vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local Moog_HudClass = {
11 };
13 local Moog_HudRep = { "FF4444", "DD4444", "DD7744", "BB9944", "44DD44", "55EE44", "66FF44"};
15 function GetArgs(message, separator)
17 local args = {};
19 local i = 0;
21 for value in string.gfind(message, "[^"..separator.."]+") do
22 i = i + 1;
23 args[i] = value;
24 end
26 return args;
27 end
29 function sr_pr(msg)
30 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(msg);
31 end
33 -- Seal: Added
34 local function Moog_UpdateCurrentState(unit)
35 local stateicon = getglobal("Moog_Hud_"..unit.."_StatusTexture");
36 local inCombat = this.inCombat;
37 if (not stateicon) then return; end
38 if(unit == "target") then
39 inCombat = UnitAffectingCombat(unit);
40 end
41 if(inCombat == 1) then
42 stateicon:Show();
43 stateicon:SetTexCoord(.5625, .9375, .0625, .4375);
44 elseif(unit == "player" and IsResting()) then
45 stateicon:Show();
46 stateicon:SetTexCoord(.0625, .4375, .0625, .4375);
47 else
48 stateicon:Hide();
49 end
50 end
52 local function Moog_UpdatePvP(unit)
53 local pvpicon = getglobal("Moog_Hud_"..unit.."_PvPTexture");
54 if (not pvpicon) then return; end
55 local factionGroup = UnitFactionGroup(unit);
56 if ( UnitIsPVPFreeForAll(unit) ) then
57 pvpicon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-FFA");
58 pvpicon:Show();
59 elseif ( factionGroup and UnitIsPVP(unit) ) then
60 pvpicon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-"..factionGroup);
61 pvpicon:Show();
62 else
63 pvpicon:Hide();
64 end
65 end
67 local function Moog_UpdatePartyLeader()
68 if ( IsPartyLeader() and (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) ) then
69 Moog_Hud_player_LeaderTexture:Show();
70 else
71 Moog_Hud_player_LeaderTexture:Hide();
72 end
73 end
75 local function Moog_UpdatePartyLoot()
76 local lootMethod, lootMaster = GetLootMethod();
77 if ((lootMaster == 0)and (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0)) then
78 Moog_Hud_player_LootTexture:Show();
79 else
80 Moog_Hud_player_LootTexture:Hide();
81 end
82 end
84 -- Seal: End Add
86 function Moog_Hud_OnLoad()
87 SlashCmdList["MOOGHUD"] = Moog_Hud_SlashHandler;
88 SLASH_MOOGHUD1 = "/moog";
90 -- Shen: Events which are needed globally
91 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD");
92 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD");
93 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
95 Moog_UseMobHealth = false;
97 Moog_SpellBlinkTime = GetTime();
99 table.insert(UnitPopupFrames,"Moog_Player_DropDown");
100 table.insert(UnitPopupFrames,"Moog_Target_DropDown");
102 --RegisterForSave("MoogHUDInfo");
104 sr_pr("Moog HUD v"..MOOGHUD_VERSION.." loaded. Type /moog to bring up options");
105 end
107 function Moog_Hud_SlashHandler(msg)
108 -- if (msg == nil) then
109 -- msg = ""; end
111 local parsedmsg = GetArgs(msg," ");
113 if (parsedmsg[1] == nil) then
114 Moogmenu:Show();
115 else
116 parsedmsg[1] = strlower(parsedmsg[1])
118 if strfind(parsedmsg[1], "menu") and Moogmenu then
119 Moogmenu:Show();
120 elseif Moogmenu then
121 Moogmenu:Show();
122 end
123 end
124 end
126 function Moog_HudTargetUpdate()
127 -- Update Combo Points here just to be sure it catches target deaths, etc
128 local points = GetComboPoints();
129 if (points > 0) then
130 Moog_HudCombo:SetText(points);
131 else
132 Moog_HudCombo:SetText("");
133 end
135 if (UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")) then
136 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetTextColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
137 else
138 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0);
139 end
141 if (MoogHUDInfo.TargetOn and UnitExists("target")) then
142 Moog_TargetHud:Show();
143 -- Moog_TargetHudHPPerc:SetText(ceil((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target")) * 100).."%");
145 if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") then
146 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText("Dead");
147 elseif ((UnitInParty("target") or UnitIsUnit("target","pet")) and (MoogHUDInfo.PlayerTargetPC == false)) then
148 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText(UnitHealth("target").."/"..UnitHealthMax("target"));
149 else
150 if (Moog_UseMobHealth and (MoogHUDInfo.MobTargetPC == false)) then
151 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText(Moog_MobHealth_GetTargetCurHP().."/"..Moog_MobHealth_GetTargetMaxHP());
152 else
153 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText(ceil((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target")) * 100).."%");
154 end
