vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 <Ui xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
2 ..\FrameXML\UI.xsd">
3 <Script file="Perl_Player_Pet.lua"/>
6 <!-- Virtual buffs template -->
7 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" virtual="true">
8 <Size>
9 <AbsDimension x="12" y="12"/>
10 </Size>
11 <Layers>
12 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
13 <Texture name="$parentIcon">
14 <Size>
15 <AbsDimension x="12" y="12"/>
16 </Size>
17 <Anchors>
18 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
19 <Offset>
20 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
21 </Offset>
22 </Anchor>
23 </Anchors>
24 </Texture>
25 </Layer>
26 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
27 <Texture name="$parentDebuffBorder" file="Interface\Buttons\UI-Debuff-Border" hidden="true">
28 <Size>
29 <AbsDimension x="12" y="12"/>
30 </Size>
31 <Anchors>
32 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
33 <Offset>
34 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
35 </Offset>
36 </Anchor>
37 </Anchors>
38 </Texture>
39 <FontString name="$parentCount" inherits="NumberFontNormalSmall">
40 <Anchors>
41 <Anchor point="BOTTOMRIGHT">
42 <Offset>
43 <AbsDimension x="-1" y="0"/>
44 </Offset>
45 </Anchor>
46 </Anchors>
47 </FontString>
48 </Layer>
49 </Layers>
50 <Scripts>
51 <OnEnter>
52 Perl_Player_Pet_SetBuffTooltip();
53 </OnEnter>
54 <OnLeave>
55 GameTooltip:Hide();
56 </OnLeave>
57 </Scripts>
58 </Button>
61 <!-- Pet Frame -->
62 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_Frame" movable="true" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" enableMouse="true">
63 <Size>
64 <!-- The size of this frame determines what can be clicked for the menu and moving, hence it is the same size as the name frame. (This is no longer true in 0.48) -->
65 <AbsDimension x="165" y="24"/>
66 </Size>
67 <Anchors>
68 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
69 <Offset>
70 <AbsDimension x="27" y="-112"/>
71 </Offset>
72 </Anchor>
73 </Anchors>
75 <!-- Script Events -->
76 <Scripts>
77 <OnLoad>
78 Perl_Player_Pet_OnLoad();
79 </OnLoad>
80 <OnEvent>
81 Perl_Player_Pet_OnEvent(event);
82 </OnEvent>
83 </Scripts>
85 <Frames>
86 <!-- Frame for the drop down menu. -->
87 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_DropDown" inherits="UIDropDownMenuTemplate" id="1" hidden="true">
88 <Size>
89 <AbsDimension x="10" y="10"/>
90 </Size>
91 <Anchors>
92 <Anchor point="TOP">
93 <Offset>
94 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
95 </Offset>
96 </Anchor>
97 </Anchors>
98 <Scripts>
99 <OnLoad>
100 Perl_Player_Pet_DropDown_OnLoad();
101 </OnLoad>
102 </Scripts>
103 </Frame>
106 <!-- Target Name -->
107 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_NameFrame">
108 <Size>
109 <AbsDimension x="165" y="24"/>
110 </Size>
111 <Anchors>
112 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
113 <Offset>
114 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
115 </Offset>
116 </Anchor>
117 </Anchors>
118 <Frames>
119 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_NameFrame_CastClickOverlay">
120 <Size>
121 <AbsDimension x="110" y="24"/>
122 </Size>
123 <Anchors>
124 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
125 <Offset>
126 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
127 </Offset>
128 </Anchor>
129 </Anchors>
130 <Scripts>
131 <OnLoad>
132 this:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp', 'RightButtonUp', 'MiddleButtonUp', 'Button4Up', 'Button5Up');
133 </OnLoad>
134 <OnClick>
135 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseClick(arg1);
136 </OnClick>
137 <OnMouseDown>
138 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseDown(arg1);
139 </OnMouseDown>
140 <OnMouseUp>
141 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseUp(arg1);
142 </OnMouseUp>
143 </Scripts>
144 </Button>
145 </Frames>
146 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\AddOns\Perl_Config\Perl_Black" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
147 <EdgeSize>
148 <AbsValue val="16"/>
149 </EdgeSize>
150 <TileSize>
151 <AbsValue val="16"/>
152 </TileSize>
153 <BackgroundInsets>
154 <AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>
155 </BackgroundInsets>
156 </Backdrop>
157 <Layers>
158 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
159 <Fontstring name="Perl_Player_Pet_NameBarText" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="Error!">
160 <Anchors>
161 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_ClassTexture" relativePoint="RIGHT">
162 <Offset>
163 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
164 </Offset>
