corrade-nucleus-nucleons – Blame information for rev 20

Subversion Repositories:
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20 office 1 # 方法 []({{ site.repo }}/blob/develop/docs/_i18n/{{ site.lang }}/documentation/
3 ---
5 使用方法的语法:`$('#table').bootstrapTable('method', parameter);`。
7 <table class="table"
8 id="m"
9 data-search="true"
10 data-show-toggle="true"
11 data-show-columns="true"
12 data-mobile-responsive="true">
13 <thead>
14 <tr>
15 <th>名称</th>
16 <th>参数</th>
17 <th>描述</th>
18 <th data-formatter="methodFormatter"
19 data-align="center"
20 data-valign="middle">例子</th>
21 </tr>
22 </thead>
23 <tbody>
24 <tr>
25 <td>getOptions</td>
26 <td>none</td>
27 <td>返回表格的 Options。</td>
28 <td>getOptions</td>
29 </tr>
30 <tr>
31 <td>getSelections</td>
32 <td>none</td>
33 <td>返回所选的行,当没有选择任何行的时候返回一个空数组。</td>
34 <td>getSelections</td>
35 </tr>
36 <tr>
37 <td>getAllSelections</td>
38 <td>none</td>
39 <td>返回所有选择的行,包括搜索过滤前的,当没有选择任何行的时候返回一个空数组。</td>
40 <td>getAllSelections</td>
41 </tr>
42 <tr>
43 <td>getData</td>
44 <td>useCurrentPage</td>
45 <td>或者当前加载的数据。假如设置 useCurrentPage 为 true,则返回当前页的数据。</td>
46 <td>getData</td>
47 </tr>
48 <tr>
49 <td>getRowByUniqueId</td>
50 <td>id</td>
51 <td>根据 uniqueId 获取行数据。</td>
52 <td>getRowByUniqueId</td>
53 </tr>
54 <tr>
55 <td>load</td>
56 <td>data</td>
57 <td>加载数据到表格中,旧数据会被替换。</td>
58 <td>load</td>
59 </tr>
60 <tr>
61 <td>showAllColumns</td>
62 <td>none</td>
63 <td>Show All the columns.</td>
64 <td>showAllColumns</td>
65 </tr>
66 <tr>
67 <td>hideAllColumns</td>
68 <td>none</td>
69 <td>Hide All the columns.</td>
70 <td>hidAllColumns</td>
71 </tr>
72 <tr>
73 <td>append</td>
74 <td>data</td>
75 <td>添加数据到表格在现有数据之后。</td>
76 <td>append</td>
77 </tr>
78 <tr>
79 <td>prepend</td>
80 <td>data</td>
81 <td>插入数据到表格在现有数据之前。</td>
82 <td>prepend</td>
83 </tr>
84 <tr>
85 <td>remove</td>
86 <td>params</td>
87 <td>
88 从表格中删除数据,包括两个参数:
89 field: 需要删除的行的 field 名称。<br>
90 values: 需要删除的行的值,类型为数组。<br>
91 </td>
92 <td>remove</td>
93 </tr>
94 <tr>
95 <td>removeAll</td>
96 <td>-</td>
97 <td>删除表格所有数据。</td>
98 <td>removeAll</td>
99 </tr>
100 <tr>
101 <td>removeByUniqueId</td>
102 <td>id</td>
103 <td>根据 uniqueId 删除指定的行。</td>
104 <td>removeByUniqueId</td>
105 </tr>
106 <tr>
107 <td>insertRow</td>
108 <td>params</td>
109 <td>
110 插入新行,参数包括:<br>
111 index: 要插入的行的 index。<br>
112 row: 行的数据,Object 对象。
113 </td>
114 <td>insertRow</td>
115 </tr>
116 <tr>
117 <td>updateRow</td>
118 <td>params</td>
119 <td>
120 更新指定的行,参数包括:<br>
121 index: 要更新的行的 index。<br>
122 row: 行的数据,Object 对象。
123 </td>
124 <td>updateRow</td>
125 </tr>
126 <tr>
127 <td>showRow</td>
128 <td>params</td>
129 <td>显示指定的行,参数包括:<br>
130 index: 要更新的行的 index 或者 uniqueId。<br>
131 isIdField: 指定 index 是否为 uniqueid。</td>
132 <td>showRow-hideRow</td>
133 </tr>
134 <tr>
135 <td>hideRow</td>
136 <td>params</td>
137 <td>显示指定的行,参数包括:<br>
138 index: 要更新的行的 index。<br>
139 uniqueId: 或者要更新的行的 uniqueid。
140 <td>showRow-hideRow</td>
141 </tr>
142 <tr>
143 <td>getRowsHidden</td>
144 <td>show</td>
145 <td>Get all rows hidden and if you pass the show parameter true the rows will be shown again, otherwise, the method
146 only will return the rows hidden.</td>
147 </tr>
148 <tr>
149 <td>mergeCells</td>
150 <td>options</td>
151 <td>
152 Merge some cells to one cell, the options contains following properties: <br>
153 index: the row index. <br>
154 field: the field name.<br>
155 rowspan: the rowspan count to be merged. <br>
156 colspan: the colspan count to be merged.
157 </td>
158 </tr>
159 <tr>
160 <td>updateCell</td>
161 <td>params</td>
162 <td>
163 Update one cell, the params contains following properties: <br>
164 index: the row index. <br>
165 field: the field name.<br>
166 value: the new field value.
