corrade-http-templates – Blame information for rev

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
31 office 1 /**********************
2 Velocity UI Pack
3 **********************/
5 /* UI Pack (5.2.0). (C) 2014 Julian Shapiro. MIT @license: Portions copyright Daniel Eden, Christian Pucci. */
7 (function(factory) {
8 "use strict";
9 /* CommonJS module. */
10 if (typeof require === "function" && typeof exports === "object") {
11 module.exports = factory();
12 /* AMD module. */
13 } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
14 define(["velocity"], factory);
15 /* Browser globals. */
16 } else {
17 factory();
18 }
19 }(function() {
20 "use strict";
21 return function(global, window, document, undefined) {
23 /*************
24 Checks
25 *************/
26 var Velocity = global.Velocity;
28 if (!Velocity || !Velocity.Utilities) {
29 if (window.console) {
30 console.log("Velocity UI Pack: Velocity must be loaded first. Aborting.");
31 }
32 return;
33 }
34 var $ = Velocity.Utilities;
36 var velocityVersion = Velocity.version,
37 requiredVersion = {major: 1, minor: 1, patch: 0};
39 function greaterSemver(primary, secondary) {
40 var versionInts = [];
42 if (!primary || !secondary) {
43 return false;
44 }
46 $.each([primary, secondary], function(i, versionObject) {
47 var versionIntsComponents = [];
49 $.each(versionObject, function(component, value) {
50 while (value.toString().length < 5) {
51 value = "0" + value;
52 }
53 versionIntsComponents.push(value);
54 });
56 versionInts.push(versionIntsComponents.join(""));
57 });
59 return (parseFloat(versionInts[0]) > parseFloat(versionInts[1]));
60 }
62 if (greaterSemver(requiredVersion, velocityVersion)) {
63 var abortError = "Velocity UI Pack: You need to update Velocity (velocity.js) to a newer version. Visit";
64 alert(abortError);
65 throw new Error(abortError);
66 }
68 /************************
69 Effect Registration
70 ************************/
72 /* Note: RegisterUI is a legacy name. */
73 Velocity.RegisterEffect = Velocity.RegisterUI = function(effectName, properties) {
74 /* Animate the expansion/contraction of the elements' parent's height for In/Out effects. */
75 function animateParentHeight(elements, direction, totalDuration, stagger) {
76 var totalHeightDelta = 0,
77 parentNode;
79 /* Sum the total height (including padding and margin) of all targeted elements. */
80 $.each(elements.nodeType ? [elements] : elements, function(i, element) {
81 if (stagger) {
82 /* Increase the totalDuration by the successive delay amounts produced by the stagger option. */
83 totalDuration += i * stagger;
84 }
86 parentNode = element.parentNode;
88 var propertiesToSum = ["height", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom", "marginTop", "marginBottom"];
90 /* If box-sizing is border-box, the height already includes padding and margin */
91 if (Velocity.CSS.getPropertyValue(element, "boxSizing").toString().toLowerCase() === "border-box") {
92 propertiesToSum = ["height"];
93 }
95 $.each(propertiesToSum, function(i, property) {
96 totalHeightDelta += parseFloat(Velocity.CSS.getPropertyValue(element, property));
97 });
98 });
100 /* Animate the parent element's height adjustment (with a varying duration multiplier for aesthetic benefits). */
101 Velocity.animate(
102 parentNode,
103 {height: (direction === "In" ? "+" : "-") + "=" + totalHeightDelta},
104 {queue: false, easing: "ease-in-out", duration: totalDuration * (direction === "In" ? 0.6 : 1)}
105 );
106 }
108 /* Register a custom redirect for each effect. */
109 Velocity.Redirects[effectName] = function(element, redirectOptions, elementsIndex, elementsSize, elements, promiseData, loop) {
110 var finalElement = (elementsIndex === elementsSize - 1),
111 totalDuration = 0;
113 loop = loop || properties.loop;
114 if (typeof properties.defaultDuration === "function") {
115 properties.defaultDuration =, elements);
116 } else {
117 properties.defaultDuration = parseFloat(properties.defaultDuration);
118 }
