Winify – Blame information for rev 38

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Rev Author Line No. Line
30 office 1 /* MIT License
3 Copyright (c) 2016 JetBrains
5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
7 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
8 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
9 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
13 copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 using System;
25 // ReSharper disable UnusedType.Global
27 #pragma warning disable 1591
28 // ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
29 // ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global
30 // ReSharper disable UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Global
31 // ReSharper disable IntroduceOptionalParameters.Global
32 // ReSharper disable MemberCanBeProtected.Global
33 // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
35 namespace Configuration.Annotations
36 {
37 /// <summary>
38 /// Indicates that the value of the marked element could be <c>null</c> sometimes,
39 /// so checking for <c>null</c> is required before its usage.
40 /// </summary>
41 /// <example>
42 /// <code>
43 /// [CanBeNull] object Test() => null;
44 ///
45 /// void UseTest() {
46 /// var p = Test();
47 /// var s = p.ToString(); // Warning: Possible 'System.NullReferenceException'
48 /// }
49 /// </code>
50 /// </example>
51 [AttributeUsage(
52 AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property |
53 AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event |
54 AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter)]
55 public sealed class CanBeNullAttribute : Attribute
56 {
57 }
59 /// <summary>
60 /// Indicates that the value of the marked element can never be <c>null</c>.
61 /// </summary>
62 /// <example>
63 /// <code>
64 /// [NotNull] object Foo() {
65 /// return null; // Warning: Possible 'null' assignment
66 /// }
67 /// </code>
68 /// </example>
69 [AttributeUsage(
70 AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property |
71 AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Event |
72 AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter)]
73 public sealed class NotNullAttribute : Attribute
74 {
75 }
77 /// <summary>
78 /// Can be applied to symbols of types derived from IEnumerable as well as to symbols of Task
79 /// and Lazy classes to indicate that the value of a collection item, of the Task.Result property
80 /// or of the Lazy.Value property can never be null.
81 /// </summary>
82 /// <example>
83 /// <code>
84 /// public void Foo([ItemNotNull]List&lt;string&gt; books)
85 /// {
86 /// foreach (var book in books) {
87 /// if (book != null) // Warning: Expression is always true
88 /// Console.WriteLine(book.ToUpper());
89 /// }
90 /// }
91 /// </code>
92 /// </example>
93 [AttributeUsage(
94 AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property |
95 AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.Field)]
96 public sealed class ItemNotNullAttribute : Attribute
97 {
98 }
100 /// <summary>
101 /// Can be applied to symbols of types derived from IEnumerable as well as to symbols of Task
102 /// and Lazy classes to indicate that the value of a collection item, of the Task.Result property
103 /// or of the Lazy.Value property can be null.
104 /// </summary>
105 /// <example>
106 /// <code>
107 /// public void Foo([ItemCanBeNull]List&lt;string&gt; books)
108 /// {
109 /// foreach (var book in books)
110 /// {
111 /// // Warning: Possible 'System.NullReferenceException'
112 /// Console.WriteLine(book.ToUpper());
113 /// }
114 /// }
115 /// </code>
116 /// </example>
117 [AttributeUsage(
118 AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property |
119 AttributeTargets.Delegate | AttributeTargets.Field)]
120 public sealed class ItemCanBeNullAttribute : Attribute
121 {
122 }
124 /// <summary>
125 /// Indicates that the marked method builds string by the format pattern and (optional) arguments.
126 /// The parameter, which contains the format string, should be given in the constructor. The format string
127 /// should be in <see cref="string.Format(IFormatProvider,string,object[])" />-like form.
128 /// </summary>
129 /// <example>
130 /// <code>
131 /// [StringFormatMethod("message")]
132 /// void ShowError(string message, params object[] args) { /* do something */ }
133 ///
134 /// void Foo() {
135 /// ShowError("Failed: {0}"); // Warning: Non-existing argument in format string
136 /// }
137 /// </code>
138 /// </example>
139 [AttributeUsage(
140 AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Method |
141 AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Delegate)]
142 public sealed class StringFormatMethodAttribute : Attribute
143 {
144 /// <param name="formatParameterName">
145 /// Specifies which parameter of an annotated method should be treated as the format string
146 /// </param>
147 public StringFormatMethodAttribute([NotNull] string formatParameterName)
148 {
149 FormatParameterName = formatParameterName;
150 }
152 [NotNull] public string FormatParameterName { get; }
153 }
155 /// <summary>
156 /// Indicates that the marked parameter is a message template where placeholders are to be replaced by the following
157 /// arguments
158 /// in the order in which they appear
159 /// </summary>
160 /// <example>
161 /// <code>
162 /// void LogInfo([StructuredMessageTemplate]string message, params object[] args) { /* do something */ }
163 ///
164 /// void Foo() {
165 /// LogInfo("User created: {username}"); // Warning: Non-existing argument in format string
166 /// }
167 /// </code>
168 /// </example>
169 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
170 public sealed class StructuredMessageTemplateAttribute : Attribute
171 {
172 }
174 /// <summary>
175 /// Use this annotation to specify a type that contains static or const fields
176 /// with values for the annotated property/field/parameter.
177 /// The specified type will be used to improve completion suggestions.
178 /// </summary>
179 /// <example>
180 /// <code>
181 /// namespace TestNamespace
182 /// {
183 /// public class Constants
184 /// {
185 /// public static int INT_CONST = 1;
186 /// public const string STRING_CONST = "1";
187 /// }
188 ///
189 /// public class Class1
190 /// {
191 /// [ValueProvider("TestNamespace.Constants")] public int myField;
192 /// public void Foo([ValueProvider("TestNamespace.Constants")] string str) { }
193 ///
194 /// public void Test()
195 /// {
196 /// Foo(/*try completion here*/);//
197 /// myField = /*try completion here*/
198 /// }
199 /// }
200 /// }
201 /// </code>
202 /// </example>
203 [AttributeUsage(
204 AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field,
205 AllowMultiple = true)]
206 public sealed class ValueProviderAttribute : Attribute
207 {
208 public ValueProviderAttribute([NotNull] string name)
209 {
210 Name = name;
211 }
213 [NotNull] public string Name { get; }
214 }
216 /// <summary>
217 /// Indicates that the integral value falls into the specified interval.
218 /// It's allowed to specify multiple non-intersecting intervals.
219 /// Values of interval boundaries are inclusive.
220 /// </summary>
221 /// <example>
222 /// <code>
223 /// void Foo([ValueRange(0, 100)] int value) {
224 /// if (value == -1) { // Warning: Expression is always 'false'
225 /// ...
226 /// }
227 /// }
228 /// </code>
229 /// </example>
230 [AttributeUsage(
231 AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property |
232 AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Delegate,
233 AllowMultiple = true)]
234 public sealed class ValueRangeAttribute : Attribute
235 {
236 public ValueRangeAttribute(long from, long to)
237 {
238 From = from;
239 To = to;
240 }
242 public ValueRangeAttribute(ulong from, ulong to)
243 {
244 From = from;
245 To = to;
246 }
248 public ValueRangeAttribute(long value)
249 {
250 From = To = value;
251 }
253 public ValueRangeAttribute(ulong value)
254 {
255 From = To = value;
256 }
258 public object From { get; }
259 public object To { get; }
260 }
262 /// <summary>
263 /// Indicates that the integral value never falls below zero.
264 /// </summary>
265 /// <example>
266 /// <code>
267 /// void Foo([NonNegativeValue] int value) {
268 /// if (value == -1) { // Warning: Expression is always 'false'
269 /// ...
270 /// }
271 /// }
272 /// </code>
273 /// </example>
274 [AttributeUsage(
275 AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property |
276 AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Delegate)]
277 public sealed class NonNegativeValueAttribute : Attribute
278 {
279 }
281 /// <summary>
282 /// Indicates that the function argument should be a string literal and match
283 /// one of the parameters of the caller function. This annotation is used for paramerers
284 /// like 'string paramName' parameter of the <see cref="System.ArgumentNullException" /> constuctor.
285 /// </summary>
286 /// <example>
287 /// <code>
288 /// void Foo(string param) {
289 /// if (param == null)
290 /// throw new ArgumentNullException("par"); // Warning: Cannot resolve symbol
291 /// }
292 /// </code>
293 /// </example>
294 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
295 public sealed class InvokerParameterNameAttribute : Attribute
296 {
297 }
299 /// <summary>
300 /// Indicates that the method is contained in a type that implements
301 /// <c>System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged</c> interface and this method
302 /// is used to notify that some property value changed.
