vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 BGvar_BlackList = {};
2 BGvar_NotInBG = {};
4 BGInvite_Var = {};
5 BGInvite_Var.debug = false;
7 BGvar_initialMessageSent = false;
8 BGvar_AutoInviteTimer = 0;
9 BGvar_AutoPurgeTimer = 0;
11 BGInvite_ITEM_HEIGHT = 32;
12 BGInvite_ITEMS_SHOWN = 7;
14 BGInvite_Config = {
15 AutoInvite = 0
16 ,AutoPurge = 0
17 ,MagicWord = "invite"
18 ,RetryTimeout = 20
19 ,PurgeTimeout = 120
20 ,MaxRetries = 5
21 ,SendWhisper = 1
22 ,AutoInviteTimeout = 5
23 ,MsgChannelId=1
24 ,Disable
25 };
27 local Pre_BGinvite_ToggleWorldStateScoreFrame;
28 local Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent;
29 local chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper = { AddOn = "BGInvite" };
30 local chatParseInfoMagicWordSay = { AddOn = "BGInvite" };
32 UIPanelWindows["BGInviteFrame"] = { area = "left", pushable = 3 };
33 BGINVITE_TAB_SUBFRAMES = { "BGInvite_OptionsFrame", "BGInvite_BlackListFrame" };
35 --[[
36 =============================================================================
37 =============================================================================
38 ]]
39 function BGInvite_GetBattleFieldStatus()
41 status, mapName, instanceID = GetBattlefieldStatus(i);
42 --BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","status="..status.." mapName="..mapName.." id="..instanceID,"debug");
43 if ( instanceID ~= 0 ) then
44 mapName = mapName.." "..instanceID;
45 return status,mapName,instanceID;
46 end
47 end
48 --status="active";
49 return status,mapName,instanceID;
51 end
53 function MagicWordChanged()
54 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","magicword changed="..BGInvite_Config.MagicWord,"debug");
55 chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper.template = BGInvite_Config.MagicWord;
56 chatParseInfoMagicWordSay.template = BGInvite_Config.MagicWord;
58 BGChatParse_UnregisterEvent(chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper);
59 BGChatParse_UnregisterEvent(chatParseInfoMagicWordSay);
61 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper);
62 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfoMagicWordSay);
63 end
65 --[[
66 =============================================================================
67 The loading frame handles getting our AddOn initialized properly
68 =============================================================================
69 ]]
70 function BGInviteLoadingFrame_OnUpdate()
71 if ( BGInviteFrame.loaded ) then
72 BGInviteLoadingFrame:UnregisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
73 BGInviteLoadingFrame:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE");
74 BGInviteLoadingFrame:Hide();
75 BGInviteLoadingFrame = nil;
76 elseif ( BGInviteLoadingFrame.loadTime + 2 <= GetTime() ) then
77 BGInviteFrame_LoadData();
78 BGInviteLoadingFrame.loadTime = GetTime();
79 end
80 end
82 function BGInviteLoadingFrame_OnLoad()
83 BGInviteLoadingFrame:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
84 BGInviteLoadingFrame:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE");
85 BGInviteLoadingFrame.init = 0;
86 BGInviteLoadingFrame.loadTime = GetTime();
88 end
90 function BGInviteLoadingFrame_OnEvent(event, arg1)
91 if ( not BGInviteLoadingFrame ) then
92 return;
93 end
94 if ( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" or event == "UNIT_NAME_UPDATE" ) then
95 BGInviteLoadingFrame.init = BGInviteLoadingFrame.init + 1;
96 BGInviteFrame_LoadData();
97 end
99 if ( BGInviteLoadingFrame.init >= 2 ) then
100 BGInviteFrame_LoadData();
101 end
103 end
105 --[[
106 =============================================================================
107 Variable initialization
108 =============================================================================
109 ]]
110 function BGInviteFrame_LoadData()
111 BGInviteFrame.loaded = true;
112 -- check each variable to ensure its set
113 if ( BGInvite_Config.AutoInvite == nil) then
114 BGInvite_Config.AutoInvite = 0;
115 end
116 if ( BGInvite_Config.AutoPurge == nil) then
117 BGInvite_Config.AutoPurge = 0;
118 end
119 if ( BGInvite_Config.MagicWord == nil) then
120 BGInvite_Config.MagicWord = "invite";
121 end
122 if ( BGInvite_Config.RetryTimeout == nil ) then
123 BGInvite_Config.RetryTimeout = 20;
124 end
125 if ( BGInvite_Config.PurgeTimeout == nil ) then
126 BGInvite_Config.PurgeTimeout = 120;
127 end
128 if ( BGInvite_Config.MaxRetries == nil ) then
129 BGInvite_Config.MaxRetries = 5;
130 end
131 if ( BGInvite_Config.SendWhisper == nil ) then
132 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","SendWhisper=nil","debug");
133 BGInvite_Config.SendWhisper = 1;
