vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 --
3 --
4 --
5 -- Item related wow functions
6 --
7 -- $LastChangedBy: Sinaloit $
8 -- $Rev: 2025 $
9 -- $Date: 2005-07-02 18:51:34 -0500 (Sat, 02 Jul 2005) $
10 --]]
12 = {
14 --
15 -- getInventoryItemName( bag, slot )
16 --
17 -- Gets the name of the item in the specified bag/slot
18 --
19 -- Args:
20 -- (int bag, int slot)
21 -- bag - 0 through 8, the bag number
22 -- slot - index within the bag
23 --
24 -- Returns:
25 -- (string name)
26 -- name - the item's name
27 --
28 getInventoryItemName = function (bag, slot)
29 local name = "";
30 local strings = nil;
31 strings =, slot, "GameTooltip");
32 -- Determine if the item is an ore, gem or herb
33 if ( strings[1] ) then
34 name = strings[1].left;
35 end
36 return name;
37 end;
39 --
40 -- classifyInventoryItem(bag, slot, TooltipNameBase)
41 --
42 -- Returns a great deal of useful information about an item.
43 --
44 -- Return:
45 -- Table[
46 -- .classification
47 -- .name
48 -- .quality
49 -- .count
50 -- .minLevel
51 -- .unique
52 -- .soulbound
53 -- .bindOnPickup
54 -- .bindOnEquip
55 -- .quest
56 -- ] itemInfo;
57 --
58 --
60 classifyInventoryItem = function (bag, slot, TooltipNameBase)
61 if ( TooltipNameBase == nil ) then
62 TooltipNameBase = "GameTooltip";
63 end
65 local strings =, slot, TooltipNameBase);
67 local texture, itemCount, locked, quality = GetContainerItemInfo(bag,slot);
69 return, itemCount, quality);
70 end;
73 --
74 -- classifyItemStrings(strings, itemCount, quality)
75 --
76 -- Args:
77 --
78 -- strings - array of strings that mimic the tooltip of the item to classify
79 -- itemCount - optional number that indicates the number of items
80 -- quality - optional number that indicates the quality of the item
81 --
82 -- Returns a great deal of useful information about an item.
83 -- The tooltip strings must be gathered from the item, using the
84 -- getInventoryItemInfoStrings syntax.
85 --
86 --
87 -- Return:
88 -- Table[
89 -- .classification
90 -- .name
91 -- .quality
92 -- .count
93 -- .minLevel
94 -- .unique
95 -- .soulbound
96 -- .bindOnPickup
97 -- .bindOnEquip
98 -- .quest
99 -- ] itemInfo;
100 --
101 --
102 classifyItemStrings = function (strings, itemCount, quality)
103 if ( not itemCount ) then
104 itemCount = 1;
105 end
106 local classification = "Misc";
107 local leftString, rightString, minLevel;
108 local unique = false;
109 local soulbound = false;
110 local bindsOnPickup = false;
111 local bindsOnEquip = false;
112 local questItem = false;
113 local isHerb = false;
114 local isGem = false;
115 local isOre = false;
116 local isLeather = false;
117 local isTailor = false;
118 local isFishing = false;
119 local isFood = false;
120 local isDrink = false;
121 local isShaman = false;
122 local isPoison = false;
123 local isWarlock = false;
124 local isJunk = false;
125 local engineering = false;
126 local firstaid = false;
127 local classitem = false;
128 local class = "";
129 local name = "";
130 -- Look for the target line that identifies an item; it'll either be line 2, 3, or 4.
