vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 locals
3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
6 BINDING_NAME_RES = "Resurrect"
8 local resTable = {}
9 local resAttempt = {}
10 local enabled = {}
11 local isCasting = nil
12 local resSpell = ""
13 local corpseCount = 0
14 local class = ""
16 local BS = AceLibrary("Babble-Spell-2.2")
18 local resSpell = {
19 PRIEST = BS["Resurrection"],
20 SHAMAN = BS["Ancestral Spirit"],
21 PALADIN = BS["Redemption"]
22 }
24 local locals = {
25 NotGrouped = "You're not in a group.",
26 NotInRange = "No one in range to res or you're out of mana.",
27 NoDeadUnits = "Coudnt't find any dead (non-released) units.",
28 AllDeadRessed = "All dead units are already being ressed.",
29 }
31 --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 defaults and AceOptions table
33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
35 local defaults = {
36 ResMessage = "Ressing: %s",
37 ChannelType = "SAY",
38 CustomChannel = "OFF",
39 CustomChannelName = nil
40 }
42 local options = {
43 type = 'group',
44 args = {
45 res = {
46 type = 'execute',
47 name = "Resurrect",
48 desc = "Will attempt to resurrect a grouped player",
49 func = function()
50 SmartRes:Resurrect()
51 end
52 },
53 msgtype = {
54 type = 'text',
55 name = "Message Type",
56 desc = "Set the Res Message output channel type. (Valid Types: SAY, YELL, PARTY, RAID, GUILD, OFFICER) Setting the channel type to 'OFF' will disable this feature.",
57 validate = {"SAY", "YELL", "PARTY", "RAID", "GUILD", "OFFICER", "OFF"},
58 get = function() return SmartRes.db.profile.ChannelType end,
59 set = function(text)
60 SmartRes.db.profile.ChannelType = text
61 end
62 },
63 msg = {
64 type = 'text',
65 name = "Res Message",
66 desc = "Change the Res Message.",
67 get = function()
68 return string.format(SmartRes.db.profile.ResMessage, "%s")
69 end,
70 set = function(text)
71 SmartRes.db.profile.ResMessage = text
72 end,
73 usage = "<msg> (Example: Ressing: %s) **Be sure to include %s where you want the target's name to be**"
74 },
75 chan = {
76 type = 'text',
77 name = "Custom Channel",
78 desc = "Send the Res Message to a custom chat channel.",
79 validate = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "OFF"},
80 get = function()
81 if SmartRes.db.profile.CustomChannel ~= "OFF" then
82 return SmartRes.db.profile.CustomChannel..". "..SmartRes.db.profile.CustomChannelName
83 end
84 end,
85 set = function(num)
86 SmartRes:SetCustomChan(num)
87 end
88 },
89 reset = {
90 type = 'execute',
91 name = "Reset",
92 desc = "Resets SmartRes to the default settings",
93 func = function()
94 SmartRes:ResetDB("profile")
95 SmartRes:Print("All options have been reset to default.")
96 end
97 }
98 }
99 }
101 --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 Initialization
103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
105 SmartRes = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0"):new("AceEvent-2.0", "AceDB-2.0", "AceConsole-2.0")
108 function SmartRes:OnInitialize()
109 self:RegisterDB("SmartResDB")
110 self:RegisterDefaults('profile', defaults )
111 self:RegisterChatCommand({ "/smartres", "/sr" }, options )
112 end
115 function SmartRes:OnEnable()
116 _,class = UnitClass("player")
117 if not resSpell[class] then return end
118 enabled = true
119 self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_START", function() isCasting = true end )
120 self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_STOP", function() isCasting = false end )
121 self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_FAILED", function() isCasting = false end )
122 self:RegisterEvent("SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED", function() isCasting = false end )
123 end
126 function SmartRes:OnDisable()
127 enabled = nil
128 end
130 --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
131 The real stuff
132 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
134 function SmartRes:SetCustomChan(num)
135 if num == "OFF" then
136 self.db.profile.CustomChannel = "OFF"
137 self.db.profile.CustomChannelName = nil
