vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

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Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 function SW_SlashCommand(msg)
3 if msg == nil then return; end
5 local _,_, c, v = string.find(msg, "([^ ]+) (.+)");
6 if c == nil then
7 c = string.gsub(msg, " ", "");
8 end
9 if c == "" then
10 SW_PrintHelp();
11 return;
12 end
14 local cmd = nil;
15 for k,v in pairs(SW_SlashCommands) do
16 if v["c"] == c then
17 cmd = v;
18 break;
19 end
20 end
21 if cmd == nil then
22 SW_printStr(SW_CONSOLE_NOCMD .. c);
23 SW_printStr(SW_CONSOLE_HELP ..SW_RootSlashes[1].." "..SW_SlashCommands["help"]["c"]);
24 return;
25 end
27 if cmd["aC"] > 0 then
28 if v == nil or string.gsub(v, " ", "") == "" then
29 SW_printStr(cmd["u"]);
30 return;
31 end
32 cmd["f"](v);
33 else
34 cmd["f"]();
35 end
36 end
37 function SW_ResetAllWindows()
38 SW_BarFrame1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",UIParent, "CENTER", -50, 50);
39 SW_BarFrame1:Show();
40 SW_TextWindow:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "CENTER");
41 SW_GeneralSettings:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",UIParent, "CENTER", 20, -20);
42 SW_GeneralSettings:Show();
43 SW_BarReportFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",UIParent, "CENTER", 40, -40);
44 SW_BarReportFrame:Show();
45 SW_BarSyncFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",UIParent, "CENTER", 60, -60);
46 SW_BarSyncFrame:Show();
47 SW_BarSettingsFrameV2:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",UIParent, "CENTER");
48 SW_FrameConsole:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",UIParent, "CENTER");
50 end
51 function SW_ToggleConsole()
52 local frame = getglobal("SW_FrameConsole")
53 if( frame:IsVisible() ) then
54 frame:Hide();
55 else
56 frame:Show();
57 end
58 end
59 function SW_ToggleBarFrame()
60 local frame = getglobal("SW_BarFrame1")
61 if( frame:IsVisible() ) then
62 SW_Settings["SHOWMAIN"] = nil;
63 frame:Hide();
64 else
65 SW_Settings["SHOWMAIN"] = true;
66 frame:Show();
67 end
68 end
69 function SW_ToggleLocks()
70 if SW_Settings["BFLocked"] then
71 SW_LockFrames();
72 else
73 SW_LockFrames(true);
74 end
75 end
76 function SW_ToggleGeneralSettings()
77 local frame = getglobal("SW_GeneralSettings")
78 if( frame:IsVisible() ) then
79 frame:Hide();
80 else
81 frame:Show();
82 end
83 end
84 function SW_DumpVar(cmdString)
85 local varName = string.gsub(cmdString, " ", "")
86 local g = getfenv();
88 if g[varName] == nil then
89 SW_printStr(varName..SW_CONSOLE_NIL_TRAILER);
90 return;
91 else
92 if type(g[varName]) == "table" then
93 SW_DumpTable(g[varName]);
94 else
95 SW_printStr(g[varName]);
96 end
97 end
99 end
100 function SW_ResetInfo()
101 SW_S_Details = {};
102 SW_S_Healed = {};
103 SW_S_SpellInfo = {};
104 SW_S_ManaUsage = {};
105 SW_S_LastManaSent = {0,0,0};
106 SW_CombatTime = 0;
107 SW_DPS_Dmg =0;
109 -- 1.5 the new pet systems needs a SW_RebuildFriendList
110 SW_PetInfo = {};
111 SW_PetInfo["OWNER_PET"] = {};
112 SW_PetInfo["PET_OWNER"] = {};
113 SW_RebuildFriendList();
115 --1.5.3 the Raid per second info
116 SW_RPS = SW_C_RPS:new();
118 SW_Sync_MsgTrack = {};
119 end
121 function SW_PostCheck(target)
122 local id;
123 if SW_Settings["SYNARP"] then
124 return true;
125 end
126 if UnitInRaid("player") then
127 if IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() then
128 return true;
129 else
130 if target == "RAID" then
131 return false;
132 else
133 return true;
134 end
135 end
136 --[[ hmm i think this is to restrictive
137 elseif UnitInParty("player") then
138 if IsPartyLeader() then
139 return true;
140 else
141 if target == "PARTY" then
142 return false;
143 else
144 return true;
145 end
146 end
147 --]]
148 else
149 return true;
150 end
151 end
153 function SW_ResetCheck()
154 local id;
156 if SW_Settings["SYNCLastChan"] == nil then
157 StaticPopup_Show("SW_Reset");
158 return;
159 else
160 -- are we still in this channel?
