vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 <Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
2 ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
3 <Script file="Localization.lua"/>
4 <Script file="Localization.deDE.lua"/>
5 <Script file="Localization.frFR.lua"/>
6 <Script file="Localization.zhCN.lua"/>
7 <Script file="XPerl_RaidAdmin.lua"/>
8 <Script file="..\XPerl\XPerl_Usage.lua"/>
10 <Button name="XPerl_BasicButton" virtual="true">
11 <Scripts>
12 <OnEnter>
13 if (this.tooltipText) then
14 local str1 = getglobal(this.tooltipText)
15 local str2
16 if (not str1) then
17 str1 = getglobal(this.tooltipText.."1")
18 str2 = getglobal(this.tooltipText.."2")
19 end
20 if (not str1) then
21 str1 = this.tooltipText
22 str2 = nil
23 end
25 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT")
27 if (str2) then
30 GameTooltip:Show()
31 else
32 GameTooltip:SetText(str1, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1)
33 end
34 end
35 </OnEnter>
36 <OnLeave>
37 GameTooltip:Hide()
38 </OnLeave>
39 </Scripts>
40 <NormalText inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall"/>
41 <HighlightText inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall"/>
42 <DisabledText inherits="GameFontDisableSmall"/>
43 </Button>
45 <Button name="XPerlDiscButtonTemplate" virtual="true" inherits="XPerl_BasicButton">
46 <Size>
47 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
48 </Size>
50 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_SaveLoad">
51 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.4140625" top="0" bottom="0.3515625"/>
52 </NormalTexture>
53 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_SaveLoad">
54 <TexCoords left="0.4140625" right="0.828125" top="0" bottom="0.3515625"/>
55 </PushedTexture>
56 <DisabledTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_SaveLoad">
57 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.4140625" top="0.359375" bottom="0.7109375"/>
58 </DisabledTexture>
59 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_SaveLoad" alphaMode="ADD">
60 <TexCoords left="0.4140625" right="0.828125" top="0.3515625" bottom="0.703125"/>
61 </HighlightTexture>
62 </Button>
65 <EditBox name="XPerlEditBox" autoFocus="false" multiline="false" ignoreArrows="true" toplevel="true" historyLines="0" letters="20" hidden="false" virtual="true">
66 <Size>
67 <AbsDimension x="50" y="20"/>
68 </Size>
69 <Layers>
70 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
71 <Texture name="$parentLeft" file="Interface\Common\Common-Input-Border">
72 <Size>
73 <AbsDimension x="8" y="20"/>
74 </Size>
75 <Anchors>
76 <Anchor point="LEFT">
77 <Offset>
78 <AbsDimension x="-5" y="0"/>
79 </Offset>
80 </Anchor>
81 </Anchors>
82 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.0625" top="0" bottom="0.625"/>
83 </Texture>
84 <Texture name="$parentRight" file="Interface\Common\Common-Input-Border">
85 <Size>
86 <AbsDimension x="8" y="20"/>
87 </Size>
88 <Anchors>
89 <Anchor point="RIGHT">
90 <Offset>
91 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="0"/>
92 </Offset>
93 </Anchor>
94 </Anchors>
95 <TexCoords left="0.9375" right="1.0" top="0" bottom="0.625"/>
96 </Texture>
97 <Texture name="$parentMiddle" file="Interface\Common\Common-Input-Border">
98 <Size>
99 <AbsDimension x="10" y="20"/>
100 </Size>
101 <Anchors>
102 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parentLeft" relativePoint="RIGHT"/>
103 <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parentRight" relativePoint="LEFT"/>
104 </Anchors>
105 <TexCoords left="0.0625" right="0.9375" top="0" bottom="0.625"/>
106 </Texture>
107 </Layer>
108 </Layers>
109 <Scripts>
110 <OnEscapePressed>
111 this:ClearFocus();
112 </OnEscapePressed>
113 </Scripts>
114 <FontString inherits="ChatFontNormal"/>
115 </EditBox>
117 <Button name="XPerlRosterLineTemplate" virtual="true">
118 <NormalText inherits="GameFontNormalSmall"/>
119 <Size>
120 <AbsDimension x="70" y="12"/>
121 </Size>
122 <Scripts>
123 <OnClick>
124 local text = this:GetText()
125 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls_Edit:SetText(text)
126 </OnClick>