120 /* Get the total duration used, so we can share it out with everything that doesn't have a duration */
121 for (var callIndex = 0; callIndex < properties.calls.length; callIndex++) {
122 durationPercentage = properties.calls[callIndex][1];
123 if (typeof durationPercentage === "number") {
124 totalDuration += durationPercentage;
125 }
126 }
127 var shareDuration = totalDuration >= 1 ? 0 : properties.calls.length ? (1 - totalDuration) / properties.calls.length : 1;
129 /* Iterate through each effect's call array. */
130 for (callIndex = 0; callIndex < properties.calls.length; callIndex++) {
131 var call = properties.calls[callIndex],
132 propertyMap = call[0],
133 redirectDuration = 1000,
134 durationPercentage = call[1],
135 callOptions = call[2] || {},
136 opts = {};
138 if (redirectOptions.duration !== undefined) {
139 redirectDuration = redirectOptions.duration;
140 } else if (properties.defaultDuration !== undefined) {
141 redirectDuration = properties.defaultDuration;
142 }
144 /* Assign the whitelisted per-call options. */
145 opts.duration = redirectDuration * (typeof durationPercentage === "number" ? durationPercentage : shareDuration);
146 opts.queue = redirectOptions.queue || "";
147 opts.easing = callOptions.easing || "ease";
148 opts.delay = parseFloat(callOptions.delay) || 0;
149 opts.loop = !properties.loop && callOptions.loop;
150 opts._cacheValues = callOptions._cacheValues || true;
152 /* Special processing for the first effect call. */
153 if (callIndex === 0) {
154 /* If a delay was passed into the redirect, combine it with the first call's delay. */
155 opts.delay += (parseFloat(redirectOptions.delay) || 0);
157 if (elementsIndex === 0) {
158 opts.begin = function() {
159 /* Only trigger a begin callback on the first effect call with the first element in the set. */
160 if (redirectOptions.begin) {
161, elements);
162 }
164 var direction = effectName.match(/(In|Out)$/);
166 /* Make "in" transitioning elements invisible immediately so that there's no FOUC between now
167 and the first RAF tick. */
168 if ((direction && direction[0] === "In") && propertyMap.opacity !== undefined) {
169 $.each(elements.nodeType ? [elements] : elements, function(i, element) {
170 Velocity.CSS.setPropertyValue(element, "opacity", 0);
171 });
172 }
174 /* Only trigger animateParentHeight() if we're using an In/Out transition. */
175 if (redirectOptions.animateParentHeight && direction) {
176 animateParentHeight(elements, direction[0], redirectDuration + opts.delay, redirectOptions.stagger);
177 }
178 };
179 }
181 /* If the user isn't overriding the display option, default to "auto" for "In"-suffixed transitions. */
182 if (redirectOptions.display !== null) {
183 if (redirectOptions.display !== undefined && redirectOptions.display !== "none") {
184 opts.display = redirectOptions.display;
185 } else if (/In$/.test(effectName)) {
186 /* Inline elements cannot be subjected to transforms, so we switch them to inline-block. */
187 var defaultDisplay = Velocity.CSS.Values.getDisplayType(element);
188 opts.display = (defaultDisplay === "inline") ? "inline-block" : defaultDisplay;
189 }
190 }
192 if (redirectOptions.visibility && redirectOptions.visibility !== "hidden") {
193 opts.visibility = redirectOptions.visibility;
194 }
195 }
197 /* Special processing for the last effect call. */
198 if (callIndex === properties.calls.length - 1) {
199 /* Append promise resolving onto the user's redirect callback. */
200 var injectFinalCallbacks = function() {
201 if ((redirectOptions.display === undefined || redirectOptions.display === "none") && /Out$/.test(effectName)) {
202 $.each(elements.nodeType ? [elements] : elements, function(i, element) {
203 Velocity.CSS.setPropertyValue(element, "display", "none");
204 });
205 }
206 if (redirectOptions.complete) {
207, elements);
208 }
209 if (promiseData) {
210 promiseData.resolver(elements || element);
211 }
212 };
214 opts.complete = function() {
215 if (loop) {
216 Velocity.Redirects[effectName](element, redirectOptions, elementsIndex, elementsSize, elements, promiseData, loop === true ? true : Math.max(0, loop - 1));
