vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 Name: Babble-Zone-2.2
3 Revision: $Rev: 15636 $
4 Author(s): ckknight (
5 Website:
6 Documentation:
7 SVN:
8 Description: A library to provide localizations for zones.
9 Dependencies: AceLibrary, AceLocale-2.2
10 ]]
12 local MAJOR_VERSION = "Babble-Zone-2.2"
13 local MINOR_VERSION = tonumber(string.sub("$Revision: 15636 $", 12, -3))
15 if not AceLibrary then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceLibrary") end
17 if not AceLibrary:HasInstance("AceLocale-2.2") then error(MAJOR_VERSION .. " requires AceLocale-2.2") end
19 local _, x = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):GetLibraryVersion()
22 if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) then return end
24 local BabbleZone = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new(MAJOR_VERSION)
26 -- uncomment below for debug information
27 -- BabbleZone:EnableDebugging()
29 BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("enUS", function()
30 return {
31 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = true,
32 ["Alterac Mountains"] = true,
33 ["Alterac Valley"] = true,
34 ["Arathi Basin"] = true,
35 ["Arathi Highlands"] = true,
36 ["Ashenvale"] = true,
37 ["Auberdine"] = true,
38 ["Azshara"] = true,
39 ["Badlands"] = true,
40 ["The Barrens"] = true,
41 ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = true,
42 ["Blackrock Depths"] = true,
43 ["Blackrock Mountain"] = true,
44 ["Blackrock Spire"] = true,
45 ["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
46 ["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
47 ["Blackwing Lair"] = true,
48 ["Blasted Lands"] = true,
49 ["Booty Bay"] = true,
50 ["Burning Steppes"] = true,
51 ["Darkshore"] = true,
52 ["Darnassus"] = true,
53 ["The Deadmines"] = true,
54 ["Deadwind Pass"] = true,
55 ["Deeprun Tram"] = true,
56 ["Desolace"] = true,
57 ["Dire Maul"] = true,
58 ["Dire Maul (East)"] = true,
59 ["Dire Maul (West)"] = true,
60 ["Dire Maul (North)"] = true,
61 ["Dun Morogh"] = true,
62 ["Durotar"] = true,
63 ["Duskwood"] = true,
64 ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = true,
65 ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = true,
66 ["Elwynn Forest"] = true,
67 ["Everlook"] = true,
68 ["Felwood"] = true,
69 ["Feralas"] = true,
70 ["The Forbidding Sea"] = true,
71 ["Gadgetzan"] = true,
72 ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = true,
73 ["Gnomeregan"] = true,
74 ["The Great Sea"] = true,
75 ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = true,
76 ["Hall of Legends"] = true,
77 ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = true,
78 ["The Hinterlands"] = true,
79 ["Hyjal"] = true,
80 ["Ironforge"] = true,
81 ["Loch Modan"] = true,
82 ["Maraudon"] = true,
83 ["Menethil Harbor"] = true,
84 ["Molten Core"] = true,
85 ["Moonglade"] = true,
86 ["Mulgore"] = true,
87 ["Naxxramas"] = true,
88 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = true,
89 ["Orgrimmar"] = true,
90 ["Ratchet"] = true,
91 ["Ragefire Chasm"] = true,
92 ["Razorfen Downs"] = true,
93 ["Razorfen Kraul"] = true,
94 ["Redridge Mountains"] = true,
95 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = true,
96 ["Scarlet Monastery"] = true,
97 ["Scholomance"] = true,
98 ["Searing Gorge"] = true,
99 ["Shadowfang Keep"] = true,
100 ["Silithus"] = true,
101 ["Silverpine Forest"] = true,
102 ["The Stockade"] = true,
103 ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = true,
104 ["Stormwind City"] = true,
105 ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = true,
106 ["Stratholme"] = true,
107 ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = true,
108 ["Tanaris"] = true,
109 ["Teldrassil"] = true,
110 ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = true,
111 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = true,
112 ["Theramore Isle"] = true,
113 ["Thousand Needles"] = true,
114 ["Thunder Bluff"] = true,
115 ["Tirisfal Glades"] = true,
116 ["Uldaman"] = true,
117 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = true,
118 ["Undercity"] = true,
119 ["Wailing Caverns"] = true,
120 ["Warsong Gulch"] = true,
121 ["Western Plaguelands"] = true,
122 ["Westfall"] = true,
123 ["Wetlands"] = true,
124 ["Winterspring"] = true,
125 ["Zul'Farrak"] = true,
126 ["Zul'Gurub"] = true,
128 -- Burning Crusade
130 -- Subzones used for displaying instances.
131 ["Plaguewood"] = true,
132 ["Hellfire Citadel"] = true,
133 ["Auchindoun"] = true,
134 ["The Bone Wastes"] = true, -- Substitute for Auchindoun, since this is what shows on the minimap.
135 ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = true, -- Not used yet.