127 </Scripts>
128 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\QuestFrame\UI-QuestTitleHighlight" alphaMode="ADD"/>
129 </Button>
131 <Frame name="XPerl_AdminFrame" parent="UIParent" movable="true">
132 <Scripts>
133 <OnLoad>
134 this:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton")
135 XPerl_AdminOnLoad()
136 this:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
137 this:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
139 this.Expand = function()
140 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Show()
141 XPerl_AdminFrame_TitleBar_LockOpen:Show()
142 XPerl_AdminFrame:SetWidth(140)
143 XPerl_AdminFrame:SetHeight(150)
144 end
146 this.Collapse = function()
147 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Hide()
148 XPerl_AdminFrame_TitleBar_LockOpen:Hide()
149 XPerl_AdminFrame:SetWidth(140)
150 XPerl_AdminFrame:SetHeight(18)
151 end
152 </OnLoad>
153 <OnEvent>
154 XPerl_AdminOnEvent()
155 </OnEvent>
156 <OnEnter>
157 XPerl_AdminFrame:Expand()
158 </OnEnter>
159 <OnUpdate>
160 XPerl_Admin_OnUpdate(arg1)
161 </OnUpdate>
162 <OnDragStart>
163 if (not XPerl_Admin.Pinned or (IsAltKeyDown() and IsControlKeyDown() and IsShiftKeyDown())) then
164 this:StartMoving()
165 end
166 </OnDragStart>
167 <OnDragStop>
168 this:StopMovingOrSizing()
169 </OnDragStop>
170 </Scripts>
171 <Size>
172 <AbsDimension x="140" y="18"/>
173 </Size>
174 <Anchors>
175 <Anchor point="CENTER"/>
176 </Anchors>
177 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\AddOns\XPerl_RaidHelper\images\XPerl_FrameBack" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
178 <EdgeSize>
179 <AbsValue val="9"/>
180 </EdgeSize>
181 <TileSize>
182 <AbsValue val="16"/>
183 </TileSize>
184 <BackgroundInsets>
185 <AbsInset left="3" right="3" top="3" bottom="3"/>
186 </BackgroundInsets>
187 </Backdrop>
188 <Frames>
189 <Frame name="$parent_TitleBar">
190 <Size>
191 <AbsDimension x="80" y="12"/>
192 </Size>
193 <Anchors>
194 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
195 <Offset>
196 <AbsDimension x="3" y="-3"/>
197 </Offset>
198 </Anchor>
199 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
200 <Offset>
201 <AbsDimension x="-3" y="-13"/>
202 </Offset>
203 </Anchor>
204 </Anchors>
205 <Frames>
206 <Button name="$parent_CloseButton" inherits="UIPanelCloseButton" toplevel="true">
207 <Size>
208 <AbsDimension x="22" y="22"/>
209 </Size>
210 <Anchors>
211 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT">
212 <Offset>
213 <AbsDimension x="5" y="5"/>
214 </Offset>
215 </Anchor>
216 </Anchors>
217 <Scripts>
218 <OnClick>
219 XPerl_Admin.AutoHideShow = 0
220 XPerl_AdminFrame:Hide()
221 </OnClick>
222 </Scripts>
223 </Button>
224 <Button name="$parent_Pin" inherits="XPerl_BasicButton">
225 <Size>
226 <AbsDimension x="11" y="11"/>
227 </Size>
228 <Anchors>
229 <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_CloseButton" relativePoint="LEFT">
230 <Offset>
231 <AbsDimension x="4" y="0"/>
232 </Offset>
233 </Anchor>
234 </Anchors>
235 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Pin">
236 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.46875" top="0.5" bottom="0.453125"/>
237 </NormalTexture>
239 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Pin">
240 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.46875" top="0.5" bottom="0.953125"/>
241 </PushedTexture>
243 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD">
244 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.9" top="0.1" bottom="0.9"/>
245 </HighlightTexture>
247 <Scripts>
248 <OnLoad>
249 this.SetButtonTex = function()
250 local tex = XPerl_AdminFrame_TitleBar_Pin:GetNormalTexture()
251 if (XPerl_Admin.Pinned) then
252 tex:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.96875, 0, 0.453125)
253 else
254 tex:SetTexCoord(0, 0.46875, 0, 0.453125)
255 end
257 tex = XPerl_AdminFrame_TitleBar_Pin:GetPushedTexture()
258 if (XPerl_Admin.Pinned) then
259 tex:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.96875, 0.5, 0.953125)
260 else
261 tex:SetTexCoord(0, 0.46875, 0.5, 0.953125)
262 end
263 end
264 this.tooltipText = XPERL_BUTTON_ADMIN_PIN