161 id, _ = GetChannelName(SW_Settings["SYNCLastChan"]);
162 if id == 0 then
163 StaticPopup_Show("SW_Reset");
164 return;
165 else
166 --here we are in a active syncchan
167 if UnitInRaid("player") then
168 if IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer() then
169 StaticPopup_Show("SW_ResetSync");
170 else
171 StaticPopup_Show("SW_ResetFailInfo");
172 end
173 else
174 if IsPartyLeader() then
175 StaticPopup_Show("SW_ResetSync");
176 else
177 StaticPopup_Show("SW_ResetFailInfo");
178 end
179 end
180 end
181 end
182 end
183 function SW_RebuildFriendList()
184 if GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 then
185 SW_Make_Friends("RAID");
186 elseif GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 then
187 SW_Make_Friends("GROUP");
188 else
189 SW_Make_Friends();
190 end
191 end
193 function SW_PrintHelp()
194 local con = getglobal("SW_FrameConsole");
196 if con ~= nil and con:IsVisible() then
197 con = getglobal("SW_FrameConsole_Text1_MsgFrame");
198 else
200 end
201 if con ~= nil then
202 for k,v in pairs(SW_SlashCommands) do
203 if v["c"] ~= nil then
204 if v["si"] ==nil then
205 con:AddMessage("|cc0c0ff00"..v["c"]..":");
206 else
207 con:AddMessage("|cc0c0ff00"..v["c"]..":"..NORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE.." "..v["si"]);
208 end
209 if v["u"] ~= nil then
210 con:AddMessage(NORMAL_FONT_COLOR_CODE.." "..v["u"]);
211 end
212 end
213 end
214 end
215 end
216 function SW_ManualSyncJoin(chanName)
217 if tonumber(chanName) then
218 StaticPopup_Show("SW_InvalidChan");
219 return;
220 end
221 SW_SyncChanID = 0;
222 SW_SyncQueue:Clear();
223 if SW_Settings["SYNCLastChan"] ~= nil then
224 LeaveChannelByName(SW_Settings["SYNCLastChan"]);
225 SW_Settings["SYNCLastChan"] = nil;
226 end
227 SW_SyncJoin(chanName);
228 end
230 function SW_KickPlayer(who)
231 if UnitInRaid("player") and not (IsRaidLeader() or IsRaidOfficer()) then
232 return;
233 end
234 SW_SendSyncKick(who);
236 end
237 function SW_InitResetVote()
238 if SW_SyncChanID ~= 0 and SW_Settings["SYNCLastChan"] ~= nil then
239 SW_ResetVote();
240 end
241 end
242 function SW_VersionCheck()
243 SW_SyncSendRSV();
244 local swc = getglobal("SW_FrameConsole");
245 if not swc:IsVisible() then
246 swc:Show();
247 end
248 end
249 function SW_GetSkillUsage(cmdString)
250 SW_SyncSendRSU(cmdString);
251 local swc = getglobal("SW_FrameConsole");
252 if not swc:IsVisible() then
253 swc:Show();
254 end
255 end