vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --
2 -- AggroAlert
3 -- v1.5
4 -- By Sathanas of Khadgar
5 --
6 -- Creates a movable frame that will display the target's target (if any), and allow for
7 -- visible warning on player gaining aggro.
8 --
9 -- To move the AggroAlert bubble, use Shift+Left Button and drag it to a new position.
10 --
11 -- Clicking on the AggroAlert bubble will target the unit named in the bubble
12 --
13 -- v1.5 Changes:
14 --
15 -- Updated TOC for 1.7 patch.
16 -- Added an option in the /agg warning command to disable all text warnings.
17 --
18 --
19 -- v1.4 Changes:
20 --
21 -- Removed buggy call command. Seeing a pattern here?
22 -- Background of the AggroAlert bubble is now a healthbar for the named unit in the bubble.
23 --
24 --
25 -- v1.3 Changes:
26 --
27 -- Ditched the buggy spell alert that was in 1.3 beta. It sucked.
28 -- Added Healer Mode, the bubble will display "- Tank" or "- Idle" when targetting an ally, showing
29 -- whether their target is currently aggrod on them (i.e. the ally is tanking) or not.
30 -- Also added the new command "/agg call" which turns on automatic announcment of targets target changes
31 -- in the appropriate channel. When your target changes targets (i.e. the main tank loses aggro)
32 -- AggroAlert will broadcast a message to the channel, example "Target Change! Onyxia is now engaged on SomeDumbGuy!",
33 -- this alert disables itself when you change targets or exit combat, and must be turned on individually each
34 -- time with "/agg call", this is done mainly since this is a very situational feature.
35 --
36 --
37 -- v1.2 Changes:
38 --
39 -- Slash commands have changed, use "/agg mode" to toggle modes, and "/agg warning" to toggle between
40 -- the original smaller warning, and a new gigantic one.
41 -- Hopefully fixed all the errors caused by stun/sap/poly etc
42 --
43 --
44 -- v1.1 Changes:
45 --
46 -- AggroAlert now uses the slash command /aggroalert or /agg to toggle between 2 modes:
47 -- DPS Mode will alert you visibly on screen when the targetted unit targets onto you (You pulled aggro)
48 -- Tank Mode will alert you when the targeted unit CEASES targetting on you (Someone else pulled aggro)
49 --
50 --
52 local aggroWarningCount = 0;
53 local PlayerName = UnitName("player");
55 AggroAlertMode = {};
56 AggroAlertWarning = {};
58 function AggroAlert_OnLoad()
59 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED");
60 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_COMBAT");
61 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
62 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
63 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
64 end
66 function AggroAlert_Command(cmd)
67 if (cmd) then
68 if (cmd == "mode") then
69 if (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == 0) then -- DPS Mode
70 AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] = 1;
71 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert is now operating in Tank Mode",1,0,0);
72 elseif (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == 1) then -- Tank Mode
73 AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] = 2;
74 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert is now operating in Healer Mode",1,0,0);
75 elseif (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == 2) then
76 AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] = 0;
77 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert is now operating in DPS Mode",1,0,0);
78 end
79 elseif (cmd == "warning") then
80 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 0) then -- Little Warning
81 AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] = 1;
82 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert Warning style set to Giganto Mode",1,0,0);
83 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 1) then -- Big Warning
84 AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] = 2;
85 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert Warning text disabled",1,0,0);
86 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 2) then -- Warning Off
87 AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] = 0;
88 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert Warning style set to Small Mode",1,0,0);
89 end
90 else
91 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Valid AggroAlert commands are:",1,0,0);
92 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("/agg mode - Toggle operating mode between DPS ,Tank, and Healer modes.",1,0,0);
93 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("/agg warning - Toggle between small, large, and no warning text.",1,0,0);
94 end
95 end
96 end
98 function AggroAlert_OnEvent(event)
99 if( event == "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED" or event == "UNIT_COMBAT" or event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
100 AggroAlert_Go();
101 end
102 if (event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
103 aggroWarningCount = 0;
104 AggroAlert_Call = 0;
105 CallTime = 0;
106 AggroAlert_Go();
107 end
108 if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
110 if (AggroAlertMode == nil) then
111 AggroAlertMode = {};
112 end
113 if (AggroAlertWarning == nil) then
114 AggroAlertWarning = {};
115 end
117 if (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == nil) then
118 AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] = {};
119 AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] = 0;
120 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert is setting initial mode...");
121 end
122 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == nil) then
123 AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] = {};
124 AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] = 0;
125 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("AggroAlert is setting initial warning style...");
126 end
128 SLASH_AGGROALERT1 = "/aggroalert";
129 SLASH_AGGROALERT2 = "/agg";
130 SlashCmdList["AGGROALERT"] = AggroAlert_Command;
131 end
132 end
134 function AggroAlert_Go()
135 if (UnitName("target")) then
136 -- Player has something targetted
137 if (UnitIsCorpse("target")) then AggroAlert();
138 elseif (UnitIsDead("target")) then AggroAlert();
139 else AggroAlert("Idle");
140 end
141 if (UnitAffectingCombat("target")) then
142 -- Target is in an active combat situation
143 if (UnitIsDead("targettarget") or UnitIsCorpse("targettarget")) then
144 -- Im thinking targetting something that is targetting a corpse or dead thing is causing crashes
145 -- Hence this safety check. If it is, we do nothing and hide the bubble.