265 </OnLoad>
266 <OnClick>
267 XPerl_Admin.Pinned = not XPerl_Admin.Pinned
268 this:SetButtonTex()
269 </OnClick>
270 </Scripts>
271 </Button>
273 <Button name="$parent_LockOpen" inherits="XPerl_BasicButton" hidden="true">
274 <Size>
275 <AbsDimension x="11" y="11"/>
276 </Size>
277 <Anchors>
278 <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_Pin" relativePoint="LEFT"/>
279 </Anchors>
280 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidHelper\Images\XPerl_Bits">
281 <TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.5703125" top="0.00390625" bottom="0.0703125"/>
282 </NormalTexture>
284 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidHelper\Images\XPerl_Bits">
285 <TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.5703125" top="0.078125" bottom="0.14453125"/>
286 </PushedTexture>
288 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Highlight" alphaMode="ADD">
289 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.9" top="0.1" bottom="0.9"/>
290 </HighlightTexture>
292 <Scripts>
293 <OnLoad>
294 this.SetButtonTex = function()
295 local tex = XPerl_AdminFrame_TitleBar_LockOpen:GetNormalTexture();
296 if (XPerl_Admin.LockOpen) then
297 tex:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.5703125, 0.078125, 0.14453125);
298 else
299 tex:SetTexCoord(0.5, 0.5703125, 0.00390625, 0.0703125);
300 end
301 end
302 this.tooltipText = XPERL_BUTTON_ADMIN_LOCKOPEN
303 </OnLoad>
304 <OnClick>
305 XPerl_Admin.LockOpen = not XPerl_Admin.LockOpen
306 this:SetButtonTex()
307 </OnClick>
308 </Scripts>
309 </Button>
311 </Frames>
312 <Layers>
313 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
314 <FontString name="$parent_Title" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="X-Perl Raid Admin" justifyH="LEFT">
315 <Color r="1" g="1" b="1"/>
316 <Anchors>
317 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
318 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT"/>
319 </Anchors>
320 </FontString>
321 </Layer>
322 </Layers>
323 <Scripts>
324 <OnLoad>
325 XPerl_AdminFrame_TitleBar_Title:SetText(XPERL_ADMIN_TITLE)
326 </OnLoad>
327 </Scripts>
328 </Frame>
330 <Frame name="$parent_Controls" hidden="true">
331 <Scripts>
332 <OnLoad>
333 XPerl_Admin_ControlsOnLoad()
334 </OnLoad>
335 <OnShow>
336 this:MakeList()
337 this:Validate()
338 </OnShow>
339 <OnUpdate>
340 if (not XPerl_Admin.LockOpen) then
341 local f = GetMouseFocus()
342 if (f) then
343 while (f:GetParent() and f:GetParent() ~= UIParent) do
344 f = f:GetParent()
345 end
347 if (f ~= XPerl_AdminFrame) then
348 XPerl_AdminFrame:Collapse()
349 end
350 end
351 end
353 if (IsRaidLeader() and XPerl_AdminFrame.Valid) then
354 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls_LoadRoster:Enable()
355 else
356 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls_LoadRoster:Disable()
357 end
358 </OnUpdate>
359 </Scripts>
360 <Size>
361 <AbsDimension x="110" y="12"/>
362 </Size>
363 <Anchors>
364 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_TitleBar" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
365 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT">
366 <Offset>
367 <AbsDimension x="-3" y="3"/>
368 </Offset>
369 </Anchor>
370 </Anchors>
371 <Frames>
372 <Frame>
373 <Size>
374 <AbsDimension x="80" y="12"/>
375 </Size>
376 <Anchors>
377 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT"/>
378 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT">
379 <Offset>
380 <AbsDimension x="175" y="-120"/>
381 </Offset>
382 </Anchor>
383 </Anchors>
384 <Frames>
385 <Button name="$parent_SaveRoster" inherits="XPerlDiscButtonTemplate">
386 <Size>
387 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
388 </Size>
389 <Anchors>
390 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
391 <Offset>
392 <AbsDimension x="3" y="-5"/>
393 </Offset>
394 </Anchor>
395 </Anchors>
396 <NormalText inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall">
397 <Color r="0.8" g="0.2" b="0.2"/>
398 </NormalText>
399 <HighlightText inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall">
400 <Color r="1" g="0" b="0"/>
401 </HighlightText>
