vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[
2 --
3 -- Sea.string
4 --
5 -- String manipulation functions
6 --
7 -- $LastChangedBy: karlkfi $
8 -- $Rev: 3520 $
9 -- $Date: 2006-05-07 18:21:39 -0500 (Sun, 07 May 2006) $
10 --]]
12 --Compatible with the following Mini-Libs
13 Sea.versions.SeaString = 0.11; -- SeaString
15 Sea.string = {
17 --
18 -- byte(string)
19 --
20 -- Converts a character to its bytecode
21 --
22 -- Args:
23 -- string - the string
24 --
25 -- Returns:
26 -- (string)
27 -- string - the string in byte code with format <##>
28 --
29 byte = function(c)
30 return string.format("<%02X>",string.byte(c));
31 end;
33 --
34 -- byteSum (string s)
35 -- returns the bytecode sum for s
36 --
37 -- Args:
38 -- s - the string
39 --
40 -- Returns:
41 -- (number)
42 -- number - the value of the string with all of its
43 -- chars summed together.
44 --
45 -- Recoded by Iriel ( for performance
46 byteSum = function(s)
47 local sum = 0;
48 local len = string.len(s);
49 local sbyte = string.byte;
50 for i=1,len do
51 sum = sum + sbyte(s,i);
52 end
53 return sum;
54 end;
56 --
57 -- toInt (string s)
58 --
59 -- Converts the specified string to an int
60 --
61 -- Returns:
62 -- (Number int)
63 -- int - the string S as a number
64 --
65 toInt = tonumber;
67 --
68 -- fromTime(Number time, Number decimalplaces)
69 --
70 -- Creates a readable time from a number time in WoW
71 -- Decimal places gives the number of .### to display
72 --
73 -- Returns:
74 -- (String timeString)
75 -- timeString - the time
76 --
77 -- Recoded by Iriel ( for performance
78 fromTime = function (time, decimalplaces)
79 if (time < 0) then
80 time = 0;
81 end
82 if ( not decimalplaces ) then
83 decimalplaces = 0;
84 end
86 local floor = math.floor;
87 local mod = math.mod;
89 local seconds = mod(time, 60);
90 local minutes = mod(floor(time/60), 60);
91 local hours = floor(time/(3600));
92 local spfx = '';
93 if (seconds < 10) then
94 spfx = '0';
95 end
97 if (hours > 0) then
98 return string.format("%d:%.2d:%s%."..decimalplaces.."f", hours, minutes, spfx, seconds);
99 else
100 return string.format("%d:%s%."..decimalplaces.."f", minutes, spfx, seconds);
101 end
102 end;
104 --getglobal("ARCANEBAR_"..types[i].."COLOR_SET");
105 -- capitalizeWords(String phrase)
106 --
107 -- Takes a string like "hello world" and turns
108 -- it into "Hello World".
109 --
110 -- Returns:
111 -- (String capitalizedPhrase)
112 --
114 capitalizeWords = function ( text )
115 if (not text) then
116 return text;
117 end
118 local capitalizedPhrase = "";
119 local value, mend;
120 local mstart = 1;
121 local regexKey = "([^%s]+[%s]*)";
122 local sfind = strfind; -- string.find if not in WoW (n calls)
123 local supper = strupper;
124 local slower = strlower;
125 local ssub = strsub;
127 -- Using string.find instead of string.gfind to avoid garbage generation
128 mstart, mend, value = sfind(text, regexKey, mstart);
129 while (value) do
130 if( sfind(text, "^[a-zA-Z].*") ) then
131 capitalizedPhrase = capitalizedPhrase..supper(ssub(value,1,1))..slower(ssub(value,2));
132 else
133 capitalizedPhrase = capitalizedPhrase..supper(ssub(value,1,2))..slower(ssub(value,3));
134 end
135 mstart = mend + 1;
136 mstart, mend, value = sfind(text, regexKey, mstart);
137 end
139 return capitalizedPhrase;
140 end;
143 --
144 -- objectToString( value, [name] )
145 --
146 -- Converts a value to a serialized string.
147 -- Cannot serialize functions.
148 --
149 -- returns:
150 -- A string which represents the object,
151 -- minus functions.
152 --
153 --
154 objectToString = function( value, name )
155 local output = "";
157 if ( name == nil ) then name = "";
158 else
159 -- Serialize the name
160 name = Sea.string.objectToString(name);
161 -- Remove the <>
162 name = string.gsub(name, "<(.*)>", "%1");
163 end
165 if (type(value) == "nil" ) then
166 output = name.."<".."nil:nil"..">";
167 elseif ( type(value) == "string" ) then
168 value = string.gsub(value, "<", "&lt;");
169 value = string.gsub(value, ">", "&gt;");
170 output = name.."<".."s:"..value..">";
171 elseif ( type(value) == "number" ) then
172 output = name.."<".."n:"..value..">";
173 elseif ( type(value) == "boolean" ) then
174 if ( value ) then
175 output = name.."<".."b:".."true"..">";
176 else
177 output = name.."<".."b:".."false"..">";
178 end
179 elseif ( type(value) == "function" ) then
180 output = name.."<".."func:".."*invalid*"..">";
181 elseif ( type(value) == "table" ) then
182 output = name.."<".."t:";
183 for k,v in value do
184 output = output.." "..Sea.string.objectToString(v,k);
185 end
186 output = output .. ">";
187 end
189 return output;
190 end;
192 --
193 -- stringToObject(string)
194 --
195 -- Turns a string serialized by objectToString into
196 -- and object.
