobal("BankItems_Bag"..(bagNum - 4));
375 texture = getglobal(button:GetName().."IconTexture");
376 if ( bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum] and bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum].icon ) then
377 texture:SetTexture(bankPlayer["Bag"..bagNum].icon);
378 SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(button, 1.0,1.0,1.0);
379 else
380 texture:SetTexture("Interface\\PaperDoll\\UI-PaperDoll-Slot-Bag");
381 SetItemButtonTextureVertexColor(button, 1.0,0.1,0.1);
382 end
383 button:Show();
384 end
385 if ( ) then
386 MoneyFrame_Update("BankItems_MoneyFrame",;
387 BankItems_MoneyFrame:Show();
388 else
389 BankItems_MoneyFrame:Hide();
390 end
391 end
392 BankItems_UpdateTotalMoney();
393 end
395 function BankItems_Button_OnEnter()
396 if ( not bankPlayer[this:GetID()] ) then
397 return;
398 end
400 local myLink = bankPlayer[this:GetID()].link;
401 if ( myLink and strlen(myLink) > 0 ) then
402 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_RIGHT");
403 _,_,myLink = strfind(myLink,"|H(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|");
404 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(myLink);
405 end
406 end
408 function BankItems_BagItem_OnEnter()
409 local bagID = "Bag"..this:GetParent():GetID();
410 if ( not bankPlayer[bagID].link ) then
411 return;
412 end
413 local itemID = bankPlayer[bagID].size - ( this:GetID() - 1 );
414 if ( bankPlayer[bagID][itemID] ) then
415 local myLink = bankPlayer[bagID][itemID].link;
416 if ( myLink and strlen(myLink) > 0 ) then
417 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_RIGHT");
418 _,_,myLink = strfind(myLink,"|H(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|");
419 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(myLink);
420 end
421 end
422 end
424 function BankItems_Button_OnClick(arg1)
425 if ( bankPlayer[this:GetID()] ) then
426 if ( IsControlKeyDown() ) then
427 DressUpItemLink(bankPlayer[this:GetID()].link);
428 elseif ( arg1 == "LeftButton" and ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() ) then
429 ChatFrameEditBox:Insert(bankPlayer[this:GetID()].link);
430 end
431 end
432 end
434 function BankItems_BagItem_OnClick(arg1)
435 local bagID = "Bag"..this:GetParent():GetID();
436 local itemID = bankPlayer[bagID].size - ( this:GetID() - 1 );
437 if ( bankPlayer[bagID][itemID] ) then
438 if ( IsControlKeyDown() ) then
439 DressUpItemLink(bankPlayer[bagID][itemID].link);
440 elseif ( arg1 == "LeftButton" and ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() ) then
441 ChatFrameEditBox:Insert(bankPlayer[bagID][itemID].link);
442 end
443 end
444 end
446 function BankItems_Bag_OnEnter()
447 if ( bankPlayer["Bag"..this:GetID()] and bankPlayer["Bag"..this:GetID()].link ) then
448 local myLink = bankPlayer["Bag"..this:GetID()].link;
449 if ( myLink and strlen(myLink) > 0 ) then
450 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this,"ANCHOR_RIGHT");
451 _,_,myLink = strfind(myLink,"|H(item:%d+:%d+:%d+:%d+)|");
452 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(myLink);
453 end
454 end
455 end
457 function BankItems_Bag_OnClick(bagID)
458 if ( not bankPlayer["Bag"..bagID] or not bankPlayer["Bag"..bagID].link ) then
459 return;
460 end
461 if ( bankPlayer["Bag"..bagID].size == 0 ) then
462 if ( GetContainerNumSlots(bagID) > 0 and BankFrame:IsVisible() ) then
463 BankItems_SaveItems();
464 else
465 BankItems_Chat("Bank bag is empty, and not initialized.");
466 return;
467 end
468 end
