vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local VERSION_MAJOR = "1";
2 local VERSION_MINOR = "18";
3 local VERSION_BOSSES = "02";
4 ATLASLOOT_VERSION = "|cff4169e1AtlasLoot Enhanced v"..VERSION_MAJOR.."."..VERSION_MINOR.."."..VERSION_BOSSES.."|r";
7 -- Colours stored for code readability
8 local GREY = "|cff999999";
9 local RED = "|cffff0000";
10 local WHITE = "|cffFFFFFF";
11 local GREEN = "|cff1eff00";
12 local PURPLE = "|cff9F3FFF";
13 local BLUE = "|cff0070dd";
14 local ORANGE = "|cffFF8400";
16 local ATLAS_LOOT_BOSS_LINES = 27;
18 AtlasLoot_AnchorFrame = AtlasFrame;
20 local Hooked_Atlas_Refresh;
22 -- Initialise saved variables
23 if(AtlasLootOptions == nil) then
24 AtlasLootOptions = {};
25 end
27 if ( AtlasLootOptions["SafeLinks"] == nil ) then
28 AtlasLootOptions["SafeLinks"] = true;
29 end
30 if ( AtlasLootOptions["AllLinks"] == nil ) then
31 AtlasLootOptions["AllLinks"] = false;
32 end
33 if ( AtlasLootOptions["DefaultTT"] == nil ) then
34 AtlasLootOptions["DefaultTT"] = true;
35 end
36 if ( AtlasLootOptions["LootlinkTT"] == nil ) then
37 AtlasLootOptions["LootlinkTT"] = false;
38 end
39 if ( AtlasLootOptions["ItemSyncTT"] == nil ) then
40 AtlasLootOptions["ItemSyncTT"] = false;
41 end
42 if ( AtlasLootOptions["EquipCompare"] == nil ) then
43 AtlasLootOptions["EquipCompare"] = false;
44 end
46 -- Popup Box for first time users
47 StaticPopupDialogs["ATLASLOOT_SETUP"] = {
50 OnAccept = function()
51 AtlasLootOptions_Toggle();
52 end,
53 timeout = 0,
54 whileDead = 1,
55 hideOnEscape = 1
56 };
58 --Popup Box for an old version of Atlas
59 StaticPopupDialogs["ATLASLOOT_OLD_ATLAS"] = {
62 OnAccept = function()
63 AtlasLootOptions_Toggle();
64 end,
65 timeout = 0,
66 whileDead = 1,
67 hideOnEscape = 1
68 };
70 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
71 -- OnEvent
72 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 function AtlasLoot_OnEvent(event)
74 if(event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
75 AtlasLoot_OnVariablesLoaded();
76 end
77 end
80 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 -- OnEvent - VariablesLoaded
82 -- When the game has loaded all variables, initialise the mod
83 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 function AtlasLoot_OnVariablesLoaded()
85 Hooked_Atlas_Refresh = Atlas_Refresh;
86 Atlas_Refresh = AtlasLoot_Refresh;
87 AtlasLoot_Refresh();
88 --Disable options that don't have the supporting mods
89 if( not LootLink_SetTooltip and (AtlasLootOptions.LootlinkTT == true)) then
90 AtlasLootOptions.LootlinkTT = false;
91 AtlasLootOptions.DefaultTT = true;
92 end
93 if( not ISYNC_VERSION and (AtlasLootOptions.ItemSyncTT == true)) then
94 AtlasLootOptions.ItemSyncTT = false;
95 AtlasLootOptions.DefaultTT = true;
96 end
97 if( not EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip and (AtlasLootOptions.EquipCompare == true)) then
98 AtlasLootOptions.EquipCompare = false;
99 end
100 if((EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip) and (AtlasLootOptions["EquipCompare"] == true)) then
101 EquipCompare_RegisterTooltip(AtlasLootTooltip);
102 end
103 if ( Hooked_Atlas_Refresh ) then
104 AtlasLoot_SetupForAtlas();
105 --If a first time user, set up options
106 if( (AtlasLootVersion == nil) or (tonumber(AtlasLootVersion) < 11402)) then
107 AtlasLootOptions["SafeLinks"] = true;
108 AtlasLootOptions["AllLinks"] = false;
110 StaticPopup_Show ("ATLASLOOT_SETUP");
111 end
112 --If not the expected Atlas version
114 StaticPopup_Show ("ATLASLOOT_OLD_ATLAS");
115 end
116 else
117 AtlasLootItemsFrame:Hide();
118 end
119 end
121 --If someone types /atlasloot, bring up the options box
122 function AtlasLoot_SlashCommand(msg)
123 if(msg == "**") then
124 AtlasLootOptions_Toggle();
125 else
126 AtlasLootOptions_Toggle();
127 end
128 end
130 --Toggle on/off the options window
131 function AtlasLootOptions_Toggle()
132 if(AtlasLootOptionsFrame:IsVisible()) then
133 AtlasLootOptionsFrame:Hide();
134 else
135 AtlasLootOptionsFrame:Show();
136 if(AtlasLootOptions["DefaultTT"] == true) then
137 AtlasLootOptions_DefaultTTToggle();
138 elseif(AtlasLootOptions["LootlinkTT"] == true) then
139 AtlasLootOptions_LootlinkTTToggle();
140 elseif(AtlasLootOptions["ItemSyncTT"] == true) then
141 AtlasLootOptions_ItemSyncTTToggle();
142 end
143 end
144 end
146 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147 -- OnLoad
148 -- When the mod loads, register to complete initialisation when
149 -- everything else is loaded.