134 end
135 if ( BGInvite_Config.AutoInviteTimeout == nil ) then
136 BGInvite_Config.AutoInviteTimeout = 5;
137 end
138 if ( BGInvite_Config.MsgChannelId == nil ) then
139 BGInvite_Config.MsgChannelId = 1;
140 end
141 if ( BGInvite_Config.Disable == nil ) then
142 BGInvite_Config.Disable = 0;
143 end
145 end
147 function BGInvite_ResetVariables()
148 BGInviteClearVars();
149 BGInvite_Config = {};
150 -- AutoInvite = 0
151 -- ,AutoPurge = 0
152 -- ,MagicWord = "invite"
153 -- ,RetryTimeout = 20
154 -- ,PurgeTimeout = 120
155 -- };
156 end
158 --[[
159 =============================================================================
160 Initialization.
161 =============================================================================
162 ]]
163 function BGInviteFrame_OnLoad()
165 this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED")
166 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED")
167 this:RegisterEvent("ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA")
169 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SAY");
170 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_YELL");
171 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_RAID");
172 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM"); --(ie user joins the battlefield msgs?)
173 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_WHISPER")
174 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL");
175 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_JOIN");
176 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL_NOTICE");
177 this:RegisterEvent("UI_INFO_MESSAGE");
178 this:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_BG_SYSTEM_NEUTRAL");
180 Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent = ChatFrame_OnEvent;
181 ChatFrame_OnEvent = BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent;
183 SLASH_BGINVITE1 = "/bginvite";
184 SlashCmdList["BGINVITE"] = function ( msg )
185 BGinvite_SlashCmdHandler(msg);
186 end
188 -- Intall ChatMessge handlers
189 local chatParseInfo = { AddOn = "BGInvite" };
190 chatParseInfo.event = "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM";
191 chatParseInfo.func = function(t) BGInvite_AddBlackList(,BGINVITE_DECLINED); end;
192 chatParseInfo.template = BGlocal_BLANK_DECLINES_YOUR_INVITATION;
193 chatParseInfo.english = "%s declines your group invitation.";
194 chatParseInfo.fields = { "name" };
195 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfo);
197 local chatParseInfo1 = { AddOn = "BGInvite" };
198 chatParseInfo1.event = "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM";
199 chatParseInfo1.func = function(t) BGInvite_AddBlackList(, BGINVITE_DECLINED); end;
200 chatParseInfo1.template = BGlocal_BLANK_IS_IGNORING_YOU;
201 chatParseInfo1.english = "%s is ignoring you.";
202 chatParseInfo1.fields = { "name" };
203 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfo1);
205 local chatParseInfo2 = { AddOn = "BGInvite" };
206 chatParseInfo2.event = "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM";
207 chatParseInfo2.func = function(t) BGInvite_AddBlackList(,BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP); end;
208 chatParseInfo2.template = BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP;
209 chatParseInfo2.english = "%s is already in a group.";
210 chatParseInfo2.fields = { "name" };
211 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfo2);
213 chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper.event = "CHAT_MSG_WHISPER";
214 chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper.func = function(t) BGInvite_MagicWordWhisperInvite(t.player); end;
215 chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper.template = BGInvite_Config.MagicWord;
216 chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper.english = BGInvite_Config.MagicWord;
217 chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper.fields = { };
218 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfoMagicWordWhisper);
220 chatParseInfoMagicWordSay.event = "CHAT_MSG_SAY";
221 chatParseInfoMagicWordSay.func = function(t) BGInvite_MagicWordInvite(t.player); end;
222 chatParseInfoMagicWordSay.template = BGInvite_Config.MagicWord;
223 chatParseInfoMagicWordSay.english = BGInvite_Config.MagicWord;
224 chatParseInfoMagicWordSay.fields = { };
225 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfoMagicWordSay);
228 local chatParseInfo3 = { AddOn = "BGInvite" };
229 chatParseInfo1.event = "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM";
230 chatParseInfo1.func = function(t) BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","days is "..t.days,"debug"); end;
