vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

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Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 ZoneLevel now supports a lookup of zone level ranges using the /zinfo <zone> command.
2 Below is a list of abbreviations which can be used for each zone in addition to the zone's full name.
3 Note that all zone names are case insensitive.
5 Zone Abbreviation <notes>
6 ------------------- ----------------
7 Alterac Mountains alterac
8 Arathi Basin ab
9 Arathi Highlands arathi
10 Alterac Valley av
11 Burning Steppes bs
12 Blackfathom Deeps bfd
13 Blasted Lands bl
14 Blackrock Mountain brm
15 Blackrock Depths brd
16 Blackrock Spire brs
17 The Barrens barrens
18 Blackwing Lair bwl
19 Booty Bay bb
20 Caverns of Time cot <not yet accessible ingame>
21 Darnassus darn
22 The Deadmines deadmines
23 Dire Maul dm
24 Dustwallow Marsh dustwallow
25 dwm
26 Eastern Plaguelands epl
27 Elwynn Forest elwynn
28 Un'Goro Crater ungoro crater
29 ungoro
30 Gnomeregan gnomeregon
31 gnomer
32 Gadgetzan gadget
33 Hillsbrad Foothills hillsbrad
34 The Hinterlands hinterlands
35 Thousand Needles 1kn <the first character here is the number 1>
36 Molten Core mc
37 Maraudon md
38 maur
39 Onyxia's Lair onyxia
40 onyx
41 Ragefire Chasm rfc
42 Razorfen Downs rfd
43 Razorfen Kraul rfk
44 Redridge Mountains redridge mts
45 redridge
46 Shadowfang Keep sfk
47 Scholomance scholo
48 Swamp of Sorrows sos
49 The Stockade stockade
50 Stonetalon Mountains sm
51 stonetalon mts
52 stonetalon
53 Stranglethorn Vale stv
54 Silverpine Forest silverpine
55 Thunder Bluff tb
56 Sunken Temple ( of Atal'Hakkar)
57 st
58 Wailing Caverns wc
59 Warsong Gulch wsg
60 Western Plaguelands wpl
61 Zul'Farrak zf
62 Zul'Gurub zg