150 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
151 function AtlasLoot_OnLoad()
152 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
153 SLASH_ATLASLOOT1 = "/atlasloot";
154 SlashCmdList["ATLASLOOT"] = function(msg)
155 AtlasLoot_SlashCommand(msg);
156 end
157 end
159 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
160 -- Hooked AtlasRefresh
161 -- Called if any change to the Atlas Frame
162 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
163 function AtlasLoot_Refresh()
164 if(Hooked_Atlas_Refresh) then
165 Hooked_Atlas_Refresh();
166 --If we are dealing with instances
167 if ( AtlasOptions.AtlasType == 1 ) then
168 local zoneID = ATLAS_DROPDOWN_LIST[AtlasOptions.AtlasZone];
169 local text;
170 --If we have atlasloot data
171 if(AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID] ~= nil) then
172 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
173 --If we have items in the atlasloot data
174 if(AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID][i] ~= nil and AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID][i] ~= "") then
175 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Hide();
176 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Show();
177 --Ridiculous number of special cases, need to to something to clean this up
178 if(getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):GetText() == nil and getglobal("AtlasText_"..i-1):GetText() == nil and getglobal("AtlasText_"..i-2):GetText() ~= nil) then
179 if(zoneID == "TheRuinsofAhnQiraj") then
180 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_CLASS_BOOKS);
181 elseif(zoneID == "DireMaulNorth") then
182 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRIBUTE_RUN);
183 elseif(zoneID == "WailingCaverns") then
184 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_VIPERSET);
185 elseif(zoneID == "TheDeadmines") then
186 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_DEFIASSET);
187 elseif(zoneID == "ScarletMonastery") then
188 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_SCARLETSET);
189 elseif((zoneID == "DireMaulEast") or (zoneID == "DireMaulWest")) then
190 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_DM_BOOKS);
191 elseif((zoneID == "BlackrockSpireUpper") or (zoneID == "BlackrockSpireLower") or (zoneID == "Scholomance")) then
192 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_T0_SET_PIECES);
193 else
194 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRASH_MOBS);
195 end
196 elseif(zoneID == "MoltenCore" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRASH_MOBS) then
197 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_RANDOM_LOOT);
198 elseif(zoneID == "MoltenCore" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_RANDOM_LOOT and AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID][i] == "T1SET") then
199 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_MC_SET_PIECES);
200 elseif(zoneID == "BlackwingLair" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRASH_MOBS and AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID][i] == "T2SET") then
201 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_BWL_SET_PIECES);
202 elseif(zoneID == "TheTempleofAhnQiraj" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRASH_MOBS) then
203 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_AQ_ENCHANTS);
204 elseif(zoneID == "TheTempleofAhnQiraj" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_AQ_ENCHANTS) then
205 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_AQ40_CLASS_SET_PIECES_1);
206 elseif(zoneID == "TheRuinsofAhnQiraj" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_CLASS_BOOKS) then
207 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_AQ_ENCHANTS);
208 elseif(zoneID == "TheRuinsofAhnQiraj" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_AQ_ENCHANTS) then
209 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_AQ20_CLASS_SET_PIECES_1);
210 elseif((zoneID == "ZulGurub") and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRASH_MOBS) then
211 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_RANDOM_LOOT);
212 elseif((zoneID == "ZulGurub") and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_RANDOM_LOOT) then
213 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_ZG_CLASS_SET_PIECES_1);
214 elseif((zoneID == "ZulGurub") and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_ZG_CLASS_SET_PIECES_1) then
215 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_ZG_ENCHANTS);
216 elseif(zoneID == "DireMaulNorth" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRIBUTE_RUN) then
217 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_DM_BOOKS);
218 elseif(zoneID == "Naxxramas" and getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREY..ATLASLOOT_TRASH_MOBS and AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID][i] == "T3SET") then
219 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREY..ATLASLOOT_NAXX_SET_PIECES);
220 else
221 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):GetText());
222 end
223 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Loot"):Show();
224 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Selected"):Hide();
225 else
226 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
227 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
228 end
229 end
230 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Show();
231 else
232 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
233 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
234 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
235 end
236 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Hide();
237 end
238 --If we are dealing with battlegrounds
239 elseif ( AtlasOptions.AtlasType == 2 ) then
240 zoneID = ATLAS_DROPDOWN_LIST_BG[AtlasOptions.AtlasZone];
241 local text;
242 if(AtlasLootBattlegrounds[zoneID] ~= nil) then
243 --If we have data, just show the rep rewards where we set them.