137 ["Azuremyst Isle"] = true,
138 ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = true,
139 ["Eversong Woods"] = true,
140 ["Ghostlands"] = true,
141 ["The Exodar"] = true,
142 ["Silvermoon City"] = true,
143 ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = true,
144 ["Black Temple"] = true,
145 ["Terokkar Forest"] = true,
146 ["Auchenai Crypts"] = true,
147 ["Mana-Tombs"] = true,
148 ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = true,
149 ["Sethekk Halls"] = true,
150 ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = true,
151 ["The Dark Portal"] = true,
152 ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = true,
153 ["The Blood Furnace"] = true,
154 ["The Shattered Halls"] = true,
155 ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = true,
156 ["Nagrand"] = true,
157 ["Zangarmarsh"] = true,
158 ["The Slave Pens"] = true,
159 ["The Underbog"] = true,
160 ["The Steamvault"] = true,
161 ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = true,
162 ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = true,
163 ["Gruul's Lair"] = true,
164 ["Netherstorm"] = true,
165 ["Tempest Keep"] = true,
166 ["The Mechanar"] = true,
167 ["The Botanica"] = true,
168 ["The Arcatraz"] = true,
169 ["Eye of the Storm"] = true,
170 ["Shattrath City"] = true,
171 ["Karazhan"] = true,
172 ["Caverns of Time"] = true,
173 ["Zul'Aman"] = true,
174 }
175 end)
177 BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("deDE", function()
178 return {
179 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ahn'Qiraj",
180 ["Alterac Mountains"] = "Alteracgebirge",
181 ["Alterac Valley"] = "Alteractal",
182 ["Arathi Basin"] = "Arathibecken",
183 ["Arathi Highlands"] = "Arathihochland",
184 ["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale",
185 ["Auberdine"] = "Auberdine",
186 ["Azshara"] = "Azshara",
187 ["Badlands"] = "\195\150dland",
188 ["The Barrens"] = "Brachland",
189 ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Blackfathom-Tiefe",
190 ["Blackrock Depths"] = "Blackrocktiefen",
191 ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Der Blackrock",
192 ["Blackrock Spire"] = "Blackrockspitze",
193 ["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
194 ["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
195 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "Pechschwingenhort",
196 ["Blasted Lands"] = "Verw\195\188stete Lande",
197 ["Booty Bay"] = "Booty Bay",
198 ["Burning Steppes"] = "Brennende Steppe",
199 ["Darkshore"] = "Dunkelk\195\188ste",
200 ["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
201 ["The Deadmines"] = "Die Todesminen",
202 ["Deadwind Pass"] = "Gebirgspass der Totenwinde",
203 ["Deeprun Tram"] = "Die Tiefenbahn",
204 ["Desolace"] = "Desolace",
205 ["Dire Maul"] = "D\195\188sterbruch",
206 ["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh",
207 ["Durotar"] = "Durotar",
208 ["Duskwood"] = "D\195\164mmerwald",
209 ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Marschen von Dustwallow",
210 ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "\195\150stliche Pestl\195\164nder",
211 ["Elwynn Forest"] = "Wald von Elwynn",
212 ["Everlook"] = "Everlook",
213 ["Felwood"] = "Teufelswald",
214 ["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
215 ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "Das verbotene Meer",
216 ["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
217 ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Tore von Ahn'Qiraj",
218 ["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan",
219 ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "Grom'gol Basis Lager",
220 ["The Great Sea"] = "Das grosse Meer",
221 ["Hall of Legends"] = "Halle der Legenden",
222 ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Vorgebirge von Hillsbrad",
223 ["The Hinterlands"] = "Hinterland",
224 ["Hyjal"] = "Hyjal",
225 ["Ironforge"] = "Ironforge",
226 ["Loch Modan"] = "Loch Modan",
227 ["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon",
228 ["Menethil Harbor"] = "Menethil Hafen",
229 ["Molten Core"] = "Geschmolzener Kern",
230 ["Moonglade"] = "Moonglade",
231 ["Mulgore"] = "Mulgore",
232 ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
233 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Onyxias Hort",
234 ["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
235 ["Ratchet"] = "Ratchet",
236 ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Ragefireabgrund",
237 ["Razorfen Downs"] = "Die H\195\188gel von Razorfen",
238 ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Der Kral von Razorfen",
239 ["Redridge Mountains"] = "Rotkammgebirge",
240 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruinen von Ahn'Qiraj",
241 ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Das Scharlachrote Kloster",
242 ["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance",
243 ["Searing Gorge"] = "Sengende Schlucht",
244 ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Burg Shadowfang",
245 ["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
246 ["Silverpine Forest"] = "Silberwald",
247 ["The Stockade"] = "Das Verlies",
248 ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Steinkrallengebirge",
249 ["Stormwind City"] = "Stormwind",
250 ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Schlingendorntal",
251 ["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme",
252 ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "S\195\188mpfe des Elends",
253 ["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris",
254 ["Teldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
255 ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Tempel von Ahn'Qiraj",
256 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Der Tempel von Atal'Hakkar",
257 ["Theramore Isle"] = "Insel Theramore",
258 ["Thousand Needles"] = "Tausend Nadeln",
259 ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
260 ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Tirisfal",
261 ["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman",
262 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Un'Goro-Krater",
263 ["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
264 ["Wailing Caverns"] = "Die H\195\182hlen des Wehklagens",
265 ["Warsong Gulch"] = "Warsongschlucht",
266 ["Western Plaguelands"] = "Westliche Pestl\195\164nder",
267 ["Westfall"] = "Westfall",
268 ["Wetlands"] = "Sumpfland",
269 ["Winterspring"] = "Winterspring",
270 ["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak",
271 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub",
273 -- Burning Crusade
275 -- Subzones used for displaying instances.
276 ["Plaguewood"] = "Seuchenwald",
277 ["Hellfire Citadel"] = "H\195\182llenfeuer Zitadelle",
278 ["Auchindoun"] = "Auchindoun",
279 ["The Bone Wastes"] = "Die Knochen-Vergeudungen", -- Substitute for Auchindoun, since this is what shows on the minimap.