167 </td>
168 </tr>
169 <tr>
170 <td>refresh</td>
171 <td>params</td>
172 <td>Refresh the remote server data, you can set <code>{silent: true}</code> to refresh the data silently, and set <code>{url: newUrl}</code> to change the url. To supply query params specific to this request, set <code>{query: {foo: 'bar'}}</code></td>
173 </tr>
174 <tr>
175 <td>refreshOptions</td>
176 <td>options</td>
177 <td>Refresh the options</td>
178 </tr>
179 <tr>
180 <td>resetSearch</td>
181 <td>text</td>
182 <td>Set the search text</td>
183 </tr>
184 <tr>
185 <td>showLoading</td>
186 <td>none</td>
187 <td>Show loading status.</td>
188 </tr>
189 <tr>
190 <td>hideLoading</td>
191 <td>none</td>
192 <td>Hide loading status.</td>
193 </tr>
194 <tr>
195 <td>checkAll</td>
196 <td>none</td>
197 <td>Check all current page rows.</td>
198 </tr>
199 <tr>
200 <td>uncheckAll</td>
201 <td>none</td>
202 <td>Uncheck all current page rows.</td>
203 </tr>
204 <tr>
205 <td>check</td>
206 <td>index</td>
207 <td>Check a row, the row index start with 0.</td>
208 </tr>
209 <tr>
210 <td>uncheck</td>
211 <td>index</td>
212 <td>Uncheck a row, the row index start with 0.</td>
213 </tr>
214 <tr>
215 <td>checkBy</td>
216 <td>params</td>
217 <td>
218 Check a row by array of values, the params contains:<br>
219 field: name of the field used to find records<br>
220 values: array of values for rows to check<br>
221 Example: <br>
222 $("#table").bootstrapTable("checkBy", {field:"field_name", values:["value1","value2","value3"]})
223 </td>
224 </tr>
225 <tr>
226 <td>uncheckBy</td>
227 <td>params</td>
228 <td>
229 Uncheck a row by array of values, the params contains:<br>
230 field: name of the field used to find records<br>
231 values: array of values for rows to uncheck<br>
232 Example: <br>
233 $("#table").bootstrapTable("uncheckBy", {field:"field_name", values:["value1","value2","value3"]})
234 </td>
235 </tr>
236 <tr>
237 <td>resetView</td>
238 <td>params</td>
239 <td>Reset the bootstrap table view, for example reset the table height.</td>
240 </tr>
241 <tr>
242 <td>resetWidth</td>
243 <td>none</td>
244 <td>Resizes header and footer to fit current columns width</td>
245 </tr>
246 <tr>
247 <td>destroy</td>
248 <td>none</td>
249 <td>Destroy the bootstrap table.</td>
250 </tr>
251 <tr>
252 <td>showColumn</td>
253 <td>field</td>
254 <td>Show the specified column.</td>
255 </tr>
256 <tr>
257 <td>hideColumn</td>
258 <td>field</td>
259 <td>Hide the specified column.</td>
260 </tr>
261 <tr>
262 <td>getHiddenColumns</td>
263 <td>-</td>
264 <td>获取隐藏的列。</td>
265 </tr>
266 <tr>
267 <td>getVisibleColumns</td>
268 <td>-</td>
269 <td>获取可见列。</td>
270 </tr>
271 <tr>
272 <td>scrollTo</td>
273 <td>value</td>
274 <td>滚动到指定位置,单位为 px,设置 'bottom' 表示跳到最后。</td>
275 </tr>
276 <tr>
277 <td>getScrollPosition</td>
278 <td>none</td>
279 <td>获取当前滚动条的位置,单位为 px。</td>
280 </tr>
281 <tr>
282 <td>filterBy</td>
283 <td>params</td>
284 <td>(只能用于 client 端)过滤表格数据, 你可以通过过滤<code>{age: 10}</code>来显示 age 等于 10 的数据。</td>
285 </tr>
286 <tr>
287 <td>selectPage</td>
288 <td>page</td>
289 <td>跳到指定的页。</td>
290 </tr>
291 <tr>
292 <td>prevPage</td>
293 <td>none</td>
294 <td>跳到上一页。</td>
295 </tr>
296 <tr>
297 <td>nextPage</td>
298 <td>none</td>
299 <td>跳到下一页。</td>
300 </tr>
301 <tr>
302 <td>togglePagination</td>
303 <td>none</td>
304 <td>切换分页选项。</td>
305 </tr>
306 <tr>
307 <td>toggleView</td>
308 <td>none</td>
309 <td>切换 card/table 视图</td>
310 </tr>
311 <tr>
312 <td>expandRow</td>
313 <td>index</td>
314 <td>Expand the row that has the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
315 </tr>
316 <tr>
317 <td>collapseRow</td>
318 <td>index</td>
319 <td>Collapse the row that has the index passed by parameter if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
320 </tr>
321 <tr>
322 <td>expandAllRows</td>
323 <td>is subtable</td>
324 <td>Expand all rows if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
325 </tr>
326 <tr>
327 <td>collapseAllRows</td>
328 <td>is subtable</td>
329 <td>Collapse all rows if the detail view option is set to True.</td>
330 </tr>
331 </tbody>
332 </table>