469 local theBag = bankPlayer["Bag"..bagID];
470 local bagFrame = getglobal("BankItems_ContainerFrame"..(bagID - 4));
471 local bagName = bagFrame:GetName();
473 if ( bagFrame:IsVisible() ) then
474 bagFrame:Hide();
475 return;
476 end
478 getglobal(bagName.."Name"):SetText(BankItems_ParseLink(;
479 getglobal(bagName.."Portrait"):SetTexture(theBag.icon);
481 -- Generate the frame
482 local frameSettings = CONTAINER_FRAME_TABLE[theBag.size];
483 local frameBG = getglobal(bagName.."BackgroundTexture");
484 local columns = NUM_CONTAINER_COLUMNS;
485 local rows = ceil(theBag.size / columns);
486 local button,item,idx;
488 bagFrame:SetWidth(CONTAINER_WIDTH);
489 bagFrame:SetHeight(frameSettings[4]);
490 frameBG:SetTexture(frameSettings[1]);
491 frameBG:SetWidth(frameSettings[2]);
492 frameBG:SetHeight(frameSettings[3]);
494 for bagItem = 1, theBag.size do
495 idx = theBag.size - (bagItem - 1);
496 item = theBag[idx];
497 button = getglobal(bagName.."Item"..bagItem);
499 if ( bagItem == 1 ) then
500 button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bagName, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -11, 9);
501 else
502 if ( mod((bagItem-1), columns) == 0 ) then
503 button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bagName.."Item"..(bagItem - columns), "TOPRIGHT", 0, 4);
504 else
505 button:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", bagName.."Item"..(bagItem - 1), "BOTTOMLEFT", -5, 0);
506 end
507 end
508 button:Show();
509 end
510 for bagItem = theBag.size + 1, 20 do
511 getglobal(bagName.."Item"..bagItem):Hide();
512 end
513 BankItems_PopulateBag(bagID);
514 bagFrame:Show();
515 PlaySound("igBackPackOpen");
516 end
518 function BankItems_PopulateBag(bagID)
519 local item,theBag,idx;
520 if ( bankPlayer["Bag"..bagID].size ) then
521 theBag = bankPlayer["Bag"..bagID];
522 for bagItem = 1, theBag.size do
523 idx = theBag.size - (bagItem - 1);
524 item = theBag[idx];
525 button = getglobal("BankItems_ContainerFrame"..(bagID - 4).."Item"..bagItem);
527 if ( item ) then
528 SetItemButtonTexture(button, item.icon);
529 SetItemButtonCount(button, item.count);
530 else
531 SetItemButtonTexture(button,"");
532 SetItemButtonCount(button, nil);
533 end
534 end
535 end
536 end
538 function BankItems_Bag_OnShow()
539 getglobal("BankItems_Bag"..(this:GetID() - 4).."HighlightFrameTexture"):Show();
540 end
542 function BankItems_Bag_OnHide()
543 getglobal("BankItems_Bag"..(this:GetID() - 4).."HighlightFrameTexture"):Hide();
544 end
546 function BankItems_ParseLink(link)
547 if (string.find(link, "[", 1, true)) then
548 local _,_,name = string.find(link, "^.*%[(.*)%].*$");
549 return name;
550 else
551 return link;
552 end
553 end
555 function BankItems_Chat(msg)
556 if( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
557 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("<BankItems> "..msg, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0);
558 end
559 end
561 function BankItem_ParseMoney(money)
562 local disp = "";
563 if ( money ) then
564 local g,s,c;
565 g = math.floor(money / 10000);
566 money = math.mod(money,10000);
567 s = math.floor(money / 100);
568 money = math.mod(money,100);
569 c = math.mod(money, 100);
570 if ( g and g > 0 ) then
571 disp = g.."g ";
572 end
573 if ( s and s > 0 ) then
574 disp = disp..s.."s ";
575 end
576 if ( c and c > 0) then
577 disp = disp..c.."c";
578 end
579 if ( strlen(disp) > 0 ) then
580 return disp;
581 else
582 return nil;
583 end
584 else
585 return nil;