165 </Anchor>
166 </Anchors>
167 </Fontstring>
168 </Layer>
169 </Layers>
170 </Frame>
173 <!-- Portrait Frame -->
174 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_PortraitFrame">
175 <Size>
176 <AbsDimension x="53" y="54"/>
177 </Size>
178 <Anchors>
179 <Anchor point="TOPRIGHT" relativePoint="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_NameFrame">
180 <Offset>
181 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
182 </Offset>
183 </Anchor>
184 </Anchors>
185 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\AddOns\Perl_Config\Perl_Black" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
186 <EdgeSize>
187 <AbsValue val="16"/>
188 </EdgeSize>
189 <TileSize>
190 <AbsValue val="16"/>
191 </TileSize>
192 <BackgroundInsets>
193 <AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>
194 </BackgroundInsets>
195 </Backdrop>
196 <Frames>
197 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_PortraitFrame_CastClickOverlay">
198 <Size>
199 <AbsDimension x="60" y="61"/>
200 </Size>
201 <Anchors>
202 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
203 <Offset>
204 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
205 </Offset>
206 </Anchor>
207 </Anchors>
208 <Scripts>
209 <OnLoad>
210 this:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp', 'RightButtonUp', 'MiddleButtonUp', 'Button4Up', 'Button5Up');
211 </OnLoad>
212 <OnClick>
213 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseClick(arg1);
214 </OnClick>
215 <OnMouseDown>
216 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseDown(arg1);
217 </OnMouseDown>
218 <OnMouseUp>
219 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseUp(arg1);
220 </OnMouseUp>
221 </Scripts>
222 </Button>
223 <PlayerModel name="$parent_PetModel" hidden="true">
224 <Size>
225 <AbsDimension x="43" y="43"/>
226 </Size>
227 <Anchors>
228 <Anchor point="CENTER">
229 <Offset>
230 <AbsDimension x="1" y="-1"/>
231 </Offset>
232 </Anchor>
233 </Anchors>
234 <Scripts>
235 <OnUpdate>
236 this:SetCamera(0);
237 </OnUpdate>
238 </Scripts>
239 </PlayerModel>
240 </Frames>
241 <Layers>
242 <!-- Portrait -->
243 <Layer level="ARTWORK">
244 <Texture name="Perl_Player_Pet_Portrait">
245 <Size>
246 <AbsDimension x="41" y="41"/>
247 </Size>
248 <Anchors>
249 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_PortraitFrame">
250 <Offset>
251 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-6"/>
252 </Offset>
253 </Anchor>
254 </Anchors>
255 </Texture>
256 </Layer>
257 </Layers>
258 </Frame>
261 <!-- Level Frame -->
262 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_LevelFrame">
263 <Size>
264 <AbsDimension x="30" y="34"/>
265 </Size>
266 <Anchors>
267 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_NameFrame">
268 <Offset>
269 <AbsDimension x="0" y="5"/>
270 </Offset>
271 </Anchor>
272 </Anchors>
273 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\AddOns\Perl_Config\Perl_Black" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
274 <EdgeSize>
275 <AbsValue val="16"/>
276 </EdgeSize>
277 <TileSize>
278 <AbsValue val="16"/>
279 </TileSize>
280 <BackgroundInsets>
281 <AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>
282 </BackgroundInsets>
283 </Backdrop>
284 <Layers>
285 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
286 <Fontstring name="Perl_Player_Pet_LevelBarText" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="Error!">
287 <Anchors>
288 <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_NameFrame">
289 <Offset>
290 <AbsDimension x="6" y="0"/>
291 </Offset>
292 </Anchor>
293 </Anchors>
294 </Fontstring>
295 </Layer>
296 </Layers>
297 <Frames>
298 <Frame name="Perl_Player_PetHappiness">
299 <Size>
300 <AbsDimension x="24" y="23"/>
301 </Size>
302 <Anchors>
303 <Anchor point="TOP">
304 <Offset>
305 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-5"/>
306 </Offset>
307 </Anchor>
308 </Anchors>
309 <Layers>
310 <Layer level="BACKGROUND">
311 <Texture name="Perl_Player_PetHappinessTexture" file="Interface\PetPaperDollFrame\UI-PetHappiness" setAllPoints="true">
312 <Size>
313 <AbsDimension x="24" y="23"/>
314 </Size>
315 <TexCoords left="0" right="0.1875" top="0" bottom="0.359375"/>
316 </Texture>
317 </Layer>
318 </Layers>
319 </Frame>
320 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_LevelFrame_CastClickOverlay">
321 <Size>
322 <AbsDimension x="30" y="34"/>
323 </Size>
324 <Anchors>
325 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
326 <Offset>
327 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
328 </Offset>
329 </Anchor>
330 </Anchors>
331 <Scripts>
332 <OnLoad>
333 this:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp', 'RightButtonUp', 'MiddleButtonUp', 'Button4Up', 'Button5Up');