280 ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "Spulenrei\195\159zahn Reservat",
282 ["Azuremyst Isle"] = "Azurnebel Inseln",
283 ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "Blutnebel Inseln",
284 ["Eversong Woods"] = "Immerlied W\195\164lder",
285 ["Ghostlands"] = "Geisterl\195\164nder",
286 ["The Exodar"] = "Das Exodar",
287 ["Silvermoon City"] = "Silbermond Stadt",
288 ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Schattenmondtal",
289 ["Black Temple"] = "Schwarzer Tempel",
290 ["Terokkar Forest"] = "Terokkar Wald",
291 ["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Auchenai Krypten",
292 ["Mana-Tombs"] = "Mana-Gr\195\164ber",
293 ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Schatten Labyrinth",
294 ["Sethekk Halls"] = "Sethekk Hallen",
295 ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "H\195\182llenfeuer Halbinsel",
296 ["The Dark Portal"] = "Das Dunkle Portal",
297 ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "H\195\182llenfeuer Ramteile",
298 ["The Blood Furnace"] = "Der Blut-Ofen",
299 ["The Shattered Halls"] = "Die Zerbrochenen Hallen",
300 ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Magtheridon's Hort",
301 ["Nagrand"] = "Nagrand",
302 ["Zangarmarsh"] = "Zangarsumpf",
303 ["The Slave Pens"] = "Die Sklaven Federn",
304 ["The Underbog"] = "Der Untersumpf",
305 ["The Steamvault"] = "Die Dampfw\195\182lbung",
306 ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Schlangenschrein H\195\182hle",
307 ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Klingenrand Berge",
308 ["Gruul's Lair"] = "Gruul's Hort",
309 ["Netherstorm"] = "Nethersturm",
310 ["Tempest Keep"] = "Tempest Unterschlupf",
311 ["The Mechanar"] = "Das Mechanar",
312 ["The Botanica"] = "Das Botanica",
313 ["The Arcatraz"] = "Das Arcatraz",
314 ["Eye of the Storm"] = "Auge des Sturms",
315 ["Shattrath City"] = "Shattrath Stadt",
316 ["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan",
317 ["Caverns of Time"] = "Die H\195\182hlen der Zeit",
318 ["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman",
319 }
320 end)
322 BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function()
323 return {
324 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ahn'Qiraj",
325 ["Alterac Mountains"] = "Montagnes d'Alterac",
326 ["Alterac Valley"] = "Vall\195\169e d'Alterac",
327 ["Arathi Basin"] = "Bassin d'Arathi",
328 ["Arathi Highlands"] = "Hautes-terres d'Arathi",
329 ["Ashenvale"] = "Ashenvale",
330 ["Auberdine"] = "Auberdine",
331 ["Azshara"] = "Azshara",
332 ["Badlands"] = "Terres ingrates (Badlands)",
333 ["The Barrens"] = "Les Tarides (the Barrens)",
334 ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "Profondeurs de Brassenoire",
335 ["Blackrock Depths"] = "Profondeurs de Blackrock",
336 ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "Mont Blackrock",
337 ["Blackrock Spire"] = "Pic Blackrock",
338 ["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
339 ["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
340 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "Repaire de l'Aile noire",
341 ["Blasted Lands"] = "Terres foudroy\195\169es (Blasted Lands)",
342 ["Booty Bay"] = "Baie-du-Butin",
343 ["Burning Steppes"] = "Steppes ardentes",
344 ["Darkshore"] = "Sombrivage (Darkshore)",
345 ["Darnassus"] = "Darnassus",
346 ["The Deadmines"] = "Les mortemines",
347 ["Deadwind Pass"] = "D\195\169fil\195\169 de Deuillevent (Deadwind Pass)",
348 ["Deeprun Tram"] = "Tram des profondeurs",
349 ["Desolace"] = "D\195\169solace",
350 ["Dire Maul"] = "Hache-tripes",
351 ["Dire Maul (East)"] = "Hache-tripes (Est)",
352 ["Dire Maul (West)"] = "Hache-tripes (Ouest)",
353 ["Dire Maul (North)"] = "Hache-tripes (Nord)",
354 ["Dun Morogh"] = "Dun Morogh",
355 ["Durotar"] = "Durotar",
356 ["Duskwood"] = "Bois de la P\195\169nombre (Duskwood)",
357 ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "Mar\195\169cage d'\195\130prefange (Dustwallow Marsh)",
358 ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "Maleterres de l'est (Eastern Plaguelands)",
359 ["Elwynn Forest"] = "For\195\170t d'Elwynn",
360 ["Everlook"] = "Long-guet",
361 ["Felwood"] = "Gangrebois (Felwood)",
362 ["Feralas"] = "Feralas",
363 ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "La Mer interdite",
364 ["Gadgetzan"] = "Gadgetzan",
365 ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Portes d'Ahn'Qiraj",
366 ["Gnomeregan"] = "Gnomeregan",
367 ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "Campement Grom'gol",
