vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 SW_TabbedFrameInfo = {};
3 -- 1.5 added FrameOrder
4 SW_TabbedFrameOrder = {};
6 SW_ChkParentInfo = {};
7 SW_ChkInfo = {};
8 SW_ChkOptInfo = {};
10 -- tab colors
11 SW_COLOR_ACT = {["r"]=0.7, ["g"]=0.7, ["b"]=1};
12 SW_COLOR_DIS = {["r"]=1, ["g"]=1, ["b"]=1};
14 local function SW_FrameSetText(itemName, itemText, addWidth)
15 local oItem = getglobal(itemName);
16 local txtName = getglobal(itemName.."_Text");
17 txtName:SetText(itemText);
18 oItem:SetWidth(txtName:GetStringWidth() + addWidth);
19 end
20 function SW_TabSetText(tabName, tabText)
21 SW_FrameSetText(tabName, tabText, 30);
22 end
24 function SW_TitleSetText(titleName, titleText)
25 SW_FrameSetText(titleName, titleText, 100);
26 local txtName = getglobal(titleName.."_Text");
27 txtName:SetTextColor(1,1,1);
28 end
29 function SW_ChkClick(oChk, saveTarget, silent)
31 if saveTarget == nil then
32 saveTarget = SW_Settings;
33 end
35 if oChk.SW_optGroup ~= nil then
36 if not silent then
37 PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn");
38 end
39 for _,v in SW_ChkOptInfo[oChk.SW_optGroup] do
40 getglobal(v):SetChecked(0);
41 end
42 oChk:SetChecked(1);
43 saveTarget[oChk.SW_optGroup] = oChk:GetName();
44 else
45 if ( oChk:GetChecked() ) then
46 if not silent then
47 PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOn");
48 end
49 saveTarget[ SW_ChkInfo[oChk:GetName()] ] = 1;
50 else
51 if not silent then
52 PlaySound("igMainMenuOptionCheckBoxOff");
53 end
54 saveTarget[ SW_ChkInfo[oChk:GetName()] ] = nil;
55 end
56 end
58 -- this really shouldn't be here.. but its easy..
59 SW_EI_ALLOFF = not (SW_Settings["EI_ShowRegEx"] or SW_Settings["EI_ShowMatch"]
60 or SW_Settings["EI_ShowEvent"] or SW_Settings["EI_ShowOrigStr"]);
61 end
63 function SW_SetChkStates()
64 if SW_Settings == nil then return; end
65 for k,v in pairs(SW_ChkInfo) do
66 if SW_Settings[v] == 1 then
67 getglobal(k):SetChecked(1);
68 else
69 -- if its not on, no need to save it
70 SW_Settings[v] = nil;
71 end
72 end
73 for k,v in pairs(SW_ChkOptInfo) do
74 SW_printStr(v);
75 for _,opt in ipairs(v) do
76 if SW_Settings[k] == opt then
77 getglobal(opt):SetChecked(1);
78 else
79 getglobal(opt):SetChecked(0);
80 end
81 end
82 end
83 end
84 function SetButtonText(bName, str)
85 getglobal(bName):SetText(str);
86 end
87 function SW_ChkRegister(oChk, linkedSetting, isAnchor, optGroupName)
88 local pName = oChk:GetParent():GetName();
90 if SW_ChkParentInfo[pName] == nil then SW_ChkParentInfo[pName] = {}; end
91 if isAnchor then
92 SW_ChkParentInfo[pName][0] = oChk:GetName();
93 end
94 table.insert(SW_ChkParentInfo[pName], oChk:GetName());
95 SW_ChkInfo[oChk:GetName()] = linkedSetting;
97 if optGroupName ~= nil then
98 if SW_ChkOptInfo[optGroupName] == nil then
99 SW_ChkOptInfo[optGroupName] = {};
100 end
101 table.insert(SW_ChkOptInfo[optGroupName], oChk:GetName());
102 oChk.SW_optGroup = optGroupName;
103 end
104 end
106 function SW_ChkLayoutRegisterd()
107 local oStart;
108 local posX = 0;
109 local currX = 0;
110 local posY = 0;
111 local incY = 0;
112 local boxWidth = 0;
113 local spacerX = 0;
115 local chkPerRow =0;
116 local oChkText;