217 }
218 if (properties.reset) {
219 for (var resetProperty in properties.reset) {
220 if (!properties.reset.hasOwnProperty(resetProperty)) {
221 continue;
222 }
223 var resetValue = properties.reset[resetProperty];
225 /* Format each non-array value in the reset property map to [ value, value ] so that changes apply
226 immediately and DOM querying is avoided (via forcefeeding). */
227 /* Note: Don't forcefeed hooks, otherwise their hook roots will be defaulted to their null values. */
228 if (Velocity.CSS.Hooks.registered[resetProperty] === undefined && (typeof resetValue === "string" || typeof resetValue === "number")) {
229 properties.reset[resetProperty] = [properties.reset[resetProperty], properties.reset[resetProperty]];
230 }
231 }
233 /* So that the reset values are applied instantly upon the next rAF tick, use a zero duration and parallel queueing. */
234 var resetOptions = {duration: 0, queue: false};
236 /* Since the reset option uses up the complete callback, we trigger the user's complete callback at the end of ours. */
237 if (finalElement) {
238 resetOptions.complete = injectFinalCallbacks;
239 }
241 Velocity.animate(element, properties.reset, resetOptions);
242 /* Only trigger the user's complete callback on the last effect call with the last element in the set. */
243 } else if (finalElement) {
244 injectFinalCallbacks();
245 }
246 };
248 if (redirectOptions.visibility === "hidden") {
249 opts.visibility = redirectOptions.visibility;
250 }
251 }
253 Velocity.animate(element, propertyMap, opts);
254 }
255 };
257 /* Return the Velocity object so that RegisterUI calls can be chained. */
258 return Velocity;
259 };
261 /*********************
262 Packaged Effects
263 *********************/
265 /* Externalize the packagedEffects data so that they can optionally be modified and re-registered. */
266 /* Support: <=IE8: Callouts will have no effect, and transitions will simply fade in/out. IE9/Android 2.3: Most effects are fully supported, the rest fade in/out. All other browsers: full support. */
267 Velocity.RegisterEffect.packagedEffects =
268 {
269 /* Animate.css */
270 "callout.bounce": {
271 defaultDuration: 550,
272 calls: [
273 [{translateY: -30}, 0.25],
274 [{translateY: 0}, 0.125],
275 [{translateY: -15}, 0.125],
276 [{translateY: 0}, 0.25]
277 ]
278 },
279 /* Animate.css */
280 "callout.shake": {
281 defaultDuration: 800,
282 calls: [
283 [{translateX: -11}],
284 [{translateX: 11}],
285 [{translateX: -11}],
286 [{translateX: 11}],
287 [{translateX: -11}],
288 [{translateX: 11}],
289 [{translateX: -11}],
290 [{translateX: 0}]
291 ]
292 },
293 /* Animate.css */
294 "callout.flash": {
295 defaultDuration: 1100,
296 calls: [
297 [{opacity: [0, "easeInOutQuad", 1]}],
298 [{opacity: [1, "easeInOutQuad"]}],
299 [{opacity: [0, "easeInOutQuad"]}],
300 [{opacity: [1, "easeInOutQuad"]}]
301 ]
302 },
303 /* Animate.css */
304 "callout.pulse": {
305 defaultDuration: 825,
306 calls: [
307 [{scaleX: 1.1, scaleY: 1.1}, 0.50, {easing: "easeInExpo"}],
308 [{scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, 0.50]
309 ]
310 },
311 /* Animate.css */
312 "callout.swing": {
313 defaultDuration: 950,
314 calls: [
315 [{rotateZ: 15}],
316 [{rotateZ: -10}],
317 [{rotateZ: 5}],
318 [{rotateZ: -5}],
319 [{rotateZ: 0}]
320 ]
321 },
322 /* Animate.css */
323 "callout.tada": {
324 defaultDuration: 1000,
325 calls: [
326 [{scaleX: 0.9, scaleY: 0.9, rotateZ: -3}, 0.10],
327 [{scaleX: 1.1, scaleY: 1.1, rotateZ: 3}, 0.10],
328 [{scaleX: 1.1, scaleY: 1.1, rotateZ: -3}, 0.10],
329 ["reverse", 0.125],
330 ["reverse", 0.125],
331 ["reverse", 0.125],
332 ["reverse", 0.125],
333 ["reverse", 0.125],
334 [{scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotateZ: 0}, 0.20]
335 ]
336 },
337 "transition.fadeIn": {
338 defaultDuration: 500,
339 calls: [
340 [{opacity: [1, 0]}]
341 ]
342 },
343 "transition.fadeOut": {
344 defaultDuration: 500,
345 calls: [
346 [{opacity: [0, 1]}]
347 ]
348 },