586 end
587 end
589 function BankItems_UserDropdown_GetValue()
590 if ( bankPlayerName ) then
591 return bankPlayerName;
592 else
593 return (UnitName("player").."|"..BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")));
594 end
595 end
597 function BankItems_UserDropdown_OnLoad()
598 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, BankItems_UserDropdown_Initialize);
599 UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(this, BankItems_UserDropdown_GetValue());
600 BankItems_UserDropdown.tooltip = "You are viewing this player's bank contents.";
601 UIDropDownMenu_SetWidth(140, BankItems_UserDropdown);
602 OptionsFrame_EnableDropDown(BankItems_UserDropdown);
603 end
605 function BankItems_UserDropdown_OnClick()
606 if ( not bankPlayer ) then
607 return;
608 end
609 UIDropDownMenu_SetSelectedValue(BankItems_UserDropdown, this.value);
610 if ( this.value ) then
611 bankPlayer = BankItems_GetPlayer(this.value);
612 end
613 BankItems_Frame_OnHide();
614 BankItems_PopulateFrame();
616 if ( allBags == 1 ) then
617 for num = 1, 6 do
618 getglobal("BankItems_ContainerFrame"..num):Hide();
619 BankItems_Bag_OnClick(num + 4);
620 end
621 end
622 end
624 function BankItems_UserDropdown_Initialize()
625 local selectedValue = UIDropDownMenu_GetSelectedValue(BankItems_UserDropdown);
626 local info;
628 if ( allRealms == 1 ) then
629 for key, value in BankItems_Save do
630 if ( table.getn(BankItems_Save[key]) > 0 or BankItems_Save[key].money ) then
631 info = {};
632 info.text = BankItems_Split(key,"|")[1].." of "..BankItems_Split(key,"|")[2];
633 info.value = key;
634 info.func = BankItems_UserDropdown_OnClick;
635 if ( selectedValue == info.value ) then
636 info.checked = 1;
637 else
638 info.checked = nil;
639 end
640 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
641 end
642 end
643 else
644 for key, value in BankItems_Save do
645 local thisRealmPlayers = BankItems_Split(key, "|")[2];
646 if ( thisRealmPlayers == BankItems_Trim(GetCVar("realmName")) and (table.getn(BankItems_Save[key]) > 0 or BankItems_Save[key].money) ) then
647 info = {};
648 info.text = BankItems_Split(key,"|")[1].." of "..BankItems_Split(key,"|")[2];
649 info.value = key;
650 info.func = BankItems_UserDropdown_OnClick;
651 if ( selectedValue == info.value ) then
652 info.checked = 1;
653 else
654 info.checked = nil;
655 end
656 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
657 end
658 end
659 end
660 end
662 function BankItems_Split(toCut, separator)
663 local splitted = {};
664 local i = 0;
665 local regEx = "([^" .. separator .. "]*)" .. separator .. "?";
667 for item in string.gfind(toCut .. separator, regEx) do
668 i = i + 1;
669 splitted[i] = BankItems_Trim(item) or '';
670 end
671 if ( splitted[i] == '' ) then
672 splitted[i] = nil;
673 end
674 return splitted;
675 end
677 function BankItems_Trim (s)
678 return (string.gsub(s, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"));
679 end
681 function BankItems_ShowAllRealms_CheckOnClick()
682 if ( BankItems_Frame:IsVisible() ) then
683 BankItems_Frame:Hide();
684 end
685 BankItems_SlashHandler("allrealms");
686 end
688 function BankItems_ShowAllRealms_CheckOnLoad()
689 if ( allRealms == 1 ) then
690 this.checked = 1;
691 else
692 this.checked = nil;
693 end
694 OptionsFrame_EnableCheckBox(this);
695 this:SetChecked(this.checked);
696 getglobal(this:GetName().."Text"):SetText("Show All Realms");
697 this.tooltipText = "Check to show all saved characters, regardless of realm.";
698 end