231 chatParseInfo1.template = "%d days";
232 chatParseInfo1.english = "%s is ignoring you.";
233 chatParseInfo1.fields = { "days" };
234 BGChatParse_RegisterEvent(chatParseInfo3);
236 -- Tab Handling code
237 PanelTemplates_SetNumTabs(BGInviteFrame, 2);
238 PanelTemplates_SetTab(BGInviteFrame, 1);
240 --RegisterForSave("BGInvite_Config");
242 if ( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
243 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(BGINVITE_TITLE.." AddOn loaded. Use /bginvite");
244 end
245 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(loadMessage, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME);
247 end
249 --[[
250 =============================================================================
251 The main event handler. Gets called when any event we are subscribed to is fired
252 =============================================================================
253 ]]
254 function BGInviteFrame_OnEvent(event)
255 --BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","event="..event,"debug");
257 if (BGInvite_Config.Disable == 1 ) then
258 return;
259 end
261 if (event == "ZONE_CHANGED_NEW_AREA") then
262 BGInviteClearVars();
263 end
265 -- ready to convert to a raid?
266 if ( IsPartyLeader() and GetNumPartyMembers() >= 3 and GetNumRaidMembers() == 0 ) then
267 BGinvite_ConvertToRaid();
268 end
270 -- If already in a Raid, no need to send out the initial message
271 -- This is true when another player started the raid and you are now an officer and can invite
272 if ( IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() ) then
273 BGvar_initialMessageSent = true;
274 end
277 -- Handle invites
278 if ( (IsPartyLeader() or IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer()) and (BGInvite_Config.AutoInvite == 1) and (BGvar_AutoInviteTimer+BGInvite_Config.AutoInviteTimeout < GetTime() )) then
279 BGinvite_sendinvites();
280 end
282 -- Handle purges
283 if ((IsPartyLeader() or IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer()) and (BGInvite_Config.AutoPurge == 1) and (BGvar_AutoPurgeTimer+BGInvite_Config.PurgeTimeout < GetTime() ) ) then
284 BGinvite_purge();
285 end
287 end
289 --[[
290 =============================================================================
291 =============================================================================
292 ]]
293 function BGInviteClearVars()
294 --BGvar_BlackList = {};
295 BGInviteClearBlackListExceptPerms();
296 BGvar_initialMessageSent = false;
297 end
299 function BGInviteClearBlackList()
300 BGvar_BlackList = {};
301 end
303 -- Only removes the players that were added because
304 -- they were in a group.
305 -- Leaves Declines and Manual adds
306 function BGInviteClearBlackListExceptPerms()
307 for key,value in BGvar_BlackList do
308 if ( value.reason == BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP ) then
309 table.remove(BGvar_BlackList,key);
310 elseif ( value.reason == BGINVITE_DECLINED ) then
311 table.remove(BGvar_BlackList,key);
312 end
313 end
314 end
316 --[[
317 =============================================================================
318 Toggles the BGInvite UI on/off. Gets called by tab click handler
319 =============================================================================
320 ]]
321 function toggleBGInvite(tab)
322 if ( not tab ) then
323 if ( BGInviteFrame:IsVisible() ) then
324 HideUIPanel(BGInviteFrame);
325 else
326 ShowUIPanel(BGInviteFrame);
327 local selectedFrame = getglobal(BGINVITE_TAB_SUBFRAMES[BGInviteFrame.selectedTab]);
328 if ( not selectedFrame:IsVisible() ) then
329 selectedFrame:Show();
330 end
331 end
332 else
333 local subFrame = getglobal(tab);
334 if ( subFrame ) then
335 PanelTemplates_SetTab(BGInviteFrame, subFrame:GetID() );
336 if ( BGInviteFrame:IsVisible() ) then
337 if ( subFrame:IsVisible() ) then
338 HideUIPanel( BGInviteFrame );
339 else
340 PlaySound("igCharacterInfoTab");
341 BGInviteFrame_ShowSubFrame(tab);
342 end
343 else
344 ShowUIPanel( BGInviteFrame );
345 BGInviteFrame_ShowSubFrame(tab);
346 end
347 end
348 end
350 end
352 --[[
353 =============================================================================
354 Shows or hides a subframe (tab)
355 =============================================================================
356 ]]
357 function BGInviteFrame_ShowSubFrame(frameName)
358 for index, value in BGINVITE_TAB_SUBFRAMES do
359 if ( value == frameName ) then
360 getglobal(value):Show();
361 else
362 getglobal(value):Hide();
363 end
364 end
365 end
368 --[[
369 =============================================================================