368 ["The Great Sea"] = "La Grande mer",
369 ["Hall of Legends"] = "Hall des L\195\169gendes",
370 ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "Contreforts d'Hillsbrad",
371 ["The Hinterlands"] = "Les Hinterlands",
372 ["Hyjal"] = "Hyjal",
373 ["Ironforge"] = "Ironforge",
374 ["Loch Modan"] = "Loch Modan",
375 ["Maraudon"] = "Maraudon",
376 ["Menethil Harbor"] = "Port de Menethil",
377 ["Molten Core"] = "C\197\147ur du Magma",
378 ["Moonglade"] = "Reflet-de-lune",
379 ["Mulgore"] = "Mulgore",
380 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "Repaire d'Onyxia",
381 ["Naxxramas"] = "Naxxramas",
382 ["Orgrimmar"] = "Orgrimmar",
383 ["Ratchet"] = "Ratchet",
384 ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "Gouffre de Ragefeu",
385 ["Razorfen Downs"] = "Souilles de Tranchebauge",
386 ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "Kraal de Tranchebauge",
387 ["Redridge Mountains"] = "Les Carmines (Redridge Mts)",
388 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj",
389 ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "Monast\195\168re Ecarlate",
390 ["Scholomance"] = "Scholomance",
391 ["Searing Gorge"] = "Gorge des Vents br\195\187lants (Searing Gorge)",
392 ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "Donjon d'Ombrecroc",
393 ["Silithus"] = "Silithus",
394 ["Silverpine Forest"] = "For\195\170t des Pins argent\195\169s (Silverpine Forest)",
395 ["The Stockade"] = "La Prison",
396 ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "Les Serres-Rocheuses (Stonetalon Mts)",
397 ["Stormwind City"] = "Cit\195\169 de Stormwind",
398 ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "Vall\195\169e de Strangleronce (Stranglethorn Vale)",
399 ["Stratholme"] = "Stratholme",
400 ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "Marais des Chagrins (Swamp of Sorrows)",
401 ["Tanaris"] = "Tanaris",
402 ["Teldrassil"] = "Teldrassil",
403 ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "Le temple d'Ahn'Qiraj",
404 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "Le Temple d'Atal'Hakkar",
405 ["Theramore Isle"] = "Ile de Theramore",
406 ["Thousand Needles"] = "Mille pointes (Thousand Needles)",
407 ["Thunder Bluff"] = "Thunder Bluff",
408 ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "Clairi\195\168res de Tirisfal",
409 ["Uldaman"] = "Uldaman",
410 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "Crat\195\168re d'Un'Goro",
411 ["Undercity"] = "Undercity",
412 ["Wailing Caverns"] = "Cavernes des lamentations",
413 ["Warsong Gulch"] = "Goulet des Warsong",
414 ["Western Plaguelands"] = "Maleterres de l'ouest (Western Plaguelands)",
415 ["Westfall"] = "Marche de l'Ouest (Westfall)",
416 ["Wetlands"] = "Les Paluns (Wetlands)",
417 ["Winterspring"] = "Berceau-de-l'Hiver (Winterspring)",
418 ["Zul'Farrak"] = "Zul'Farrak",
419 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "Zul'Gurub",
421 -- Burning Crusade
423 -- Subzones used for displaying instances.
424 --["Plaguewood"] = true,
425 ["Hellfire Citadel"] = "Citadelle des Flammes infernales",
426 ["Auchindoun"] = "Auchindoun",
427 --["The Bone Wastes"] = true, -- Substitute for Auchindoun, since this is what shows on the minimap.
428 ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "R\195\169servoir de Glissecroc", -- Not used yet.
430 ["Azuremyst Isle"] = "Ile de Brume-azure",
431 ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "Ile de Brume-sang",
432 ["Eversong Woods"] = "Bois des Chants \195\169ternels",
433 ["Ghostlands"] = "Les Terres fant\195\180mes",
434 ["The Exodar"] = "L'Exodar",
435 ["Silvermoon City"] = "Lune-d'argent",
436 ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "Vall\195\169e d'Ombrelune",
437 ["Black Temple"] = "Temple noir",
438 ["Terokkar Forest"] = "For\195\170t de Terokkar",
439 ["Auchenai Crypts"] = "Cryptes des Auchena\195\175",
440 ["Mana-Tombs"] = "Tombes-mana",
441 ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "Labyrinthe des Ombres",
442 ["Sethekk Halls"] = "Les salles de Sethekk",
443 ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "P\195\169ninsule des Flammes infernales",
444 ["The Dark Portal"] = "La Porte des t\195\169n\195\168bres",
445 ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "Remparts des Flammes infernales",
446 ["The Blood Furnace"] = "La Fournaise du sang",
447 ["The Shattered Halls"] = "Les Salles bris\195\169es",
448 ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "Le repaire de Magtheridon",