117 local oChk;
119 local iCol=0;
120 local colMax = {};
121 for fName, children in pairs(SW_ChkParentInfo) do
122 colMax = {};
123 chkPerRow = getglobal(fName).chkPerRow;
124 if chkPerRow == nil then chkPerRow = 2; end
126 if children[0] == nil then
127 oStart = getglobal(children[1]);
128 else
129 oStart = getglobal(children[0]);
130 end
133 posX = oStart.swoX;
135 if posX == nil then posX=0; end
136 posY = oStart.swoY;
137 if posY == nil then posY=0; end
139 incY = oStart:GetHeight();
140 boxWidth = oStart:GetWidth();
141 spacerX = boxWidth / 2;
142 iCol = 0;
143 -- first we need max text width per column
144 for i,v in ipairs(children) do
145 iCol = iCol + 1;
146 oChkText = getglobal(v.."Text");
147 if colMax[iCol] == nil then
148 colMax[iCol] = oChkText:GetStringWidth();
149 else
150 if oChkText:GetStringWidth() > colMax[iCol] then
151 colMax[iCol] = oChkText:GetStringWidth();
152 end
153 end
155 if floor (iCol / chkPerRow) == 1 then
156 iCol = 0;
157 end
158 end
159 iCol = 0;
160 for i,v in ipairs(children) do
161 iCol = iCol + 1;
162 oChk = getglobal(v);
163 if iCol == 1 then
164 currX = posX;
165 else
166 currX = currX + colMax[iCol-1] + spacerX + boxWidth;
167 end
168 oChk:SetPoint("TOPLEFT",fName,"TOPLEFT",currX,posY);
170 if floor (iCol / chkPerRow) == 1 then
171 iCol = 0;
172 posY = posY - incY;
173 end
174 end
175 end
176 end
177 function SW_TabRegister(oTab, linkedFrameName, activated)
178 local pName = oTab:GetParent():GetName();
179 if activated then
180 oTab.IsSelectedTab = true;
181 oTab:SetBackdropBorderColor(SW_COLOR_ACT["r"],SW_COLOR_ACT["g"],SW_COLOR_ACT["b"],1);
182 getglobal(oTab:GetName().."_Text"):SetTextColor(SW_COLOR_ACT["r"],SW_COLOR_ACT["g"],SW_COLOR_ACT["b"]);
183 oTab:SetFrameLevel(oTab:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() +1);
184 else
185 oTab.IsSelectedTab = nil;
186 oTab:SetBackdropBorderColor(SW_COLOR_DIS["r"],SW_COLOR_DIS["g"],SW_COLOR_DIS["b"],1);
187 getglobal(oTab:GetName().."_Text"):SetTextColor(SW_COLOR_DIS["r"],SW_COLOR_DIS["g"],SW_COLOR_DIS["b"]);
188 oTab:SetFrameLevel(oTab:GetParent():GetFrameLevel() -1);
189 end
190 oTab:Show();
191 if SW_TabbedFrameInfo[pName] == nil then SW_TabbedFrameInfo[pName] = {}; end
192 SW_TabbedFrameInfo[pName][oTab:GetName()] = linkedFrameName;
193 if SW_TabbedFrameOrder[pName] == nil then SW_TabbedFrameOrder[pName] = {}; end
194 table.insert(SW_TabbedFrameOrder[pName], oTab:GetName());
195 end
197 --[[ this will space all registered tabs in relation to their parent,
198 if there are to many tabs or the parent frame ist to small
199 this can have odd visuals
200 don't forget - in one language it may work, in another not
201 the "original" width is set through SW_TabSetText and depends on the string displayed
202 ]]--
203 local function SW_TabLayoutRegisterd()
204 local pos=0;
205 local oTab;
206 for k,v in pairs(SW_TabbedFrameInfo) do
207 pos=5;
208 --[[
209 for t,_ in pairs(v) do
210 oTab = getglobal(t);
211 oTab:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",k,"BOTTOMLEFT",pos,-25)
212 pos = pos + oTab:GetWidth() - 2;
213 end
214 --]]
215 for _,t in ipairs(SW_TabbedFrameOrder[k]) do
216 oTab = getglobal(t);