155 end
157 if (UnitManaMax("target") > 0) then
158 if ((UnitIsPlayer("target") and (MoogHUDInfo.PlayerTargetPC == false)) or ((not UnitIsPlayer("target")) and (MoogHUDInfo.MobTargetPC == false))) then
159 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetText(UnitMana("target").."/"..UnitManaMax("target"));
160 else
161 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetText(ceil((UnitMana("target") / UnitManaMax("target")) * 100).."%");
162 end
163 else
164 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetText(" ");
165 end
167 if (UnitLevel("target") < 0) then
168 if ( UnitClassification("target") == "worldboss" ) then
169 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetText("Boss");
170 else
171 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetText("L??");
172 end
173 else
174 if ( string.find(UnitClassification("target"), "elite") == nil ) then
175 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetText("L" .. UnitLevel("target"));
176 else
177 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetText("L" .. UnitLevel("target") .. "+");
178 end
179 end
181 local targetfriend = 1;
183 if (UnitIsFriend("player","target") == nil) then
184 targetfriend = 0; end
186 if (targetfriend == 1) then
187 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(1, 0.9, 0);
188 elseif (UnitIsTrivial("target")) then
189 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
190 elseif (UnitLevel("target") == -1) then
191 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0);
192 elseif (UnitLevel("target") <= (UnitLevel("player")-3)) then
193 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(0, 0.9, 0);
194 elseif (UnitLevel("target") >= (UnitLevel("player")+5)) then
195 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0);
196 elseif (UnitLevel("target") >= (UnitLevel("player")+3)) then
197 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(1, 0.5, 0);
198 else
199 Moog_TargetHudLevel:SetTextColor(1, 0.9, 0);
200 end
202 local info = {};
203 if (UnitPowerType("target") == 0) then
204 info = { r = 0.00, g = 0.7, b = 1.00 };
205 else
206 info = ManaBarColor[UnitPowerType("target")];
207 end
209 local class = UnitClass("target");
210 local color = Moog_HudClass[class];
211 if (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
212 if (color) then
213 Moog_TargetHudName:SetText("|cff"..color..UnitName("target").."|r");
214 else
215 Moog_TargetHudName:SetText("|cffb39442"..UnitName("target").."|r");
216 end
217 else
218 local reaction = UnitReaction("target","player");
219 local reactioncolour = Moog_HudRep[4];
220 if (reaction) then
221 reactioncolour = Moog_HudRep[reaction];
222 end
223 Moog_TargetHudName:SetText("|cff"..reactioncolour..UnitName("target").."|r");
224 end
226 if ((UnitIsPlayer("target") or (MoogHUDInfo.MobClass == true)) and MoogHUDInfo.ShowIcons) then
227 Moog_Target_ClassTexture:SetTexCoord(Moog_ClassPosRight(class), Moog_ClassPosLeft(class), Moog_ClassPosTop(class), Moog_ClassPosBottom(class));
228 Moog_Target_Icon:Show();
229 else
230 Moog_Target_Icon:Hide();
231 end
233 if (UnitIsTapped("target") and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer("target")) then
234 Moog_TargetHudName:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
235 end
237 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetTextColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
239 Moog_HudTargetAuras();
240 --Seal: Added Update status and pvp
241 --Moog_UpdatePvP("target");
242 --Moog_UpdateCurrentState("target");
243 --Seal: End Add
244 else
245 Moog_TargetHud:Hide();
246 end
247 end
249 function Moog_HudTargetAuras()
250 local i, icon, buff, debuff, debuffborder, debuffcount;
251 for i = 1, 16 do
252 buff = UnitBuff("target", i);
253 button = getglobal("Moog_TargetHudBuff"..i);
254 if (buff) then
255 icon = getglobal(button:GetName().."Icon");
256 icon:SetTexture(buff);
257 button:Show();
258 button.unit = "target";
259 else
260 button:Hide();
261 end
262 end
264 for i = 1, 16 do
265 debuff, debuffApplications = UnitDebuff("target", i);
266 button = getglobal("Moog_TargetHudDeBuff"..i);
267 if (debuff) then
268 icon = getglobal(button:GetName().."Icon");
269 debuffborder = getglobal(button:GetName().."Border");
270 debuffcount = getglobal(button:GetName().."Count");
271 icon:SetTexture(debuff);
272 button:Show();
273 debuffborder:Show();
274 button.isdebuff = 1;
275 button.unit = "target";
276 if (debuffApplications > 1) then
277 debuffcount:SetText(debuffApplications);
278 debuffcount:Show();
279 else
280 debuffcount:Hide();
281 end
282 else
283 button:Hide();