449 ["Nagrand"] = "Nagrand",
450 ["Zangarmarsh"] = "Mar\195\169cage de Zangar",
451 ["The Slave Pens"] = "Les enclos aux esclaves",
452 ["The Underbog"] = "La Basse-tourbi\195\168re",
453 ["The Steamvault"] = "Le Caveau de la vapeur",
454 ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "Sanctuaire du Serpent",
455 ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "Les Tranchantes",
456 ["Gruul's Lair"] = "Le repaire de Gruul",
457 ["Netherstorm"] = "Raz-de-N\195\169ant",
458 ["Tempest Keep"] = "Donjon de la temp\195\170te",
459 ["The Mechanar"] = "Le M\195\169chanar",
460 ["The Botanica"] = "La Botanica",
461 ["The Arcatraz"] = "L'Arcatraz",
462 ["Eye of the Storm"] = "L'\197\146il du cyclone",
463 ["Shattrath City"] = "Shattrath",
464 ["Karazhan"] = "Karazhan",
465 ["Caverns of Time"] = "Grottes du temps",
466 ["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman",
467 }
468 end)
470 BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("zhCN", function()
471 return {
472 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉",
473 ["Alterac Mountains"] = "奥特兰克山脉",
474 ["Alterac Valley"] = "奥特兰克山谷",
475 ["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地",
476 ["Arathi Highlands"] = "阿拉希高地",
477 ["Ashenvale"] = "灰谷",
478 ["Auberdine"] = "奥伯丁",
479 ["Azshara"] = "艾萨拉",
480 ["Badlands"] = "荒芜之地",
481 ["The Barrens"] = "贫瘠之地",
482 ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "黑暗深渊",
483 ["Blackrock Depths"] = "黑石深渊",
484 ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "黑石山",
485 ["Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔",
486 ["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
487 ["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
488 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢",
489 ["Blasted Lands"] = "诅咒之地",
490 ["Booty Bay"] = "藏宝海湾",
491 ["Burning Steppes"] = "燃烧平原",
492 ["Darkshore"] = "黑海岸",
493 ["Darnassus"] = "达纳苏斯",
494 ["The Deadmines"] = "死亡矿井",
495 ["Deadwind Pass"] = "逆风小径",
496 ["Deeprun Tram"] = "矿道地铁",
497 ["Desolace"] = "凄凉之地",
498 ["Dire Maul"] = "厄运之槌",
499 ["Dire Maul (East)"] = "厄运之槌(东)",
500 ["Dire Maul (West)"] = "厄运之槌(西)",
501 ["Dire Maul (North)"] = "厄运之槌(北)",
502 ["Dun Morogh"] = "丹莫罗",
503 ["Durotar"] = "杜隆塔尔",
504 ["Duskwood"] = "暮色森林",
505 ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "尘泥沼泽",
506 ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "东瘟疫之地",
507 ["Elwynn Forest"] = "艾尔文森林",
508 ["Everlook"] = "永望镇",
509 ["Felwood"] = "费伍德森林",
510 ["Feralas"] = "菲拉斯",
511 ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "禁忌之海",
512 ["Gadgetzan"] = "加基森",
513 ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉之门",
514 ["Gnomeregan"] = "诺莫瑞根",
515 ["The Great Sea"] = "无尽之海",
516 ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "格罗姆高营地",
517 ["Hall of Legends"] = "传说大厅",
518 ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希尔斯布莱德丘陵",
519 ["The Hinterlands"] = "辛特兰",
520 ["Hyjal"] = "海加尔",
521 ["Ironforge"] = "铁炉堡",
522 ["Loch Modan"] = "洛克莫丹",
523 ["Maraudon"] = "玛拉顿",
524 ["Menethil Harbor"] = "米奈希尔港",
525 ["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心",
526 ["Moonglade"] = "月光林地",
527 ["Mulgore"] = "莫高雷",
528 ["Naxxramas"] = "纳克萨玛斯",
529 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奥妮克希亚的巢穴",
530 ["Orgrimmar"] = "奥格瑞玛",
531 ["Ratchet"] = "棘齿城",
532 ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "怒焰裂谷",
533 ["Razorfen Downs"] = "剃刀高地",
534 ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "剃刀沼泽",
535 ["Redridge Mountains"] = "赤脊山",
536 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉废墟",
537 ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "血色修道院",
538 ["Scholomance"] = "通灵学院",
539 ["Searing Gorge"] = "灼热峡谷",
540 ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "影牙城堡",
541 ["Silithus"] = "希利苏斯",
542 ["Silverpine Forest"] = "银松森林",
543 ["The Stockade"] = "暴风城监狱",
544 ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "石爪山脉",
545 ["Stormwind City"] = "暴风城",
546 ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荆棘谷",
547 ["Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆",
548 ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲伤沼泽",
549 ["Tanaris"] = "塔纳利斯",
550 ["Teldrassil"] = "泰达希尔",
551 ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉神殿",
552 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "阿塔哈卡神庙",
553 ["Theramore Isle"] = "塞拉摩岛",
554 ["Thousand Needles"] = "千针石林",
555 ["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖",