217 oTab:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT",k,"BOTTOMLEFT",pos,-25)
218 pos = pos + oTab:GetWidth() - 2;
219 end
220 end
221 end
223 function SW_TabClick(oTab)
224 local pFrameL = oTab:GetParent():GetFrameLevel();
225 local tabName = oTab:GetName();
226 local tmpTab;
228 for t,frameName in pairs(SW_TabbedFrameInfo[oTab:GetParent():GetName()]) do
229 tmpTab = getglobal(t);
230 if tmpTab:GetName() == tabName then
231 oTab:SetFrameLevel(pFrameL +1);
232 local tmpCol = {unpack(SW_Settings["Colors"]["Backdrops"])};
233 tmpCol[4] = 1;
234 oTab:SetBackdropBorderColor(unpack(tmpCol));
235 getglobal(tabName.."_Text"):SetTextColor(unpack(tmpCol));
236 getglobal(frameName):Show();
237 oTab.IsSelectedTab = true;
238 else
239 --[[
240 0.96
241 for some odd reason pFrameL can be 0 and a negative frame level raises an error
242 --]]
243 if pFrameL > 0 then
244 tmpTab:SetFrameLevel(pFrameL -1);
245 end
246 oTab.IsSelectedTab = nil;
247 tmpTab:SetBackdropBorderColor(SW_COLOR_DIS["r"],SW_COLOR_DIS["g"],SW_COLOR_DIS["b"],1);
248 getglobal(tmpTab:GetName().."_Text"):SetTextColor(SW_COLOR_DIS["r"],SW_COLOR_DIS["g"],SW_COLOR_DIS["b"]);
249 getglobal(frameName):Hide();
250 end
251 end
252 end
253 function SW_UpdateIconPos()
254 local ang = 20;
255 local r = 80;
256 if SW_Settings["SW_IconPos"] ~= nil then
257 ang = SW_Settings["SW_IconPos"];
258 end
259 if SW_Settings["SW_IconPosR"] ~= nil then
260 r = SW_Settings["SW_IconPosR"];
261 end
263 SW_IconFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", "Minimap", "TOPLEFT", 58 - (r * cos(ang)), (r * sin(ang)) - 58);
264 end
265 function SW_DoLayout()
266 SW_TabLayoutRegisterd();
267 SW_ChkLayoutRegisterd();
268 SW_UpdateIconPos()
269 end
271 function SW_InitColorSwatch(cs)
272 cs.lbl = getglobal(cs:GetName().."_Text");
273 cs.colTexture = getglobal(cs:GetName().."_Button_Color");
274 function cs:SetText(txt)
275 self.lbl:SetText(txt);
276 end
277 function cs:SetColor(color, what)
278 if type(color) == "table" then
279 self.colTexture:SetVertexColor(unpack(color));
280 else
282 local bfc = SW_GetBarSettings(color)[what];
283 if bfc[1]==1 and bfc[2]==0 and bfc[3]==0 and bfc[4]==1 then
284 self.colTexture:SetVertexColor(unpack(SW_Settings["Colors"]["TitleBars"]));
285 else
286 self.colTexture:SetVertexColor(unpack(bfc));
287 end
289 end
290 end
291 end
293 function SW_UpdateTextSetting(newText, info)
294 local barSettings = SW_GetBarSettings(info[1]);
295 barSettings[ info[2] ] = newText;
296 if info[2] == "OT" or info[2] == "OTF" then
297 SW_OptUpdateText(info[1]);
298 end
299 end
301 function SW_InitEditBox(ef)
302 function ef:ChangeText()
303 local info = SW_GS_EditBoxes[ef:GetName()];
304 if info == nil then return; end
305 getglobal(ef:GetName().."_Button"):SetText(info[1]);
306 getglobal(ef:GetName().."_Text"):SetText(info[2]..self.CurrentVal);
307 self.PopupText = info[3];
308 end
309 end
310 function SW_SetSliderPreText(slname, str)
311 local sl = getglobal(slname);
312 if sl ~= nil then
313 sl.preTxt = str;
314 end
315 end
316 function SW_InitSlider(sl, min, max, setting)
317 sl.linkedSetting = setting;
318 getglobal(sl:GetName().."Low"):SetText(min);
