corrade-http-templates – Blame information for rev 27

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
24 vero 1 -:[ About ]:-
3 The instant message template will allow any web client to send and receive
4 messages to and from avatars on a Linden Lab grid to which Corrade [1]
5 connects to. In this case Corrade acts as a relay for both receiving
6 instant messages on the grid and then displaying the messages online via
7 this template as well as a relay for sending messages by sending an
8 instant message for every message sent by this template.
10 -:[ Requirements ]:-
12 * A modern browser: Chome, Opera, Firefox, Safari...
13 * A webserver.
14 * PHP version 5 and beyond.
15 * the curl extension.
17 -:[ Setup ]:-
19 1.) Rename "config.php.dist" to "config.php" and edit "config.php"
20 to reflect your settings in Corrade.ini
21 2.) Enable the Corrade permissions for your configured group:
22 * talk
23 * notifications
24 3.) Enable the notifications for your configured group:
25 * message
26 4.) Run the installMessage.php file from a console (you only need to
27 do this once):
28 php installMessage.php
29 5.) Place the all the files in a directory on your webserver.
30 6.) Navigate to instantMessage.html in your browser and enjoy.
32 -:[ References ]:-
34 [1] Corrade -