556 ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "提瑞斯法林地",
557 ["Uldaman"] = "奥达曼",
558 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "安戈洛环形山",
559 ["Undercity"] = "幽暗城",
560 ["Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴",
561 ["Warsong Gulch"] = "战歌峡谷",
562 ["Western Plaguelands"] = "西瘟疫之地",
563 ["Westfall"] = "西部荒野",
564 ["Wetlands"] = "湿地",
565 ["Winterspring"] = "冬泉谷",
566 ["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖尔法拉克",
567 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖尔格拉布",
569 ["Plaguewood"] = "病木林",
570 -- ["Auchindoun"] = true,
571 -- ["The Bone Wastes"] = true,
572 -- ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = true,
574 -- ["Auchenai Crypts"] = true,
575 -- ["Mana-Tombs"] = true,
576 -- ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = true,
577 -- ["Sethekk Halls"] = true,
578 -- ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = true,
579 -- ["The Blood Furnace"] = true,
580 -- ["The Shattered Halls"] = true,
581 -- ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = true,
582 -- ["The Slave Pens"] = true,
583 -- ["The Underbog"] = true,
584 -- ["The Steamvault"] = true,
585 -- ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = true,
586 -- ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = true,
587 -- ["Gruul's Lair"] = true,
588 -- ["Netherstorm"] = true,
589 -- ["The Mechanar"] = true,
590 -- ["The Botanica"] = true,
591 -- ["The Arcatraz"] = true,
592 -- ["Eye of the Storm"] = true,
594 -- Burning Crusade
595 ["Azuremyst Isle"] = "秘蓝岛", --some of the following tranlation need to checked after the release
596 ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "秘血岛",
597 ["Eversong Woods"] = "永歌森林",
598 ["Ghostlands"] = "鬼魂之地",
599 ["The Exodar"] = "埃克索达",
600 ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "影月峡谷",
601 ["Silvermoon City"] = "银月城",
602 ["Black Temple"] = "黑暗神庙",
603 ["Terokkar Forest"] = "泰罗卡森林",
604 ["Auchindoun"] = "奥金顿",
605 ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "地狱火半岛",
606 ["The Dark Portal"] = "黑暗之门",
607 ["Hellfire Citadel"] = "地狱火堡垒",
608 ["Nagrand"] = "纳格兰",
609 ["Zangarmarsh"] = "赞加沼泽",
610 ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "盘牙湖泊",
611 ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "刀锋山",
612 ["Gruul's Lair"] = "格鲁尔的巢穴",
613 ["Netherstorm"] = "虚空风暴",
614 ["Tempest Keep"] = "风暴要塞",
615 ["Shattrath City"] = "沙尔特拉城",
616 ["Karazhan"] = "卡拉赞",
617 ["Caverns of Time"] = "时光之穴",
618 -- ["Zul'Aman"] = true,
619 }
620 end)
622 BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function()
623 return {
624 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉",
625 ["Alterac Mountains"] = "奧特蘭克山脈",
626 ["Alterac Valley"] = "奧特蘭克山谷",
627 ["Arathi Basin"] = "阿拉希盆地",
628 ["Arathi Highlands"] = "阿拉希高地",
629 ["Ashenvale"] = "梣谷",
630 ["Auberdine"] = "奧伯丁",
631 ["Azshara"] = "艾薩拉",
632 ["Badlands"] = "荒蕪之地",
633 ["The Barrens"] = "貧瘠之地",
634 ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "黑暗深淵",
635 ["Blackrock Depths"] = "黑石深淵",
636 ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "黑石山",
637 ["Blackrock Spire"] = "黑石塔",
638 ["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
639 ["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
640 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "黑翼之巢",
641 ["Blasted Lands"] = "詛咒之地",
642 ["Booty Bay"] = "藏寶海灣",
643 ["Burning Steppes"] = "燃燒平原",
644 ["Darkshore"] = "黑海岸",
645 ["Darnassus"] = "達納蘇斯",
646 ["The Deadmines"] = "死亡礦坑",
647 ["Deadwind Pass"] = "逆風小徑",
648 ["Deeprun Tram"] = "礦道地鐵",
649 ["Desolace"] = "淒涼之地",
650 ["Dire Maul"] = "厄運之槌",
651 ["Dun Morogh"] = "丹莫洛",
652 ["Durotar"] = "杜洛塔",
653 ["Duskwood"] = "暮色森林",
654 ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "塵泥沼澤",
655 ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "東瘟疫之地",
656 ["Elwynn Forest"] = "艾爾文森林",
657 ["Everlook"] = "永望鎮",
658 ["Felwood"] = "費伍德森林",
659 ["Feralas"] = "菲拉斯",
660 ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "禁忌之海",
661 ["Gadgetzan"] = "加基森",
662 ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉之門",
663 ["Gnomeregan"] = "諾姆瑞根",
664 ["The Great Sea"] = "無盡之海",
665 ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "格羅姆高營地",
666 ["Hall of Legends"] = "傳說大廳",
667 ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "希爾斯布萊德丘陵",
668 ["The Hinterlands"] = "辛特蘭",
669 ["Hyjal"] = "海加爾山",
670 ["Ironforge"] = "鐵爐堡",
671 ["Loch Modan"] = "洛克莫丹",
672 ["Maraudon"] = "瑪拉頓",