349 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
350 "transition.flipXIn": {
351 defaultDuration: 700,
352 calls: [
353 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformPerspective: [800, 800], rotateY: [0, -55]}]
354 ],
355 reset: {transformPerspective: 0}
356 },
357 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
358 "transition.flipXOut": {
359 defaultDuration: 700,
360 calls: [
361 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformPerspective: [800, 800], rotateY: 55}]
362 ],
363 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, rotateY: 0}
364 },
365 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
366 "transition.flipYIn": {
367 defaultDuration: 800,
368 calls: [
369 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformPerspective: [800, 800], rotateX: [0, -45]}]
370 ],
371 reset: {transformPerspective: 0}
372 },
373 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
374 "transition.flipYOut": {
375 defaultDuration: 800,
376 calls: [
377 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformPerspective: [800, 800], rotateX: 25}]
378 ],
379 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, rotateX: 0}
380 },
381 /* Animate.css */
382 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
383 "transition.flipBounceXIn": {
384 defaultDuration: 900,
385 calls: [
386 [{opacity: [0.725, 0], transformPerspective: [400, 400], rotateY: [-10, 90]}, 0.50],
387 [{opacity: 0.80, rotateY: 10}, 0.25],
388 [{opacity: 1, rotateY: 0}, 0.25]
389 ],
390 reset: {transformPerspective: 0}
391 },
392 /* Animate.css */
393 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
394 "transition.flipBounceXOut": {
395 defaultDuration: 800,
396 calls: [
397 [{opacity: [0.9, 1], transformPerspective: [400, 400], rotateY: -10}],
398 [{opacity: 0, rotateY: 90}]
399 ],
400 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, rotateY: 0}
401 },
402 /* Animate.css */
403 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
404 "transition.flipBounceYIn": {
405 defaultDuration: 850,
406 calls: [
407 [{opacity: [0.725, 0], transformPerspective: [400, 400], rotateX: [-10, 90]}, 0.50],
408 [{opacity: 0.80, rotateX: 10}, 0.25],
409 [{opacity: 1, rotateX: 0}, 0.25]
410 ],
411 reset: {transformPerspective: 0}
412 },
413 /* Animate.css */
414 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
415 "transition.flipBounceYOut": {
416 defaultDuration: 800,
417 calls: [
418 [{opacity: [0.9, 1], transformPerspective: [400, 400], rotateX: -15}],
419 [{opacity: 0, rotateX: 90}]
420 ],
421 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, rotateX: 0}
422 },
423 /* Magic.css */
424 "transition.swoopIn": {
425 defaultDuration: 850,
426 calls: [
427 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformOriginX: ["100%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["100%", "100%"], scaleX: [1, 0], scaleY: [1, 0], translateX: [0, -700], translateZ: 0}]
428 ],
429 reset: {transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%"}
430 },
431 /* Magic.css */
432 "transition.swoopOut": {
433 defaultDuration: 850,
434 calls: [
435 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformOriginX: ["50%", "100%"], transformOriginY: ["100%", "100%"], scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, translateX: -700, translateZ: 0}]
436 ],
437 reset: {transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%", scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, translateX: 0}
438 },
439 /* Magic.css */
440 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3. (Fades and scales only.) */
441 "transition.whirlIn": {
442 defaultDuration: 850,
443 calls: [
444 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformOriginX: ["50%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["50%", "50%"], scaleX: [1, 0], scaleY: [1, 0], rotateY: [0, 160]}, 1, {easing: "easeInOutSine"}]
445 ]
446 },
447 /* Magic.css */
448 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3. (Fades and scales only.) */
449 "transition.whirlOut": {
