vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
3 SelfCast: Adds self-targeting, either by use of the alt key or automatically
4 copyright 2004 by Telo
6 - If selfcast is enabled, positive spells cast without a friendly target will
7 automatically target the player
8 - Otherwise, if alt-casting is enabled, holding the alt key when activating a
9 button will target the player
11 ]]
13 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 -- Localizable strings
15 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 SELFCAST_HELP = "help"; -- must be lowercase; displays help
18 SELFCAST_STATUS = "status"; -- must be lowercase; shows status
19 SELFCAST_ON = "on"; -- must be lowercase; for historical reasons, turns self-targeting on
20 SELFCAST_OFF = "off"; -- must be lowercase; for historical reasons, turns self-trageting off
21 SELFCAST_SELFON = "selfon"; -- must be lowercase; turns self-targeting on
22 SELFCAST_SELFOFF = "selfoff"; -- must be lowercase; turns self-targeting off
23 SELFCAST_ALTON = "alton"; -- must be lowercase; turns alt-casting on
24 SELFCAST_ALTOFF = "altoff"; -- must be lowercase; turns alt-casting off
26 SELFCAST_STATUS_HEADER = "|cffffff00SelfCast status:|r";
27 SELFCAST_STATUS_SELFON = "SelfCast: |cff00ff00Auto self casting is -ON-. Beneficial spells will be cast on yourself if you don't have an ally targeted.|r";
28 SELFCAST_STATUS_SELFOFF = "SelfCast: |cff00ff00Auto self casting is -OFF-. Beneficial spells must be explicitly targeted.|r";
29 SELFCAST_STATUS_ALTON = "SelfCast: Alt-casting is on. Holding Alt while using an action button will target you, if possible.";
30 SELFCAST_STATUS_ALTOFF = "SelfCast: Alt-casting is off.";
33 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT1 = "|cffffff00SelfCast command help:|r";
34 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT2 = "|cff00ff00Use |r|cffffffff/selfcast <command>|r|cff00ff00 or |r|cffffffff/sc <command>|r|cff00ff00 to perform the following commands:|r";
35 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT3 = "|cffffffff"..SELFCAST_HELP.."|r|cff00ff00: displays this message.|r";
36 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT4 = "|cffffffff"..SELFCAST_STATUS.."|r|cff00ff00: displays status information about the current option settings.|r";
37 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT5 = "|cffffffff"..SELFCAST_SELFON.."|r|cff00ff00: turns on auto self casting. When on, beneficial spells will be cast on yourself if you don't have an ally targeted.|r";
38 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT6 = "|cffffffff"..SELFCAST_SELFOFF.."|r|cff00ff00: turns off auto self casting.|r";
39 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT7 = "|cffffffff"..SELFCAST_ALTON.."|r|cff00ff00: turns on Alt-casting. When on, holding Alt while using an action button will target you, if possible.|r";
40 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT8 = "|cffffffff"..SELFCAST_ALTOFF.."|r|cff00ff00: turns off Alt-casting.|r";
42 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT10 = "|cff00ff00For example: |r|cffffffff/selfcast selfon|r|cff00ff00 will turn on auto self casting.|r";
44 SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT12 = "|cff00ff00Using just |r|cffffffff/selfcast|r|cff00ff00 or |r|cffffffff/sc|r|cff00ff00 without any options will toggle auto-self casting between on and off.";
46 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 -- Local variables
48 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -- The list of desired self-cast spells
51 local localSelfCast = { };
52 -- Druid
53 localSelfCast["Abolish Poison"] = 1;
54 localSelfCast["Cure Poison"] = 1;
55 localSelfCast["Healing Touch"] = 1;
56 localSelfCast["Innervate"] = 1;
57 localSelfCast["Mark of the Wild"] = 1;
58 localSelfCast["Regrowth"] = 1;
