vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --
2 -- AutoBar
3 --
4 -- Config functions
5 --
6 -- Author: Marc aka Saien on Hyjal
7 --
8 --
10 UIPanelWindows["AutoBar_Options"] = { area = "center", pushable = 99, whileDead = 1 };
12 StaticPopupDialogs["AUTOBAR_ITEMENTRY"] = {
13 text = "Enter Item Name or ItemID:",
14 button1 = TEXT(ACCEPT),
15 button2 = TEXT(CANCEL),
16 hasEditBox = 1,
17 maxLetters = 50,
18 hasWideEditBox = 1,
19 OnAccept = function()
20 local editBox = getglobal(this:GetParent():GetName().."WideEditBox");
21 local text = editBox:GetText();
22 if (tonumber(text) and tonumber(text) > 0) then
23 text = tonumber(text);
24 end
25 local tmp = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting];
26 if (type(tmp) == "table") then
27 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting][AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.editting] = text;
28 else
29 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting] = text;
30 end
31 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory:Hide();
32 end,
33 OnShow = function()
34 local editBox = getglobal(this:GetName().."WideEditBox");
35 local tmp = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting];
36 local txt;
37 if (type(tmp) == "table") then
38 txt = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting][AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.editting];
39 else
40 txt = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting];
41 end
42 if (txt) then
43 editBox:SetText(txt);
44 else
45 editBox:SetText("");
46 end
47 editBox:SetFocus();
48 end,
49 OnHide = function()
50 local editBox = getglobal(this:GetName().."WideEditBox");
51 if (ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible()) then
52 ChatFrameEditBox:SetFocus();
53 end
54 editBox:SetText("");
55 end,
56 OnCancel = function()
57 this:GetParent():Hide();
58 end,
59 EditBoxOnEnterPressed = function ()
60 StaticPopupDialogs["AUTOBAR_ITEMENTRY"].OnAccept();
61 this:GetParent():Hide();
62 end,
63 EditBoxOnEscapePressed = function ()
64 this:GetParent():Hide();
65 end,
66 timeout = 0,
67 whileDead = 1,
68 hideOnEscape = 1
69 };
71 ------------------------------------
72 ------------------------------------
73 ------------------------------------
75 local function AutoBar_Config_SlashCmd(msg)
76 --[[
77 msg = string.lower (msg);
78 local firstword, restwords;
79 local idx = string.find(msg," ");
80 if (idx) then
81 firstword = string.sub(msg,1,idx-1);
82 restwords = string.sub(msg,idx+1);
83 else
84 firstword = msg;
85 end
86 ]]
88 AutoBar_ToggleConfig();
89 end
91 ------------------------------------
93 function AutoBar_Config_OnLoad()
94 SLASH_AUTOBAR1 = "/autobar";
95 SlashCmdList["AUTOBAR"] = function (msg)
96 AutoBar_Config_SlashCmd(msg);
97 end
98 end
100 function AutoBar_Config_OnShow()
101 local idx,button,hotkey;
102 for idx = 1, AUTOBAR_MAXBUTTONS, 1 do
103 button = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_Buttons_Button"..idx);
104 hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_Buttons_Button"..idx.."HotKey");
105 count = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_Buttons_Button"..idx.."Count");
106 icon = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_Buttons_Button"..idx.."Icon");
107 hotkey:SetText("#"..idx);
108 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx]) then
109 local buttoninfo = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[idx];
110 icon:SetTexture(AutoBar_GetTexture(buttoninfo));
111 count:SetText("");
112 else
113 count:SetText("Empty");
114 icon:SetTexture("");
115 end
116 end
117 AutoBar_Options_Bar_Sliders();
118 AutoBar_Options_CheckBox_Setup();
119 end
121 function AutoBar_Config_ButtonSetTooltip()
122 local buttoninfo;
123 local preamble, extended;
124 if (this.itemid) then
125 local name,itemid = GetItemInfo(this.itemid);
126 if (name and itemid) then
127 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
128 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink(itemid);
129 else
130 local tmp = "item:"..this.itemid..":0:0:0";
131 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
132 GameTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:"..this.itemid..":0:0:0");
133 end
134 return;
135 end
136 if (this.category) then
137 buttoninfo = this.category;
138 extended=true;
139 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "^AutoBar_Options_Buttons_Button")) then
140 buttoninfo = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[this:GetID()];
141 extended=true;
142 preamble=true;
143 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "^AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Button")) then
144 extended=true;
145 local tmp = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting];
146 if (type(tmp) == "table") then
147 buttoninfo = tmp[this:GetID()]
148 else
149 buttoninfo = tmp;
150 end
151 end
152 local message = "";
153 if (buttoninfo == "EMPTY") then
154 elseif (type(buttoninfo) == "table") then
155 if (preamble) then message = "Multi Category Button\n"; end
156 local idx,cat;
157 for idx,cat in buttoninfo do
158 if (type(cat) == "string" and AutoBar_Category_Info[cat]) then