450 defaultDuration: 750,
451 calls: [
452 [{opacity: [0, "easeInOutQuint", 1], transformOriginX: ["50%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["50%", "50%"], scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, rotateY: 160}, 1, {easing: "swing"}]
453 ],
454 reset: {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotateY: 0}
455 },
456 "transition.shrinkIn": {
457 defaultDuration: 750,
458 calls: [
459 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformOriginX: ["50%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["50%", "50%"], scaleX: [1, 1.5], scaleY: [1, 1.5], translateZ: 0}]
460 ]
461 },
462 "transition.shrinkOut": {
463 defaultDuration: 600,
464 calls: [
465 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformOriginX: ["50%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["50%", "50%"], scaleX: 1.3, scaleY: 1.3, translateZ: 0}]
466 ],
467 reset: {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}
468 },
469 "transition.expandIn": {
470 defaultDuration: 700,
471 calls: [
472 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformOriginX: ["50%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["50%", "50%"], scaleX: [1, 0.625], scaleY: [1, 0.625], translateZ: 0}]
473 ]
474 },
475 "transition.expandOut": {
476 defaultDuration: 700,
477 calls: [
478 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformOriginX: ["50%", "50%"], transformOriginY: ["50%", "50%"], scaleX: 0.5, scaleY: 0.5, translateZ: 0}]
479 ],
480 reset: {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}
481 },
482 /* Animate.css */
483 "transition.bounceIn": {
484 defaultDuration: 800,
485 calls: [
486 [{opacity: [1, 0], scaleX: [1.05, 0.3], scaleY: [1.05, 0.3]}, 0.35],
487 [{scaleX: 0.9, scaleY: 0.9, translateZ: 0}, 0.20],
488 [{scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}, 0.45]
489 ]
490 },
491 /* Animate.css */
492 "transition.bounceOut": {
493 defaultDuration: 800,
494 calls: [
495 [{scaleX: 0.95, scaleY: 0.95}, 0.35],
496 [{scaleX: 1.1, scaleY: 1.1, translateZ: 0}, 0.35],
497 [{opacity: [0, 1], scaleX: 0.3, scaleY: 0.3}, 0.30]
498 ],
499 reset: {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1}
500 },
501 /* Animate.css */
502 "transition.bounceUpIn": {
503 defaultDuration: 800,
504 calls: [
505 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateY: [-30, 1000]}, 0.60, {easing: "easeOutCirc"}],
506 [{translateY: 10}, 0.20],
507 [{translateY: 0}, 0.20]
508 ]
509 },
510 /* Animate.css */
511 "transition.bounceUpOut": {
512 defaultDuration: 1000,
513 calls: [
514 [{translateY: 20}, 0.20],
515 [{opacity: [0, "easeInCirc", 1], translateY: -1000}, 0.80]
516 ],
517 reset: {translateY: 0}
518 },
519 /* Animate.css */
520 "transition.bounceDownIn": {
521 defaultDuration: 800,
522 calls: [
523 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateY: [30, -1000]}, 0.60, {easing: "easeOutCirc"}],
524 [{translateY: -10}, 0.20],
525 [{translateY: 0}, 0.20]
526 ]
527 },
528 /* Animate.css */
529 "transition.bounceDownOut": {
530 defaultDuration: 1000,
531 calls: [
532 [{translateY: -20}, 0.20],
533 [{opacity: [0, "easeInCirc", 1], translateY: 1000}, 0.80]
534 ],
535 reset: {translateY: 0}
536 },
537 /* Animate.css */
538 "transition.bounceLeftIn": {
539 defaultDuration: 750,
540 calls: [
541 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateX: [30, -1250]}, 0.60, {easing: "easeOutCirc"}],
542 [{translateX: -10}, 0.20],
543 [{translateX: 0}, 0.20]
544 ]
545 },
546 /* Animate.css */
547 "transition.bounceLeftOut": {
548 defaultDuration: 750,
549 calls: [
550 [{translateX: 30}, 0.20],
551 [{opacity: [0, "easeInCirc", 1], translateX: -1250}, 0.80]
552 ],
553 reset: {translateX: 0}
554 },
555 /* Animate.css */
556 "transition.bounceRightIn": {
557 defaultDuration: 750,
558 calls: [
559 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateX: [-30, 1250]}, 0.60, {easing: "easeOutCirc"}],
560 [{translateX: 10}, 0.20],
561 [{translateX: 0}, 0.20]
562 ]
563 },
564 /* Animate.css */
565 "transition.bounceRightOut": {