138 return
139 end
140 local id, channame = GetChannelName(num)
141 if id ~= 0 then
142 self.db.profile.CustomChannel = id
143 self.db.profile.CustomChannelName = channame
144 end
145 end
148 function SmartRes:Resurrect()
149 if not enabled then
150 self:Print("Mod not 'enabled', bypassing function")
151 return
152 end
153 if isCasting then return end
154 if GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 then
155 self:Print(locals.NotGrouped)
156 return
157 end
158 resTable = {}
159 if UnitInRaid("player") then
160 self:BuildResTable("raid")
161 else
162 self:BuildResTable("party")
163 end
164 if corpseCount == 0 then
165 self:Print(locals.NoDeadUnits)
166 return
167 end
168 if corpseCount - corpseCountRessed == 0 then
169 self:Print(locals.AllDeadRessed)
170 return
171 end
172 table.sort( resTable, function(a,b) return a[2] < b[2] end )
173 CastSpellByName(resSpell[class],0)
174 local corpse = self:ChooseDeadUnitInRange()
175 if corpse then
176 SpellTargetUnit(corpse)
177 resAttempt[UnitName(corpse)] = GetTime()
178 if not SpellIsTargeting() then
179 if self.db.profile.ChannelType ~= "OFF" then
180 SendChatMessage(string.format(self.db.profile.ResMessage, UnitName(corpse)), self.db.profile.ChannelType)
181 end
182 if self.db.profile.CustomChannel ~= "OFF" then
183 local chanid, channame = GetChannelName(self.db.profile.CustomChannel)
184 if (chanid == self.db.profile.CustomChannel and channame == self.db.profile.CustomChannelName) then
185 SendChatMessage(string.format(self.db.profile.ResMessage, UnitName(corpse)), "CHANNEL", nil, self.db.profile.CustomChannel)
186 end
187 end
188 else
189 SpellStopTargeting()
190 end
191 else
192 SpellStopTargeting()
193 self:Print(locals.NotInRange)
194 end
195 end
198 function SmartRes:BuildResTable(type)
199 local x
200 if type == "raid" then x = GetNumRaidMembers()
201 elseif type == "party" then x = GetNumPartyMembers()
202 end
203 corpseCount = 0
204 corpseCountRessed = 0
205 for i = 1, x do
206 if UnitIsConnected(type..i) then
207 if UnitIsDead(type..i) then
208 corpseCount = corpseCount + 1
209 if not self:UnitDoesntNeedRes(UnitName(type..i)) then
210 tinsert(resTable, { type..i, self:GetResModifier(type..i) })
211 else
212 corpseCountRessed = corpseCountRessed + 1
213 end
214 else
215 local name = UnitName(type..i)
216 if resAttempt[name] then
217 resAttempt[name] = nil
218 end
219 end
220 end
221 end
222 end
225 function SmartRes:GetResModifier(unit)
226 local m = 0
227 local _,c = UnitClass(unit)
228 if c == "PRIEST" then m = 0
229 elseif c == "SHAMAN" then m = 5
230 elseif c == "PALADIN" then m = 5
231 elseif c == "DRUID" then m = 10
232 elseif c == "MAGE" then m = 15
233 elseif c == "WARRIOR" then m = 20
234 elseif c == "WARLOCK" then m = 25
235 elseif c == "HUNTER" then m = 30
236 elseif c == "ROGUE" then m = 35
237 end
238 if UnitInParty(unit) then m = m - 1 end
239 -- we don't want to get stuck on someone out of LOS
240 m = m + math.random(5)
241 return m
242 end
245 function SmartRes:UnitDoesntNeedRes(name)
246 -- check who we attempted to res in the past minute:
247 if resAttempt[name] then
248 if GetTime() - resAttempt[name] < 60 then
249 return true
250 end
251 end
252 -- see who is being ressed by others this moment
253 if CT_RA_Ressers then
254 for key, val in CT_RA_Ressers do
255 if val == name then
256 return true
257 end
258 end
259 end
260 if oRA_Resurrection and oRA_Resurrection.ressers then
261 for key, val in oRA_Resurrection.ressers do
262 if val == name then
263 return true
264 end
265 end
266 end
267 if oRAOResurrection and oRAOResurrection.ressers then
268 for key, val in oRAOResurrection.ressers do
269 if val == name then
270 return true
271 end
272 end
273 end
274 -- see who's ressed already
275 if CT_RA_Stats and
276 CT_RA_Stats[name] and
277 CT_RA_Stats[name]["Ressed"] and
278 CT_RA_Stats[name]["Ressed"] == 1 then
279 return true
280 end
281 return false
282 end
285 function SmartRes:ChooseDeadUnitInRange()
286 for key, val in resTable do
287 if SpellCanTargetUnit(val[1]) then
288 return val[1]
289 end
290 end
291 return nil
292 end