vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --[[ RightClick SelfCast Addon by kritzi ]]--
2 -- Version 2.10
4 -- Maintenance by Ozymandius
5 -- I find this mod invaluable, and can't live without it, which is
6 -- why I was most upset when it started failing after patch 1.10
7 -- Never touched the internals of a mod before, but it neded fixing ;)
8 -- Don't expect any further updates unless it totally breaks again
10 -- Version History
11 -- 31/03/06 - 2.10 - Updated to work in patch 1.10
12 -- TBH, this just involved changing te tooltip defn. in the XML
13 -- & incrementing the version in the TOC
15 -- Just right klick a spell and instead of the TargetingCursor
16 -- you will target yourselfe.
18 function rSelfCast_OnLoad()
19 rSelfCast_Original_UseAction = UseAction;
20 UseAction = rSelfCast_UseAction;
22 this:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED");
24 SLASH_rSelfCast1="/rsc";
25 SlashCmdList["rSelfCast"] = rSelfCast_Command;
27 SLASH_rel1="/rel";
28 SlashCmdList["rel"] = rel;
29 end
31 function rel()
32 ReloadUI();
33 end
35 function rSelfCast_Set(type,var,value)
36 if(rSelfCast_Array == nil) then rSelfCast_Array={}; end
37 if(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()] == nil) then rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()]={}; end
38 if(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")] == nil) then rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")]={}; end
39 if(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")][type] == nil) then rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")][type]={}; end
40 if(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")][type][var] == nil) then rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")][type][var]=value; end
41 end
43 function rSelfCast_Get(type,var)
44 if (rSelfCast_Array == nil) then return nil;
45 elseif(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()] == nil) then return nil;
46 elseif(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")] == nil) then return nil;
47 elseif(rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")][type] == nil) then return nil;
48 else return rSelfCast_Array[GetLocale()][UnitClass("player")][type][var]; end
49 end
51 function rSelfCast_OnEvent()
52 if(event ~= nil and event == "ADDON_LOADED" and rSelfCast_Disabled == nil) then
54 if(rSelfCast_Version == nil) then rSelfCast_Version = 200; end
56 elseif(event ~= nil and event == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER" and arg1 ~= nil and rSelfCast_MouseButton == "RightButton") then
57 rSelfCast_Debug(arg1);
59 local check_array={
60 "Ihr scheitert beim Wirken von (.+): Ung\195\188ltiges Ziel.",
61 "Ihr scheitert beim Wirken von (.+): Eure Waffenhand ist leer..",
62 "You fail to cast (.+): No target.",
63 "You fail to cast (.+): Your weapon hand is empty.",
64 "Vous n'avez pas r\195\169ussi \195\160 lancer (.+) : Cible incorrecte.",
65 "Vous n'avez pas r\195\169ussi \195\160 lancer (.+) : Vous n'avez pas d'arme en main.."
66 }
68 for i,check in check_array do
69 for action in string.gfind(arg1, check) do
70 rSelfCast_Debug("Adding '"..action.."' as a not SelfCast able.");
71 rSelfCast_Set("no_selfcast",action,true);
72 end
73 end
74 end
75 end
77 function rSelfCast_UseAction(id, type, self)
78 rSelfCast_MouseButton = arg1;
80 if(rSelfCast_MouseButton == "RightButton" and rSelfCast_Disabled == nil) then
81 rSelfCast_Debug("Performing right-click");
82 rSelfCast_Tooltip:SetAction(id);
83 if(rSelfCast_TooltipTextLeft1 ~= nil) then
84 local action=rSelfCast_TooltipTextLeft1:GetText();
85 rSelfCast_Debug("ToolTipTextLeft1 = '"..action.."'.");
87 if(rSelfCast_Get("no_selfcast",action) == nil) then
88 self = 1;
89 if(rSelfCast_Get("selfcast_bug",action) == true) then
90 rSelfCast_Debug("Change Target to Player because '"..action.."' is buggy.");
91 TargetUnit("player");
92 end
93 end
95 rSelfCast_Original_UseAction(id, type, self);
97 if(SpellIsTargeting() and self == 1) then
98 rSelfCast_Debug("Adding '"..action.."' as buggy.");
99 rSelfCast_Set("selfcast_bug",action,true);
100 SpellTargetUnit("player");
101 elseif(rSelfCast_Get("selfcast_bug",action) == true) then
102 rSelfCast_Debug("Switch back to the last Target.");
103 TargetLastTarget();
104 end
105 end
106 else
107 rSelfCast_Original_UseAction(id, type, self);
108 end
109 end
111 function rSelfCast_Command(cmd)
112 if(cmd ~= nil and cmd == "enable") then
113 rSelfCast_Disabled=nil;
114 if(rSelfCast_Original_UseAction == nil) then
115 rSelfCast_Original_UseAction = UseAction;
116 UseAction = rSelfCast_UseAction;
117 end
120 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("rSelfCast is now enabled.");
122 elseif(cmd ~= nil and cmd == "disable") then
123 rSelfCast_Disabled=true;
124 this:UnregisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SPELL_FAILED_LOCALPLAYER");
126 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("rSelfCast is now disabled.");
128 elseif(cmd ~= nil and cmd == "debug enable" and rSelfCast_Disabled == nil) then
129 rSelfCast_DebugMode=true;
130 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("rSelfCast debug mode is now enabled.");
132 elseif(cmd ~= nil and cmd == "debug disable" and rSelfCast_Disabled == nil) then
133 rSelfCast_DebugMode=nil;
134 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("rSelfCast debug mode is now disabled.");
136 elseif(cmd ~= nil and cmd == "reset" and rSelfCast_Disabled == nil and rSelfCast_DebugMode == true) then
137 rSelfCast_Array=nil;
138 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("All collected rSelfCast data were reseted.");
139 rSelfCast_Debug("TEST 1");
141 else
142 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffffff78rSelfCast Help:|r");
143 if(rSelfCast_Disabled == true) then
144 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("The AddOn is disabled for this profile.");
145 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" |cffffff78/rsc enable|r - activates the AddOn");
146 else
147 if(rSelfCast_DebugMode == true) then
148 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("The debug mode is enabled.");
149 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" |cffffff78/rsc debug disable|r - deactivates the debug mode.");
150 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" |cffffff78/rsc reset|r - deletes all collected data.");
151 else
152 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" |cffffff78/rsc debug enable|r - activates the debug mode.");
153 end
154 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(" |cffffff78/rsc disable|r - deactivates the AddOn for this profile.");
155 end
156 end
157 end
159 function rSelfCast_Debug(string)
160 if(rSelfCast_DebugMode == true and string ~= nil) then
161 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffff6666rSC debug|r - "..string);
162 end
163 end