566 defaultDuration: 750,
567 calls: [
568 [{translateX: -30}, 0.20],
569 [{opacity: [0, "easeInCirc", 1], translateX: 1250}, 0.80]
570 ],
571 reset: {translateX: 0}
572 },
573 "transition.slideUpIn": {
574 defaultDuration: 900,
575 calls: [
576 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateY: [0, 20], translateZ: 0}]
577 ]
578 },
579 "transition.slideUpOut": {
580 defaultDuration: 900,
581 calls: [
582 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateY: -20, translateZ: 0}]
583 ],
584 reset: {translateY: 0}
585 },
586 "transition.slideDownIn": {
587 defaultDuration: 900,
588 calls: [
589 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateY: [0, -20], translateZ: 0}]
590 ]
591 },
592 "transition.slideDownOut": {
593 defaultDuration: 900,
594 calls: [
595 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateY: 20, translateZ: 0}]
596 ],
597 reset: {translateY: 0}
598 },
599 "transition.slideLeftIn": {
600 defaultDuration: 1000,
601 calls: [
602 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateX: [0, -20], translateZ: 0}]
603 ]
604 },
605 "transition.slideLeftOut": {
606 defaultDuration: 1050,
607 calls: [
608 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateX: -20, translateZ: 0}]
609 ],
610 reset: {translateX: 0}
611 },
612 "transition.slideRightIn": {
613 defaultDuration: 1000,
614 calls: [
615 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateX: [0, 20], translateZ: 0}]
616 ]
617 },
618 "transition.slideRightOut": {
619 defaultDuration: 1050,
620 calls: [
621 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateX: 20, translateZ: 0}]
622 ],
623 reset: {translateX: 0}
624 },
625 "transition.slideUpBigIn": {
626 defaultDuration: 850,
627 calls: [
628 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateY: [0, 75], translateZ: 0}]
629 ]
630 },
631 "transition.slideUpBigOut": {
632 defaultDuration: 800,
633 calls: [
634 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateY: -75, translateZ: 0}]
635 ],
636 reset: {translateY: 0}
637 },
638 "transition.slideDownBigIn": {
639 defaultDuration: 850,
640 calls: [
641 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateY: [0, -75], translateZ: 0}]
642 ]
643 },
644 "transition.slideDownBigOut": {
645 defaultDuration: 800,
646 calls: [
647 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateY: 75, translateZ: 0}]
648 ],
649 reset: {translateY: 0}
650 },
651 "transition.slideLeftBigIn": {
652 defaultDuration: 800,
653 calls: [
654 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateX: [0, -75], translateZ: 0}]
655 ]
656 },
657 "transition.slideLeftBigOut": {
658 defaultDuration: 750,
659 calls: [
660 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateX: -75, translateZ: 0}]
661 ],
662 reset: {translateX: 0}
663 },
664 "transition.slideRightBigIn": {
665 defaultDuration: 800,
666 calls: [
667 [{opacity: [1, 0], translateX: [0, 75], translateZ: 0}]
668 ]
669 },
670 "transition.slideRightBigOut": {
671 defaultDuration: 750,
672 calls: [
673 [{opacity: [0, 1], translateX: 75, translateZ: 0}]
674 ],
675 reset: {translateX: 0}
676 },
677 /* Magic.css */
678 "transition.perspectiveUpIn": {
679 defaultDuration: 800,
680 calls: [
681 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformPerspective: [800, 800], transformOriginX: [0, 0], transformOriginY: ["100%", "100%"], rotateX: [0, -180]}]
682 ],
683 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%"}
684 },
685 /* Magic.css */
686 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
687 "transition.perspectiveUpOut": {
688 defaultDuration: 850,
689 calls: [
690 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformPerspective: [800, 800], transformOriginX: [0, 0], transformOriginY: ["100%", "100%"], rotateX: -180}]
691 ],
692 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%", rotateX: 0}
693 },
694 /* Magic.css */
695 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
696 "transition.perspectiveDownIn": {
697 defaultDuration: 800,
698 calls: [
