corrade-vassal – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 vero 1 using System;
2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Threading;
4 using System.Reflection;
5 using System.Xml;
6 using OpenMetaverse;
7 using OpenMetaverse.Packets;
8 using OpenMetaverse.Utilities;
10 namespace OpenMetaverse.TestClient
11 {
12 public class TestClient : GridClient
13 {
14 public UUID GroupID = UUID.Zero;
15 public Dictionary<UUID, GroupMember> GroupMembers;
16 public Dictionary<UUID, AvatarAppearancePacket> Appearances = new Dictionary<UUID, AvatarAppearancePacket>();
17 public Dictionary<string, Command> Commands = new Dictionary<string, Command>();
18 public bool Running = true;
19 public bool GroupCommands = false;
20 public string MasterName = String.Empty;
21 public UUID MasterKey = UUID.Zero;
22 public bool AllowObjectMaster = false;
23 public ClientManager ClientManager;
24 public VoiceManager VoiceManager;
25 // Shell-like inventory commands need to be aware of the 'current' inventory folder.
26 public InventoryFolder CurrentDirectory = null;
28 private System.Timers.Timer updateTimer;
29 private UUID GroupMembersRequestID;
30 public Dictionary<UUID, Group> GroupsCache = null;
31 private ManualResetEvent GroupsEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
33 /// <summary>
34 ///
35 /// </summary>
36 public TestClient(ClientManager manager)
37 {
38 ClientManager = manager;
40 updateTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(500);
41 updateTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(updateTimer_Elapsed);
43 RegisterAllCommands(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
45 Settings.LOG_LEVEL = Helpers.LogLevel.Debug;
46 Settings.LOG_RESENDS = false;
47 Settings.STORE_LAND_PATCHES = true;
48 Settings.ALWAYS_DECODE_OBJECTS = true;
49 Settings.ALWAYS_REQUEST_OBJECTS = true;
50 Settings.SEND_AGENT_UPDATES = true;
51 Settings.USE_ASSET_CACHE = true;
53 Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.AgentDataUpdate, AgentDataUpdateHandler);
54 Network.LoginProgress += LoginHandler;
55 Objects.AvatarUpdate += new EventHandler<AvatarUpdateEventArgs>(Objects_AvatarUpdate);
56 Objects.TerseObjectUpdate += new EventHandler<TerseObjectUpdateEventArgs>(Objects_TerseObjectUpdate);
57 Network.SimChanged += new EventHandler<SimChangedEventArgs>(Network_SimChanged);
58 Self.IM += Self_IM;
59 Groups.GroupMembersReply += GroupMembersHandler;
60 Inventory.InventoryObjectOffered += Inventory_OnInventoryObjectReceived;
62 Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.AvatarAppearance, AvatarAppearanceHandler);
63 Network.RegisterCallback(PacketType.AlertMessage, AlertMessageHandler);
65 VoiceManager = new VoiceManager(this);
67 updateTimer.Start();
68 }
70 void Objects_TerseObjectUpdate(object sender, TerseObjectUpdateEventArgs e)
71 {
72 if (e.Prim.LocalID == Self.LocalID)
73 {
74 SetDefaultCamera();
75 }
76 }
78 void Objects_AvatarUpdate(object sender, AvatarUpdateEventArgs e)
79 {
80 if (e.Avatar.LocalID == Self.LocalID)
81 {
82 SetDefaultCamera();
83 }
84 }
86 void Network_SimChanged(object sender, SimChangedEventArgs e)
87 {
88 Self.Movement.SetFOVVerticalAngle(Utils.TWO_PI - 0.05f);
89 }
91 public void SetDefaultCamera()
92 {
93 // SetCamera 5m behind the avatar
94 Self.Movement.Camera.LookAt(
95 Self.SimPosition + new Vector3(-5, 0, 0) * Self.Movement.BodyRotation,
96 Self.SimPosition
97 );
98 }
101 void Self_IM(object sender, InstantMessageEventArgs e)
102 {
103 bool groupIM = e.IM.GroupIM && GroupMembers != null && GroupMembers.ContainsKey(e.IM.FromAgentID) ? true : false;
105 if (e.IM.FromAgentID == MasterKey || (GroupCommands && groupIM))
106 {
107 // Received an IM from someone that is authenticated
108 Console.WriteLine("<{0} ({1})> {2}: {3} (@{4}:{5})", e.IM.GroupIM ? "GroupIM" : "IM", e.IM.Dialog, e.IM.FromAgentName, e.IM.Message,
109 e.IM.RegionID, e.IM.Position);
111 if (e.IM.Dialog == InstantMessageDialog.RequestTeleport)
112 {
113 Console.WriteLine("Accepting teleport lure.");
114 Self.TeleportLureRespond(e.IM.FromAgentID, e.IM.IMSessionID, true);
115 }
116 else if (
117 e.IM.Dialog == InstantMessageDialog.MessageFromAgent ||
118 e.IM.Dialog == InstantMessageDialog.MessageFromObject)
119 {
120 ClientManager.Instance.DoCommandAll(e.IM.Message, e.IM.FromAgentID);
121 }
122 }
123 else
124 {
125 // Received an IM from someone that is not the bot's master, ignore
126 Console.WriteLine("<{0} ({1})> {2} (not master): {3} (@{4}:{5})", e.IM.GroupIM ? "GroupIM" : "IM", e.IM.Dialog, e.IM.FromAgentName, e.IM.Message,
127 e.IM.RegionID, e.IM.Position);
128 return;
129 }
130 }
132 /// <summary>
133 /// Initialize everything that needs to be initialized once we're logged in.