59 localSelfCast["Rejuvenation"] = 1;
60 localSelfCast["Remove Curse"] = 1;
61 localSelfCast["Thorns"] = 1;
62 -- Mage
63 localSelfCast["Amplify Magic"] = 1;
64 localSelfCast["Arcane Intellect"] = 1;
65 localSelfCast["Dampen Magic"] = 1;
66 localSelfCast["Remove Lesser Curse"] = 1;
67 -- Paladin
68 localSelfCast["Cleanse"] = 1;
69 localSelfCast["Flash of Light"] = 1;
70 localSelfCast["Holy Light"] = 1;
71 localSelfCast["Purify"] = 1;
72 localSelfCast["Lay on Hands"] = 1;
73 localSelfCast["Blessing of Freedom"] = 1;
74 localSelfCast["Blessing of Fury"] = 1;
75 localSelfCast["Blessing of Kings"] = 1;
76 localSelfCast["Blessing of Light"] = 1;
77 localSelfCast["Blessing of Might"] = 1;
78 localSelfCast["Blessing of Protection"] = 1;
79 localSelfCast["Blessing of Reckoning"] = 1;
80 localSelfCast["Blessing of Righteousness"] = 1;
81 localSelfCast["Blessing of Salvation"] = 1;
82 localSelfCast["Blessing of Sanctuary"] = 1;
83 localSelfCast["Blessing of Wisdom"] = 1;
84 -- Priest
85 localSelfCast["Abolish Disease"] = 1;
86 localSelfCast["Cure Disease"] = 1;
87 localSelfCast["Dispel Magic"] = 2;
88 localSelfCast["Divine Spirit"] = 1;
89 localSelfCast["Fear Ward"] = 1;
90 localSelfCast["Flash Heal"] = 1;
91 localSelfCast["Greater Heal"] = 1;
92 localSelfCast["Lesser Heal"] = 1;
93 localSelfCast["Heal"] = 1;
94 localSelfCast["Power Word: Fortitude"] = 1;
95 localSelfCast["Power Word: Shield"] = 1;
96 localSelfCast["Renew"] = 1;
97 localSelfCast["Shadow Protection"] = 1;
98 localSelfCast["Power Infusion"] = 1;
99 -- Shaman
100 localSelfCast["Chain Heal"] = 1;
101 localSelfCast["Cure Disease"] = 1;
102 localSelfCast["Cure Poison"] = 1;
103 localSelfCast["Healing Wave"] = 1;
104 localSelfCast["Lesser Healing Wave"] = 1;
105 localSelfCast["Water Breathing"] = 1;
106 localSelfCast["Water Walking"] = 1;
107 -- Warlock
108 localSelfCast["Detect Greater Invisibility"] = 1;
109 localSelfCast["Detect Invisibility"] = 1;
110 localSelfCast["Detect Lesser Invisibility"] = 1;
111 localSelfCast["Unending Breath"] = 1;
112 -- First Aid
113 localSelfCast["Linen Bandage"] = 1;
114 localSelfCast["Heavy Linen Bandage"] = 1;
115 localSelfCast["Wool Bandage"] = 1;
116 localSelfCast["Heavy Wool Bandage"] = 1;
117 localSelfCast["Silk Bandage"] = 1;
118 localSelfCast["Heavy Silk Bandage"] = 1;
119 localSelfCast["Mageweave Bandage"] = 1;
120 localSelfCast["Heavy Mageweave Bandage"] = 1;
121 localSelfCast["Anti-Venom"] = 1;
122 localSelfCast["Strong Anti-Venom"] = 1;
123 localSelfCast["Runecloth Bandage"] = 1;
124 localSelfCast["Heavy Runecloth Bandage"] = 1;
125 -- Miscellaneous
126 localSelfCast["Crystal Force"] = 1;
127 localSelfCast["Crystal Restore"] = 1;
128 localSelfCast["Crystal Spire"] = 1;
129 localSelfCast["Crystal Ward"] = 1;
131 -- Function hooks
132 local lOriginal_UseAction;
133 local lOriginal_GameTooltip_ClearMoney;
135 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
136 -- Internal functions
137 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 local function SelfCast_MoneyToggle()
140 if( lOriginal_GameTooltip_ClearMoney ) then
141 GameTooltip_ClearMoney = lOriginal_GameTooltip_ClearMoney;
142 lOriginal_GameTooltip_ClearMoney = nil;
143 else
144 lOriginal_GameTooltip_ClearMoney = GameTooltip_ClearMoney;
145 GameTooltip_ClearMoney = SelfCast_GameTooltip_ClearMoney;
146 end
147 end
149 local function SelfCastStatus()
150 if( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
152 if( SelfCastState ) then
153 if( SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast ) then
155 else
157 end
158 if( SelfCastState.AltOff ) then
160 else
162 end
163 else
166 end
167 end
168 end
170 function SelfCast(msg)
171 if( msg ) then
172 local command = string.lower(msg);
173 if( command == "" ) then
174 if( SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast ) then