244 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
245 if(AtlasLootBattlegrounds[zoneID][i] ~= nil and AtlasLootBattlegrounds[zoneID][i] ~= "") then
246 if(getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_FRIENDLY) then
247 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_HONORED);
248 elseif(getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_HONORED) then
249 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_REVERED);
250 elseif(getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_REVERED) then
251 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_EXALTED);
252 elseif(getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..(i-1).."_Text"):GetText() == GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_EXALTED) then
253 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREEN..ATLASLOOT_PVP_SET_PIECES);
254 elseif(getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):GetText() == nil) then
255 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(GREEN..ATLASLOOT_BG_FRIENDLY);
256 end
257 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Loot"):Show();
258 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Selected"):Hide();
259 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Hide();
260 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Show();
261 else
262 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
263 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
264 end
265 end
266 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Show();
267 else
268 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
269 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
270 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
271 end
272 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Hide();
273 end
274 --World Bosses
275 elseif ( AtlasOptions.AtlasType == 5 ) then
276 zoneID = ATLAS_DROPDOWN_LIST_RE[AtlasOptions.AtlasZone];
277 local text;
278 if(AtlasLootWBBossButtons[zoneID] ~= nil) then
279 --If we have data, just show the rep rewards where we set them.
280 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
281 if(AtlasLootWBBossButtons[zoneID][i] ~= nil and AtlasLootWBBossButtons[zoneID][i] ~= "") then
282 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Text"):SetText(getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):GetText());
283 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Loot"):Show();
284 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Selected"):Hide();
285 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Hide();
286 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Show();
287 else
288 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
289 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
290 end
291 end
292 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Show();
293 else
294 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
295 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
296 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
297 end
298 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Hide();
299 end
300 else
301 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
302 getglobal("AtlasText_"..i):Show();
303 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):Hide();
304 end
305 getglobal("AtlasLootInfo"):Hide();
306 end
307 AtlasLootItemsFrame:Hide();
308 end
309 end
311 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 -- Click on boss line
313 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 function AtlasLootBoss_OnClick(id)
315 AtlasLootItemsFrame:Hide();
316 AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss = nil;
317 AtlasLoot_AnchorFrame = AtlasFrame; -- Added
319 if ( ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss ) and ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss == id ) ) then
320 AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss = nil;
321 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_""_Loot"):Show();
322 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_""_Selected"):Hide();
323 else
324 AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss = id;
326 for i = 1, 27, 1 do
327 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Loot"):Show();
328 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i.."_Selected"):Hide();
329 end
331 local _,_,boss = string.find(getglobal("AtlasBossLine_""_Text"):GetText(), "|c%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%s*[%dX]*[%) ]*(.*[^%,])[%,]?$");
333 if ( AtlasOptions.AtlasType == 1 ) then
334 local zoneID = ATLAS_DROPDOWN_LIST[AtlasOptions.AtlasZone];
335 local dataID = AtlasLootBossButtons[zoneID][id];
336 AtlasLoot_ShowItemsFrame(dataID, AtlasLootItems, "|cffFFd200Boss: |cffFFFFFF"..boss);
338 elseif( AtlasOptions.AtlasType == 2 ) then
339 zoneID = ATLAS_DROPDOWN_LIST_BG[AtlasOptions.AtlasZone];
340 local dataID = AtlasLootBattlegrounds[zoneID][id];
341 AtlasLoot_ShowItemsFrame(dataID, AtlasLootBGItems, "|cffFFFFFF"..boss);
343 elseif( AtlasOptions.AtlasType == 5 ) then
344 zoneID = ATLAS_DROPDOWN_LIST_RE[AtlasOptions.AtlasZone];
345 local dataID = AtlasLootWBBossButtons[zoneID][id];
346 AtlasLoot_ShowItemsFrame(dataID, AtlasLootWBItems, "|cffFFd200Boss: |cffFFFFFF"..boss);
348 end
350 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_""_Loot"):Hide();
351 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_""_Selected"):Show();
353 AtlasLoot_SetItemInfoFrame();
354 end
355 end
357 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
358 -- Code below placed in own function to allow calls from external sources as well as from AtlasLootBoss_OnClick(id)
359 -- The function now accepts :
360 -- 1.) the internal lootid that is basically the key for a 'Boss'
361 -- 2.) the AtlasLoot data array that should be examined for information on the 'Boss'
362 -- 3.) the name of the 'Boss' to be displayed at the top of the AtlasLootItemsFrame
363 -- 4.) a data structure detailing the frame to which the AtlasLootItemsFrame should be attached, and how it should
364 -- be anchored. This argument can be ommitted, and the default AtlasFrame will be used.