159 message = message.."\n"..AutoBar_Category_Info[cat].description;
160 elseif (type(cat) == "number") then
161 local name = GetItemInfo(cat);
162 if (name) then
163 message = message.."\n"" (Custom Item by ID)";
164 else
165 message = message.."\n(Item ID not recognized)";
166 end
167 else
168 message = message.."\n"" (Custom Item by Name)";
169 end
170 end
171 elseif (type(buttoninfo) == "string" and AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo]) then
172 if (preamble) then message = "Single Category Button\n\n"; end
173 message = message..AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].description;
174 if (extended) then
175 message = message.."\n";
176 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].notusable) then
177 message = message.."\nNot directly usable.";
178 end
179 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].targetted) then
180 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].targetted == "WEAPON") then
181 message = message.."\nWeapon Target\n(Left click main weapon\nRight click offhand weapon.)";
182 else
183 message = message.."\nTargetted.";
184 end
185 end
186 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].noncombat) then
187 message = message.."\nNon combat only.";
188 end
189 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].combatonly) then
190 message = message.."\nCombat only.";
191 end
192 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].location) then
193 message = message.."\nLocation: "..AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].location..".";
194 end
195 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].limit) then
196 message = message.."\nLimited Usage: ";
197 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].limit.downhp) then
198 message = message.."Require HP restore";
199 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].limit.downmana) then
200 message = message..", ";
201 end
202 end
203 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].limit.downmana) then
204 message = message.."Require Mana restore";
205 end
206 end
208 end
209 elseif (type(buttoninfo) == "string" and not AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo]) then
210 if (preamble) then message = "Single Item Button\n\n"; end
211 message = message..buttoninfo.." (Custom Item by Name)";
212 elseif (type(buttoninfo) == "number") then
213 if (preamble) then message = "Single Item Button\n\n"; end
214 local name = GetItemInfo(buttoninfo);
215 if (name) then
216 message =" (Custom Item by ID)";
217 else
218 message = message.."(Item ID not recognized)";
219 end
220 end
222 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
223 GameTooltip:SetText(message);
224 end
226 function AutoBar_Config_Button_Edit(num)
227 if (not num) then num = AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting; end
228 local buttoninfo = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num];
229 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting = num;
230 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton:Show();
231 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButtonTitleText:SetText("Edit Button #"..num);
232 local idx,tmp,i;
233 ---
234 if (type(buttoninfo) == "table") then
235 tmp = 0;
236 for idx = 1, 8, 1 do
237 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num][idx]) then
238 tmp = idx;
239 end
240 end
241 idx = 1;
242 while (idx < tmp) do
243 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num][idx]) then
244 idx = idx + 1;
245 else
246 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num][idx] =
247 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num][idx+1];
248 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num][idx+1] = nil;
249 tmp = 0;
250 for i = 1, 8, 1 do
251 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num][i]) then
252 tmp = i;
253 end
254 end
255 end
256 end
257 end
258 ---
259 for idx = 1, 8, 1 do
260 local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Button"..idx);
261 local hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Button"..idx.."HotKey");
262 local count = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Button"..idx.."Count");
263 local icon = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Button"..idx.."Icon");
264 local move = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Move"..idx);
265 local moveup = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Move"..idx.."_Up");
266 local movedown = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Move"..idx.."_Down");
267 local checkbox = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Option"..idx);
268 local checkboxtext = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Option"..idx.."Text");
270 hotkey:Hide();
271 if (type(buttoninfo) == "table") then
272 if (buttoninfo[idx]) then
273 move:Show();
274 count:SetText("");
275 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo[idx]] and AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo[idx]].targetted) then
276 checkbox:Show();
277 checkboxtext:SetText("Smart Self Cast");
278 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[buttoninfo[idx]]) then
279 checkbox:SetChecked(1);
