vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
2 KLHThreatMeter R17 (17.12)
4 --> UPGRADE NOTE: Remember to restart wow.exe after installing the new version. If you only logout and log back in, you may get a lua error.
6 --> 1.11 / 1.12 Compatible. R17 will work on the 1.11 servers, and also the PTR and 1.12 when it comes up. In particular, several threat modifiers are additive in 1.11 and multiplicative in 1.12.
8 --> Channelless communication. When running on 0.12 or the PTR, the mod will use the new hidden Addons channel for communication. This means CTRA / oRA is no longer a requirement, and there will be no more problems with people not being in the wrong channel. The mod will now work automatically in a 5-man party too.
10 --> WARNING: Everyone should upgrade to R17 when the 1.12 patch comes out. On the 1.12 servers, R17 versions will be using the Addon Channel, and R16 or older version will not be able to detect these messages. Of course on the 1.11 servers they will work fine together.
13 --> New Combat Log Parsing. Combat log parsing code has been rewritten from scratch. The new code no longer requires localisation strings for each language, but generates them automatically. It's also handles different word orders in different languages gracefully, is significantly faster, and less error prone.
15 --> New Localisations. We now have localisations for Korean, as well as much needed updates for French. A big thanks to the following:
16 Leidbringer (german)
17 Cutemiyu et al (traditional chinese)
18 BlackArrow0203 (korean)
19 Cinedelle (french)
21 Updated simplified chinese translations would be appreciated!
23 --> Updated Boss Encounters. The mod now has special code to handle the follow boss events:
24 Chromaggus: Time Lapse
25 Twin Emperors: Teleport and Proximity Aggro
26 ZG Tiger Boss: threat clear and targetting for phase 2
27 Hakkar: no threat from Blood Siphon
28 Azuregos: teleport threat wipe
29 Noth the Plaguebringer: threat wipe on Blink
30 Rajaxx: reset on Rajaxx attack
31 Shazzrah: reset on teleport
32 Ragnaros: reset on wrath of ragnaros (this is a bit experimental)
33 Nefarion: threat clear and targetting for phase 2
34 Ouro: Sand Blast
36 --> Improved Targetting. When you set a master target to a world boss, you will automatically clear it when the boss dies.
39 --> Added key bindings. You can now put common commands like hiding / showing the window and setting the master target in the key bindings section.
41 --> Performance Upgrade. Significant internal code changes have cut down the number of localisation calls and internal debug calls. Code profiling has identified processor heavy code which has been upgraded. Processor usage has been more than halved since R16, and the running memory creation has been reduced substantially as well.
43 --> Changes to Player Abilities. Added Cleave for Warriors (100 threat max rank). Changed the behaviour of Fade slightly to match new research (it can take you negative). Fel Stamina and Fel Energy will correctly increase your threat, this is final and confirmed! Added Cat Form -20% threat reduction for Druids, new in 1.12.
44 The mod will now make an educated guess about unknown low level abilities. This means when your level 20 warrior uses Sunder Armor, the mod won't use the level 60 value, but will guess something roughly a third of that.
45 Implemented overheal equivalent for power gain. So e.g. if you're on max mana, +mana effects won't cause threat.
47 --> Updated Research Commands. You can change the properties of NPC's special attacks raidwide using the command
48 /ktm boss setspell <spellid> <bossid> <parameter> <value>
49 <spellid> is an internal name for the spell, currently there are "sandblast", "knockaway", "timelapse", "wingbuffet".
50 <bossid> is an internal name for the boss. To make it work for all mobs use "default", otherwise any mobs that already use that ability - just fill in the <spellid> argument and the mod will print out the valid <bossid> values.
51 <parameter> is "type", "addition", "multiplier", "effectonmiss", "ticks".
52 <value> is the value you are setting for the parameter. values for "type" are "debuff", "spell", "physical", not currently required. When the effect activates, your threat is first multiplied by the "multiplier" parameter, then the "addition" parameter is added the the result. e.g. threat wipe is "multiplier" = 0, etc. "ticks" is how many times it has to hit you before it activates (e.g. time lapse = 5). "effectonmiss" = whether it still works if resisted / dodged / parried / etc.
54 e.g. to set the value of Onyxia's knock away to -30% threat, the command would be
55 /ktm b s knockaway onyxia multiplier 0.7
57 --> Spell Reporting. Run the command
58 /ktm boss report
59 Then whenever a player is affected by an NPC's special attack, you will get a message describing what happened (e.g. threat before / after). Changes of target by the master target will also be reported to you.
61 Warning: can cause chatlog spam. Run the command
62 /ktm boss endreport
63 to stop it.
66 --> But Wait, There's More! For a limited time, KTM will include a free set of steak knives. Offer is strictly limited and for a short time only.