319 getglobal(sl:GetName().."High"):SetText(max);
320 this:SetMinMaxValues(min, max);
321 this:SetValueStep(1);
322 end
323 function SW_SetColorSwatchText(csname, str)
324 local cs = getglobal(csname);
325 if cs ~= nil then
326 cs:SetText(str);
327 end
328 end
329 function SW_InitRoundButton(b)
330 b.NormalF = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Normal");
331 b.HighlightF = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Highlight");
332 b.NormalT = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Normal_Texture");
333 b.HighlightT = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Highlight_Texture");
334 b.NormalText = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Normal_Text");
335 b.HighlightText = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Highlight_Text");
336 b.NormalIcon = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Normal_TextureIcon");
337 b.HighlightIcon = getglobal(b:GetName().."_Highlight_TextureIcon");
338 b.NormalT:SetVertexColor(0,1,0,1);
339 b.HighlightT:SetVertexColor(0,1,0,1);
340 b.NormalIcon:Hide();
341 b.HighlightIcon:Hide();
343 b.SetIcons = function(self, normalTex, highlightTex)
344 if normalTex == nil then return; end
345 self.NormalIcon:SetTexture(normalTex);
347 if highlightTex == nil then
348 self.NormalIcon:SetTexture(normalTex);
349 else
350 self.HighlightIcon:SetTexture(highlightTex);
351 end
352 self.NormalIcon:Show();
353 self.HighlightIcon:Show();
354 self.NormalText:Hide();
355 self.HighlightText:Hide();
356 end
358 end
359 function SW_RoundButtonRegister(b, vColor, txt, fColor, fHeight, fForeColor)
360 SW_InitRoundButton(b);
361 if vColor ~= nil then
362 b.NormalT:SetVertexColor(unpack(vColor));
363 b.HighlightT:SetVertexColor(unpack(vColor));
364 end
365 if txt ~= nil then
366 b.NormalText:SetText(txt);
367 b.HighlightText:SetText(txt);
368 end
369 if fColor ~= nil then
370 b.NormalText:SetVertexColor(unpack(fColor));
371 b.HighlightText:SetVertexColor(unpack(fColor));
372 end
373 if fHeight ~= nil then
374 b.NormalText:SetTextHeight(fHeight);
375 b.HighlightText:SetTextHeight(fHeight);
376 end
377 if fForeColor == nil then
378 b.NormalText:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1);
379 b.HighlightText:SetTextColor(1,1,1,1);
380 else
381 b.NormalText:SetTextColor(unpack(fForeColor));
382 b.HighlightText:SetTextColor(unpack(fForeColor));
383 end
384 end
386 function SW_InitIconMenu()
387 for k, v in ipairs(SW_MiniIconMenu) do
389 if v["checkFrame"] ~= nil then
390 if getglobal(v["checkFrame"]):IsVisible() then
391 v["text"] = v["textHide"];
392 else
393 v["text"] = v["textShow"];
394 end
395 end
396 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(v);
398 end
399 --UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(SW_MiniIconMenu[1]);
400 end
401 function SW_ToggleIconMenu()
402 SW_IconFrame_Menu.point = "TOPRIGHT";
403 --SW_IconFrame_Menu.relativePoint = "BOTTOMLEFT";
404 ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, SW_IconFrame_Menu);
405 end
406 function SW_IconMenuInit()
407 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(getglobal("SW_IconFrame_Menu"), SW_InitIconMenu, "MENU");
408 end