280 else
281 checkbox:SetChecked(0);
282 end
283 else
284 checkbox:Hide();
285 end
286 if (idx == 1) then
287 moveup:Hide();
288 else
289 moveup:Show();
290 end
291 if (buttoninfo[idx+1]) then
292 movedown:Show();
293 else
294 movedown:Hide();
295 end
296 else
297 move:Hide();
298 count:SetText("Empty");
299 checkbox:Hide();
300 end
301 icon:SetTexture(AutoBar_GetTexture(buttoninfo[idx]));
302 button:Show();
303 else
304 move:Hide();
305 if (idx == 1) then
306 icon:SetTexture(AutoBar_GetTexture(buttoninfo));
307 button:Show();
308 if (buttoninfo) then
309 count:SetText("");
310 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo] and AutoBar_Category_Info[buttoninfo].targetted) then
311 checkbox:Show();
312 checkboxtext:SetText("Smart Self Cast");
313 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[buttoninfo]) then
314 checkbox:SetChecked(1);
315 else
316 checkbox:SetChecked(0);
317 end
318 else
319 checkbox:Hide();
320 end
321 else
322 count:SetText("Empty");
323 checkbox:Hide();
324 end
325 else
326 button:Hide();
327 checkbox:Hide();
328 end
329 end
330 end
331 ---
332 if (type(buttoninfo) == "table") then
333 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ConvertButton:SetText("Convert to Single Item");
334 else
335 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ConvertButton:SetText("Convert to Multi Item");
336 end
337 end
339 local function AutoBar_ConfigButton_OnClick(mousebutton)
340 local tmp = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting];
341 if (type(tmp) == "table") then
342 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.editting = this:GetID();
343 else
344 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.editting = nil;
345 end
346 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory:Show();
347 end
349 local function AutoBar_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_OnClick(mousebutton)
350 if (IsShiftKeyDown()) then
351 if (AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore) then
352 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore = nil;
353 this:GetParent():Hide();
354 else
355 local category = this.category;
356 if (category == "EMPTY") then category = nil; end
357 if (category) then
358 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore = category;
359 AutoBar_Config_ButtonChooseCategory_OnShow();
360 end
361 end
362 else
363 local category = this.category;
364 if (category == "EMPTY") then category = nil; end
365 if (AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.editting) then
366 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting][AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.editting] = category;
367 else
368 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting] = category;
369 end
370 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore = nil;
371 this:GetParent():Hide();
372 end
373 end
375 function AutoBar_Config_ButtonOnClick(mousebutton)
376 if (string.find(this:GetName(), "^AutoBar_Options_Buttons_Button")) then
377 return AutoBar_Config_Button_Edit(this:GetID());
378 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "^AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Button")) then
379 return AutoBar_ConfigButton_OnClick(mousebutton);
380 elseif (string.find(this:GetName(), "^AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button")) then
381 return AutoBar_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_OnClick(mousebutton);
382 end
383 end
385 function AutoBar_Config_Button_ConvertOnClick()
386 local buttoninfo = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting];
387 if (type(buttoninfo) == "table") then
388 local tmp = buttoninfo[1];
389 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting] = tmp;
390 else
391 local tmp = buttoninfo;
392 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting] = { tmp };
393 end
394 AutoBar_Config_Button_Edit(AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting);
395 end
397 function AutoBar_Config_ButtonChooseCategory_OnShow()
398 if (AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore and not AutoBar_Category_Info[AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore]) then
399 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore = nil;
400 end
401 if (AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore) then
402 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_HintText1:Hide();
403 local category = AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory.categoryexplore;
405 FauxScrollFrame_Update(AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Scroll, table.getn(AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items), 7, 36);
406 local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Scroll);
407 local idx,name,texture;
408 for idx = 1, 7, 1 do
409 local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx);
410 local hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx.."HotKey");
411 local count = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx.."Count");
412 local icon = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx.."Icon");
413 local text = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Text"..idx);