175 SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast = nil;
176 else
177 SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast = 1;
178 end
179 SelfCastStatus();
180 elseif( command == SELFCAST_HELP ) then
181 local index = 0;
182 local value = getglobal("SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT"..index);
183 while( value ) do
184 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(value);
185 index = index + 1;
186 value = getglobal("SELFCAST_HELP_TEXT"..index);
187 end
188 elseif( command == SELFCAST_STATUS ) then
189 SelfCastStatus();
190 elseif( command == SELFCAST_SELFON or command == SELFCAST_ON ) then
191 SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast = 1;
192 SelfCastStatus();
193 elseif( command == SELFCAST_SELFOFF or command == SELFCAST_OFF ) then
194 SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast = nil;
195 SelfCastStatus();
196 elseif( command == SELFCAST_ALTON ) then
197 SelfCastState.AltOff = nil;
198 SelfCastStatus();
199 elseif( command == SELFCAST_ALTOFF ) then
200 SelfCastState.AltOff = 1;
201 SelfCastStatus();
202 end
203 end
204 end
206 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207 -- OnFoo functions
208 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 function SelfCast_OnLoad()
211 -- Register our slash command
212 SLASH_SELFCAST1 = "/selfcast";
213 SLASH_SELFCAST2 = "/sc";
214 SlashCmdList["SELFCAST"] = function(msg)
215 SelfCast(msg);
216 end
218 -- Hook UseAction
219 lOriginal_UseAction = UseAction;
220 UseAction = SelfCast_UseAction;
222 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
224 if( DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME ) then
225 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Telo's SelfCast AddOn loaded");
226 end
227 UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("Telo's SelfCast AddOn loaded", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, UIERRORS_HOLD_TIME);
228 end
230 function SelfCast_OnEvent()
231 if( event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then
232 if( not SelfCastState ) then
233 SelfCastState = { };
234 end
235 if( AutoSelfCast ) then
236 SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast = 1;
237 end
238 SelfCastStatus();
239 end
240 end
242 function SelfCast_UseAction(id, type, self)
243 local fSelfCast;
244 local fSelfCastable;
246 if( not SelfCastState.AltOff and IsAltKeyDown() ) then
247 fSelfCast = 1;
248 elseif( SelfCastState.AutoSelfCast ) then
249 -- protect money frame while we set hidden tooltip
250 SelfCast_MoneyToggle();
251 SelfCastTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "ANCHOR_NONE");
252 SelfCastTooltip:SetAction(id);
253 SelfCast_MoneyToggle();
255 local name = getglobal("SelfCastTooltipTextLeft1"):GetText();
256 if( name and localSelfCast[name] ) then
257 -- This spell is self-castable
258 fSelfCastable = 1;
260 if( not UnitExists("target") or UnitCanAttack("player", "target") or
261 (not UnitIsPVP("target") and (not UnitPlayerControlled("target") or UnitLevel("target") == 1)) ) then
262 fSelfCast = 1;
263 end
265 -- Don't self-cast certain spells if you have any target at all
266 if( localSelfCast[name] == 2 and UnitExists("target") ) then
267 fSelfCast = nil;
268 end
269 end
270 end
272 if( fSelfCast ) then
273 lOriginal_UseAction(id, type, 1);
274 else
275 lOriginal_UseAction(id, type, self);
276 end
278 if( fSelfCast or fSelfCastable ) then
279 if( SpellIsTargeting() ) then
280 SpellTargetUnit("player");
281 end
282 if( SpellIsTargeting() ) then
283 TargetUnit("player");
284 end
285 end
286 end
288 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289 -- Hooked functions
290 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
292 function SelfCast_GameTooltip_ClearMoney()
293 -- Intentionally empty; don't clear money while we use hidden tooltips
294 end