365 -- This approach is currently dependant on the data structures being identical for BattleGrounds and Instances, and whatever
366 -- new data stores are added in the future. If new or different data structures are added in any new categories
367 -- such as Exteranl Raid Bosses, then the code below should be changed to make sure it can handle that data also.
368 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
369 function AtlasLoot_ShowItemsFrame(dataID, dataSource, boss, pFrame)
371 local itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture, itemColor;
372 local iconFrame, nameFrame, extraFrame;
373 local text, extra;
375 getglobal("AtlasLoot_Tier0Button"):Hide();
376 getglobal("AtlasLoot_Tier1Button"):Hide();
377 getglobal("AtlasLoot_Tier2Button"):Hide();
378 getglobal("AtlasLoot_Tier3Button"):Hide();
379 getglobal("AtlasLoot_ZGButton"):Hide();
380 getglobal("AtlasLoot_AQ20Button"):Hide();
381 getglobal("AtlasLoot_AQ40Button"):Hide();
382 getglobal("AtlasLoot_PVPButton"):Hide();
384 if(dataID=="AQ40SET") then
385 AtlasLoot_Set("AQ40SET");
386 elseif(dataID=="AQ20SET") then
387 AtlasLoot_Set("AQ20SET");
388 elseif(dataID=="ZGSET") then
389 AtlasLoot_Set("ZGSET");
390 elseif(dataID=="T3SET") then
391 AtlasLoot_Set("T3SET");
392 elseif(dataID=="T2SET") then
393 AtlasLoot_Set("T2SET");
394 elseif(dataID=="T1SET") then
395 AtlasLoot_Set("T1SET");
396 elseif(dataID=="T0SET") then
397 AtlasLoot_Set("T0SET");
398 elseif(dataID=="PVPSET") then
399 AtlasLoot_Set("PVPSET");
400 else
401 for i = 1, 30, 1 do
402 if(dataSource[dataID][i] ~= nil and dataSource[dataID][i][3] ~= "") then
403 itemName, itemLink, itemQuality, itemLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemCount, itemEquipLoc, itemTexture = GetItemInfo(dataSource[dataID][i][1]);
404 if(GetItemInfo(dataSource[dataID][i][1])) then
405 _, _, _, itemColor = GetItemQualityColor(itemQuality);
406 text = itemColor..itemName;
407 else
408 text = dataSource[dataID][i][3];
409 text = AtlasLoot_FixText(text);
410 end
412 extra = dataSource[dataID][i][4];
413 extra = AtlasLoot_FixText(extra);
414 if((not GetItemInfo(dataSource[dataID][i][1])) and (dataSource[dataID][i][1] ~= 0)) then
415 extra = extra..ATLASLOOT_NO_ITEMINFO;
416 end
418 iconFrame = getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i.."_Icon");
419 nameFrame = getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i.."_Name");
420 extraFrame = getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i.."_Extra");
422 iconFrame:SetTexture("Interface\\Icons\\"..dataSource[dataID][i][2]);
423 nameFrame:SetText(text);
424 extraFrame:SetText(extra);
426 getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i).itemID = dataSource[dataID][i][1];
427 getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i).storeID = dataSource[dataID][i][1];
428 getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i).droprate = dataSource[dataID][i][5];
429 getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i).i = 1;
430 getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i):Show();
431 else
432 getglobal("AtlasLootItem_"..i):Hide();
433 end
434 end
435 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Druid"):Hide();
436 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Hunter"):Hide();
437 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Mage"):Hide();
438 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Paladin"):Hide();
439 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Priest"):Hide();
440 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Rogue"):Hide();
441 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Shaman"):Hide();
442 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Warlock"):Hide();
443 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Warrior"):Hide();
444 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_Weapons"):Hide();
445 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_BACK"):Hide();
446 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_NEXT"):Hide();
447 getglobal("AtlasLootItemsFrame_PREV"):Hide();
448 AtlasLoot_BossName:SetText(boss);
449 end