284 end
285 end
286 end
288 function Moog_HudSetAuraTooltip()
289 if (not this:IsVisible()) then return; end
290 GameTooltip:SetOwner(this, "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT");
291 local unit = this.unit;
292 if (this.isdebuff == 1) then
293 GameTooltip:SetUnitDebuff(unit, this:GetID());
294 else
295 GameTooltip:SetUnitBuff(unit, this:GetID());
296 end
297 end
299 function Moog_HudUpdateOptions()
300 if (MoogHUDInfo.SelfOn) then
301 Moog_SelfHud:Show();
302 else
303 Moog_SelfHud:Hide();
304 end
306 if (MoogHUDInfo.ShowIcons) then
307 Moog_Player_Icon:Show();
308 else
309 Moog_Player_Icon:Hide();
310 end
312 if (MoogHUDInfo.Seperation == nil) then
313 MoogHUDInfo.Seperation = 0; end
315 Moog_HudLeft:SetPoint("CENTER","Moog_Hud","CENTER", -MoogHUDInfo.Seperation, 0);
316 Moog_HudRight:SetPoint("CENTER","Moog_Hud","CENTER", MoogHUDInfo.Seperation, 0);
318 if (MoogHUDInfo.SeperateNumbers == nil) then
319 MoogHUDInfo.SeperateNumbers = 0; end
321 local TextOffset = 0;
323 if (MoogHUDInfo.SeperateNumbers) then
324 TextOffset=MoogHUDInfo.Seperation; end
326 Moog_HudHealthText:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT","Moog_HudCombo","TOPLEFT", -TextOffset, 0);
327 Moog_HudManaText:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT","Moog_HudCombo","TOPRIGHT", TextOffset, 0);
329 --Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetPoint("TOPLEFT","Moog_TargetHudName","BOTTOMLEFT", -TextOffset, -2);
330 --Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT","Moog_TargetHudName","BOTTOMRIGHT", TextOffset, -2);
332 if (MoogHUDInfo.VertPos == nil) then
333 MoogHUDInfo.VertPos = 50; end
335 Moog_Hud:SetPoint("CENTER","UIParent","CENTER", 0, MoogHUDInfo.VertPos);
337 Moog_HudTargetUpdate();
338 end
340 function Moog_HudOnEvent(event)
341 if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" ) then
342 if ( not MoogHUDInfo ) then
343 MoogHUDInfo = {
344 ["SelfOn"] = true,
345 ["Seperation"] = 0,
346 ["VertPos"] = 50,
347 ["TargetOn"] = true,
348 ["MobTargetPC"] = false,
349 ["PlayerTargetPC"] = false,
350 ["MobClass"] = false,
351 ["ShowIcons"] = false,
352 ["BlinkLongCast"] = true,
353 ["BlinkInstaCast"] = false,
354 ["SeperateNumbers"] = false
355 };
356 end
357 if MoogHUDInfo.SelfOn == nil then
358 MoogHUDInfo.SelfOn = true; end
359 if MoogHUDInfo.TargetOn == nil then
360 MoogHUDInfo.TargetOn = true; end
361 if MoogHUDInfo.MobTargetPC == nil then
362 MoogHUDInfo.MobTargetPC = false; end
363 if MoogHUDInfo.PlayerTargetPC == nil then
364 MoogHUDInfo.PlayerTargetPC = false; end
365 if MoogHUDInfo.MobClass == nil then
366 MoogHUDInfo.MobClass = false; end
367 if MoogHUDInfo.ShowIcons == nil then
368 MoogHUDInfo.ShowIcons = false; end
369 if MoogHUDInfo.BlinkLongCast == nil then
370 MoogHUDInfo.BlinkLongCast = true; end
371 if MoogHUDInfo.BlinkInstaCast == nil then
372 MoogHUDInfo.BlinkInstaCast = false; end
373 if MoogHUDInfo.SeperateNumbers == nil then
374 MoogHUDInfo.SeperateNumbers = false; end
375 if MobHealthFrame then
376 sr_pr("Moog HUD detected MobHealth/MobInfo");
377 Moog_UseMobHealth = true; end
378 Moog_HudUpdateOptions();
379 elseif (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then
380 -- Shen: Event hooks moved from OnLoad
381 --Seal: Added
382 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT");
383 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT");
384 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING");
385 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
386 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
387 this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED");
388 this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED");
389 --Seal: End Add
390 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS");
391 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_AURA");
392 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH");
393 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH");
394 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
395 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE");
396 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS");
397 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY");
398 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA");
399 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE");
400 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS");
401 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY");
402 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE");
403 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER");