334 </OnLoad>
335 <OnEnter>
336 if ( this.tooltip ) then
337 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
338 GameTooltip:SetText(this.tooltip);
339 if ( this.tooltipDamage ) then
340 GameTooltip:AddLine(this.tooltipDamage, "", 1, 1, 1);
341 end
342 if ( this.tooltipLoyalty ) then
343 GameTooltip:AddLine(this.tooltipLoyalty, "", 1, 1, 1);
344 end
345 GameTooltip:Show();
346 end
347 </OnEnter>
348 <OnLeave>
349 GameTooltip:Hide();
350 </OnLeave>
351 <OnClick>
352 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseClick(arg1);
353 </OnClick>
354 <OnMouseDown>
355 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseDown(arg1);
356 </OnMouseDown>
357 <OnMouseUp>
358 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseUp(arg1);
359 </OnMouseUp>
360 </Scripts>
361 </Button>
362 </Frames>
363 </Frame>
366 <!-- Target Stats -->
367 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_StatsFrame">
368 <Size>
369 <AbsDimension x="140" y="34"/>
370 </Size>
371 <Anchors>
372 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_NameFrame">
373 <Offset>
374 <AbsDimension x="25" y="5"/>
375 </Offset>
376 </Anchor>
377 </Anchors>
378 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\AddOns\Perl_Config\Perl_Black" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
379 <EdgeSize>
380 <AbsValue val="16"/>
381 </EdgeSize>
382 <TileSize>
383 <AbsValue val="16"/>
384 </TileSize>
385 <BackgroundInsets>
386 <AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>
387 </BackgroundInsets>
388 </Backdrop>
389 <Frames>
390 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_StatsFrame_CastClickOverlay">
391 <Size>
392 <AbsDimension x="140" y="34"/>
393 </Size>
394 <Anchors>
395 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
396 <Offset>
397 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
398 </Offset>
399 </Anchor>
400 </Anchors>
401 <Scripts>
402 <OnLoad>
403 this:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp', 'RightButtonUp', 'MiddleButtonUp', 'Button4Up', 'Button5Up');
404 </OnLoad>
405 <OnClick>
406 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseClick(arg1);
407 </OnClick>
408 <OnMouseDown>
409 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseDown(arg1);
410 </OnMouseDown>
411 <OnMouseUp>
412 Perl_Player_Pet_MouseUp(arg1);
413 </OnMouseUp>
414 </Scripts>
415 </Button>
417 <!-- Health Bar -->
418 <StatusBar name="Perl_Player_Pet_HealthBar" inherits="TextStatusBar">
419 <Size>
420 <AbsDimension x="128" y="10"/>
421 </Size>
422 <Anchors>
423 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP">
424 <Offset>
425 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-6"/>
426 </Offset>
427 </Anchor>
428 </Anchors>
429 <BarTexture name="Perl_Player_Pet_HealthBarTex" file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"/>
430 <BarColor r="0" g="0.8" b="0"/>
431 <Layers>
432 <!-- Health Text -->
433 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
434 <Fontstring name="Perl_Player_Pet_HealthBarText" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="Error!">
435 <Anchors>
436 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP">
437 <Offset>
438 <AbsDimension x="0" y="1"/>
439 </Offset>
440 </Anchor>
441 </Anchors>
442 </Fontstring>
443 </Layer>
444 </Layers>
445 </StatusBar>
446 <StatusBar name="Perl_Player_Pet_HealthBarBG" inherits="TextStatusBar">
447 <Size>
448 <AbsDimension x="128" y="10"/>
449 </Size>
450 <Anchors>
451 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_HealthBar">
452 <Offset>
453 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
454 </Offset>
455 </Anchor>
456 </Anchors>
457 <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill"/>
458 <BarColor r="0" g="0.8" b="0" a="0.25"/>
459 </StatusBar>
461 <!-- Mana Bar -->
462 <StatusBar name="Perl_Player_Pet_ManaBar" inherits="TextStatusBar">
463 <Size>
464 <AbsDimension x="128" y="10"/>
465 </Size>
466 <Anchors>
467 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="BOTTOM" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_HealthBar">
468 <Offset>
469 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
470 </Offset>
471 </Anchor>
472 </Anchors>
473 <BarTexture name="Perl_Player_Pet_ManaBarTex" file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"/>
474 <BarColor r="0" g="0" b="1"/>
475 <Layers>
476 <!-- Mana Text -->
477 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
478 <Fontstring name="Perl_Player_Pet_ManaBarText" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="Error!">
479 <Anchors>
480 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP">
481 <Offset>