370 Called when you click on any Tab and decodes into the correct tab to show.
371 =============================================================================
372 ]]
373 function BGInviteTab_OnClick()
374 if ( this:GetName() == "BGInviteFrameTab1" ) then
375 toggleBGInvite("BGInvite_OptionsFrame");
376 elseif ( this:GetName() == "BGInviteFrameTab2" ) then
377 toggleBGInvite("BGInvite_BlackListFrame");
378 end
379 PlaySound("igCharacterInfoTab");
380 end
382 --[[
383 =============================================================================
384 Handles slash commands. Most of the switches are for debugging/testing
385 =============================================================================
386 ]]
387 function BGinvite_SlashCmdHandler(msg)
388 if (string.lower(msg) == "promote all") then
389 BGinvite_promoteall()
390 elseif (string.lower(msg) == "demote all") then
391 BGinvite_demoteall()
392 elseif (string.lower(msg) == "invite") then
393 BGinvite_sendinvites()
394 elseif (string.sub(msg,1,6) == "invite") then
395 BGDebugMessage("debug","invname="..string.sub(msg,8),"debug");
396 BGInvite_SendInvite(string.sub(msg,8));
397 elseif (msg == "testaig1" ) then
398 testAlreadyInGroup();
399 elseif (msg == "testaig2" ) then
400 testAIG();
401 elseif (msg == "testaig3" ) then
402 testAIG3();
403 elseif (msg == "vi" ) then
404 vi();
405 elseif (msg == "aig" ) then
406 dumpAIG();
407 elseif (string.sub(msg,1,7) == "cleanse") then
408 testcleanse(string.sub(msg,9));
409 elseif (string.sub(msg,1,3) == "aig") then
410 BGInvite_AddBlackList(string.sub(msg,5),BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP);
411 elseif (string.sub(msg,1,4) == "aig2") then
412 BGInvite_AddBlackList(string.sub(msg,6),BGINVITE_DECLINED);
413 elseif (string.sub(msg,1,4) == "nibg") then
414 BGinvite_inbattleground(string.sub(msg,6));
415 table.foreach(BGvar_NotInBG, debugprintAIG);
416 elseif (msg == "testbg" ) then
417 local status,mapname,instanceid = BGInvite_GetBattleFieldStatus();
418 BGDebugMessage("debug","status="..status.." mapname="..mapname.." instance="..instanceid,"debug");
419 elseif (msg == "scores") then
420 debugDumpBGScores();
421 elseif (msg == "reset") then
422 BGInvite_ResetVariables();
423 elseif (msg == "purge") then
424 BGinvite_purge();
425 elseif (msg == "testgroup") then
426 testgroup();
427 elseif (msg == "testmath") then
428 testmath();
429 elseif (msg == "testmatch") then
430 testmatch();
431 elseif (msg == "testcleanser") then
432 testcleanser();
433 elseif (msg == "channel") then
434 mychannel();
435 else
436 toggleBGInvite();
437 end
438 end
441 --[[
442 =============================================================================
443 Called when the player clicks "Send Invites" in the UI or when AutoInvites
444 are enabled.