404 this:RegisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED");
405 --Seal: Added
406 this:RegisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE");
407 --Seal: End Add
409 Moog_HealthHud:SetVertexColor(0, 1, 0);
410 Moog_HealthHud:SetAlpha(0);
411 Moog_ManaHud:SetAlpha(0);
412 Moog_ManaHudBG:SetAlpha(0);
413 Moog_ManaHudBG:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1);
415 Moog_HealthHudBG:SetAlpha(0);
416 Moog_HealthHudBG:SetVertexColor(0, 1, 0);
417 Moog_HealthHudBG:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1);
420 if (UnitPowerType("player") == 0) then
421 info = { r = 0.00, g = 0.7, b = 1.00 };
422 else
423 info = ManaBarColor[UnitPowerType("player")];
424 end
425 Moog_ManaHud:SetVertexColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
426 Moog_ManaHudBG:SetVertexColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
428 local p=UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player");
429 local h = 256 * p;
430 Moog_ManaHud:SetHeight(h);
431 Moog_ManaHud:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1-p, 1);
432 Moog_HudManaText:SetText(UnitMana("player").."/"..UnitManaMax("player"));
433 Moog_HudManaText:SetVertexColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
435 if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) then
436 Moog_Player_ClassTexture:SetAlpha(1);
437 Moog_Player_Icon:EnableMouse(true);
438 else
439 Moog_Player_ClassTexture:SetAlpha(0.5);
440 Moog_Player_Icon:EnableMouse(false);
441 end
443 p=UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player");
444 h = 256 * p;
445 Moog_HealthHud:SetHeight(h);
446 Moog_HealthHud:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1-p, 1);
447 Moog_HudHealthText:SetText(UnitHealth("player").."/"..UnitHealthMax("player"));
448 Moog_HudHealthText:SetVertexColor(0, 1, 0);
450 local PlayerClass = UnitClass("player");
451 Moog_Player_ClassTexture:SetTexCoord(Moog_ClassPosRight(PlayerClass), Moog_ClassPosLeft(PlayerClass), Moog_ClassPosTop(PlayerClass), Moog_ClassPosBottom(PlayerClass));
452 --Seal: Added
453 Moog_UpdateCurrentState("player");
454 Moog_UpdatePvP("player");
455 Moog_UpdatePartyLeader();
456 Moog_UpdatePartyLoot();
457 --Seal: End Add
458 -- Shen: Hook added for leaving, unregistering hooks
459 elseif (event == "PLAYER_LEAVING_WORLD") then
460 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT");
461 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT");
462 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING");
463 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED");
464 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED");
465 this:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED");
466 this:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED");
467 this:UnregisterEvent("PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS");
468 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_AURA");
469 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_HEALTH");
470 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXHEALTH");
471 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MANA");
472 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_RAGE");
473 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_FOCUS");
474 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_ENERGY");
475 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXMANA");
476 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXRAGE");
477 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXFOCUS");
478 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_MAXENERGY");
479 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_NAME_UPDATE");
480 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER");
481 this:UnregisterEvent("PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED");
482 this:UnregisterEvent("UNIT_PVP_UPDATE");
483 elseif (event == "UNIT_DISPLAYPOWER") then
484 local info = {};
485 if (arg1 == "player" or arg1 == "target") then
486 if (UnitPowerType(arg1) == 0) then
487 info = { r = 0.00, g = 0.7, b = 1.00 };
488 else
489 info = ManaBarColor[UnitPowerType(arg1)];
490 end
491 if (arg1 == "player") then
492 Moog_ManaHud:SetVertexColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
493 Moog_ManaHudBG:SetVertexColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
494 else
495 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetTextColor(info.r, info.g, info.b);
496 end
497 end
498 elseif (event == "PLAYER_COMBO_POINTS") then
499 local points = GetComboPoints();
500 if (points > 0) then
501 Moog_HudCombo:SetText(points);
