corrade-http-templates – Blame information for rev 41

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
15 eva 1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
4 <head>
5 <meta charset="utf-8">
6 <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
7 <title>Corrade Inventory Browser</title>
18 eva 8 <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery-ui.css" />
15 eva 9 <link rel="stylesheet" href="js/jstree/themes/default/style.min.css" />
18 eva 10  
11 <script src="js/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
12 <script src="js/jquery-ui.js"></script>
15 eva 13 <script src="js/jstree/jstree.min.js"></script>
14 <script src="js/json-to-table.js"></script>
15 <script src="js/jquery.base64.js"></script>
16 </head>
18 <body>
20 <!-- Will hold the inventory tree (completed dynamically). -->
21 <div id="tree">
22 </div>
24 <!-- Used for various pup-up controls and information (completed dynamically). -->
25 <div id="popup">
26 <div id="content">
27 </div>
28 </div>
30 <!-- Main script -->
31 <script type="text/javascript">
32 $(function() {
33 function customMenu(node) {
34 // The default set of menu items for all types
35 var items = {
36 // Grab information about the item.
37 infoItem: {
38 label: "Get Info",
39 action: function(obj) {
40 $('#popup').dialog({
41 width: 800,
42 height: 600,
43 modal: true,
44 resizable: false,
45 dialogClass: 'no-close texture-dialog'
46 }).on('dialogclose', function(event) {
47 $('#content').html('');
48 });
49 $.ajax({
50 type: 'POST',
51 url: "getInventoryData.php?t=" + Math.random(),
52 dataType: 'json',
53 data: {
54 uuid:[\/]+/).pop(),
55 data: [
56 'AssetUUID',
57 'CreationDate',
58 'Description',
59 'Permissions',
60 'UUID' // part of InventoryBase
61 ]
62 }
63 }).done(function(data) {
64 $('#content').html(ConvertJsonToTable(data, null, null, null));
65 });
66 }
67 }
68 };
70 // Give inventory items menu for anything but folders.
71 // They could be supported too but would require first
72 // counting the number of items inside the folder and
73 // only accepting to send if the number is below max.
74 if ( != "folder") {
75 $.extend(items, {
76 giveItem: {
77 label: "Give",
78 action: function(obj) {
79 $("#content").html('<form><fieldset class="ui-helper-reset"><label for="firstname">Firstname</label><input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" value="" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"><br/><label for="lastname">Lastname</label><input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" value="" class="ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"></fieldset></form>');
80 $("#popup").dialog({
81 width: 320,
82 height: 180,
83 modal: true,
84 resizable: false,
85 buttons: {
86 Select: function() {
87 if ($.trim($("#firstname").val()) == '' ||
88 $.trim($("#lastname").val()) == '')
89 return;
90 var firstName = $("#firstname").val();
91 var lastName = $("#lastname").val();
92 $.ajax({
93 type: 'POST',
94 url: "giveInventoryItem.php?t=" + Math.random(),
95 data: {
96 uuid:[\/]+/).pop(),
97 firstname: firstName,
98 lastname: lastName
99 }
100 }).done(function(data) {
101 $("#popup").dialog("close");
102 if ($.trim(data) != '')
103 alert(data);
104 });
105 },
106 Cancel: function() {
107 $("#popup").dialog("close");
108 }
109 }
110 }).on('dialogclose', function(event) {
111 $('#content').html('');
112 $('#popup').dialog('option', 'buttons', {});
113 });
114 }
115 }
116 });
117 }
119 // The "download" menu item for textures.
21 office 120 if ( == "texture" || == "snapshot") {
15 eva 121 $.extend(items, {
122 downloadItem: {
123 label: "Download",
124 "action": function(obj) {
125 $('#texture').attr('src', 'images/loader.gif');
126 $('#popup').dialog({
127 width: 800,
128 height: 600,
129 modal: true,
130 resizable: false,
131 dialogClass: 'no-close texture-dialog'
132 }).on('dialogclose', function(event) {
133 $('#content').html('');
134 });
135 $.ajax({
136 type: 'POST',
137 url: "downloadTexture.php?t=" + Math.random(),
138 data: {
139 uuid:[\/]+/).pop()
140 }
141 }).done(function(data) {
142 $('#content').html('<img src="" align="middle" id="texture">');
143 $('#texture').attr('src', "data:image/png;base64," + data);
144 });
145 }
146 }
147 });
148 }
150 // The "download" menu item for notecards.