482 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
483 </Offset>
484 </Anchor>
485 </Anchors>
486 </Fontstring>
487 </Layer>
488 </Layers>
489 </StatusBar>
490 <StatusBar name="Perl_Player_Pet_ManaBarBG" inherits="TextStatusBar">
491 <Size>
492 <AbsDimension x="128" y="10"/>
493 </Size>
494 <Anchors>
495 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_ManaBar">
496 <Offset>
497 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
498 </Offset>
499 </Anchor>
500 </Anchors>
501 <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill"/>
502 <BarColor r="0" g="0" b="1" a="0.25"/>
503 </StatusBar>
505 <!-- XP Bar -->
506 <StatusBar name="Perl_Player_Pet_XPBar" inherits="TextStatusBar">
507 <Size>
508 <AbsDimension x="128" y="10"/>
509 </Size>
510 <Anchors>
511 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="BOTTOM" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_ManaBar">
512 <Offset>
513 <AbsDimension x="0" y="-2"/>
514 </Offset>
515 </Anchor>
516 </Anchors>
517 <BarTexture name="Perl_Player_Pet_XPBarTex" file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"/>
518 <BarColor r="0.6" g="0" b="0.6"/>
519 <Layers>
520 <!-- XP Text -->
521 <Layer level="OVERLAY">
522 <Fontstring name="Perl_Player_Pet_XPBarText" inherits="GameFontNormalSmall" text="Error!">
523 <Anchors>
524 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP">
525 <Offset>
526 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
527 </Offset>
528 </Anchor>
529 </Anchors>
530 </Fontstring>
531 </Layer>
532 </Layers>
533 </StatusBar>
534 <StatusBar name="Perl_Player_Pet_XPBarBG" inherits="TextStatusBar">
535 <Size>
536 <AbsDimension x="128" y="10"/>
537 </Size>
538 <Anchors>
539 <Anchor point="TOP" relativePoint="TOP" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_XPBar">
540 <Offset>
541 <AbsDimension x="0" y="0"/>
542 </Offset>
543 </Anchor>
544 </Anchors>
545 <BarTexture file="Interface\TargetingFrame\UI-TargetingFrame-BarFill"/>
546 <BarColor r="0.6" g="0" b="0.6" a="0.25"/>
547 </StatusBar>
548 </Frames>
549 </Frame>
552 <!-- Buffs Frame -->
553 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffFrame">
554 <Size>
555 <AbsDimension x="100" y="22"/>
556 </Size>
557 <Anchors>
558 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_StatsFrame">
559 <Offset>
560 <AbsDimension x="-5" y="1"/>
561 </Offset>
562 </Anchor>
563 </Anchors>
564 <!--
565 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
566 <EdgeSize>
567 <AbsValue val="16"/>
568 </EdgeSize>
569 <TileSize>
570 <AbsValue val="16"/>
571 </TileSize>
572 <BackgroundInsets>
573 <AbsInset left="5" right="5" top="5" bottom="5"/>
574 </BackgroundInsets>
575 </Backdrop>
576 -->
577 <Frames>
578 <!-- Start buttons -->
579 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff1" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="1">
580 <Anchors>
581 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT">
582 <Offset>
583 <AbsDimension x="5" y="-5"/>
584 </Offset>
585 </Anchor>
586 </Anchors>
587 </Button>
589 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff2" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="2">
590 <Anchors>
591 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff1" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
592 <Offset>
593 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
594 </Offset>
595 </Anchor>
596 </Anchors>
597 </Button>
599 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff3" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="3">
600 <Anchors>
601 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff2" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
602 <Offset>
603 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
604 </Offset>
605 </Anchor>
606 </Anchors>
607 </Button>
609 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff4" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="4">
610 <Anchors>
611 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff3" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
612 <Offset>
613 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
614 </Offset>
615 </Anchor>
616 </Anchors>
617 </Button>
619 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff5" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="5">
620 <Anchors>
621 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff4" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
622 <Offset>
623 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
624 </Offset>
625 </Anchor>
626 </Anchors>
627 </Button>
629 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff6" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="6">
630 <Anchors>