303 /// </summary>
304 /// <remarks>
305 /// The method should be non-static and conform to one of the supported signatures:
306 /// <list>
307 /// <item>
308 /// <c>NotifyChanged(string)</c>
309 /// </item>
310 /// <item>
311 /// <c>NotifyChanged(params string[])</c>
312 /// </item>
313 /// <item>
314 /// <c>NotifyChanged{T}(Expression{Func{T}})</c>
315 /// </item>
316 /// <item>
317 /// <c>NotifyChanged{T,U}(Expression{Func{T,U}})</c>
318 /// </item>
319 /// <item>
320 /// <c>SetProperty{T}(ref T, T, string)</c>
321 /// </item>
322 /// </list>
323 /// </remarks>
324 /// <example>
325 /// <code>
326 /// public class Foo : INotifyPropertyChanged {
327 /// public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
328 ///
329 /// [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator]
330 /// protected virtual void NotifyChanged(string propertyName) { ... }
331 ///
332 /// string _name;
333 ///
334 /// public string Name {
335 /// get { return _name; }
336 /// set { _name = value; NotifyChanged("LastName"); /* Warning */ }
337 /// }
338 /// }
339 /// </code>
340 /// Examples of generated notifications:
341 /// <list>
342 /// <item>
343 /// <c>NotifyChanged("Property")</c>
344 /// </item>
345 /// <item>
346 /// <c>NotifyChanged(() =&gt; Property)</c>
347 /// </item>
348 /// <item>
349 /// <c>NotifyChanged((VM x) =&gt; x.Property)</c>
350 /// </item>
351 /// <item>
352 /// <c>SetProperty(ref myField, value, "Property")</c>
353 /// </item>
354 /// </list>
355 /// </example>
356 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
357 public sealed class NotifyPropertyChangedInvocatorAttribute : Attribute
358 {
359 public NotifyPropertyChangedInvocatorAttribute()
360 {
361 }
363 public NotifyPropertyChangedInvocatorAttribute([NotNull] string parameterName)
364 {
365 ParameterName = parameterName;
366 }
368 [CanBeNull] public string ParameterName { get; }
369 }
371 /// <summary>
372 /// Describes dependency between method input and output.
373 /// </summary>
374 /// <syntax>
375 /// <p>Function Definition Table syntax:</p>
376 /// <list>
377 /// <item>FDT ::= FDTRow [;FDTRow]*</item>
378 /// <item>FDTRow ::= Input =&gt; Output | Output &lt;= Input</item>
379 /// <item>Input ::= ParameterName: Value [, Input]*</item>
380 /// <item>Output ::= [ParameterName: Value]* {halt|stop|void|nothing|Value}</item>
381 /// <item>Value ::= true | false | null | notnull | canbenull</item>
382 /// </list>
383 /// If the method has a single input parameter, its name could be omitted.<br />
384 /// Using <c>halt</c> (or <c>void</c>/<c>nothing</c>, which is the same) for the method output
385 /// means that the method doesn't return normally (throws or terminates the process).<br />
386 /// Value <c>canbenull</c> is only applicable for output parameters.<br />
387 /// You can use multiple <c>[ContractAnnotation]</c> for each FDT row, or use single attribute
388 /// with rows separated by the semicolon. There is no notion of order rows, all rows are checked
389 /// for applicability and applied per each program state tracked by the analysis engine.<br />
390 /// </syntax>
391 /// <examples>
392 /// <list>
393 /// <item>
394 /// <code>
395 /// [ContractAnnotation("=&gt; halt")]
396 /// public void TerminationMethod()
397 /// </code>
398 /// </item>
399 /// <item>
400 /// <code>
401 /// [ContractAnnotation("null &lt;= param:null")] // reverse condition syntax
402 /// public string GetName(string surname)
403 /// </code>
404 /// </item>
405 /// <item>
406 /// <code>
407 /// [ContractAnnotation("s:null =&gt; true")]
408 /// public bool IsNullOrEmpty(string s) // string.IsNullOrEmpty()
409 /// </code>
410 /// </item>
411 /// <item>
412 /// <code>
413 /// // A method that returns null if the parameter is null,
414 /// // and not null if the parameter is not null
415 /// [ContractAnnotation("null =&gt; null; notnull =&gt; notnull")]
416 /// public object Transform(object data)
417 /// </code>
418 /// </item>
419 /// <item>
420 /// <code>
421 /// [ContractAnnotation("=&gt; true, result: notnull; =&gt; false, result: null")]
422 /// public bool TryParse(string s, out Person result)
423 /// </code>
424 /// </item>
425 /// </list>
426 /// </examples>
427 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
428 public sealed class ContractAnnotationAttribute : Attribute
429 {
430 public ContractAnnotationAttribute([NotNull] string contract)
431 : this(contract, false)
432 {
433 }
435 public ContractAnnotationAttribute([NotNull] string contract, bool forceFullStates)
436 {
437 Contract = contract;
438 ForceFullStates = forceFullStates;
439 }
441 [NotNull] public string Contract { get; }
443 public bool ForceFullStates { get; }
444 }
446 /// <summary>
447 /// Indicates whether the marked element should be localized.
448 /// </summary>
449 /// <example>
450 /// <code>
451 /// [LocalizationRequiredAttribute(true)]
452 /// class Foo {
453 /// string str = "my string"; // Warning: Localizable string
454 /// }
455 /// </code>
456 /// </example>
457 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)]
458 public sealed class LocalizationRequiredAttribute : Attribute
459 {
460 public LocalizationRequiredAttribute() : this(true)
461 {
462 }
464 public LocalizationRequiredAttribute(bool required)
465 {
466 Required = required;
467 }
469 public bool Required { get; }
470 }
472 /// <summary>
473 /// Indicates that the value of the marked type (or its derivatives)
474 /// cannot be compared using '==' or '!=' operators and <c>Equals()</c>
475 /// should be used instead. However, using '==' or '!=' for comparison
476 /// with <c>null</c> is always permitted.
477 /// </summary>
478 /// <example>
479 /// <code>
480 /// [CannotApplyEqualityOperator]
481 /// class NoEquality { }
482 ///
483 /// class UsesNoEquality {
484 /// void Test() {
485 /// var ca1 = new NoEquality();
486 /// var ca2 = new NoEquality();
487 /// if (ca1 != null) { // OK
488 /// bool condition = ca1 == ca2; // Warning
489 /// }
490 /// }
491 /// }
492 /// </code>
493 /// </example>
494 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct)]
495 public sealed class CannotApplyEqualityOperatorAttribute : Attribute
496 {
497 }
499 /// <summary>
500 /// When applied to a target attribute, specifies a requirement for any type marked
501 /// with the target attribute to implement or inherit specific type or types.
502 /// </summary>
503 /// <example>
504 /// <code>
505 /// [BaseTypeRequired(typeof(IComponent)] // Specify requirement
506 /// class ComponentAttribute : Attribute { }
507 ///
508 /// [Component] // ComponentAttribute requires implementing IComponent interface
509 /// class MyComponent : IComponent { }
510 /// </code>
511 /// </example>
512 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
513 [BaseTypeRequired(typeof(Attribute))]
514 public sealed class BaseTypeRequiredAttribute : Attribute
515 {
516 public BaseTypeRequiredAttribute([NotNull] Type baseType)
517 {
518 BaseType = baseType;
519 }
521 [NotNull] public Type BaseType { get; }
522 }
524 /// <summary>
525 /// Indicates that the marked symbol is used implicitly (e.g. via reflection, in external library),
526 /// so this symbol will be ignored by usage-checking inspections. <br />
527 /// You can use <see cref="ImplicitUseKindFlags" /> and <see cref="ImplicitUseTargetFlags" />
528 /// to configure how this attribute is applied.
529 /// </summary>
530 /// <example>
531 /// <code>
532 /// [UsedImplicitly]
533 /// public class TypeConverter {}
534 ///
535 /// public class SummaryData
536 /// {
537 /// [UsedImplicitly(ImplicitUseKindFlags.InstantiatedWithFixedConstructorSignature)]
538 /// public SummaryData() {}
539 /// }
540 ///
541 /// [UsedImplicitly(ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithInheritors | ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Default)]
542 /// public interface IService {}
543 /// </code>
544 /// </example>
545 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)]
546 public sealed class UsedImplicitlyAttribute : Attribute
547 {
548 public UsedImplicitlyAttribute()
549 : this(ImplicitUseKindFlags.Default, ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Default)
550 {
551 }
553 public UsedImplicitlyAttribute(ImplicitUseKindFlags useKindFlags)
554 : this(useKindFlags, ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Default)
555 {
556 }
558 public UsedImplicitlyAttribute(ImplicitUseTargetFlags targetFlags)
559 : this(ImplicitUseKindFlags.Default, targetFlags)
560 {
561 }
563 public UsedImplicitlyAttribute(ImplicitUseKindFlags useKindFlags, ImplicitUseTargetFlags targetFlags)
564 {
565 UseKindFlags = useKindFlags;
566 TargetFlags = targetFlags;
567 }
569 public ImplicitUseKindFlags UseKindFlags { get; }
571 public ImplicitUseTargetFlags TargetFlags { get; }
572 }
574 /// <summary>
575 /// Can be applied to attributes, type parameters, and parameters of a type assignable from <see cref="System.Type" />
576 /// .
