MantisBT-Discord – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 <?php
2 /**
3 * Slack Integration
4 * Copyright (C) 2014 Karim Ratib (
5 *
6 * Slack Integration is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License 2
8 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9 *
10 * Slack Integration is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with Slack Integration; if not, write to the Free Software
17 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
18 * or see
19 *
20 * @author Karim Ratib
21 */
23 $s_plugin_Discord_ = '';
24 $s_plugin_Discord_title = 'Intégration de Discord';
25 $s_plugin_Discord_description = 'Plugiciel d\'intégration pour envoyer les notifications de Mantis à des channels de Discord.';
26 $s_plugin_Discord_config = 'Configuration';
27 $s_plugin_Discord_url_webhook = 'URL de webhook Discord de défaut';
28 $s_plugin_Discord_url_webhooks = 'URLs de webhook Discord additionnels';
29 $s_plugin_Discord_bot_name = 'Nom du bot Discord';
30 $s_plugin_Discord_bot_icon = 'Icône du bot Discord';
31 $s_plugin_Discord_skip_bulk = 'Ne pas envoyer de notification pour les actions en bloc';
32 $s_plugin_Discord_link_names = 'Convertir les noms d\'utilisateurs en liens Discord (peut causer des notifications excessives dans Discord)';
33 $s_plugin_Discord_default_channel = 'Channel Discord de défault';
34 $s_plugin_Discord_channels = 'Correspondances des channels';
35 $s_plugin_Discord_usernames = 'Correspondances des noms d\'utilisateurs';
36 $s_plugin_Discord_columns = 'Champs de bogues';
37 $s_plugin_Discord_bug_created = '[%s] %s a crée <%s|%s>. (%s)';
38 $s_plugin_Discord_bug_updated = '[%s] %s a modifié <%s|%s>. (%s)';
39 $s_plugin_Discord_bug_deleted = '[%s] %s a effacé %s.';
40 $s_plugin_Discord_bugnote_created = "[%s] %s a commenté sur <%s|%s> pour dire:";
41 $s_plugin_Discord_bugnote_updated = "[%s] %s a modifié un commentaire sur <%s|%s> pour dire:";
42 $s_plugin_Discord_bugnote_deleted = "[%s] %s a effacé un commentaire sur <%s|%s>.";
43 $s_plugin_Discord_no_user = '(personne)';
44 $s_plugin_Discord_unknown_field = '(incapable de visualiser le champ "%s")';
45 $s_plugin_Discord_skip = 'Ne pas envoyer de notification sur Discord';
46 $s_plugin_Discord_action_update = 'Envoyer';
48 $MANTIS_ERROR['plugin_Discord_ERROR_NO_CURL'] = 'Le plugiciel Discord requiert l\'extension cURL (';
49 $MANTIS_ERROR['plugin_Discord_ERROR_PHP_VERSION'] = 'Le plugiciel Discord requiert PHP 5.3.0 ou plus';
50 $MANTIS_ERROR['plugin_Discord_ERROR_CURL'] = 'La requête pour Discord n\'est pas arrivée à destination. Vérifiez votre URL de webhook. Vérifiez aussi que le nom et l\'icône du bot Discord ne contiennent pas de caractère anormaux. Regardez ci-dessous pour plus d\'informations.';