502 else
503 Moog_HudCombo:SetText("");
504 end
505 elseif (event == "UNIT_AURA" and arg1 == "target") then
506 Moog_HudTargetAuras();
507 elseif (event == "UNIT_HEALTH" or event == "UNIT_MAXHEALTH") then
508 if (arg1=="player") then
509 if UnitHealthMax("player")==0 then return; end
510 local p=UnitHealth("player")/UnitHealthMax("player");
511 local h = 256 * p;
512 Moog_HealthHud:SetHeight(h);
513 Moog_HealthHud:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1-p, 1);
515 if (UnitIsDeadOrGhost("player")) then
516 Moog_HudHealthText:SetTextColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
517 Moog_HudHealthText:SetText("Dead");
518 else
519 Moog_HudHealthText:SetTextColor(0, 1, 0);
520 Moog_HudHealthText:SetText(UnitHealth("player").."/"..UnitHealthMax("player"));
521 end
522 elseif (arg1 == "target") then
523 if (UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target")) then
524 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetTextColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
525 else
526 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetTextColor(1, 0, 0);
527 end
528 if (UnitIsTapped("target") and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer("target")) then
529 Moog_TargetHudName:SetTextColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
530 end
531 -- Moog_TargetHudHPPerc:SetText(ceil((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target")) * 100).."%");
532 if UnitIsDeadOrGhost("target") then
533 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText("Dead");
534 elseif ((UnitInParty("target") or UnitIsUnit("target","pet")) and (MoogHUDInfo.PlayerTargetPC == false)) then
535 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText(UnitHealth("target").."/"..UnitHealthMax("target"));
536 else
537 if (Moog_UseMobHealth and (MoogHUDInfo.MobTargetPC == false)) then
538 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText(Moog_MobHealth_GetTargetCurHP().."/"..Moog_MobHealth_GetTargetMaxHP());
539 else
540 Moog_TargetHudHPText:SetText(ceil((UnitHealth("target") / UnitHealthMax("target")) * 100).."%");
541 end
542 end
543 end
544 elseif (event == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED") then
545 --sr_pr(GetNumPartyMembers());
546 if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) then
547 Moog_Player_ClassTexture:SetAlpha(1);
548 Moog_Player_Icon:EnableMouse(true);
549 else
550 Moog_Player_ClassTexture:SetAlpha(0.5);
551 Moog_Player_Icon:EnableMouse(false);
552 end
553 Moog_UpdatePartyLeader();
554 Moog_UpdatePartyLoot();
555 elseif (event == "UNIT_NAME_UPDATE") then
556 if (arg1=="target") then
557 Moog_HudTargetUpdate();
558 end
559 else
560 if (arg1=="player") then
561 if UnitManaMax("player")==0 then return; end
562 local p=UnitMana("player")/UnitManaMax("player");
563 local h = 256 * p;
564 Moog_ManaHud:SetHeight(h);
565 Moog_ManaHud:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1-p, 1);
566 Moog_HudManaText:SetText(UnitMana("player").."/"..UnitManaMax("player"));
567 elseif (arg1 == "target") then
568 if ((UnitIsPlayer("target") and (MoogHUDInfo.PlayerTargetPC == false)) or ((not UnitIsPlayer("target")) and (MoogHUDInfo.MobTargetPC == false))) then
569 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetText(UnitMana("target").."/"..UnitManaMax("target"));
570 else
571 Moog_TargetHudMPText:SetText(ceil((UnitMana("target") / UnitManaMax("target")) * 100).."%");
572 end
573 end
574 end
575 --Seal: Added
576 if ( event == "PLAYER_ENTER_COMBAT" or event == "PLAYER_REGEN_DISABLED") then
577 this.inCombat = 1;
578 Moog_UpdateCurrentState("player");
579 return;
580 end
582 if ( event == "PLAYER_UPDATE_RESTING" ) then
583 Moog_UpdateCurrentState("player");
584 return;
585 end
587 if ( event == "PLAYER_LEAVE_COMBAT" or event == "PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED") then
588 this.inCombat = 0;
589 Moog_UpdateCurrentState("player");
590 return;
591 end
593 if (event == "UNIT_PVP_UPDATE") then
594 if ((arg1 == "target") or (arg1 == "player")) then
595 Moog_UpdatePvP(arg1); end
596 end
598 if (event == "PARTY_LEADER_CHANGED") then
599 Moog_UpdatePartyLeader();
600 return;
601 end
602 if (event == "PARTY_LOOT_METHOD_CHANGED") then
603 Moog_UpdatePartyLoot();
604 end
605 --Seal: End Add
606 end
609 function Moog_PlayerDropDown_OnLoad()
610 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, Moog_PlayerDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
611 end
613 function Moog_PlayerDropDown_Initialize()
614 UnitPopup_ShowMenu(Moog_Player_DropDown, "SELF", "player");
615 end