414 button.category = nil;
415 if (AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items[idx+offset]) then
416 if (type(AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items[idx+offset]) == "number") then
417 name,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,texture = GetItemInfo(AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items[idx+offset]);
418 if (not name) then
419 name = "(Not Found: Item "..AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items[idx+offset]..")";
420 texture = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gift_01";
421 elseif (not texture) then
422 texture = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gift_02";
423 end
424 else
425 texture = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gift_03";
426 name = AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items[idx+offset];
427 end
428 icon:SetTexture(texture);
429 text:SetText(name);
430 count:SetText("");
431 button:Show();
432 button.itemid = tonumber(AutoBar_Category_Info[category].items[idx+offset]);
433 else
434 button:Hide();
435 button.itemid = nil;
436 text:SetText("");
437 end
438 end
439 else
440 AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_HintText1:Show();
441 local sortedCategories = {};
442 for categoryName, rec in AutoBar_Category_Info do
443 table.insert(sortedCategories, categoryName);
444 end
445 table.sort (sortedCategories);
446 table.insert(sortedCategories, 1, "EMPTY");
447 FauxScrollFrame_Update(AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Scroll, table.getn(sortedCategories), 7, 36);
448 local offset = FauxScrollFrame_GetOffset(AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Scroll);
449 local idx;
450 for idx = 1, 7, 1 do
451 local button = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx);
452 local hotkey = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx.."HotKey");
453 local count = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx.."Count");
454 local icon = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Button"..idx.."Icon");
455 local text = getglobal("AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_ChooseCategory_Text"..idx);
456 button.itemid = nil;
457 if (sortedCategories[idx+offset] == "EMPTY") then
458 icon:SetTexture("");
459 count:SetText("Empty");
460 text:SetText("Delete Current Category");
461 button:Show();
462 button.category = sortedCategories[idx+offset];
463 elseif (sortedCategories[idx+offset]) then
464 icon:SetTexture(AutoBar_GetTexture(sortedCategories[idx+offset]));
465 count:SetText("");
466 text:SetText(AutoBar_Category_Info[sortedCategories[idx+offset]].description);
467 button.category = sortedCategories[idx+offset];
468 button:Show();
469 else
470 button:Hide();
471 button.category = nil;
472 text:SetText("");
473 end
474 end
475 end
476 end
478 function AutoBar_Config_ButtonChooseCategory_OnScroll()
479 GameTooltip:Hide();
480 AutoBar_Config_ButtonChooseCategory_OnShow();
481 end
483 function AutoBar_Config_Button_InsertCustomItem()
484 StaticPopup_Show("AUTOBAR_ITEMENTRY");
485 end
487 function AutoBar_Options_Bar_Sliders(calledfromslider)
488 if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display) then
489 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display = {};
490 end
491 --
492 local rows, columns, gapping, alpha, width, height, dockshiftx, dockshifty;
493 if (calledfromslider) then
494 rows = AutoBar_Options_Bar_Rows:GetValue();
495 columns = AutoBar_Options_Bar_Columns:GetValue();
496 gapping = AutoBar_Options_Bar_Gapping:GetValue();
497 alpha = AutoBar_Options_Bar_Alpha:GetValue();
498 width = AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonWidth:GetValue();
499 height = AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonHeight:GetValue();
500 dockshiftx = AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockShiftX:GetValue();
501 dockshifty = AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockShiftY:GetValue();
502 end
503 --
504 if ((not rows or rows == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.rows) then
505 rows = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.rows;
506 elseif (not rows or rows == 0) then
507 rows = 1;
508 end
509 if ((not columns or columns == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.columns) then
510 columns = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.columns;
511 elseif (not columns or columns == 0) then
512 columns = 6;
513 end
514 if ((not gapping or gapping == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.gapping) then
515 gapping = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.gapping;
516 elseif (not gapping or gapping == 0) then
517 gapping = 6;
518 end
519 if ((not alpha or alpha == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.alpha) then
520 alpha = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.alpha*10;
521 elseif (not alpha or alpha == 0) then
522 alpha = 10;
523 end
524 if ((not width or width == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonwidth) then
525 width = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonwidth;
526 elseif (not width or width == 0) then
527 width = 36;