631 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff5" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
632 <Offset>
633 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
634 </Offset>
635 </Anchor>
636 </Anchors>
637 </Button>
639 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff7" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="7">
640 <Anchors>
641 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff6" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
642 <Offset>
643 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
644 </Offset>
645 </Anchor>
646 </Anchors>
647 </Button>
649 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff8" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="8">
650 <Anchors>
651 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff7" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
652 <Offset>
653 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
654 </Offset>
655 </Anchor>
656 </Anchors>
657 </Button>
659 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff9" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="9">
660 <Anchors>
661 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff8" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
662 <Offset>
663 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
664 </Offset>
665 </Anchor>
666 </Anchors>
667 </Button>
669 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff10" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="10">
670 <Anchors>
671 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff9" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
672 <Offset>
673 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
674 </Offset>
675 </Anchor>
676 </Anchors>
677 </Button>
679 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff11" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="11">
680 <Anchors>
681 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff10" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
682 <Offset>
683 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
684 </Offset>
685 </Anchor>
686 </Anchors>
687 </Button>
689 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff12" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="12">
690 <Anchors>
691 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff11" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
692 <Offset>
693 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
694 </Offset>
695 </Anchor>
696 </Anchors>
697 </Button>
699 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff13" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="13">
700 <Anchors>
701 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff12" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
702 <Offset>
703 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
704 </Offset>
705 </Anchor>
706 </Anchors>
707 </Button>
709 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff14" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="14">
710 <Anchors>
711 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff13" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
712 <Offset>
713 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
714 </Offset>
715 </Anchor>
716 </Anchors>
717 </Button>
719 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff15" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="15">
720 <Anchors>
721 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff14" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
722 <Offset>
723 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
724 </Offset>
725 </Anchor>
726 </Anchors>
727 </Button>
729 <Button name="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff16" inherits="Perl_Player_Pet_BuffTemplate" id="16">
730 <Anchors>
731 <Anchor point="TOPLEFT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_Buff15" relativePoint="TOPRIGHT">
732 <Offset>
733 <AbsDimension x="5" y="0"/>
734 </Offset>
735 </Anchor>
736 </Anchors>
737 </Button>
738 <!-- End buttons -->
739 </Frames>
740 </Frame>
742 <!-- Debuffs Frame -->
743 <Frame name="Perl_Player_Pet_DebuffFrame">
744 <Size>
745 <AbsDimension x="100" y="22"/>
746 </Size>
747 <Anchors>
748 <Anchor point="BOTTOMLEFT" relativePoint="BOTTOMRIGHT" relativeTo="Perl_Player_Pet_StatsFrame">
749 <Offset>
750 <AbsDimension x="-5" y="-1"/>
751 </Offset>
752 </Anchor>
753 </Anchors>
754 <!--
755 <Backdrop bgFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background" edgeFile="Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
756 <EdgeSize>
757 <AbsValue val="16"/>
758 </EdgeSize>
759 <TileSize>
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