673 ["Menethil Harbor"] = "米奈希爾港",
674 ["Molten Core"] = "熔火之心",
675 ["Moonglade"] = "月光林地",
676 ["Mulgore"] = "莫高雷",
677 ["Naxxramas"] = "納克薩瑪斯",
678 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "奧妮克希亞的巢穴",
679 ["Orgrimmar"] = "奧格瑪",
680 ["Ratchet"] = "棘齒城",
681 ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "怒焰裂谷",
682 ["Razorfen Downs"] = "剃刀高地",
683 ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "剃刀沼澤",
684 ["Redridge Mountains"] = "赤脊山",
685 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉廢墟",
686 ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "血色修道院",
687 ["Scholomance"] = "通靈學院",
688 ["Searing Gorge"] = "灼熱峽谷",
689 ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "影牙城堡",
690 ["Silithus"] = "希利蘇斯",
691 ["Silverpine Forest"] = "銀松森林",
692 ["The Stockade"] = "監獄",
693 ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "石爪山脈",
694 ["Stormwind City"] = "暴風城",
695 ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "荊棘谷",
696 ["Stratholme"] = "斯坦索姆",
697 ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "悲傷沼澤",
698 ["Tanaris"] = "塔納利斯",
699 ["Teldrassil"] = "泰達希爾",
700 ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "安其拉神廟",
701 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "阿塔哈卡神廟",
702 ["Theramore Isle"] = "塞拉摩島",
703 ["Thousand Needles"] = "千針石林",
704 ["Thunder Bluff"] = "雷霆崖",
705 ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "提里斯法林地",
706 ["Uldaman"] = "奧達曼",
707 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "安戈洛環形山",
708 ["Undercity"] = "幽暗城",
709 ["Wailing Caverns"] = "哀嚎洞穴",
710 ["Warsong Gulch"] = "戰歌峽谷",
711 ["Western Plaguelands"] = "西瘟疫之地",
712 ["Westfall"] = "西部荒野",
713 ["Wetlands"] = "濕地",
714 ["Winterspring"] = "冬泉谷",
715 ["Zul'Farrak"] = "祖爾法拉克",
716 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "祖爾格拉布",
718 -- ["Plaguewood"] = true,
719 -- ["Auchindoun"] = true,
720 -- ["The Bone Wastes"] = true,
721 -- ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = true,
723 -- ["Auchenai Crypts"] = true,
724 -- ["Mana-Tombs"] = true,
725 -- ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = true,
726 -- ["Sethekk Halls"] = true,
727 -- ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = true,
728 -- ["The Blood Furnace"] = true,
729 -- ["The Shattered Halls"] = true,
730 -- ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = true,
731 -- ["The Slave Pens"] = true,
732 -- ["The Underbog"] = true,
733 -- ["The Steamvault"] = true,
734 -- ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = true,
735 -- ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = true,
736 -- ["Gruul's Lair"] = true,
737 -- ["Netherstorm"] = true,
738 -- ["The Mechanar"] = true,
739 -- ["The Botanica"] = true,
740 -- ["The Arcatraz"] = true,
741 -- ["Eye of the Storm"] = true,
743 -- Burning Crusade
744 -- ["Azuremyst Isle"] = true,
745 -- ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = true,
746 -- ["Eversong Woods"] = true,
747 -- ["Ghostlands"] = true,
748 -- ["The Exodar"] = true,
749 -- ["Silvermoon City"] = true,
750 -- ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = true,
751 -- ["Black Temple"] = true,
752 -- ["Terokkar Forest"] = true,
753 -- ["Auchindoun"] = true,
754 -- ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = true,
755 -- ["Hellfire Citadel"] = true,
756 -- ["Nagrand"] = true,
757 -- ["Zangarmarsh"] = true,
758 -- ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = true,
759 -- ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = true,
760 -- ["Gruul's Lair"] = true,
761 -- ["Netherstorm"] = true,
762 -- ["Tempest Keep"] = true,
763 -- ["Shattrath City"] = true,
764 -- ["Karazhan"] = true,
765 ["Caverns of Time"] = "時光洞穴",
766 -- ["Zul'Aman"] = true,
767 }
768 end)
771 BabbleZone:RegisterTranslations("koKR", function()
772 return {
773 ["Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈",
774 ["Alterac Mountains"] = "알터랙 산맥",
775 ["Alterac Valley"] = "알터랙 계곡",
776 ["Arathi Basin"] = "아라시 분지",
777 ["Arathi Highlands"] = "아라시 고원",
778 ["Ashenvale"] = "잿빛 골짜기",
779 ["Auberdine"] = "아우버다인",
780 ["Azshara"] = "아즈샤라",
781 ["Badlands"] = "황야의 땅",
782 ["The Barrens"] = "불모의 땅",
783 ["Blackfathom Deeps"] = "검은 심연의 나락",
784 ["Blackrock Depths"] = "검은바위 나락",
785 ["Blackrock Mountain"] = "검은바위 산",
786 ["Blackrock Spire"] = "검은바위 첨탑",
787 ["Lower Blackrock Spire"] = true,
788 ["Upper Blackrock Spire"] = true,
789 ["Blackwing Lair"] = "검은날개 둥지",
790 ["Blasted Lands"] = "저주받은 땅",
791 ["Booty Bay"] = "무법항",