528 end
529 if ((not height or height == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonheight) then
530 height = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonheight;
531 elseif (not height or height == 0) then
532 height = 36;
533 end
534 if ((not dockshiftx or dockshiftx == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshiftx) then
535 dockshiftx = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshiftx;
536 elseif (not dockshiftx or dockshiftx == 0) then
537 dockshiftx = 0;
538 end
539 if ((not dockshifty or dockshifty == 0) and AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshifty) then
540 dockshifty = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshifty;
541 elseif (not dockshifty or dockshifty == 0) then
542 dockshifty = 0;
543 end
544 --
545 if (calledfromslider) then
546 while (rows*columns > 12) do
547 this:SetValue(this:GetValue()-1);
548 rows = AutoBar_Options_Bar_Rows:GetValue();
549 columns = AutoBar_Options_Bar_Columns:GetValue();
550 end
551 if (height ~= width and not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.unlockbuttonratio) then
552 if (this:GetName() == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonWidth") then
553 height = width;
554 elseif (this:GetName() == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonHeight") then
555 width = height;
556 end
557 end
558 --
559 if (rows == 1) then
560 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.rows = nil;
561 else
562 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.rows = rows;
563 end
564 if (columns == 6) then
565 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.columns = nil;
566 else
567 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.columns = columns;
568 end
569 if (gapping == 6) then
570 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.gapping = nil;
571 else
572 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.gapping = gapping;
573 end
574 if (alpha == 10) then
575 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.alpha = nil;
576 else
577 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.alpha = math.floor(alpha)/10;
578 end
579 if (width == 36) then
580 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonwidth = nil;
581 else
582 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonwidth = width;
583 end
584 if (height == 36) then
585 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonheight = nil;
586 else
587 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.buttonheight = height;
588 end
589 if (dockshiftx == 0) then
590 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshiftx = nil;
591 else
592 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshiftx = dockshiftx;
593 end
594 if (dockshifty == 0) then
595 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshifty = nil;
596 else
597 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.dockshifty = dockshifty;
598 end
599 end
600 --
601 AutoBar_Options_Bar_RowsText:SetText("Rows - "..rows);
602 AutoBar_Options_Bar_Rows:SetValue(rows);
603 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ColumnsText:SetText("Columns - "..columns);
604 AutoBar_Options_Bar_Columns:SetValue(columns);
605 AutoBar_Options_Bar_GappingText:SetText("Icon Gapping - "..gapping);
606 AutoBar_Options_Bar_Gapping:SetValue(gapping);
607 AutoBar_Options_Bar_AlphaText:SetText("Icon Alpha - "..math.floor(alpha)/10);
608 AutoBar_Options_Bar_Alpha:SetValue(alpha);
609 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonWidthText:SetText("Button Width - "..width);
610 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonWidth:SetValue(width);
611 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonHeightText:SetText("Button Height - "..height);
612 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ButtonHeight:SetValue(height);
613 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockShiftXText:SetText("Shift Dock Left/Right - "..dockshiftx);
614 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockShiftX:SetValue(dockshiftx);
615 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockShiftYText:SetText("Shift Dock Up/Down - "..dockshifty);
616 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockShiftY:SetValue(dockshifty);
618 AutoBar_SetupVisual();
619 end
621 function AutoBar_Options_CheckBox_Setup()
622 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockingMainBarText:SetText("Docked to Main Menu");
623 AutoBar_Options_Bar_WidthHeightLockedText:SetText("Lock Button Height\nand Width Together");
624 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ReverseButtonsText:SetText("Reverse Buttons");
625 AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideKeyTextText:SetText("Hide Keybinding Text");
626 AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideCountText:SetText("Hide Count text");
627 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ShowEmptyButtonsText:SetText("Show Empty Buttons");
628 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking == "MAINMENU") then
629 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockingMainBar:SetChecked(1);
630 else
631 AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockingMainBar:SetChecked(0);