445 =============================================================================
446 ]]
447 function BGinvite_sendinvites()
448 local status, mapName, instanceID = BGInvite_GetBattleFieldStatus()
449 if ( status ~= "active" ) then
450 return;
451 end
452 if (not BGvar_initialMessageSent) then
453 SendChatMessage(BGlocal_SAY_INVITING, "SAY")
454 BGvar_initialMessageSent = true;
455 end
457 -- Clean up Blacklist prior to sending invites.
458 BGInvite_CleanseGroups();
460 -- Invite the first 5 for the party, after convertToRaid invite all.
461 local numPositions = GetNumBattlefieldPositions();
462 local numInvites = 0;
463 for i=1,numPositions do
464 local x, y, name = GetBattlefieldPosition(i)
465 if ( BGInvite_SendInvite(name) == true ) then
466 numInvites = numInvites + 1;
467 end
468 if ( (GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) and (numInvites >= 4 - GetNumPartyMembers()) ) then
469 break;
470 end
471 end
472 BGvar_AutoInviteTimer = GetTime();
473 end
475 --[[
476 =============================================================================
477 =============================================================================
478 ]]
479 function BGInvite_SendInvite(player)
480 if (BGInvite_Config.Disable == 1 ) then
481 return;
482 end
483 if ( BGIsValidInvite(player) == true ) then
484 InviteByName(player);
485 return true;
486 end
487 return false;
488 end
490 --[[
491 =============================================================================
492 Called by the ChatMessage callback handler for when the MagicWord is
493 detected. Checks to ensure that AutoInvite is enabled before inviting.
494 =============================================================================
495 ]]
496 function BGInvite_MagicWordInvite(player)
497 local status, mapName, instanceID = BGInvite_GetBattleFieldStatus()
498 if ( status ~= "active" ) then
499 if ( IsPartyLeader() or IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() ) then
500 if (BGInvite_Config.AutoInvite == 1) then
501 BGInvite_SendInvite(player);
502 end
503 end
504 end
505 end
508 --[[
509 =============================================================================
510 Called by the ChatMessage callback handler for when the MagicWord is
511 detected. Called when player whispers to Leader.
512 =============================================================================
513 ]]
514 function BGInvite_MagicWordWhisperInvite(player)
515 if ( IsPartyLeader() or IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() ) then
516 if (BGInvite_Config.AutoInvite == 1) then
517 BGInvite_SendInvite(player);
518 end
519 end
520 end
522 --[[
523 =============================================================================
524 Check to ensure we can send an invite to this player.
525 Checks whether a user is blackedlisted and whether they are already in the raid.
526 =============================================================================
527 ]]
528 function BGIsValidInvite(player)
529 local index = findPlayerIndexInList(BGvar_BlackList,player);
531 if ( index ) then
532 if ( BGvar_BlackList[index].retries >= BGInvite_Config.MaxRetries or BGvar_BlackList[index].time+BGInvite_Config.RetryTimeout > GetTime() ) then
533 if ( BGvar_BlackList[index].retries >= BGInvite_Config.MaxRetries ) then
534 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Invite Not valid due to retries >= max "..BGInvite_Config.MaxRetries,"debug");
535 end
536 if ( BGvar_BlackList[index].time+BGInvite_Config.RetryTimeout > GetTime() ) then
537 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Invite Not valid by time"..BGvar_BlackList[index].time+BGInvite_Config.RetryTimeout.." is greater than "..GetTime(),"debug");
538 end
539 return false;
540 end
541 if ( BGvar_BlackList[index].declined == 1 or BGvar_BlackList[index].reason == BGINVITE_DECLINED ) then
542 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Invite Not valid because of decline:"..BGvar_BlackList[index].declined,"debug");
543 return false;
544 end
545 if ( BGvar_BlackList[index].reason == BGINVITE_MANUAL_ADD ) then
546 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Invite Not valid because player was manually added =>"..player,"debug");
547 return false;
548 end
549 end
551 if ( isInRaid(player) == true ) then
552 return false;
553 end
555 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Invite is valid","debug");
556 return true;
557 end
559 --[[
560 =============================================================================
561 Converts the party to a raid -- called by the EventHandler
562 =============================================================================
563 ]]
564 function BGinvite_ConvertToRaid()
565 local status, mapName, instanceID = BGInvite_GetBattleFieldStatus()
566 if ( status == "active" ) then
567 BGinvite_print(BGlocal_CONVERTING_TO_RAID);
568 ConvertToRaid();
569 end
570 end
572 --[[
573 =============================================================================
574 Determines whether the player is in the Raid or not
575 =============================================================================
576 ]]
577 function isInRaid(player)
578 for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
579 local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i);
580 if ( name == player ) then
581 return true;
582 end
583 end
585 return false;
586 end
588 --[[
589 =============================================================================