617 function Moog_Player_MouseUp(button)
618 if (button == "RightButton") then
619 ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, Moog_Player_DropDown, "Moog_Player_ClassTexture", 0, 0); end
620 end
622 function Moog_Player_MouseDown(button)
623 end
625 function Moog_TargetDropDown_OnLoad()
626 UIDropDownMenu_Initialize(this, Moog_TargetDropDown_Initialize, "MENU");
627 end
629 function Moog_TargetDropDown_Initialize()
630 local menu = nil;
631 if (UnitIsEnemy("target", "player")) then
632 return;
633 end
634 if (UnitIsUnit("target", "player")) then
635 menu = "SELF";
636 elseif (UnitIsUnit("target", "pet")) then
637 menu = "PET";
638 elseif (UnitIsPlayer("target")) then
639 if (UnitInParty("target")) then
640 menu = "PARTY";
641 else
642 menu = "PLAYER";
643 end
644 end
645 if (menu) then
646 UnitPopup_ShowMenu(Moog_Target_DropDown, menu, "target");
647 end
648 end
650 function Moog_Target_MouseUp(button)
651 if (button == "RightButton") then
652 ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, Moog_Target_DropDown, "Moog_Target_ClassTexture", 0, 0); end
653 end
655 function Moog_Target_MouseDown(button)
656 end
658 ---------------------------------
659 --Class Icon Location Functions--
660 ---------------------------------
662 function Moog_ClassPosRight (class)
664 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARRIOR) then return 0; end
665 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_MAGE) then return 0.25; end
666 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_ROGUE) then return 0.5; end
667 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_DRUID) then return 0.75; end
668 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_HUNTER) then return 0; end
669 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_SHAMAN) then return 0.25; end
670 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PRIEST) then return 0.5; end
671 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARLOCK) then return 0.75; end
672 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PALADIN) then return 0; end
673 return nil;
674 end
675 function Moog_ClassPosLeft (class)
677 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARRIOR) then return 0.25; end
678 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_MAGE) then return 0.5; end
679 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_ROGUE) then return 0.75; end
680 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_DRUID) then return 1; end
681 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_HUNTER) then return 0.25; end
682 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_SHAMAN) then return 0.5; end
683 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PRIEST) then return 0.75; end
684 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARLOCK) then return 1; end
685 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PALADIN) then return 0.25; end
686 return nil;
687 end
688 function Moog_ClassPosTop (class)
689 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARRIOR) then return 0; end
690 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_MAGE) then return 0; end
691 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_ROGUE) then return 0; end
692 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_DRUID) then return 0; end
693 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_HUNTER) then return 0.25; end
694 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_SHAMAN) then return 0.25; end
695 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PRIEST) then return 0.25; end
696 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARLOCK) then return 0.25; end
697 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PALADIN) then return 0.5; end
698 return nil;
699 end
700 function Moog_ClassPosBottom (class)
702 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARRIOR) then return 0.25; end
703 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_MAGE) then return 0.25; end
704 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_ROGUE) then return 0.25; end
705 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_DRUID) then return 0.25; end
706 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_HUNTER) then return 0.5; end
707 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_SHAMAN) then return 0.5; end
708 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PRIEST) then return 0.5; end
709 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_WARLOCK) then return 0.5; end
710 if(class==MOOGHUD_CLASS_PALADIN) then return 0.75; end
711 return nil;
712 end