577 /// When applied to an attribute, the decorated attribute behaves the same as <see cref="UsedImplicitlyAttribute" />.
578 /// When applied to a type parameter or to a parameter of type <see cref="System.Type" />,
579 /// indicates that the corresponding type is used implicitly.
580 /// </summary>
581 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.GenericParameter | AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
582 public sealed class MeansImplicitUseAttribute : Attribute
583 {
584 public MeansImplicitUseAttribute()
585 : this(ImplicitUseKindFlags.Default, ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Default)
586 {
587 }
589 public MeansImplicitUseAttribute(ImplicitUseKindFlags useKindFlags)
590 : this(useKindFlags, ImplicitUseTargetFlags.Default)
591 {
592 }
594 public MeansImplicitUseAttribute(ImplicitUseTargetFlags targetFlags)
595 : this(ImplicitUseKindFlags.Default, targetFlags)
596 {
597 }
599 public MeansImplicitUseAttribute(ImplicitUseKindFlags useKindFlags, ImplicitUseTargetFlags targetFlags)
600 {
601 UseKindFlags = useKindFlags;
602 TargetFlags = targetFlags;
603 }
605 [UsedImplicitly] public ImplicitUseKindFlags UseKindFlags { get; }
607 [UsedImplicitly] public ImplicitUseTargetFlags TargetFlags { get; }
608 }
610 /// <summary>
611 /// Specifies the details of implicitly used symbol when it is marked
612 /// with <see cref="MeansImplicitUseAttribute" /> or <see cref="UsedImplicitlyAttribute" />.
613 /// </summary>
614 [Flags]
615 public enum ImplicitUseKindFlags
616 {
617 Default = Access | Assign | InstantiatedWithFixedConstructorSignature,
619 /// <summary>Only entity marked with attribute considered used.</summary>
620 Access = 1,
622 /// <summary>Indicates implicit assignment to a member.</summary>
623 Assign = 2,
625 /// <summary>
626 /// Indicates implicit instantiation of a type with fixed constructor signature.
627 /// That means any unused constructor parameters won't be reported as such.
628 /// </summary>
629 InstantiatedWithFixedConstructorSignature = 4,
631 /// <summary>Indicates implicit instantiation of a type.</summary>
632 InstantiatedNoFixedConstructorSignature = 8
633 }
635 /// <summary>
636 /// Specifies what is considered to be used implicitly when marked
637 /// with <see cref="MeansImplicitUseAttribute" /> or <see cref="UsedImplicitlyAttribute" />.
638 /// </summary>
639 [Flags]
640 public enum ImplicitUseTargetFlags
641 {
642 Default = Itself,
643 Itself = 1,
645 /// <summary>Members of the type marked with the attribute are considered used.</summary>
646 Members = 2,
648 /// <summary> Inherited entities are considered used. </summary>
649 WithInheritors = 4,
651 /// <summary>Entity marked with the attribute and all its members considered used.</summary>
652 WithMembers = Itself | Members
653 }
655 /// <summary>
656 /// This attribute is intended to mark publicly available API,
657 /// which should not be removed and so is treated as used.
658 /// </summary>
659 [MeansImplicitUse(ImplicitUseTargetFlags.WithMembers)]
660 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false)]
661 public sealed class PublicAPIAttribute : Attribute
662 {
663 public PublicAPIAttribute()
664 {
665 }
667 public PublicAPIAttribute([NotNull] string comment)
668 {
669 Comment = comment;
670 }
672 [CanBeNull] public string Comment { get; }
673 }
675 /// <summary>
676 /// Tells the code analysis engine if the parameter is completely handled when the invoked method is on stack.
677 /// If the parameter is a delegate, indicates that delegate can only be invoked during method execution
678 /// (the delegate can be invoked zero or multiple times, but not stored to some field and invoked later,
679 /// when the containing method is no longer on the execution stack).
680 /// If the parameter is an enumerable, indicates that it is enumerated while the method is executed.
681 /// If <see cref="RequireAwait" /> is true, the attribute will only takes effect if the method invocation is located
682 /// under the 'await' expression.
683 /// </summary>
684 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
685 public sealed class InstantHandleAttribute : Attribute
686 {
687 /// <summary>
688 /// Require the method invocation to be used under the 'await' expression for this attribute to take effect on code
689 /// analysis engine.
690 /// Can be used for delegate/enumerable parameters of 'async' methods.
691 /// </summary>
692 public bool RequireAwait { get; set; }
693 }
695 /// <summary>
696 /// Indicates that a method does not make any observable state changes.
697 /// The same as <c>System.Diagnostics.Contracts.PureAttribute</c>.
698 /// </summary>
699 /// <example>
700 /// <code>
701 /// [Pure] int Multiply(int x, int y) => x * y;
702 ///
703 /// void M() {
704 /// Multiply(123, 42); // Warning: Return value of pure method is not used
705 /// }
706 /// </code>
707 /// </example>
708 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
709 public sealed class PureAttribute : Attribute
710 {
711 }
713 /// <summary>
714 /// Indicates that the return value of the method invocation must be used.
715 /// </summary>
716 /// <remarks>
717 /// Methods decorated with this attribute (in contrast to pure methods) might change state,
718 /// but make no sense without using their return value. <br />
719 /// Similarly to <see cref="PureAttribute" />, this attribute
720 /// will help to detect usages of the method when the return value is not used.
721 /// Optionally, you can specify a message to use when showing warnings, e.g.
722 /// <code>[MustUseReturnValue("Use the return value to...")]</code>.
723 /// </remarks>
724 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
725 public sealed class MustUseReturnValueAttribute : Attribute
726 {
727 public MustUseReturnValueAttribute()
728 {
729 }
731 public MustUseReturnValueAttribute([NotNull] string justification)
732 {
733 Justification = justification;
734 }
736 [CanBeNull] public string Justification { get; }
737 }
739 /// <summary>
740 /// This annotation allows to enforce allocation-less usage patterns of delegates for performance-critical APIs.
741 /// When this annotation is applied to the parameter of delegate type, IDE checks the input argument of this parameter:
742 /// * When lambda expression or anonymous method is passed as an argument, IDE verifies that the passed closure
743 /// has no captures of the containing local variables and the compiler is able to cache the delegate instance
744 /// to avoid heap allocations. Otherwise the warning is produced.
745 /// * IDE warns when method name or local function name is passed as an argument as this always results
746 /// in heap allocation of the delegate instance.
747 /// </summary>
748 /// <remarks>
749 /// In C# 9.0 code IDE would also suggest to annotate the anonymous function with 'static' modifier
750 /// to make use of the similar analysis provided by the language/compiler.
751 /// </remarks>
752 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
753 public sealed class RequireStaticDelegateAttribute : Attribute
754 {
755 public bool IsError { get; set; }
756 }
758 /// <summary>
759 /// Indicates the type member or parameter of some type, that should be used instead of all other ways
760 /// to get the value of that type. This annotation is useful when you have some "context" value evaluated
761 /// and stored somewhere, meaning that all other ways to get this value must be consolidated with existing one.
762 /// </summary>
763 /// <example>
764 /// <code>
765 /// class Foo {
766 /// [ProvidesContext] IBarService _barService = ...;
767 ///
768 /// void ProcessNode(INode node) {
769 /// DoSomething(node, node.GetGlobalServices().Bar);
770 /// // ^ Warning: use value of '_barService' field
771 /// }
772 /// }
773 /// </code>
774 /// </example>
775 [AttributeUsage(
776 AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method |
777 AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Struct |
778 AttributeTargets.GenericParameter)]
779 public sealed class ProvidesContextAttribute : Attribute
780 {
781 }
783 /// <summary>
784 /// Indicates that a parameter is a path to a file or a folder within a web project.
785 /// Path can be relative or absolute, starting from web root (~).