590 Purges players from the Raid that have left the Battlefield.
591 This gets called if the user clicks "Purge" in the UI or if autopurges are enabled
592 =============================================================================
593 ]]
594 function BGinvite_purge()
595 BGvar_AutoPurgeTimer = GetTime();
596 --BGinvite_print(BGlocal_PURGING_PLAYERS)
597 if GetBattlefieldScore(1) == nil then
598 --BGinvite_print(BGlocal_ERROR_SCANNING)
599 -- not in BG
600 return;
601 else
602 for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
603 local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
604 if (BGinvite_inbattleground(name) ~= true) then
605 if ( BGInvite_Config.SendWhisper == 1) then
606 SendChatMessage("[BGInvite] "..BGlocal_YOU_APPEAR_GONE, "WHISPER",this.language, name)
607 end
608 UninviteByName(name);
609 BGDebugMessage("[BGINVITE]","Uninviting from raid: "" (not in BG)","debug");
610 end
611 end
612 end
613 end
615 --[[
616 =============================================================================
617 -- Determines whether a player is still on the BattleField
618 -- For some reason this can return false positives and so it performs
619 -- an extra check. Places users not found in BG into a list for reference.
620 =============================================================================
621 ]]
622 function BGinvite_inbattleground(name)
624 local player = {};
625 local x = findPlayerIndexInList(BGvar_NotInBG,name);
626 for i=1,80 do
627 local bgname = GetBattlefieldScore(i);
628 if (bgname and bgname == name) then
629 -- if previously flagged as not in BG, now we can remove them from that list.
630 if ( x ) then
631 table.remove(BGvar_NotInBG,x);
632 end
633 return true;
634 end
635 end
637 if ( x ) then
638 BGvar_NotInBG[x].retries = BGvar_NotInBG[x].retries+1;
639 if (BGvar_NotInBG[x].retries > 2) then
640 table.remove(BGvar_NotInBG,x);
641 return false;
642 end
643 else
644 = name;
645 player.time = 0;
646 player.retries = 1;
647 table.insert(BGvar_NotInBG,player);
648 end
650 return true;
651 end
654 function debugDumpBGScores()
655 for i=1,80 do
656 local bgname,killingBlows,honorKills,deaths,honorGained = GetBattlefieldScore(i);
657 if (bgname) then
658 local msg = bgname..":kb="..killingBlows..":kills="..honorKills..":deaths="..deaths..":honor="..honorGained;
659 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("|ccfff0000[%s]: %s|r", "debug", msg));
660 end
661 end
662 end
664 function BGinvite_print(msg)
665 ChatFrame1:AddMessage(msg, 0, .5, 1)
666 end
668 --[[
669 =============================================================================
670 Promotion/Demotion handlers
671 =============================================================================
672 ]]
673 function BGinvite_promoteall()
674 if (IsRaidLeader()) then
675 for i=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
676 local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
677 PromoteToAssistant(name)
678 end
679 end
680 end
682 function BGinvite_demoteall()
683 if (IsRaidLeader()) then
684 for i=1, GetNumRaidMembers() do
685 local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
686 DemoteAssistant(name)
687 end
688 end
689 end
691 --[[
692 =============================================================================
693 -- Adds a user to the Blacklist
694 -- Called by the Chat Message handlers
695 =============================================================================
696 ]]
697 function BGInvite_AddBlackList(name,reason)
698 local player = {};
699 local status,mapname,instanceid = BGInvite_GetBattleFieldStatus();