197 --
198 -- returns:
199 -- nil or number or string or boolean or table
200 --
201 --
202 stringToObject = function ( str )
203 -- check for the format "keytype:keyvalue<valuetype:value>"
204 -- take the stuff in <>
205 typevalue = string.gsub(str, "%s*(%w*:?%w*)%s*(<.*>)","%2");
207 local value = nil;
208 local typeString = string.gsub(typevalue, "<%s*(%w*):(.*)>","%1");
209 local valueString = string.gsub(typevalue, "<%s*(%w*):(.*)>","%2");
212 --print("str: ", str, " typevalue: ", typevalue);
213 --print("valueString: (", valueString, ") typeString: (", typeString,")");
215 -- Error!
216 if ( typeString == typevalue ) then
217 ( "Unparsable string passed to stringToObject: ", str );
218 return nil;
219 end
221 -- Maybe no error!
222 if ( typeString == "nil" ) then
223 value = nil;
225 elseif ( typeString == "n" ) then
226 value = tonumber(valueString);
228 elseif ( typeString == "b" ) then
229 if ( valueString == "true" ) then
230 value = true;
231 else
232 value = false;
233 end
235 elseif ( typeString == "s" ) then
236 value = valueString;
237 -- Parse the <> back in
238 value = string.gsub(value, "&lt;", "<");
239 value = string.gsub(value, "&gt;", ">");
241 elseif ( typeString == "f" ) then
242 -- Functions are not supported, but if they were..
244 -- ...this is how it should work
245 -- value = getglobal(typeString);
246 value =;
248 elseif ( typeString == "t" ) then
249 -- Here's the hard part
250 -- I have to extract each set of <>
251 -- which might have nested tables!
252 --
253 -- So I start off by tracking < until I get 0
254 --
255 value = {};
257 local left = 1;
258 local right = 1;
260 local count = 0;
262 while ( valueString and valueString ~= "" ) do
263 local object = nil;
264 local key = nil;
266 -- Extract the key and convert it
267 key = string.gsub(valueString, "%s*(%w*:?.-)<.*>", "%1" );
268 key = Sea.string.stringToObject("<"..key..">");
271 left = string.find(valueString, "<", 1 );
272 right = string.find(valueString, ">", 1 );
274 if ( left < right ) then
275 nextleft = string.find(valueString, "<", left+1 );
276 while ( nextleft and nextleft < right ) do
277 nextleft = string.find(valueString, "<", nextleft+1 );
278 right = string.find(valueString, ">", right+1 );
279 end
280 else
281 --error ( "we all die." );
282 end
284 objectString = string.sub(valueString, left, right);
286 -- Create the object
287 object = Sea.string.stringToObject(objectString);
289 -- Add it to the table
290 value[key] = object;
292 -- See if there's another entry
293 valueString = string.sub(valueString, right+1);
294 end
295 end
297 return value;
298 end;
300 --
301 -- startsWith(String s, String prefix)
302 --
303 -- Looks for 'prefix' at the beginning of 's'
304 --
305 -- Returns:
306 -- boolean
307 --
309 startsWith = function ( text, prefix )
310 if ( strfind(text, "^"..prefix, 1) ) then
311 return true;
312 else
313 return false;
314 end
315 end;
317 --
318 -- endsWith(String s, String suffix)
319 --
320 -- Looks for 'suffix' at the end of 's'
321 --
322 -- Returns:
323 -- boolean
324 --
326 endsWith = function ( text, suffix )
327 if ( strfind(text, suffix.."$") ) then
328 return true;
329 else
330 return false;
331 end
332 end;
334 --
335 -- colorToString(Table{r,g,b,a})
336 --
337 -- Converts a table to a Blizzard color code
338 --
339 -- Returns:
340 -- string
341 -- The blizzard color code AARRGGBB
342 --
343 -- Recoded by Iriel ( for performance
344 colorToString = function ( color )
345 if ( not color ) then
346 return "FFFFFFFF";
347 end
348 return string.format("%.2X%.2X%.2X%.2X",
349 (color.a or color.opacity or 1) * 255,
350 (color.r or 0) * 255,
351 (color.g or 0) * 255,
352 (color.b or 0) * 255
353 );
354 end;
356 -- stringToColor(String colorCode)
357 --
358 -- Converts a Blizzard color code to a table
359 --
360 -- Returns:
361 -- table{r,g,b,a,opacity}
362 --
363 -- a & opacity are the same thing here (this could change)
364 --
365 stringToColor = function ( colorCode )
366 local red, green, blue, alpha = Sea.math.rgbaFromHex( colorCode );
367 return { r = red; g = green; b = blue; a = alpha; opacity = alpha };
368 end;
369 };