786 /// </summary>
787 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
788 public sealed class PathReferenceAttribute : Attribute
789 {
790 public PathReferenceAttribute()
791 {
792 }
794 public PathReferenceAttribute([NotNull] [PathReference] string basePath)
795 {
796 BasePath = basePath;
797 }
799 [CanBeNull] public string BasePath { get; }
800 }
802 /// <summary>
803 /// An extension method marked with this attribute is processed by code completion
804 /// as a 'Source Template'. When the extension method is completed over some expression, its source code
805 /// is automatically expanded like a template at call site.
806 /// </summary>
807 /// <remarks>
808 /// Template method body can contain valid source code and/or special comments starting with '$'.
809 /// Text inside these comments is added as source code when the template is applied. Template parameters
810 /// can be used either as additional method parameters or as identifiers wrapped in two '$' signs.
811 /// Use the <see cref="MacroAttribute" /> attribute to specify macros for parameters.
812 /// </remarks>
813 /// <example>
814 /// In this example, the 'forEach' method is a source template available over all values
815 /// of enumerable types, producing ordinary C# 'foreach' statement and placing caret inside block:
816 /// <code>
817 /// [SourceTemplate]
818 /// public static void forEach&lt;T&gt;(this IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; xs) {
819 /// foreach (var x in xs) {
820 /// //$ $END$
821 /// }
822 /// }
823 /// </code>
824 /// </example>
825 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
826 public sealed class SourceTemplateAttribute : Attribute
827 {
828 }
830 /// <summary>
831 /// Allows specifying a macro for a parameter of a <see cref="SourceTemplateAttribute">source template</see>.
832 /// </summary>
833 /// <remarks>
834 /// You can apply the attribute on the whole method or on any of its additional parameters. The macro expression
835 /// is defined in the <see cref="MacroAttribute.Expression" /> property. When applied on a method, the target
836 /// template parameter is defined in the <see cref="MacroAttribute.Target" /> property. To apply the macro silently
837 /// for the parameter, set the <see cref="MacroAttribute.Editable" /> property value = -1.
838 /// </remarks>
839 /// <example>
840 /// Applying the attribute on a source template method:
841 /// <code>
842 /// [SourceTemplate, Macro(Target = "item", Expression = "suggestVariableName()")]
843 /// public static void forEach&lt;T&gt;(this IEnumerable&lt;T&gt; collection) {
844 /// foreach (var item in collection) {
845 /// //$ $END$
846 /// }
847 /// }
848 /// </code>
849 /// Applying the attribute on a template method parameter:
850 /// <code>
851 /// [SourceTemplate]
852 /// public static void something(this Entity x, [Macro(Expression = "guid()", Editable = -1)] string newguid) {
853 /// /*$ var $x$Id = "$newguid$" + x.ToString();
854 /// x.DoSomething($x$Id); */
855 /// }
856 /// </code>
857 /// </example>
858 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)]
859 public sealed class MacroAttribute : Attribute
860 {
861 /// <summary>
862 /// Allows specifying a macro that will be executed for a <see cref="SourceTemplateAttribute">source template</see>
863 /// parameter when the template is expanded.
864 /// </summary>
865 [CanBeNull]
866 public string Expression { get; set; }
868 /// <summary>
869 /// Allows specifying which occurrence of the target parameter becomes editable when the template is deployed.
870 /// </summary>
871 /// <remarks>
872 /// If the target parameter is used several times in the template, only one occurrence becomes editable;
873 /// other occurrences are changed synchronously. To specify the zero-based index of the editable occurrence,
874 /// use values >= 0. To make the parameter non-editable when the template is expanded, use -1.
875 /// </remarks>
876 public int Editable { get; set; }
878 /// <summary>
879 /// Identifies the target parameter of a <see cref="SourceTemplateAttribute">source template</see> if the
880 /// <see cref="MacroAttribute" /> is applied on a template method.
881 /// </summary>
882 [CanBeNull]
883 public string Target { get; set; }
884 }
886 /// <summary>
887 /// Indicates how method, constructor invocation, or property access
888 /// over collection type affects the contents of the collection.
889 /// When applied to a return value of a method indicates if the returned collection
890 /// is created exclusively for the caller (CollectionAccessType.UpdatedContent) or
891 /// can be read/updated from outside (CollectionAccessType.Read | CollectionAccessType.UpdatedContent)
892 /// Use <see cref="CollectionAccessType" /> to specify the access type.
893 /// </summary>
894 /// <remarks>
895 /// Using this attribute only makes sense if all collection methods are marked with this attribute.
896 /// </remarks>
897 /// <example>
898 /// <code>
899 /// public class MyStringCollection : List&lt;string&gt;
900 /// {
901 /// [CollectionAccess(CollectionAccessType.Read)]
902 /// public string GetFirstString()
903 /// {
904 /// return this.ElementAt(0);
905 /// }
906 /// }
907 /// class Test
908 /// {
909 /// public void Foo()
910 /// {
911 /// // Warning: Contents of the collection is never updated
912 /// var col = new MyStringCollection();
913 /// string x = col.GetFirstString();
914 /// }
915 /// }
916 /// </code>
917 /// </example>
918 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Property |
919 AttributeTargets.ReturnValue)]
920 public sealed class CollectionAccessAttribute : Attribute
921 {
922 public CollectionAccessAttribute(CollectionAccessType collectionAccessType)
923 {
924 CollectionAccessType = collectionAccessType;
925 }
927 public CollectionAccessType CollectionAccessType { get; }
928 }
930 /// <summary>
931 /// Provides a value for the <see cref="CollectionAccessAttribute" /> to define
932 /// how the collection method invocation affects the contents of the collection.
933 /// </summary>
934 [Flags]
935 public enum CollectionAccessType
936 {
937 /// <summary>Method does not use or modify content of the collection.</summary>
938 None = 0,
940 /// <summary>Method only reads content of the collection but does not modify it.</summary>
941 Read = 1,
943 /// <summary>Method can change content of the collection but does not add new elements.</summary>
944 ModifyExistingContent = 2,
946 /// <summary>Method can add new elements to the collection.</summary>
947 UpdatedContent = ModifyExistingContent | 4
948 }
950 /// <summary>
951 /// Indicates that the marked method is assertion method, i.e. it halts the control flow if
952 /// one of the conditions is satisfied. To set the condition, mark one of the parameters with
953 /// <see cref="AssertionConditionAttribute" /> attribute.
954 /// </summary>
955 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
956 public sealed class AssertionMethodAttribute : Attribute
957 {
958 }
960 /// <summary>
961 /// Indicates the condition parameter of the assertion method. The method itself should be
962 /// marked by <see cref="AssertionMethodAttribute" /> attribute. The mandatory argument of
963 /// the attribute is the assertion type.
964 /// </summary>
965 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
966 public sealed class AssertionConditionAttribute : Attribute
967 {
968 public AssertionConditionAttribute(AssertionConditionType conditionType)
969 {
970 ConditionType = conditionType;
971 }
973 public AssertionConditionType ConditionType { get; }
974 }
976 /// <summary>
977 /// Specifies assertion type. If the assertion method argument satisfies the condition,
978 /// then the execution continues. Otherwise, execution is assumed to be halted.
979 /// </summary>
980 public enum AssertionConditionType
981 {
982 /// <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to true.</summary>
983 IS_TRUE = 0,
985 /// <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to false.</summary>
986 IS_FALSE = 1,
988 /// <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to null value.</summary>
989 IS_NULL = 2,
991 /// <summary>Marked parameter should be evaluated to not null value.</summary>
992 IS_NOT_NULL = 3
993 }
995 /// <summary>
996 /// Indicates that the marked method unconditionally terminates control flow execution.
997 /// For example, it could unconditionally throw exception.
998 /// </summary>
999 [Obsolete("Use [ContractAnnotation('=> halt')] instead")]
1000 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1001 public sealed class TerminatesProgramAttribute : Attribute
1002 {
1003 }
1005 /// <summary>
1006 /// Indicates that the method is a pure LINQ method, with postponed enumeration (like Enumerable.Select,
1007 /// .Where). This annotation allows inference of [InstantHandle] annotation for parameters
1008 /// of delegate type by analyzing LINQ method chains.
1009 /// </summary>
1010 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1011 public sealed class LinqTunnelAttribute : Attribute
1012 {
1013 }
1015 /// <summary>
1016 /// Indicates that IEnumerable passed as a parameter is not enumerated.
1017 /// Use this annotation to suppress the 'Possible multiple enumeration of IEnumerable' inspection.