146 AggroAlert();
147 else
148 if (UnitName("targettarget")) then
149 -- Stupid mobs dont have targets when they are trapped/polyd/sapped/stunned, check for this
151 if (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == 0) then -- DPS Mode
152 if (UnitName("targettarget") == UnitName("player")) then
153 -- Its coming right for us!
154 AggroAlert("*** YOU ***",0,1);
155 if (aggroWarningCount == 0) then
156 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 0) then
157 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(UnitName("target").." has changed targets to you!",1,0,0,1,3);
158 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 1) then
159 AggroAlertFadingFrame_Show(UnitName("target").." has changed targets to you!");
160 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 2) then
161 -- Warning disabled, left in for future additions that may require this condition
162 end
163 aggroWarningCount = 1;
164 end
165 else
166 -- Whew it isnt fighting us
167 AggroAlert(UnitName("targettarget"),1,0);
168 aggroWarningCount = 0;
169 end
170 elseif (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == 1) then -- Tank mode
171 if (UnitName("targettarget") == UnitName("player")) then
172 -- Its coming right for us! (A good thing, im tanking it)
173 AggroAlert("*** YOU ***",1,0);
174 aggroWarningCount = 0;
175 else
176 -- Some dumb hunter pulled aggro
177 AggroAlert(UnitName("targettarget"),0,1);
178 if (aggroWarningCount == 0) then
179 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 0) then
180 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("You have lost aggro to "..UnitName("targettarget").."!",1,0,0,1,3);
181 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 1) then
182 AggroAlertFadingFrame_Show("You have lost aggro to "..UnitName("targettarget").."!");
183 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 2) then
184 -- Warning disabled, left in for future additions that may require this condition
185 end
186 aggroWarningCount = 1;
187 end
188 end
189 elseif (AggroAlertMode[PlayerName] == 2) then -- Healer Mode
190 if (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
191 if (UnitIsFriend("player", "target")) then
192 if (UnitIsUnit("target", "targettargettarget")) then -- The target and the targets target target (whew) are the same
193 AggroAlert(UnitName("targettarget").." - Tank",1,0);
194 if (aggroWarningCount == 0) then
195 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 0) then
196 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(UnitName("target").." is now tanking "..UnitName("targettarget"),1,0,0,1,3);
197 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 1) then
198 AggroAlertFadingFrame_Show(UnitName("target").." is now tanking "..UnitName("targettarget"));
199 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 2) then
200 -- Warning disabled, left in for future additions that may require this condition
201 end
202 aggroWarningCount = 1;
203 end
204 else -- Lazy warrior isnt tanking anything!
205 AggroAlert(UnitName("targettarget").." - Idle",1,0);
206 aggroWarningCount = 0;
207 end
208 else
209 if (UnitName("targettarget") == UnitName("player")) then
210 -- Its coming right for us!
211 AggroAlert("*** YOU ***",0,1);
212 if (aggroWarningCount == 0) then
213 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 0) then
214 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(UnitName("target").." has changed targets to you!",1,0,0,1,3);
215 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 1) then
216 AggroAlertFadingFrame_Show(UnitName("target").." has changed targets to you!");
217 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 2) then
218 -- Warning disabled, left in for future additions that may require this condition
219 end
220 aggroWarningCount = 1;
221 end
222 else
223 -- Whew it isnt fighting us
224 AggroAlert(UnitName("targettarget"),1,0);
225 aggroWarningCount = 0;
226 end
227 end
228 else
229 if (UnitName("targettarget") == UnitName("player")) then
230 -- Its coming right for us!