699 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformPerspective: [800, 800], transformOriginX: [0, 0], transformOriginY: [0, 0], rotateX: [0, 180]}]
700 ],
701 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%"}
702 },
703 /* Magic.css */
704 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
705 "transition.perspectiveDownOut": {
706 defaultDuration: 850,
707 calls: [
708 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformPerspective: [800, 800], transformOriginX: [0, 0], transformOriginY: [0, 0], rotateX: 180}]
709 ],
710 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%", rotateX: 0}
711 },
712 /* Magic.css */
713 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
714 "transition.perspectiveLeftIn": {
715 defaultDuration: 950,
716 calls: [
717 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformPerspective: [2000, 2000], transformOriginX: [0, 0], transformOriginY: [0, 0], rotateY: [0, -180]}]
718 ],
719 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%"}
720 },
721 /* Magic.css */
722 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
723 "transition.perspectiveLeftOut": {
724 defaultDuration: 950,
725 calls: [
726 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformPerspective: [2000, 2000], transformOriginX: [0, 0], transformOriginY: [0, 0], rotateY: -180}]
727 ],
728 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%", rotateY: 0}
729 },
730 /* Magic.css */
731 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
732 "transition.perspectiveRightIn": {
733 defaultDuration: 950,
734 calls: [
735 [{opacity: [1, 0], transformPerspective: [2000, 2000], transformOriginX: ["100%", "100%"], transformOriginY: [0, 0], rotateY: [0, 180]}]
736 ],
737 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%"}
738 },
739 /* Magic.css */
740 /* Support: Loses rotation in IE9/Android 2.3 (fades only). */
741 "transition.perspectiveRightOut": {
742 defaultDuration: 950,
743 calls: [
744 [{opacity: [0, 1], transformPerspective: [2000, 2000], transformOriginX: ["100%", "100%"], transformOriginY: [0, 0], rotateY: 180}]
745 ],
746 reset: {transformPerspective: 0, transformOriginX: "50%", transformOriginY: "50%", rotateY: 0}
747 }
748 };
750 /* Register the packaged effects. */
751 for (var effectName in Velocity.RegisterEffect.packagedEffects) {
752 if (Velocity.RegisterEffect.packagedEffects.hasOwnProperty(effectName)) {
753 Velocity.RegisterEffect(effectName, Velocity.RegisterEffect.packagedEffects[effectName]);
754 }
755 }
757 /*********************
758 Sequence Running
759 **********************/
761 /* Note: Sequence calls must use Velocity's single-object arguments syntax. */
762 Velocity.RunSequence = function(originalSequence) {
763 var sequence = $.extend(true, [], originalSequence);
765 if (sequence.length > 1) {
766 $.each(sequence.reverse(), function(i, currentCall) {
767 var nextCall = sequence[i + 1];
769 if (nextCall) {
770 /* Parallel sequence calls (indicated via sequenceQueue:false) are triggered
771 in the previous call's begin callback. Otherwise, chained calls are normally triggered
772 in the previous call's complete callback. */
773 var currentCallOptions = currentCall.o || currentCall.options,
774 nextCallOptions = nextCall.o || nextCall.options;
776 var timing = (currentCallOptions && currentCallOptions.sequenceQueue === false) ? "begin" : "complete",
777 callbackOriginal = nextCallOptions && nextCallOptions[timing],
778 options = {};
780 options[timing] = function() {
781 var nextCallElements = nextCall.e || nextCall.elements;
782 var elements = nextCallElements.nodeType ? [nextCallElements] : nextCallElements;
784 if (callbackOriginal) {
785, elements);
786 }
787 Velocity(currentCall);
788 };
790 if (nextCall.o) {
791 nextCall.o = $.extend({}, nextCallOptions, options);
792 } else {
793 nextCall.options = $.extend({}, nextCallOptions, options);
794 }
795 }
796 });
798 sequence.reverse();
799 }
801 Velocity(sequence[0]);
802 };
803 }((window.jQuery || window.Zepto || window), window, (window ? window.document : undefined));
804 }));