1018 /// </summary>
1019 /// <example>
1020 /// <code>
1021 /// static void ThrowIfNull&lt;T&gt;([NoEnumeration] T v, string n) where T : class
1022 /// {
1023 /// // custom check for null but no enumeration
1024 /// }
1025 ///
1026 /// void Foo(IEnumerable&lt;string&gt; values)
1027 /// {
1028 /// ThrowIfNull(values, nameof(values));
1029 /// var x = values.ToList(); // No warnings about multiple enumeration
1030 /// }
1031 /// </code>
1032 /// </example>
1033 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1034 public sealed class NoEnumerationAttribute : Attribute
1035 {
1036 }
1038 /// <summary>
1039 /// Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is a regular expression pattern.
1040 /// </summary>
1041 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1042 public sealed class RegexPatternAttribute : Attribute
1043 {
1044 }
1046 /// <summary>
1047 /// Language of injected code fragment inside marked by <see cref="LanguageInjectionAttribute" /> string literal.
1048 /// </summary>
1049 public enum InjectedLanguage
1050 {
1051 CSS,
1052 HTML,
1054 JSON,
1055 XML
1056 }
1058 /// <summary>
1059 /// Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is accepting a string literal
1060 /// containing code fragment in a language specified by the <see cref="InjectedLanguage" />.
1061 /// </summary>
1062 /// <example>
1063 /// <code>
1064 /// void Foo([LanguageInjection(InjectedLanguage.CSS, Prefix = "body{", Suffix = "}")] string cssProps)
1065 /// {
1066 /// // cssProps should only contains a list of CSS properties
1067 /// }
1068 /// </code>
1069 /// </example>
1070 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1071 public sealed class LanguageInjectionAttribute : Attribute
1072 {
1073 public LanguageInjectionAttribute(InjectedLanguage injectedLanguage)
1074 {
1075 InjectedLanguage = injectedLanguage;
1076 }
1078 /// <summary>Specify a language of injected code fragment.</summary>
1079 public InjectedLanguage InjectedLanguage { get; }
1081 /// <summary>Specify a string that "precedes" injected string literal.</summary>
1082 [CanBeNull]
1083 public string Prefix { get; set; }
1085 /// <summary>Specify a string that "follows" injected string literal.</summary>
1086 [CanBeNull]
1087 public string Suffix { get; set; }
1088 }
1090 /// <summary>
1091 /// Prevents the Member Reordering feature from tossing members of the marked class.
1092 /// </summary>
1093 /// <remarks>
1094 /// The attribute must be mentioned in your member reordering patterns.
1095 /// </remarks>
1096 [AttributeUsage(
1097 AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum)]
1098 public sealed class NoReorderAttribute : Attribute
1099 {
1100 }
1102 /// <summary>
1103 /// <para>
1104 /// Defines the code search template using the Structural Search and Replace syntax.
1105 /// It allows you to find and, if necessary, replace blocks of code that match a specific pattern.
1106 /// Search and replace patterns consist of a textual part and placeholders.
1107 /// Textural part must contain only identifiers allowed in the target language and will be matched exactly (white
1108 /// spaces, tabulation characters, and line breaks are ignored).
1109 /// Placeholders allow matching variable parts of the target code blocks.
1110 /// A placeholder has the following format: $placeholder_name$- where placeholder_name is an arbitrary identifier.
1111 /// </para>
1112 /// <para>
1113 /// Available placeholders:
1114 /// <list type="bullet">
1115 /// <item>$this$ - expression of containing type</item>
1116 /// <item>$thisType$ - containing type</item>
1117 /// <item>$member$ - current member placeholder</item>
1118 /// <item>
1119 /// $qualifier$ - this placeholder is available in the replace pattern and can be used to insert qualifier
1120 /// expression matched by the $member$ placeholder.
1121 /// (Note that if $qualifier$ placeholder is used, then $member$ placeholder will match only qualified
1122 /// references)
1123 /// </item>
1124 /// <item>$expression$ - expression of any type</item>
1125 /// <item>$identifier$ - identifier placeholder</item>
1126 /// <item>$args$ - any number of arguments</item>
1127 /// <item>$arg$ - single argument</item>
1128 /// <item>$arg1$ ... $arg10$ - single argument</item>
1129 /// <item>$stmts$ - any number of statements</item>
1130 /// <item>$stmt$ - single statement</item>
1131 /// <item>$stmt1$ ... $stmt10$ - single statement</item>
1132 /// <item>$name{Expression, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - expression with 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
1133 /// <item>$expression{'Namespace.FooType'}$ - expression with 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
1134 /// <item>$name{Type, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
1135 /// <item>$type{'Namespace.FooType'}$ - 'Namespace.FooType' type</item>
1136 /// <item>$statement{1,2}$ - 1 or 2 statements</item>
1137 /// </list>
1138 /// </para>
1139 /// <para>
1140 /// Note that you can also define your own placeholders of the supported types and specify arguments for each
1141 /// placeholder type.
1142 /// This can be done using the following format: $name{type, arguments}$. Where 'name' - is the name of your
1143 /// placeholder,
1144 /// 'type' - is the type of your placeholder (one of the following: Expression, Type, Identifier, Statement,
1145 /// Argument, Member),
1146 /// 'arguments' - arguments list for your placeholder. Each placeholder type supports it's own arguments, check
1147 /// examples below for mode details.
1148 /// Placeholder type may be omitted and determined from the placeholder name, if name has one of the following
1149 /// prefixes:
1150 /// <list type="bullet">
1151 /// <item>expr, expression - expression placeholder, e.g. $exprPlaceholder{}$, $expressionFoo{}$</item>
1152 /// <item>arg, argument - argument placeholder, e.g. $argPlaceholder{}$, $argumentFoo{}$</item>
1153 /// <item>ident, identifier - identifier placeholder, e.g. $identPlaceholder{}$, $identifierFoo{}$</item>
1154 /// <item>stmt, statement - statement placeholder, e.g. $stmtPlaceholder{}$, $statementFoo{}$</item>
1155 /// <item>type - type placeholder, e.g. $typePlaceholder{}$, $typeFoo{}$</item>
1156 /// <item>member - member placeholder, e.g. $memberPlaceholder{}$, $memberFoo{}$</item>
1157 /// </list>
1158 /// </para>
1159 /// <para>
1160 /// Expression placeholder arguments:
1161 /// <list type="bullet">
1162 /// <item>
1163 /// expressionType - string value in single quotes, specifies full type name to match (empty string by
1164 /// default)
1165 /// </item>
1166 /// <item>exactType - boolean value, specifies if expression should have exact type match (false by default)</item>
1167 /// </list>
1168 /// Examples:
1169 /// <list type="bullet">
1170 /// <item>
1171 /// $myExpr{Expression, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching
1172 /// expressions of the 'Namespace.FooType' type with exact matching.
1173 /// </item>
1174 /// <item>
1175 /// $myExpr{Expression, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of
1176 /// the 'Namespace.FooType' type or expressions which can be implicitly converted to 'Namespace.FooType'.
1177 /// </item>
1178 /// <item>$myExpr{Expression}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of any type.</item>
1179 /// <item>
1180 /// $exprFoo{'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines expression placeholder, matching expressions of the
1181 /// 'Namespace.FooType' type with exact matching.
1182 /// </item>
1183 /// </list>
1184 /// </para>
1185 /// <para>
1186 /// Type placeholder arguments:
1187 /// <list type="bullet">
1188 /// <item>type - string value in single quotes, specifies full type name to match (empty string by default)</item>
1189 /// <item>exactType - boolean value, specifies if expression should have exact type match (false by default)</item>
1190 /// </list>
1191 /// Examples:
1192 /// <list type="bullet">
1193 /// <item>
1194 /// $myType{Type, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines type placeholder, matching 'Namespace.FooType'
1195 /// types with exact matching.
1196 /// </item>
1197 /// <item>
1198 /// $myType{Type, 'Namespace.FooType'}$ - defines type placeholder, matching 'Namespace.FooType' types or
1199 /// types, which can be implicitly converted to 'Namespace.FooType'.
1200 /// </item>
1201 /// <item>$myType{Type}$ - defines type placeholder, matching any type.</item>
1202 /// <item>
1203 /// $typeFoo{'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines types placeholder, matching 'Namespace.FooType' types
1204 /// with exact matching.