450 AtlasLoot_SetItemInfoFrame(pFrame); -- New function to Show the frame, dependant on which frame you want to attach it to
451 -- pFrame can be a 'nil' value, and the AtlasFrame will be used by default
452 end
454 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
455 -- Code to deal with External Requests to display the Loot Info frame
456 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
458 function AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot(dataID, boss, pFrame)
460 AtlasLootItemsFrame:Hide();
461 if ( AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss ) then
462 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss.."_Loot"):Show();
463 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss.."_Selected"):Hide();
464 AtlasLootItemsFrame.activeBoss = nil;
465 end
467 if ( dataID == AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss ) then
468 AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss = nil;
470 else
472 -- The approach below is dependant on 'boss' IDs being Globally Unique
473 -- i.e. the same 'boss' ID can not be used in both the Instance data and the BG data
474 -- if it is, then this code will only ever fetch the BG data
476 local dataSource = AtlasLootItems; -- Instance data used as default
478 if ( AtlasLootBGItems[dataID] ) then -- but replace with BG data if 'boss' found there
479 dataSource = AtlasLootBGItems;
480 elseif ( AtlasLootWBItems[dataID] ) then -- NEW 'ELSEIF'
481 dataSource = AtlasLootWBItems;
482 elseif ( AtlasLootSetItems[dataID] ) then -- NEW 'ELSEIF'
483 dataSource = AtlasLootSetItems;
485 -- ------------ elseif ( item exists in any new arrays added in the future such as External Raid Bosses ) then ......
487 end
489 AtlasLoot_AnchorFrame = pFrame; -- Added
490 AtlasLootItemsFrame.externalBoss = dataID;
491 AtlasLoot_ShowItemsFrame(dataID, dataSource, boss, pFrame);
492 end
494 end
496 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
497 -- Setup Atlas Dependant XML Components
498 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 function AtlasLoot_SetupForAtlas()
502 AtlasLootBossLinesFrame:ClearAllPoints();
503 AtlasLootBossLinesFrame:SetParent(AtlasFrame);
504 AtlasLootBossLinesFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AtlasText_ZoneName", "TOPLEFT", 0, -80);
506 for i=1, ATLAS_LOOT_BOSS_LINES, 1 do
507 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):ClearAllPoints();
508 local anchorTo = "AtlasText_"..i;
509 getglobal("AtlasBossLine_"..i):SetPoint("TOPLEFT", anchorTo, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0);
510 end
512 AtlasLootInfo:ClearAllPoints();
513 AtlasLootInfo:SetParent(AtlasFrame);
514 AtlasLootInfo:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AtlasFrame", "TOPLEFT", 546, -50);
516 AtlasLootPanel:ClearAllPoints();
517 AtlasLootPanel:SetParent(AtlasFrame);
518 AtlasLootPanel:SetPoint("TOP", "AtlasFrame", "BOTTOM", 0, 9);
520 AtlasLoot_SetItemInfoFrame();
521 AtlasLootItemsFrame:Hide();
523 end
525 function AtlasLoot_SetItemInfoFrame(pFrame)
526 if ( pFrame ) then
527 if(pFrame==AtlasFrame and AtlasFrame) then
528 AtlasLootItemsFrame:ClearAllPoints();
529 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetParent(AtlasFrame);
530 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AtlasFrame", "TOPLEFT", 18, -84);
531 else
532 AtlasLootItemsFrame:ClearAllPoints();
533 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetParent(pFrame[2]);
534 AtlasLootItemsFrame:ClearAllPoints();
535 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetPoint(pFrame[1], pFrame[2], pFrame[3], pFrame[4], pFrame[5]);
536 end
537 elseif ( AtlasFrame ) then
538 AtlasLootItemsFrame:ClearAllPoints();
539 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetParent(AtlasFrame);
540 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "AtlasFrame", "TOPLEFT", 18, -84);
541 else
542 AtlasLootItemsFrame:ClearAllPoints();
543 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetParent(UIParent);
544 AtlasLootItemsFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", "UIParent", "CENTER", 0, 0);
545 end
546 AtlasLootItemsFrame:Show();
547 end