792 ["Burning Steppes"] = "불타는 평원",
793 ["Darkshore"] = "어둠의 해안",
794 ["Darnassus"] = "다르나서스",
795 ["The Deadmines"] = "죽음의 폐광",
796 ["Deadwind Pass"] = "죽음의 고개",
797 ["Deeprun Tram"] = "깊은굴 지하철",
798 ["Desolace"] = "잊혀진 땅",
799 ["Dire Maul"] = "혈투의 전장",
800 ["Dire Maul (East)"] = "혈투의 전장 (동부)",
801 ["Dire Maul (West)"] = "혈투의 전장 (서부)",
802 ["Dire Maul (North)"] = "혈투의 전장 (북부)",
803 ["Dun Morogh"] = "던 모로",
804 ["Durotar"] = "듀로타",
805 ["Duskwood"] = "그늘숲",
806 ["Dustwallow Marsh"] = "먼지진흙 습지대",
807 ["Eastern Plaguelands"] = "동부 역병지대",
808 ["Elwynn Forest"] = "엘윈 숲",
809 ["Everlook"] = "눈망루 마을", -- By turtl
810 ["Felwood"] = "악령의 숲",
811 ["Feralas"] = "페랄라스",
812 ["The Forbidding Sea"] = "성난폭풍 해안",
813 ["Gadgetzan"] = "가젯잔",
814 ["Gates of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈 성문",
815 ["Gnomeregan"] = "놈리건",
816 ["The Great Sea"] = "대해",
817 ["Grom'gol Base Camp"] = "그롬골 주둔지",
818 ["Hall of Legends"] = "용사의 전당",
819 ["Hillsbrad Foothills"] = "힐스브래드 구릉지",
820 ["The Hinterlands"] = "동부 내륙지",
821 ["Hyjal"] = "하이잘",
822 ["Ironforge"] = "아이언포지",
823 ["Loch Modan"] = "모단 호수",
824 ["Maraudon"] = "마라우돈",
825 ["Menethil Harbor"] = "메네실 항구",
826 ["Molten Core"] = "화산 심장부",
827 ["Moonglade"] = "달의 숲",
828 ["Mulgore"] = "멀고어",
829 ["Naxxramas"] = "낙스라마스",
830 ["Onyxia's Lair"] = "오닉시아의 둥지",
831 ["Orgrimmar"] = "오그리마",
832 ["Ratchet"] = "톱니항",
833 ["Ragefire Chasm"] = "성난 불길협곡",
834 ["Razorfen Downs"] = "가시덩쿨 구릉",
835 ["Razorfen Kraul"] = "가시덩쿨 우리",
836 ["Redridge Mountains"] = "붉은마루 산맥",
837 ["Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈 폐허",
838 ["Scarlet Monastery"] = "붉은 십자군 수도원",
839 ["Scholomance"] = "스칼로맨스",
840 ["Searing Gorge"] = "이글거리는 협곡",
841 ["Shadowfang Keep"] = "그림자 송곳니 성채",
842 ["Silithus"] = "실리더스",
843 ["Silverpine Forest"] = "은빛소나무 숲",
844 ["The Stockade"] = "지하감옥",
845 ["Stonetalon Mountains"] = "돌발톱 산맥",
846 ["Stormwind City"] = "스톰윈드",
847 ["Stranglethorn Vale"] = "가시덤불 골짜기",
848 ["Stratholme"] = "스트라솔름",
849 ["Swamp of Sorrows"] = "슬픔의 늪",
850 ["Tanaris"] = "타나리스",
851 ["Teldrassil"] = "텔드랏실",
852 ["Temple of Ahn'Qiraj"] = "안퀴라즈 사원",
853 ["The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"] = "아탈학카르 신전",
854 ["Theramore Isle"] = "테라모어 섬",
855 ["Thousand Needles"] = "버섯구름 봉우리",
856 ["Thunder Bluff"] = "썬더 블러프",
857 ["Tirisfal Glades"] = "티리스팔 숲",
858 ["Uldaman"] = "울다만",
859 ["Un'Goro Crater"] = "운고로 분화구",
860 ["Undercity"] = "언더시티",
861 ["Wailing Caverns"] = "통곡의 동굴",
862 ["Warsong Gulch"] = "전쟁노래 협곡",
863 ["Western Plaguelands"] = "서부 역병지대",
864 ["Westfall"] = "서부 몰락지대",
865 ["Wetlands"] = "저습지",
866 ["Winterspring"] = "여명의 설원",
867 ["Zul'Farrak"] = "줄파락",
868 ["Zul'Gurub"] = "줄구룹",
870 -- Burning Crusade
872 -- Subzones used for displaying instances.
873 ["Plaguewood"] = "Plaguewood", -- check
874 ["Hellfire Citadel"] = "지옥불 성채",
875 ["Auchindoun"] = "아킨둔",
876 ["The Bone Wastes"] = "해골 무덤", -- Substitute for Auchindoun, since this is what shows on the minimap.
877 ["Coilfang Reservoir"] = "갈퀴송곳니 저수지",
879 ["Azuremyst Isle"] = "하늘안개 섬",
880 ["Bloodmyst Isle"] = "핏빛안개 섬",
881 ["Eversong Woods"] = "영원노래 숲",
882 ["Ghostlands"] = "유령의 땅",
883 ["The Exodar"] = "엑소다르",
884 ["Silvermoon City"] = "실버문",
885 ["Shadowmoon Valley"] = "어둠달 골짜기",
886 ["Black Temple"] = "검은 사원",
887 ["Terokkar Forest"] = "테로카르 숲",
888 ["Auchenai Crypts"] = "아키나이 납골당",
889 ["Mana-Tombs"] = "마나 무덤",
890 ["Shadow Labyrinth"] = "어둠의 미궁",
891 ["Sethekk Halls"] = "세데크 전당",
892 ["Hellfire Peninsula"] = "지옥불 반도",
893 ["The Dark Portal"] = "The Dark Portal", -- check
894 ["Hellfire Ramparts"] = "지옥불 성루",
895 ["The Blood Furnace"] = "피의 용광로",
896 ["The Shattered Halls"] = "파괴된 전당",
897 ["Magtheridon's Lair"] = "마그테리돈의 둥지",
898 ["Nagrand"] = "나그란드",
899 ["Zangarmarsh"] = "장가르 습지대",
900 ["The Slave Pens"] = "강제 수용소",
901 ["The Underbog"] = "지하수렁",
902 ["The Steamvault"] = "증기 저장고",
903 ["Serpentshrine Cavern"] = "불뱀 제단",
904 ["Blade's Edge Mountains"] = "칼날 산맥",
905 ["Gruul's Lair"] = "그룰의 둥지",
906 ["Netherstorm"] = "황천의 폭풍",
907 ["Tempest Keep"] = "폭풍우 요새",
908 ["The Mechanar"] = "메카나르",
909 ["The Botanica"] = "신록의 정원",
910 ["The Arcatraz"] = "알카트라즈",
911 ["Eye of the Storm"] = "폭풍의 눈",
912 ["Shattrath City"] = "샤트라스",
913 ["Karazhan"] = "카라잔",
914 ["Caverns of Time"] = "시간의 동굴",
915 ["Zul'Aman"] = "Zul'Aman", -- check
916 }
917 end)
919 BabbleZone:Debug()
920 BabbleZone:SetStrictness(true)
922 AceLibrary:Register(BabbleZone, MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION)
923 BabbleZone = nil