701 --if (BGInvite_Config.Disable == 1 ) then
702 -- return;
703 --end
705 if (status == "active" or BGInvite_Var.debug == true or reason == BGINVITE_MANUAL_ADD) then
706 if ( isInRaid(name) ) then
707 return;
708 end
709 local index = findPlayerIndexInList(BGvar_BlackList,name);
710 if ( index ) then
711 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","AIG: "" is already flagged "..BGvar_BlackList[index].retries,"debug");
712 BGvar_BlackList[index].time = GetTime();
713 BGvar_BlackList[index].retries = BGvar_BlackList[index].retries + 1;
714 player = BGvar_BlackList[index];
715 else
716 = name;
717 player.time = GetTime();
718 player.retries = 0;
719 player.reason = reason;
720 player.declined = 0;
721 if ( reason == BGINVITE_DECLINED ) then
722 player.declined = 1;
723 end
724 table.insert(BGvar_BlackList,player);
725 end
727 if (BGInvite_Config.SendWhisper == 1 and math.mod(player.retries,2) == 0 and player.declined ~= 1) then
728 SendChatMessage("[BGInvite] "..BGINVITE_LEAVE_YOUR_GROUP, "WHISPER", this.language, name);
729 end
731 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","[BlackList adding player] ","debug");
733 end
734 BGInvite_BlackListFrame_Update();
735 end
737 --[[
738 =============================================================================
739 Walks the Blacklist array and calls BGInvite_CleanseBlackList for each entry
740 =============================================================================
741 ]]
742 function BGInvite_CleanseGroups()
743 --table.foreach(BGvar_BlackList, BGInvite_CleanseBlackList);
744 BGInvite_CleanseBlackList();
745 end
747 --[[
748 =============================================================================
749 -- Removes players from the Blacklist that are now in the Raid
750 =============================================================================
751 ]]
752 function BGInvite_CleanseBlackList()
753 for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
754 local playerName = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
755 local index = findPlayerIndexInList(BGvar_BlackList,playerName);
756 if ( index ) then
757 table.remove(BGvar_BlackList, index);
758 end
759 end
760 end
763 --[[
764 =============================================================================
765 -- Hook function for chat messages
766 -- Suppresses "Already in Group" messages
767 =============================================================================
768 ]]
769 function BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event)
771 if (BGvar_initialMessageSent and (event == "CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM")) then
772 --BGDebugMessage("DEBUG", "chatmessagehook="..arg1, "debug");
773 if string.find(arg1, BGlocal_BLANK_IS_ALREADY_IN_GROUP_FIND) then
774 x=0;
775 --BGDebugMessage("DEBUG", "hiding already in group message", "debug");
776 elseif string.find(arg1, BGlocal_YOU_HAVE_INVITED_FIND) then
777 x=0;
778 --BGDebugMessage("DEBUG", "hiding you have invited message", "debug");
779 else
780 Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event)
781 end
782 else
783 Pre_BGinvite_ChatFrame_OnEvent(event)
784 end
785 end
787 --[[
788 =============================================================================
789 Called when frame window opens or closes
790 =============================================================================
791 ]]
792 function BGInviteFrame_OnShow()
793 PlaySound("igCharacterInfoOpen");
794 end
796 function BGInviteFrame_OnHide()
797 PlaySound("igCharacterInfoClose");
798 end
801 --[[
802 =============================================================================