1205 /// </item>
1206 /// </list>
1207 /// </para>
1208 /// <para>
1209 /// Identifier placeholder arguments:
1210 /// <list type="bullet">
1211 /// <item>
1212 /// nameRegex - string value in single quotes, specifies regex to use for matching (empty string by
1213 /// default)
1214 /// </item>
1215 /// <item>nameRegexCaseSensitive - boolean value, specifies if name regex is case sensitive (true by default)</item>
1216 /// <item>type - string value in single quotes, specifies full type name to match (empty string by default)</item>
1217 /// <item>exactType - boolean value, specifies if expression should have exact type match (false by default)</item>
1218 /// </list>
1219 /// Examples:
1220 /// <list type="bullet">
1221 /// <item>
1222 /// $myIdentifier{Identifier, 'my.*', false, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines identifier
1223 /// placeholder, matching identifiers (ignoring case) starting with 'my' prefix with 'Namespace.FooType'
1224 /// type.
1225 /// </item>
1226 /// <item>
1227 /// $myIdentifier{Identifier, 'my.*', true, 'Namespace.FooType', true}$ - defines identifier placeholder,
1228 /// matching identifiers (case sensitively) starting with 'my' prefix with 'Namespace.FooType' type.
1229 /// </item>
1230 /// <item>
1231 /// $identFoo{'my.*'}$ - defines identifier placeholder, matching identifiers (case sensitively) starting
1232 /// with 'my' prefix.
1233 /// </item>
1234 /// </list>
1235 /// </para>
1236 /// <para>
1237 /// Statement placeholder arguments:
1238 /// <list type="bullet">
1239 /// <item>minimalOccurrences - minimal number of statements to match (-1 by default)</item>
1240 /// <item>maximalOccurrences - maximal number of statements to match (-1 by default)</item>
1241 /// </list>
1242 /// Examples:
1243 /// <list type="bullet">
1244 /// <item>$myStmt{Statement, 1, 2}$ - defines statement placeholder, matching 1 or 2 statements.</item>
1245 /// <item>$myStmt{Statement}$ - defines statement placeholder, matching any number of statements.</item>
1246 /// <item>$stmtFoo{1, 2}$ - defines statement placeholder, matching 1 or 2 statements.</item>
1247 /// </list>
1248 /// </para>
1249 /// <para>
1250 /// Argument placeholder arguments:
1251 /// <list type="bullet">
1252 /// <item>minimalOccurrences - minimal number of arguments to match (-1 by default)</item>
1253 /// <item>maximalOccurrences - maximal number of arguments to match (-1 by default)</item>
1254 /// </list>
1255 /// Examples:
1256 /// <list type="bullet">
1257 /// <item>$myArg{Argument, 1, 2}$ - defines argument placeholder, matching 1 or 2 arguments.</item>
1258 /// <item>$myArg{Argument}$ - defines argument placeholder, matching any number of arguments.</item>
1259 /// <item>$argFoo{1, 2}$ - defines argument placeholder, matching 1 or 2 arguments.</item>
1260 /// </list>
1261 /// </para>
1262 /// <para>
1263 /// Member placeholder arguments:
1264 /// <list type="bullet">
1265 /// <item>
1266 /// docId - string value in single quotes, specifies XML documentation id of the member to match (empty
1267 /// by default)
1268 /// </item>
1269 /// </list>
1270 /// Examples:
1271 /// <list type="bullet">
1272 /// <item>
1273 /// $myMember{Member, 'M:System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.String)'}$ - defines member placeholder,
1274 /// matching 'IsNullOrEmpty' member of the 'System.String' type.
1275 /// </item>
1276 /// <item>
1277 /// $memberFoo{'M:System.String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.String)'}$ - defines member placeholder, matching
1278 /// 'IsNullOrEmpty' member of the 'System.String' type.
1279 /// </item>
1280 /// </list>
1281 /// </para>
1282 /// <para>
1283 /// For more information please refer to the
1284 /// <a href="">
1285 /// Structural
1286 /// Search and Replace
1287 /// </a>
1288 /// article.
1289 /// </para>
1290 /// </summary>
1291 [AttributeUsage(
1292 AttributeTargets.Method
1293 | AttributeTargets.Constructor
1294 | AttributeTargets.Property
1295 | AttributeTargets.Field
1296 | AttributeTargets.Event
1297 | AttributeTargets.Interface
1298 | AttributeTargets.Class
1299 | AttributeTargets.Struct
1300 | AttributeTargets.Enum,
1301 AllowMultiple = true,
1302 Inherited = false)]
1303 public sealed class CodeTemplateAttribute : Attribute
1304 {
1305 public CodeTemplateAttribute(string searchTemplate)
1306 {
1307 SearchTemplate = searchTemplate;
1308 }
1310 /// <summary>
1311 /// Structural search pattern to use in the code template.
1312 /// Pattern includes textual part, which must contain only identifiers allowed in the target language,
1313 /// and placeholders, which allow matching variable parts of the target code blocks.
1314 /// </summary>
1315 public string SearchTemplate { get; }
1317 /// <summary>
1318 /// Message to show when the search pattern was found.
1319 /// You can also prepend the message text with "Error:", "Warning:", "Suggestion:" or "Hint:" prefix to specify the
1320 /// pattern severity.
1321 /// Code patterns with replace template produce suggestions by default.
1322 /// However, if replace template is not provided, then warning severity will be used.
1323 /// </summary>
1324 public string Message { get; set; }
1326 /// <summary>
1327 /// Structural search replace pattern to use in code template replacement.
1328 /// </summary>
1329 public string ReplaceTemplate { get; set; }
1331 /// <summary>
1332 /// Replace message to show in the light bulb.
1333 /// </summary>
1334 public string ReplaceMessage { get; set; }
1336 /// <summary>
1337 /// Apply code formatting after code replacement.
1338 /// </summary>
1339 public bool FormatAfterReplace { get; set; } = true;
1341 /// <summary>
1342 /// Whether similar code blocks should be matched.
1343 /// </summary>
1344 public bool MatchSimilarConstructs { get; set; }
1346 /// <summary>
1347 /// Automatically insert namespace import directives or remove qualifiers that become redundant after the template is
1348 /// applied.
1349 /// </summary>
1350 public bool ShortenReferences { get; set; }
1352 /// <summary>
1353 /// String to use as a suppression key.
1354 /// By default the following suppression key is used 'CodeTemplate_SomeType_SomeMember',
1355 /// where 'SomeType' and 'SomeMember' are names of the associated containing type and member to which this attribute is
1356 /// applied.
1357 /// </summary>
1358 public string SuppressionKey { get; set; }
1359 }
1361 #region ASP.NET
1363 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
1364 public sealed class AspChildControlTypeAttribute : Attribute
1365 {
1366 public AspChildControlTypeAttribute([NotNull] string tagName, [NotNull] Type controlType)
1367 {
1368 TagName = tagName;
1369 ControlType = controlType;
1370 }
1372 [NotNull] public string TagName { get; }
1374 [NotNull] public Type ControlType { get; }
1375 }
1377 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Method)]
1378 public sealed class AspDataFieldAttribute : Attribute
1379 {
1380 }
1382 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Method)]
1383 public sealed class AspDataFieldsAttribute : Attribute
1384 {
1385 }
1387 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)]
1388 public sealed class AspMethodPropertyAttribute : Attribute
1389 {
1390 }
1392 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = true)]
1393 public sealed class AspRequiredAttributeAttribute : Attribute
1394 {
1395 public AspRequiredAttributeAttribute([NotNull] string attribute)
1396 {
1397 Attribute = attribute;
1398 }
1400 [NotNull] public string Attribute { get; }
1401 }
1403 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)]
1404 public sealed class AspTypePropertyAttribute : Attribute
1405 {
1406 public AspTypePropertyAttribute(bool createConstructorReferences)
1407 {
1408 CreateConstructorReferences = createConstructorReferences;
1409 }
1411 public bool CreateConstructorReferences { get; }
1412 }
1414 #endregion
1416 #region ASP.NET MVC
1418 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
1419 AllowMultiple = true)]
1420 public sealed class AspMvcAreaMasterLocationFormatAttribute : Attribute
1421 {
1422 public AspMvcAreaMasterLocationFormatAttribute([NotNull] string format)
1423 {
1424 Format = format;
1425 }
1427 [NotNull] public string Format { get; }
1428 }
1430 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
1431 AllowMultiple = true)]
1432 public sealed class AspMvcAreaPartialViewLocationFormatAttribute : Attribute
1433 {
1434 public AspMvcAreaPartialViewLocationFormatAttribute([NotNull] string format)
1435 {
1436 Format = format;
1437 }
1439 [NotNull] public string Format { get; }
1440 }
1442 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
1443 AllowMultiple = true)]
1444 public sealed class AspMvcAreaViewLocationFormatAttribute : Attribute
1445 {
1446 public AspMvcAreaViewLocationFormatAttribute([NotNull] string format)
1447 {
1448 Format = format;
1449 }
1451 [NotNull] public string Format { get; }
1452 }
1454 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
1455 AllowMultiple = true)]
1456 public sealed class AspMvcMasterLocationFormatAttribute : Attribute
1457 {
1458 public AspMvcMasterLocationFormatAttribute([NotNull] string format)
1459 {
1460 Format = format;
1461 }
1463 [NotNull] public string Format { get; }
1464 }
1466 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
1467 AllowMultiple = true)]
1468 public sealed class AspMvcPartialViewLocationFormatAttribute : Attribute
1469 {
1470 public AspMvcPartialViewLocationFormatAttribute([NotNull] string format)
1471 {
1472 Format = format;
1473 }
1475 [NotNull] public string Format { get; }
1476 }
1478 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property,
1479 AllowMultiple = true)]
1480 public sealed class AspMvcViewLocationFormatAttribute : Attribute
1481 {
1482 public AspMvcViewLocationFormatAttribute([NotNull] string format)
1483 {
1484 Format = format;
1485 }
1487 [NotNull] public string Format { get; }
1488 }
1490 /// <summary>
1491 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
1492 /// is an MVC action. If applied to a method, the MVC action name is calculated
1493 /// implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1494 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
1495 /// </summary>
1496 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field |
1497 AttributeTargets.Property)]
1498 public sealed class AspMvcActionAttribute : Attribute
1499 {
1500 public AspMvcActionAttribute()
1501 {
1502 }
1504 public AspMvcActionAttribute([NotNull] string anonymousProperty)
1505 {
1506 AnonymousProperty = anonymousProperty;
1507 }
1509 [CanBeNull] public string AnonymousProperty { get; }
1510 }
1512 /// <summary>
1513 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC area.