132 -- Determine if the item is an ore, gem or herb
133 if ( strings[1] ) then
134 name = strings[1].left;
135 end
137 isHerb = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
138 isGem = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
139 isOre = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
140 isLeather = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
141 isFishing = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
142 isTailor = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
143 isPotion = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
144 isMage = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
145 isFood = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
146 isDrink = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
147 isShaman = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
148 isPoison = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
149 isWarlock = Sea.list.isWordInList(, name);
151 if ( ( quality ) and ( quality < 0 ) ) then
152 isJunk = true;
153 end
155 for i = 2, 5, 1 do
156 if (not strings[i])
157 then
158 break;
159 end
160 if (strings[i].left == ITEM_UNIQUE or strings[i].left == ITEM_UNIQUE_MULTIPLE ) then unique = true; end
161 if (strings[i].left == ITEM_SOULBOUND ) then soulbound = true; end
162 if (strings[i].left == ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP ) then bindsOnPickup = true; end
163 if (strings[i].left == ITEM_BIND_ON_EQUIP ) then bindsOnEquip = true; end
164 if (strings[i].left == ITEM_BIND_QUEST ) then questItem = true; end
166 if (string.find(strings[i].left,"First Aid", 0, true ) ) then firstaid = true; end
167 if (string.find(strings[i].left,"Engineering", 0, true ) ) then engineering = true; end
168 if (string.find(strings[i].left,"Classes:", 0, true ) ) then classitem = true; class = string.sub(strings[i].left, string.find(strings[i].left,":", 0, true )+2); end
170 if (strings[i].left and
171 strings[i].left ~= ITEM_UNIQUE and
172 strings[i].left ~= ITEM_SOULBOUND and
173 strings[i].left ~= ITEM_BIND_ON_EQUIP and
174 strings[i].left ~= ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP and
175 strings[i].left ~= ITEM_BIND_QUEST)
176 then
177 leftString = strings[i].left;
178 rightString = strings[i].right;
179 break;
180 end
181 end
183 -- Find last line
184 local lastLine;
185 for i = 1, 10, 1 do
186 if (strings[i] and strings[i].left)
187 then
188 lastLine = strings[i].left;
189 else
190 break;
191 end
192 end
194 -- look at last line to see if it's a level requirement
195 local minLevel = 0;
196 if (lastLine)
197 then
198 local index, length, levelString = string.find(lastLine, "^Requires Level (%d+)$");
199 if (index) then
200 minLevel = Sea.string.toInt(levelString);
201 end
202 end
204 -- classify item based on found strings
205 if (leftString)
206 then
207 if (leftString == "Main Hand" or
208 leftString == "Two-Hand" or
209 leftString == "One-Hand")
210 then
211 classification = "Weapon";
212 elseif (leftString == "Head" or
213 leftString == "Hand" or
214 leftString == "Waist" or
215 leftString == "Shoulders" or
216 leftString == "Legs" or
217 leftString == "Back" or
218 leftString == "Feet" or
219 leftString == "Chest" or
220 leftString == "Wrist")
221 then
222 classification = "Armor";
223 elseif (leftString == "Off Hand")
224 then
225 classification = "Shield";
226 elseif (leftString == "Wand" or
227 leftString == "Ranged" or
228 leftString == "Gun" )
229 then
230 classification = "Ranged";
231 elseif (leftString == "Projectile")
232 then
233 classification = "Ammo";
234 elseif (leftString == "Shirt" or
235 leftString == "Tabard" or
236 leftString == "Finger" or
237 leftString == "Neck" or
238 leftString == "Trinket" or
239 leftString == "Held In Hand")
240 then
241 classification = "Clothing";
242 end
243 end
244 if ( classification == "Misc" ) then
245 if ( isJunk ) then classification = "Junk"; end
246 if ( isGem ) then classification = "Gem"; end
247 if ( isOre ) then classification = "Ore"; end
248 if ( isHerb ) then classification = "Herb"; end
249 if ( engineering ) then classification = "Engineering"; end
250 if ( firstaid ) then classification = "First Aid"; end
251 if ( isLeather ) then classification = "Leather"; end
252 if ( isTailor ) then classification = "Thread"; end
253 if ( isPotion ) then classification = "Potion"; end
254 if ( isFishing ) then classification = "Fishing"; end
255 if ( isFood ) then classification = "Food"; end
256 if ( isDrink ) then classification = "Drink"; end
257 if ( isMage ) then classification = "Mage"; end
258 if ( isShaman ) then classification = "Shaman"; end
259 if ( isWarlock ) then classification = "Warlock"; end
260 if ( isPoison ) then classification = "Poison"; end
261 if ( classitem ) then classification = class; end
262 if ( questItem ) then classification = "QuestItem"; end
263 end
265 -- Create the item table
266 -- Will soon have item information
267 itemInfo = {};
268 itemInfo.classification = classification;
269 = name;
270 itemInfo.quality = quality;
271 itemInfo.count = itemCount;
272 itemInfo.minLevel = minLevel;
273 itemInfo.unique = unique;
274 itemInfo.soulbound = soulbound;
275 itemInfo.bindOnPickup = bindsOnPickup;
276 itemInfo.bindOnEquip = bindsOnEquip;
277 = questItem;
279 return itemInfo;
280 end;
282 --
283 -- getInventoryItemInfoStrings ( bag, slot [, tooltip] )
284 --
285 -- Obtains all information about a bag/slot and returns it as an array
286 --
287 -- Args:
288 -- (int bag, int slot, string tooltipbase )
289 --
290 -- Returns:
291 -- (table[row][.left .right] strings)
292 -- string - the string data of the tooltip
293 --
294 getInventoryItemInfoStrings = function (bag,slot, TooltipNameBase)
295 if ( TooltipNameBase == nil ) then
296 TooltipNameBase = "GameTooltip";
297 end
301 local tooltip = getglobal(TooltipNameBase);
303 -- Open tooltip & read contents
305 if ( bag > -1 ) then
306 tooltip:SetBagItem( bag, slot );
307 else
308 tooltip:SetInventoryItem( "player", slot);
309 end
311 local strings =;
313 -- Done our duty, send report
314 return strings;
315 end;
317 };