803 Finds our player object in any list.
804 =============================================================================
805 ]]
806 function findPlayerIndexInList(list,name)
807 local i;
808 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG", "find player ", "debug");
809 for i=1, table.getn( list ) do
810 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG", "player="..list[i].name, "debug");
811 if (list[i].name == name ) then
812 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG", "found player="..list[i].name, "debug");
813 return i;
814 end
815 end
816 end
818 --[[
819 =============================================================================
820 Debug message output
821 =============================================================================
822 ]]
823 function BGDebugMessage(x,y,z)
824 if ( z == "error" ) then
825 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("|cffff0000[%s]: %s|r", x, y))
826 end
828 if ( BGInvite_Var.debug ) then
829 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("|ccfff0000[%s]: %s|r", x, y))
830 end
831 --if ( z == "debug" ) then
832 -- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("|cffff0000[%s]: %s|r", x, y))
833 --end
834 --if ( z == "foods" ) then
835 -- DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("|cffff0000[%s]: %s|r", x, y))
836 --end
837 end
839 --[[
840 =============================================================================
842 =============================================================================
843 ]]
844 function testAlreadyInGroup()
846 for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
847 local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
848 BGInvite_AddBlackList(name,BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP);
849 end
851 dumpAIG();
852 BGvar_BlackList = {};
853 end
855 function testAIG()
856 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer1",BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP);
857 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer2",BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP);
858 dumpAIG();
859 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer2",BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP);
860 dumpAIG();
862 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","magicword="..BGInvite_Config.MagicWord,"debug");
863 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","RetryTimeout="..BGInvite_Config.RetryTimeout,"debug");
864 end
866 function testAIG3()
867 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer1",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
868 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer2",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
869 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer3",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
870 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer4",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
871 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer5",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
872 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer6",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
873 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer7",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
874 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer8",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
875 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer9",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
876 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer10",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
877 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer11",BGINVITE_DECLINED);
878 BGInvite_AddBlackList("testplayer12",BGINVITE_ALREADY_IN_GROUP);
879 end
881 function vi()
882 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer1 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer1")));
883 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer2 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer2")));
884 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer3 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer3")));
885 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer4 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer4")));
886 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer5 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer5")));
887 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer6 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer6")));
888 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer7 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer7")));
889 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer8 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer8")));
890 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer9 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer9")));
891 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer10 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer10")));
892 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer11 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer11")));
893 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testplayer12 isvalid "..decodeBoolean(BGIsValidInvite("testplayer12")));
894 end
896 function decodeBoolean(value)
897 if ( value ) then
898 return "true";
899 end
900 return "false";
901 end
903 function dumpAIG()
904 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Dump AIG","debug");
905 table.foreach(BGvar_BlackList, debugprintAIG);
906 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","Dump AIG2","debug");
907 for key,value in BGvar_BlackList do debugprintAIG(key,value) end
908 end
910 function debugprintAIG(key,player)
911 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","key="..key.." "'-'..player.time..'-'..player.retries,"debug");
912 end
914 function testgroup()
915 if ( IsPartyLeader() ) then
916 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","you are party leader","debug");
917 else
918 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","you are NOT party leader","debug");
919 end
920 local n = GetNumPartyMembers();
921 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","party member cnt="..n,"debug");
922 local x = GetNumRaidMembers();
923 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","raid member cnt="..x,"debug");
924 end
926 function testmath()
927 local x = math.mod(0,2);
928 local y = math.mod(1,2);
929 local z = math.mod(2,2);
930 local a = math.mod(3,2);
932 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","x="..x,"debug");
933 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","y="..y,"debug");
934 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","z="..z,"debug");
935 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","a="..a,"debug");
936 end
938 function testmatch()
939 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","testmatch","debug");
940 local message = "who needs invite?";
941 local pattern = "invite.*";
942 local match = { string.gfind(message, pattern)() };
943 if ( table.getn(match) ~= 0 ) then
944 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","matched","debug");
945 local ret = { };
946 local index;
947 for index=1, table.getn(match), 1 do
948 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","match:"..match[index],"debug");
949 end
950 end
951 message = "invite me!";
952 match = { string.gfind(message, pattern)() };
953 if ( table.getn(match) ~= 0 ) then
954 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","matched","debug");
955 local ret = { };
956 local index;
957 for index=1, table.getn(match), 1 do
958 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","match:"..match[index],"debug");
959 end
960 end
962 end
964 function testcleanse(key)
965 table.remove(BGvar_BlackList, key);
966 end
968 function testcleanser()
969 for i=1,GetNumRaidMembers() do
970 local name = GetRaidRosterInfo(i)
971 if (BGinvite_inbattleground(name) ~= true) then
972 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","should rmeove from group:","debug");
973 end
974 end
975 end
977 function mychannel()
978 BGDebugMessage("DEBUG","channelname = "..BGInvite_Config.MsgChannelId,"debug");
979 SendChatMessage("?", BGINVITE_CHANNELS[BGInvite_Config.MsgChannelId].type, nil,BGINVITE_CHANNELS[BGInvite_Config.MsgChannelId].id);
980 end