151 if ( == "notecard") {
152 $.extend(items, {
153 downloadItem: {
154 label: "Download",
155 "action": function(obj) {
156 $('#texture').attr('src', 'images/loader.gif');
157 $('#popup').dialog({
158 width: 800,
159 height: 600,
160 modal: true,
161 resizable: false,
162 dialogClass: 'no-close texture-dialog'
163 }).on('dialogclose', function(event) {
164 $('#content').html('');
165 });
166 $.ajax({
167 type: 'POST',
168 url: "downloadNotecard.php?t=" + Math.random(),
169 data: {
170 uuid:[\/]+/).pop()
171 }
172 }).done(function(data) {
173 $.base64.utf8decode = true;
19 zed 174 $('#content').html('<pre>' + $.base64.atob(data) + '</pre>');
15 eva 175 });
176 }
177 }
178 });
179 }
181 // The "download" menu item for sounds.
182 if ( == "sound") {
183 $.extend(items, {
184 downloadItem: {
185 label: "Download",
186 "action": function(obj) {
187 $('#texture').attr('src', 'images/loader.gif');
188 $('#popup').dialog({
189 width: 800,
190 height: 600,
191 modal: true,
192 resizable: false,
193 dialogClass: 'no-close texture-dialog'
194 }).on('dialogclose', function(event) {
195 $('#content').html('');
196 });
197 $.ajax({
198 type: 'POST',
199 url: "downloadSound.php?t=" + Math.random(),
200 data: {
201 uuid:[\/]+/).pop()
202 }
203 }).done(function(data) {
204 $('#content').html('<audio controls="controls"><source id="source" src="" type="audio/mp3"></source></audio>');
205 $('#source').attr('src', "data:audio/mp3;base64," + data);
206 });
207 }
208 }
209 });
210 }
212 return items;
213 }
215 $("#tree").jstree({
216 // - sort will sort items by date
217 // - state will store the open / closed state of the jstree
218 'plugins': ["themes", "json_data", "ui", "contextmenu", "sort", "dnd", "state"],
219 'contextmenu': {
220 "items": function(node) {
221 return customMenu(node);
222 }
223 },
224 'dnd': {
225 // Do not copy items.
226 'copy': false,
227 // Do not execute the check callback whilst dragging.
228 'check_while_dragging': false
229 },
230 'sort': function(a, b) {
231 return Date.parse(this.get_node(a).data.time) < Date.parse(this.get_node(b).data.time) ? 1 : -1;
232 },
233 'core': {
234 'check_callback': function(operation, node, parent, position, more) {
235 // Do not allow moves above the root node.
236 if ( == "#")
237 return false;
239 var moved = false;
240 $.ajax({
241 // A synchronous reply is needed so we know what to tell the tree.
242 async: false,
243 type: 'POST',
244 url: "moveInventoryItem.php?t=" + Math.random(),
245 data: {
246 source:,
247 target:
248 }
249 }).done(function(data) {
250 if ($.trim(data) != 'success') {
251 if ($.trim(data) != '')
252 alert(data);
253 return;
254 }
255 moved = true;
256 });
257 return moved;
258 },
259 'data': {
260 "url": "getInventoryNode.php",
261 "type": "POST",
262 "dataType": "JSON",
263 "data": function(node) {
264 return == "#" ? "folder=init" : "folder=" +;
265 }
266 }
267 }
268 }).bind('move_node.jstree', function(e, data) {
269 // Once the node is moved, update the node ID to reflect the path change.
270 var parentPath = data.parent != '/' ? data.parent : "";
271 var item =[\/]+/).pop();
272 data.instance.set_id(data.node, parentPath + '/' + item);
273 });
274 });
275 </script>
276 </body>
278 </html>