134 /// </summary>
135 /// <param name="login">The status of the login</param>
136 /// <param name="message">Error message on failure, MOTD on success.</param>
137 public void LoginHandler(object sender, LoginProgressEventArgs e)
138 {
139 if (e.Status == LoginStatus.Success)
140 {
141 // Start in the inventory root folder.
142 CurrentDirectory = Inventory.Store.RootFolder;
143 }
144 }
146 public void RegisterAllCommands(Assembly assembly)
147 {
148 foreach (Type t in assembly.GetTypes())
149 {
150 try
151 {
152 if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(Command)))
153 {
154 ConstructorInfo info = t.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(TestClient) });
155 Command command = (Command)info.Invoke(new object[] { this });
156 RegisterCommand(command);
157 }
158 }
159 catch (Exception e)
160 {
161 Console.WriteLine(e.ToString());
162 }
163 }
164 }
166 public void RegisterCommand(Command command)
167 {
168 command.Client = this;
169 if (!Commands.ContainsKey(command.Name.ToLower()))
170 {
171 Commands.Add(command.Name.ToLower(), command);
172 }
173 }
175 public void ReloadGroupsCache()
176 {
177 Groups.CurrentGroups += Groups_CurrentGroups;
178 Groups.RequestCurrentGroups();
179 GroupsEvent.WaitOne(10000, false);
180 Groups.CurrentGroups -= Groups_CurrentGroups;
181 GroupsEvent.Reset();
182 }
184 void Groups_CurrentGroups(object sender, CurrentGroupsEventArgs e)
185 {
186 if (null == GroupsCache)
187 GroupsCache = e.Groups;
188 else
189 lock (GroupsCache) { GroupsCache = e.Groups; }
190 GroupsEvent.Set();
191 }
193 public UUID GroupName2UUID(String groupName)
194 {
195 UUID tryUUID;
196 if (UUID.TryParse(groupName,out tryUUID))
197 return tryUUID;
198 if (null == GroupsCache) {
199 ReloadGroupsCache();
200 if (null == GroupsCache)
201 return UUID.Zero;
202 }
203 lock(GroupsCache) {
204 if (GroupsCache.Count > 0) {
205 foreach (Group currentGroup in GroupsCache.Values)
206 if (currentGroup.Name.ToLower() == groupName.ToLower())
207 return currentGroup.ID;
208 }
209 }
210 return UUID.Zero;
211 }
213 private void updateTimer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)
214 {
215 foreach (Command c in Commands.Values)
216 if (c.Active)
217 c.Think();
218 }
220 private void AgentDataUpdateHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
221 {
222 AgentDataUpdatePacket p = (AgentDataUpdatePacket)e.Packet;
223 if (p.AgentData.AgentID == e.Simulator.Client.Self.AgentID && p.AgentData.ActiveGroupID != UUID.Zero)
224 {
225 GroupID = p.AgentData.ActiveGroupID;
227 GroupMembersRequestID = e.Simulator.Client.Groups.RequestGroupMembers(GroupID);
228 }
229 }
231 private void GroupMembersHandler(object sender, GroupMembersReplyEventArgs e)
232 {
233 if (e.RequestID != GroupMembersRequestID) return;
235 GroupMembers = e.Members;
236 }
238 private void AvatarAppearanceHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
239 {
240 Packet packet = e.Packet;
242 AvatarAppearancePacket appearance = (AvatarAppearancePacket)packet;
244 lock (Appearances) Appearances[appearance.Sender.ID] = appearance;
245 }
247 private void AlertMessageHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e)
248 {
249 Packet packet = e.Packet;
251 AlertMessagePacket message = (AlertMessagePacket)packet;
253 Logger.Log("[AlertMessage] " + Utils.BytesToString(message.AlertData.Message), Helpers.LogLevel.Info, this);
254 }
256 private void Inventory_OnInventoryObjectReceived(object sender, InventoryObjectOfferedEventArgs e)
257 {
258 if (MasterKey != UUID.Zero)
259 {
260 if (e.Offer.FromAgentID != MasterKey)
261 return;
262 }
263 else if (GroupMembers != null && !GroupMembers.ContainsKey(e.Offer.FromAgentID))
264 {
265 return;
266 }
268 e.Accept = true;
269 return;
270 }
271 }
272 }