402 <Scripts>
403 <OnLoad>
404 this:SetText(SAVE)
405 this.tooltipText = "XPERL_BUTTON_ADMIN_SAVE"
406 </OnLoad>
407 <OnClick>
408 XPerl_SaveRoster(XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls_Edit:GetText())
409 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:MakeList()
410 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Validate()
411 </OnClick>
412 </Scripts>
413 </Button>
415 <EditBox name="$parent_Edit" inherits="XPerlEditBox">
416 <Size>
417 <AbsDimension x="90" y="20"/>
418 </Size>
419 <Anchors>
420 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="$parent_SaveRoster" relativePoint="RIGHT">
421 <Offset>
422 <AbsDimension x="8" y="0"/>
423 </Offset>
424 </Anchor>
425 </Anchors>
426 <Scripts>
427 <OnTextChanged>
428 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Validate()
429 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Details()
430 </OnTextChanged>
431 </Scripts>
432 </EditBox>
434 <Button name="$parent_LoadRoster" inherits="XPerlDiscButtonTemplate">
435 <Size>
436 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
437 </Size>
438 <Anchors>
439 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_SaveRoster" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
440 <Offset>
441 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
442 </Offset>
443 </Anchor>
444 </Anchors>
445 <NormalText inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall">
446 <Color r="0.2" g="0.8" b="0.2"/>
447 </NormalText>
448 <HighlightText inherits="GameFontHighlightSmall">
449 <Color r="0" g="1" b="0"/>
450 </HighlightText>
451 <Scripts>
452 <OnLoad>
453 this:SetText(XPERL_LOAD)
454 this.tooltipText = "XPERL_BUTTON_ADMIN_LOAD"
455 </OnLoad>
456 <OnClick>
457 for name,roster in XPerl_Admin.SavedRosters do
458 if (name == XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls_Edit:GetText()) then
459 XPerl_LoadRoster(name)
460 end
461 end
462 </OnClick>
463 </Scripts>
464 </Button>
466 <Button name="$parent_StopLoad" inherits="XPerl_BasicButton" hidden="true">
467 <Size>
468 <AbsDimension x="29" y="29"/>
469 </Size>
470 <Anchors>
471 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_LoadRoster">
472 <Offset>
473 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-1"/>
474 </Offset>
475 </Anchor>
476 </Anchors>
477 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Stop">
478 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.4921875" top="0" bottom="0.4765625"/>
479 </NormalTexture>
480 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Stop">
481 <TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.9921875" top="0" bottom="0.4765625"/>
482 </PushedTexture>
483 <DisabledTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Stop">
484 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.4921875" top="0.5078125" bottom="0.984375"/>
485 </DisabledTexture>
486 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Stop" alphaMode="ADD">
487 <TexCoords left="0.5" right="0.9921875" top="0.5078125" bottom="0.984375"/>
488 </HighlightTexture>
490 <Scripts>
491 <OnLoad>
492 this.tooltipText = "XPERL_BUTTON_ADMIN_STOPLOAD"
493 </OnLoad>
494 <OnClick>
495 XPerl_StopLoad()
496 </OnClick>
497 </Scripts>
498 </Button>
500 <Frame name="$parent_Roster">
501 <Anchors>
502 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_LoadRoster" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
503 <Offset>
504 <AbsDimension x="3" y="0"/>
505 </Offset>
506 </Anchor>
507 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_Edit" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
508 <Offset>
509 <AbsDimension x="-10" y="-74"/>
510 </Offset>
511 </Anchor>
512 </Anchors>
513 <Backdrop edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
514 <EdgeSize>
515 <AbsValue val="9"/>
516 </EdgeSize>
517 </Backdrop>
518 <Frames>
519 <Button name="$parent1" inherits="XPerlRosterLineTemplate" text="Line" id="1">
520 <Anchors>
521 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
522 <Offset>
523 <AbsDimension x="4" y="-3"/>
524 </Offset>
525 </Anchor>
526 </Anchors>
527 </Button>
528 <Button name="$parent2" inherits="XPerlRosterLineTemplate" text="Line" id="2">