1514 /// Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1515 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
1516 /// </summary>
1517 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1518 public sealed class AspMvcAreaAttribute : Attribute
1519 {
1520 public AspMvcAreaAttribute()
1521 {
1522 }
1524 public AspMvcAreaAttribute([NotNull] string anonymousProperty)
1525 {
1526 AnonymousProperty = anonymousProperty;
1527 }
1529 [CanBeNull] public string AnonymousProperty { get; }
1530 }
1532 /// <summary>
1533 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is
1534 /// an MVC controller. If applied to a method, the MVC controller name is calculated
1535 /// implicitly from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1536 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.ChildActionExtensions.RenderAction(HtmlHelper, String, String)</c>.
1537 /// </summary>
1538 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field |
1539 AttributeTargets.Property)]
1540 public sealed class AspMvcControllerAttribute : Attribute
1541 {
1542 public AspMvcControllerAttribute()
1543 {
1544 }
1546 public AspMvcControllerAttribute([NotNull] string anonymousProperty)
1547 {
1548 AnonymousProperty = anonymousProperty;
1549 }
1551 [CanBeNull] public string AnonymousProperty { get; }
1552 }
1554 /// <summary>
1555 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC Master. Use this attribute
1556 /// for custom wrappers similar to <c>System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(String, String)</c>.
1557 /// </summary>
1558 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1559 public sealed class AspMvcMasterAttribute : Attribute
1560 {
1561 }
1563 /// <summary>
1564 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC model type. Use this attribute
1565 /// for custom wrappers similar to <c>System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(String, Object)</c>.
1566 /// </summary>
1567 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1568 public sealed class AspMvcModelTypeAttribute : Attribute
1569 {
1570 }
1572 /// <summary>
1573 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter is an MVC
1574 /// partial view. If applied to a method, the MVC partial view name is calculated implicitly
1575 /// from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1576 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.RenderPartialExtensions.RenderPartial(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
1577 /// </summary>
1578 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field |
1579 AttributeTargets.Property)]
1580 public sealed class AspMvcPartialViewAttribute : Attribute
1581 {
1582 }
1584 /// <summary>
1585 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Allows disabling inspections for MVC views within a class or a method.
1586 /// </summary>
1587 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
1588 public sealed class AspMvcSuppressViewErrorAttribute : Attribute
1589 {
1590 }
1592 /// <summary>
1593 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that a parameter is an MVC display template.
1594 /// Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1595 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.DisplayExtensions.DisplayForModel(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
1596 /// </summary>
1597 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1598 public sealed class AspMvcDisplayTemplateAttribute : Attribute
1599 {
1600 }
1602 /// <summary>
1603 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC editor template.
1604 /// Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1605 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Html.EditorExtensions.EditorForModel(HtmlHelper, String)</c>.
1606 /// </summary>
1607 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1608 public sealed class AspMvcEditorTemplateAttribute : Attribute
1609 {
1610 }
1612 /// <summary>
1613 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter is an MVC template.
1614 /// Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1615 /// <c>System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.UIHintAttribute(System.String)</c>.
1616 /// </summary>
1617 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1618 public sealed class AspMvcTemplateAttribute : Attribute
1619 {
1620 }
1622 /// <summary>
1623 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
1624 /// is an MVC view component. If applied to a method, the MVC view name is calculated implicitly
1625 /// from the context. Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1626 /// <c>System.Web.Mvc.Controller.View(Object)</c>.
1627 /// </summary>
1628 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field |
1629 AttributeTargets.Property)]
1630 public sealed class AspMvcViewAttribute : Attribute
1631 {
1632 }
1634 /// <summary>
1635 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
1636 /// is an MVC view component name.
1637 /// </summary>
1638 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1639 public sealed class AspMvcViewComponentAttribute : Attribute
1640 {
1641 }
1643 /// <summary>
1644 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. If applied to a parameter, indicates that the parameter
1645 /// is an MVC view component view. If applied to a method, the MVC view component view name is default.
1646 /// </summary>
1647 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Field |
1648 AttributeTargets.Property)]
1649 public sealed class AspMvcViewComponentViewAttribute : Attribute
1650 {
1651 }
1653 /// <summary>
1654 /// ASP.NET MVC attribute. When applied to a parameter of an attribute,
1655 /// indicates that this parameter is an MVC action name.
1656 /// </summary>
1657 /// <example>
1658 /// <code>
1659 /// [ActionName("Foo")]
1660 /// public ActionResult Login(string returnUrl) {
1661 /// ViewBag.ReturnUrl = Url.Action("Foo"); // OK
1662 /// return RedirectToAction("Bar"); // Error: Cannot resolve action
1663 /// }
1664 /// </code>
1665 /// </example>
1666 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1667 public sealed class AspMvcActionSelectorAttribute : Attribute
1668 {
1669 }
1671 #endregion
1673 #region ASP.NET Routing
1675 /// <summary>
1676 /// Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is a route template.
1677 /// </summary>
1678 /// <remarks>
1679 /// This attribute allows IDE to recognize the use of web frameworks' route templates
1680 /// to enable syntax highlighting, code completion, navigation, rename and other features in string literals.
1681 /// </remarks>
1682 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1683 public sealed class RouteTemplateAttribute : Attribute
1684 {
1685 }
1687 /// <summary>
1688 /// Indicates that the marked type is custom route parameter constraint,
1689 /// which is registered in application's Startup with name <c>ConstraintName</c>
1690 /// </summary>
1691 /// <remarks>
1692 /// You can specify <c>ProposedType</c> if target constraint matches only route parameters of specific type,
1693 /// it will allow IDE to create method's parameter from usage in route template
1694 /// with specified type instead of default <c>System.String</c>
1695 /// and check if constraint's proposed type conflicts with matched parameter's type
1696 /// </remarks>
1697 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)]
1698 public sealed class RouteParameterConstraintAttribute : Attribute
1699 {
1700 public RouteParameterConstraintAttribute([NotNull] string constraintName)
1701 {
1702 ConstraintName = constraintName;
1703 }
1705 [NotNull] public string ConstraintName { get; }
1706 [CanBeNull] public Type ProposedType { get; set; }
1707 }
1709 /// <summary>
1710 /// Indicates that the marked parameter, field, or property is an URI string.
1711 /// </summary>
1712 /// <remarks>
1713 /// This attribute enables code completion, navigation, rename and other features
1714 /// in URI string literals assigned to annotated parameter, field or property.
