vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local _G = getfenv(0)
3 function oSkin:AceEvent_FullyInitialized()
5 self:RegisterEvent("RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE", "ReadyCheckFrame", true)
6 self:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED")
8 self:characterFrames()
9 self:PetStableFrame()
10 self:SpellBookFrame()
11 self:FriendsFrame()
12 self:TradeFrame()
13 -- self:QuestLog() -- checked with EQL3 below
15 self:Tooltips()
16 self:MirrorTimers()
17 self:QuestTimers()
18 self:CastingBar()
19 self:StaticPopups()
20 self:ChatFrames()
21 self:ChatTabs()
22 self:ChatEditBox()
23 self:LootFrame()
24 self:GroupLoot()
25 self:containerFrames()
26 self:StackSplit()
27 self:ItemText()
28 self:WorldMap()
30 self:menuFrames()
31 self:BankFrame()
32 self:MailFrame()
33 self:makeModelFramesRotatable()
35 self:merchantFrames()
36 self:GossipFrame()
37 self:TaxiFrame()
38 self:QuestFrame()
39 self:Battlefields()
41 self:ViewPort()
42 self:TopFrame()
43 self:BottomFrame()
45 -- used for Addons that aren't LoadOnDemand
46 if IsAddOnLoaded("BugSack") then self:applySkin(_G["BugSackFrame"],nil,nil,nil,200) end
47 if IsAddOnLoaded("OneBag") then self:Skin_OneBag() end
48 if IsAddOnLoaded("OneBank") then self:Skin_OneBank() end
49 if IsAddOnLoaded("GMail") then self:GMail() end
50 if IsAddOnLoaded("CT_MailMod") then self:CT_MailMod() end
51 if IsAddOnLoaded("EnhancedStackSplit") then self:EnhancedStackSplit() end
52 if IsAddOnLoaded("CT_RaidAssist") then self:CTRA() end
53 if IsAddOnLoaded("SuperInspect_UI") then self:SuperInspectFrame() end
54 if IsAddOnLoaded("MCP") then self:skinMCP() end
55 if IsAddOnLoaded("MyBags") then self:applySkin(_G["MyBankFrame"]) self:applySkin(_G["MyInventoryFrame"]) end
56 if IsAddOnLoaded("EquipCompare") and self.db.profile.Tooltips then self:skinTooltip(ComparisonTooltip1) end
57 if IsAddOnLoaded("EquipCompare") and self.db.profile.Tooltips then self:skinTooltip(ComparisonTooltip2) end
58 if IsAddOnLoaded("AxuItemMenus") and self.db.profile.Tooltips then self:skinTooltip(ItemMenuTooltip) end
59 if IsAddOnLoaded("EnhancedTradeSkills") then self:Skin_EnhancedTradeSkills() end
60 if IsAddOnLoaded("EnhancedTradeSkills") then self:Skin_EnhancedTradeCrafts() end
61 if IsAddOnLoaded("AutoProfit") then self:AutoProfit() end
62 if IsAddOnLoaded("FuBar_GarbageFu") then self:FuBar_GarbageFu() end
63 if IsAddOnLoaded("MetaMap") then self:MetaMap() end
64 if IsAddOnLoaded("FramesResized_QuestLog") then self:FramesResized_QuestLog() end
65 if IsAddOnLoaded("LootLink") then self:LootLink() end
66 if IsAddOnLoaded("Possessions") then self:Possessions() end
67 if IsAddOnLoaded("EQL3") then self:EQL3Frame() else self:QuestLog() end
68 if IsAddOnLoaded("BattleChat") then self:BattleChat() end
69 if IsAddOnLoaded("KombatStats") then self:KombatStats() end
70 if IsAddOnLoaded("FruityLoots") and self.db.profile.LootFrame then
71 self:Hook(FruityLoots ,"LootFrame_SetPoint", "FruityLoots_LF_SetPoint") end
72 if IsAddOnLoaded("FramesResized_LootFrame") then self:FramesResized_LootFrame() end
73 if IsAddOnLoaded("ItemSync") then self:ItemSync() end
74 if IsAddOnLoaded("oCD") then self:applySkin(_G["oCDFrame"]) end
75 if IsAddOnLoaded("GotWood") then self:applySkin(_G["GotWoodFrame"]) end
76 if IsAddOnLoaded("aftt_extreme") then self:Skin_aftte() end