632 end
633 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.unlockbuttonratio) then
634 AutoBar_Options_Bar_WidthHeightLocked:SetChecked(0);
635 else
636 AutoBar_Options_Bar_WidthHeightLocked:SetChecked(1);
637 end
638 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons) then
639 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ReverseButtons:SetChecked(1);
640 else
641 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ReverseButtons:SetChecked(0);
642 end
643 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidekeytext) then
644 AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideKeyText:SetChecked(1);
645 else
646 AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideKeyText:SetChecked(0);
647 end
648 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidecount) then
649 AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideCount:SetChecked(1);
650 else
651 AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideCount:SetChecked(0);
652 end
653 if (AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.showemptybuttons) then
654 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ShowEmptyButtons:SetChecked(1);
655 else
656 AutoBar_Options_Bar_ShowEmptyButtons:SetChecked(0);
657 end
658 end
660 function AutoBar_Options_CheckBox_OnCheck()
661 local button = this:GetName();
662 if (this:GetChecked()) then
663 if (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockingMainBar") then
664 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking = "MAINMENU";
665 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_WidthHeightLocked") then
666 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.unlockbuttonratio = nil;
667 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_ReverseButtons") then
668 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons = 1;
669 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideKeyText") then
670 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidekeytext = 1;
671 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideCount") then
672 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidecount = 1;
673 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_ShowEmptyButtons") then
674 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.showemptybuttons = 1;
675 end
676 else
677 if (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_DockingMainBar") then
678 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.docking = nil;
679 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_WidthHeightLocked") then
680 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.unlockbuttonratio = 1;
681 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_ReverseButtons") then
682 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.reversebuttons = nil;
683 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideKeyText") then
684 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidekeytext = nil;
685 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_HideCount") then
686 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.hidecount = nil;
687 elseif (button == "AutoBar_Options_Bar_ShowEmptyButtons") then
688 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].display.showemptybuttons = nil;
689 end
690 end
691 AutoBar_Options_CheckBox_Setup();
692 AutoBar_SetupVisual();
693 end
695 function AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton_Option_OnCheck()
696 local num = AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting;
697 local buttoninfo = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[num];
698 local category;
699 if (type(buttoninfo) == "table") then
700 category = buttoninfo[this:GetID()];
701 else
702 category = buttoninfo;
703 end
704 if (not AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast) then
705 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast = {};
706 end
707 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].smartselfcast[category] = this:GetChecked();
708 AutoBar_Config_Button_Edit();
709 end
711 function AutoBar_Options_MoveArrow_OnClick(buttonnum, direction)
712 local primarybutton = AutoBar_Options_ConfigButton.editting;
713 local tmp;
714 if (type(AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton]) == "table") then
715 if (direction == "UP") then
716 tmp = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum-1];
717 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum-1] =
718 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum];
719 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum] = tmp;
720 elseif (direction == "DOWN") then
721 tmp = AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum+1];
722 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum+1] =
723 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum];
724 AutoBar_Config[AutoBar_Player].buttons[primarybutton][buttonnum] = tmp;
725 end
726 end
727 AutoBar_Config_Button_Edit(primarybutton);
728 end
730 ------------------------------------
732 function AutoBar_ToggleConfig()
733 if (AutoBar_Options:IsVisible()) then
734 HideUIPanel(AutoBar_Options);
735 else
736 ShowUIPanel(AutoBar_Options);
737 end
738 end