vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[ TinyTip by Thrae
2 --
3 -- German Localization
4 -- Any wrong words, change them here.
5 --
6 -- TinyTipLocale should be defined in your FIRST included
7 -- localization file.
8 --
9 -- Contributors:
10 --]]
12 if TinyTipExtrasLocale and TinyTipExtrasLocale == "deDE" then
13 -- TinyTipTargeting
14 TinyTipTargetsLocale_Targeting = "Ziel:"
15 TinyTipTargetsLocale_YOU = "<<DU>>"
16 TinyTipTargetsLocale_TargetedBy = "im Ziel von"
18 -- TinyTipExtras core
19 TinyTipExtrasLocale_Buffs = "Buffs"
20 TinyTipExtrasLocale_DispellableDebuffs = "Dispellable"
21 TinyTipExtrasLocale_DebuffMap = {
22 ["Magic"] = "|cFF5555FFMagic|r",
23 ["Poison"] = "|cFFFF5555Poison|r",
24 ["Curse"] = "|cFFFF22FFCurse|r",
25 ["Disease"] = "|cFF555555Disease|r" }
27 TinyTipExtrasLocale = nil -- we no longer need this
28 end