77 if IsAddOnLoaded("EasyUnlock") then self:EasyUnlock() end
79 -- skin TabletLib frames
80 if AceLibrary:HasInstance("Tablet-2.0") then
81 self:Hook(AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0"), "Open", function(tablet, parent)
82 local ret = self.hooks[tablet].Open(tablet, parent)
83 self:Skin_Tablet()
84 return ret
85 end)
86 self:Hook(AceLibrary("Tablet-2.0"), "Detach", function(tablet, parent)
87 local ret = self.hooks[tablet].Detach(tablet, parent)
88 self:Skin_Tablet()
89 return ret
90 end)
91 self:Skin_Tablet()
92 end
94 end
96 function oSkin:ADDON_LOADED(arg1)
97 -- used for LoadOnDemand Addons
98 if arg1 == "Blizzard_RaidUI" then self:ReadyCheckFrame() end
99 if arg1 == "Blizzard_MacroUI" then self:MacroFrame() end
100 if arg1 == "Blizzard_BindingUI" then self:KeyBindingFrame() end
101 if arg1 == "Blizzard_InspectUI" then self:InspectFrame() end
102 if arg1 == "Blizzard_InspectUI" then self:makeMFRotatable(_G["InspectModelFrame"]) end
103 if arg1 == "Blizzard_AuctionUI" then self:AuctionFrame() end
104 if arg1 == "Blizzard_AuctionUI" then self:makeMFRotatable(_G["AuctionDressUpModel"]) end
105 if arg1 == "Blizzard_TrainerUI" then self:ClassTrainer() end
106 if arg1 == "Blizzard_TradeSkillUI" then self:TradeSkill() end
107 if arg1 == "Blizzard_CraftUI" then self:CraftFrame() end
108 if arg1 == "Blizzard_TalentUI" then self:TalentFrame() end
109 if arg1 == "Bagnon" and self.db.profile.ContainerFrames then self:applySkin(Bagnon) end
110 if arg1 == "Banknon" and self.db.profile.ContainerFrames then self:applySkin(Banknon) end
111 if arg1 == "SuperInspect_UI" then self:SuperInspectFrame() end
112 if arg1 == "FramesResized_TradeSkillUI" then self:FramesResized_TradeSkillUI() end
113 if arg1 == "FramesResized_CraftUI" then self:FramesResized_CraftUI() end
114 if arg1 == "GFW_AutoCraft" then self:GFW_AutoCraft() end
116 end
118 local tabletsSkinned = {}
120 function oSkin:Skin_Tablet()
121 if not self.db.profile.Tooltips then return end
122 if _G["Tablet20Frame"] and not tabletsSkinned["Tablet20Frame"] then
123 tabletsSkinned["Tablet20Frame"] = true
124 local frame = _G["Tablet20Frame"]
125 local r,g,b,a = frame:GetBackdropColor()
126 self:applySkin(frame)
127 local old_SetBackdropColor = frame.SetBackdropColor
128 function frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,a)
129 old_SetBackdropColor(self,r,g,b,a)
130 self.tfade:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL", .1, .1, .1, 0, .25, .25, .25, a)
131 end
132 frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,a)
133 frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,a)
134 end
135 local i = 1
136 while _G["Tablet20DetachedFrame" .. i] do
137 if not tabletsSkinned["Tablet20DetachedFrame" .. i] then
138 local frame = _G["Tablet20DetachedFrame" .. i]
139 local r,g,b,a = frame:GetBackdropColor()
140 self:applySkin(frame)
141 local old_SetBackdropColor = frame.SetBackdropColor
142 function frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,a)
143 old_SetBackdropColor(self,r,g,b,a)
144 self.tfade:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL", .1, .1, .1, 0, .25, .25, .25, a)
145 end
146 frame:SetBackdropColor(r,g,b,a)
147 frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1,1,1,a)
148 end
149 i = i + 1
150 end
151 end