231 AggroAlert("*** YOU ***",0,1);
232 if (aggroWarningCount == 0) then
233 if (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 0) then
234 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(UnitName("target").." has changed targets to you!",1,0,0,1,3);
235 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 1) then
236 AggroAlertFadingFrame_Show(UnitName("target").." has changed targets to you!");
237 elseif (AggroAlertWarning[PlayerName] == 2) then
238 -- Warning disabled, left in for future additions that may require this condition
239 end
240 aggroWarningCount = 1;
241 end
242 else
243 -- Whew it isnt fighting us
244 AggroAlert(UnitName("targettarget"),1,0);
245 aggroWarningCount = 0;
246 end
247 end
248 end
249 end
250 end
251 end
252 else
253 -- Player has nothing targetted
254 AggroAlert();
255 end
256 end
259 function AggroAlert(text, swords, skull)
260 AggroAlert_Skull:Hide();
261 AggroAlert_Swords:Hide();
262 AggroAlert_Bubble:Hide();
263 AggroAlert_Frame:Show();
264 AggroAlert_Text:Show();
266 if (text == nil) then
267 AggroAlert_Skull:Hide();
268 AggroAlert_Swords:Hide();
269 AggroAlert_Bubble:Hide();
270 AggroAlert_Frame:Hide();
271 AggroAlert_Text:Hide();
272 else
273 AggroAlert_Text:SetText(text);
274 AggroAlert_Frame:SetWidth(AggroAlert_Text:GetWidth() + 30);
275 AggroAlert_Bar:SetWidth(AggroAlert_Frame:GetWidth() - 6);
276 if (UnitIsFriend("targettarget","player") or UnitInParty("targettarget") or UnitInRaid("targettarget")) then
277 AggroAlert_Bar:SetAlpha(.5);
278 elseif (UnitIsUnit("targettarget","player")) then
279 AggroAlert_Bar:SetAlpha(.6);
280 else
281 AggroAlert_Bar:SetAlpha(.4);
282 end
283 if (UnitHealthMax("targettarget") > 100) then
284 local thingy = UnitHealth("targettarget") / UnitHealthMax("targettarget");
285 thingy = thingy * 100;
286 AggroAlert_Bar:SetValue(thingy);
287 else
288 AggroAlert_Bar:SetValue(UnitHealth("targettarget"));
289 end
290 if (swords == 1) then
291 AggroAlert_Bubble:Show();
292 AggroAlert_Swords:Show();
293 end
294 if (skull == 1) then
295 AggroAlert_Bubble:Show();
296 AggroAlert_Skull:Show();
297 end
298 end
299 end
301 function AggroAlert_TargetUnit()
302 AssistUnit("target");
303 aggroWarningCount = 0;
304 end
306 --
307 -- Fade in/out frame stuff
308 -- Ripped/modified from FadingFrame from Blizzard
309 --
311 function AggroAlertFadingFrame_OnLoad()
312 AggroAlert_BigWarning:Hide();
313 end
315 function AggroAlertFadingFrame_Show(message)
316 AggroAlertstartTime = GetTime();
317 if (message) then
318 AggroAlert_BigWarning_Text:SetText(message);
319 end
320 AggroAlert_BigWarning:Show();
321 end
324 function AggroAlertFadingFrame_OnUpdate()
325 local elapsed = GetTime() - AggroAlertstartTime;
326 local fadeInTime = 0.2;
327 if ( elapsed < fadeInTime ) then
328 local alpha = (elapsed / fadeInTime);
329 AggroAlert_BigWarning:SetAlpha(alpha);
330 return;
331 end
332 local holdTime = 2.5;
333 if ( elapsed < (fadeInTime + holdTime) ) then
334 AggroAlert_BigWarning:SetAlpha(1.0);
335 return;
336 end
337 local fadeOutTime = 2;
338 if ( elapsed < (fadeInTime + holdTime + fadeOutTime) ) then
339 local alpha = 1.0 - ((elapsed - holdTime - fadeInTime) / fadeOutTime);
340 AggroAlert_BigWarning:SetAlpha(alpha);
341 return;
342 end
343 AggroAlert_BigWarning:Hide();
344 end