1715 /// </remarks>
1716 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1717 public sealed class UriStringAttribute : Attribute
1718 {
1719 public UriStringAttribute()
1720 {
1721 }
1723 public UriStringAttribute(string httpVerb)
1724 {
1725 HttpVerb = httpVerb;
1726 }
1728 [CanBeNull] public string HttpVerb { get; }
1729 }
1731 /// <summary>
1732 /// Indicates that the marked method declares routing convention for ASP.NET
1733 /// </summary>
1734 /// <remarks>
1735 /// IDE will analyze all usages of methods marked with this attribute,
1736 /// and will add all routes to completion, navigation and other features over URI strings
1737 /// </remarks>
1738 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1739 public sealed class AspRouteConventionAttribute : Attribute
1740 {
1741 public AspRouteConventionAttribute()
1742 {
1743 }
1745 public AspRouteConventionAttribute(string predefinedPattern)
1746 {
1747 PredefinedPattern = predefinedPattern;
1748 }
1750 [CanBeNull] public string PredefinedPattern { get; }
1751 }
1753 /// <summary>
1754 /// Indicates that the marked method parameter contains default route values of routing convention for ASP.NET
1755 /// </summary>
1756 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1757 public sealed class AspDefaultRouteValuesAttribute : Attribute
1758 {
1759 }
1761 /// <summary>
1762 /// Indicates that the marked method parameter contains constraints on route values of routing convention for ASP.NET
1763 /// </summary>
1764 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1765 public sealed class AspRouteValuesConstraintsAttribute : Attribute
1766 {
1767 }
1769 /// <summary>
1770 /// Indicates that the marked parameter or property contains routing order provided by ASP.NET routing attribute
1771 /// </summary>
1772 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1773 public sealed class AspRouteOrderAttribute : Attribute
1774 {
1775 }
1777 /// <summary>
1778 /// Indicates that the marked parameter or property contains HTTP verbs provided by ASP.NET routing attribute
1779 /// </summary>
1780 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1781 public sealed class AspRouteVerbsAttribute : Attribute
1782 {
1783 }
1785 /// <summary>
1786 /// Indicates that the marked attribute is used for attribute routing in ASP.NET
1787 /// </summary>
1788 /// <remarks>
1789 /// IDE will analyze all usages of attributes marked with this attribute,
1790 /// and will add all routes to completion, navigation and other features over URI strings
1791 /// </remarks>
1792 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)]
1793 public sealed class AspAttributeRoutingAttribute : Attribute
1794 {
1795 public string HttpVerb { get; set; }
1796 }
1798 /// <summary>
1799 /// Indicates that the marked method declares ASP.NET Minimal API endpoint
1800 /// </summary>
1801 /// <remarks>
1802 /// IDE will analyze all usages of methods marked with this attribute,
1803 /// and will add all routes to completion, navigation and other features over URI strings
1804 /// </remarks>
1805 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1806 public sealed class AspMinimalApiDeclarationAttribute : Attribute
1807 {
1808 public string HttpVerb { get; set; }
1809 }
1811 /// <summary>
1812 /// Indicates that the marked parameter contains ASP.NET Minimal API endpoint handler
1813 /// </summary>
1814 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1815 public sealed class AspMinimalApiHandlerAttribute : Attribute
1816 {
1817 }
1819 #endregion
1821 #region Razor
1823 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Field)]
1824 public sealed class HtmlElementAttributesAttribute : Attribute
1825 {
1826 public HtmlElementAttributesAttribute()
1827 {
1828 }
1830 public HtmlElementAttributesAttribute([NotNull] string name)
1831 {
1832 Name = name;
1833 }
1835 [CanBeNull] public string Name { get; }
1836 }
1838 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1839 public sealed class HtmlAttributeValueAttribute : Attribute
1840 {
1841 public HtmlAttributeValueAttribute([NotNull] string name)
1842 {
1843 Name = name;
1844 }
1846 [NotNull] public string Name { get; }
1847 }
1849 /// <summary>
1850 /// Razor attribute. Indicates that the marked parameter or method is a Razor section.
1851 /// Use this attribute for custom wrappers similar to
1852 /// <c>System.Web.WebPages.WebPageBase.RenderSection(String)</c>.
1853 /// </summary>
1854 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Method)]
1855 public sealed class RazorSectionAttribute : Attribute
1856 {
1857 }
1859 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
1860 public sealed class RazorImportNamespaceAttribute : Attribute
1861 {
1862 public RazorImportNamespaceAttribute([NotNull] string name)
1863 {
1864 Name = name;
1865 }
1867 [NotNull] public string Name { get; }
1868 }
1870 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
1871 public sealed class RazorInjectionAttribute : Attribute
1872 {
1873 public RazorInjectionAttribute([NotNull] string type, [NotNull] string fieldName)
1874 {
1875 Type = type;
1876 FieldName = fieldName;
1877 }
1879 [NotNull] public string Type { get; }
1881 [NotNull] public string FieldName { get; }
1882 }
1884 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
1885 public sealed class RazorDirectiveAttribute : Attribute
1886 {
1887 public RazorDirectiveAttribute([NotNull] string directive)
1888 {
1889 Directive = directive;
1890 }
1892 [NotNull] public string Directive { get; }
1893 }
1895 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
1896 public sealed class RazorPageBaseTypeAttribute : Attribute
1897 {
1898 public RazorPageBaseTypeAttribute([NotNull] string baseType)
1899 {
1900 BaseType = baseType;
1901 }
1903 public RazorPageBaseTypeAttribute([NotNull] string baseType, string pageName)
1904 {
1905 BaseType = baseType;
1906 PageName = pageName;
1907 }
1909 [NotNull] public string BaseType { get; }
1910 [CanBeNull] public string PageName { get; }
1911 }
1913 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1914 public sealed class RazorHelperCommonAttribute : Attribute
1915 {
1916 }
1918 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)]
1919 public sealed class RazorLayoutAttribute : Attribute
1920 {
1921 }
1923 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1924 public sealed class RazorWriteLiteralMethodAttribute : Attribute
1925 {
1926 }
1928 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method)]
1929 public sealed class RazorWriteMethodAttribute : Attribute
1930 {
1931 }
1933 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter)]
1934 public sealed class RazorWriteMethodParameterAttribute : Attribute
1935 {
1936 }
1938 #endregion
1940 #region XAML
1942 /// <summary>
1943 /// XAML attribute. Indicates the type that has <c>ItemsSource</c> property and should be treated
1944 /// as <c>ItemsControl</c>-derived type, to enable inner items <c>DataContext</c> type resolve.
1945 /// </summary>
1946 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)]
1947 public sealed class XamlItemsControlAttribute : Attribute
1948 {
1949 }
1951 /// <summary>
1952 /// XAML attribute. Indicates the property of some <c>BindingBase</c>-derived type, that
1953 /// is used to bind some item of <c>ItemsControl</c>-derived type. This annotation will
1954 /// enable the <c>DataContext</c> type resolve for XAML bindings for such properties.
1955 /// </summary>
1956 /// <remarks>
1957 /// Property should have the tree ancestor of the <c>ItemsControl</c> type or
1958 /// marked with the <see cref="XamlItemsControlAttribute" /> attribute.
1959 /// </remarks>
1960 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)]
1961 public sealed class XamlItemBindingOfItemsControlAttribute : Attribute
1962 {
1963 }
1965 /// <summary>
1966 /// XAML attribute. Indicates the property of some <c>Style</c>-derived type, that
1967 /// is used to style items of <c>ItemsControl</c>-derived type. This annotation will
1968 /// enable the <c>DataContext</c> type resolve for XAML bindings for such properties.
1969 /// </summary>
1970 /// <remarks>
1971 /// Property should have the tree ancestor of the <c>ItemsControl</c> type or
1972 /// marked with the <see cref="XamlItemsControlAttribute" /> attribute.
1973 /// </remarks>
1974 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property)]
1975 public sealed class XamlItemStyleOfItemsControlAttribute : Attribute
1976 {
1977 }
1979 /// <summary>
1980 /// XAML attribute. Indicates that DependencyProperty has <c>OneWay</c> binding mode by default.
1981 /// </summary>
1982 /// <remarks>
1983 /// This attribute must be applied to DependencyProperty's CLR accessor property if it is present, to
1984 /// DependencyProperty descriptor field otherwise.
1985 /// </remarks>
1986 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1987 public sealed class XamlOneWayBindingModeByDefaultAttribute : Attribute
1988 {
1989 }
1991 /// <summary>
1992 /// XAML attribute. Indicates that DependencyProperty has <c>TwoWay</c> binding mode by default.
1993 /// </summary>
1994 /// <remarks>
1995 /// This attribute must be applied to DependencyProperty's CLR accessor property if it is present, to
1996 /// DependencyProperty descriptor field otherwise.
1997 /// </remarks>
1998 [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
1999 public sealed class XamlTwoWayBindingModeByDefaultAttribute : Attribute
2000 {
2001 }
2003 #endregion
2004 }