529 <Anchors>
530 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent1" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
531 </Anchors>
532 </Button>
533 <Button name="$parent3" inherits="XPerlRosterLineTemplate" text="Line" id="3">
534 <Anchors>
535 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent2" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
536 </Anchors>
537 </Button>
538 <Button name="$parent4" inherits="XPerlRosterLineTemplate" text="Line" id="4">
539 <Anchors>
540 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent3" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
541 </Anchors>
542 </Button>
543 <Button name="$parent5" inherits="XPerlRosterLineTemplate" text="Line" id="5">
544 <Anchors>
545 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent4" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT"/>
546 </Anchors>
547 </Button>
548 <ScrollFrame name="$parentScrollBar" inherits="FauxScrollFrameTemplate">
549 <Size>
550 <AbsDimension x="24" y="60"/>
551 </Size>
552 <Anchors>
553 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent1"/>
554 </Anchors>
555 <Scripts>
556 <OnVerticalScroll>
557 FauxScrollFrame_OnVerticalScroll(1, XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls.MakeList)
558 </OnVerticalScroll>
559 <OnMouseWheel>
560 local f = getglobal(this:GetName().."ScrollBar")
561 if (arg1 > 0) then
562 f:SetValue(f:GetValue() + 3)
563 else
564 f:SetValue(f:GetValue() - 3)
565 end
566 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:MakeList()
567 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Validate()
568 </OnMouseWheel>
569 </Scripts>
570 </ScrollFrame>
571 </Frames>
572 </Frame>
574 <Button name="$parent_DeleteRoster" inherits="XPerl_BasicButton">
575 <Size>
576 <AbsDimension x="32" y="32"/>
577 </Size>
578 <Anchors>
579 <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$parent_LoadRoster" relativePoint="BOTTOM">
580 <Offset>
581 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
582 </Offset>
583 </Anchor>
584 </Anchors>
585 <NormalTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Bin">
586 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.5" top="0" bottom="0.5"/>
587 </NormalTexture>
588 <PushedTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Bin">
589 <TexCoords left="0.5" right="1" top="0" bottom="0.5"/>
590 </PushedTexture>
591 <DisabledTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Bin">
592 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.5" top="0.5" bottom="1"/>
593 </DisabledTexture>
594 <HighlightTexture file="Interface\Addons\XPerl_RaidAdmin\Images\XPerl_Bin" alphaMode="ADD">
595 <TexCoords left="0.5" right="1" top="0.5" bottom="1"/>
596 </HighlightTexture>
597 <Scripts>
598 <OnLoad>
599 this:SetText(DELETE)
600 this.tooltipText = "XPERL_BUTTON_ADMIN_DELETE"
601 </OnLoad>
602 <OnClick>
603 if (XPerl_Admin.SavedRosters) then
604 XPerl_Admin.SavedRosters[XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls_Edit:GetText()] = nil
605 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:MakeList()
606 XPerl_AdminFrame_Controls:Validate()
607 end
608 </OnClick>
609 </Scripts>
610 </Button>
611 <Frame name="$parent_Details">
612 <Anchors>
613 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="$parent_DeleteRoster" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT">
614 <Offset>
615 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
616 </Offset>
617 </Anchor>
618 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="$parent_Roster" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT">
619 <Offset>
620 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-24"/>
621 </Offset>
622 </Anchor>
623 </Anchors>
624 <Layers>
625 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
626 <FontString name="$parentText" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" justifyH="LEFT" justifyV="TOP" setAllPoints="true">
627 <Color r="0.8" g="1" b="0.7"/>
628 </FontString>
629 </Layer>
630 </Layers>
631 </Frame>
632 </Frames>
633 </Frame>
634 </Frames>
635 </Frame>
636 </Frames>
637 </Frame>
638 </Ui>