vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 if GetLocale() == "frFR" then
2 GroupCalendar_cTitle = "Calendrier de groupe v%s";
4 GroupCalendar_cSun = "Dim";
5 GroupCalendar_cMon = "Lun";
6 GroupCalendar_cTue = "Mar";
7 GroupCalendar_cWed = "Mer";
8 GroupCalendar_cThu = "Jeu";
9 GroupCalendar_cFri = "Ven";
10 GroupCalendar_cSat = "Sam";
12 GroupCalendar_cSunday = "Dimanche";
13 GroupCalendar_cMonday = "Lundi";
14 GroupCalendar_cTuesday = "Mardi";
15 GroupCalendar_cWednesday = "Mercredi";
16 GroupCalendar_cThursday = "Jeudi";
17 GroupCalendar_cFriday = "Vendredi";
18 GroupCalendar_cSaturday = "Samedi";
20 GroupCalendar_cSelfWillAttend = "%s sera pr\195\169sent";
22 GroupCalendar_cMonthNames = {"Janvier", "Fevrier", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Aout", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Decembre"};
23 GroupCalendar_cDayOfWeekNames = {GroupCalendar_cSunday, GroupCalendar_cMonday, GroupCalendar_cTuesday, GroupCalendar_cWednesday, GroupCalendar_cThursday, GroupCalendar_cFriday, GroupCalendar_cSaturday};
25 GroupCalendar_cLoadMessage = "GroupCalendar charg\195\169. Taper /calendar pour afficher le calendrier";
26 GroupCalendar_cInitializingGuilded = "GroupCalendar: Initialisation des param\195\170tres pour joueur guild\195\169";
27 GroupCalendar_cInitializingUnguilded = "GroupCalendar: Initialisation des param\195\170tres pour joueur non guild\195\169";
28 GroupCalendar_cLocalTimeNote = "(%s local)";
30 GroupCalendar_cOptions = "Configuration...";
32 GroupCalendar_cCalendar = "Calendrier";
33 GroupCalendar_cChannel = "Canal";
34 GroupCalendar_cTrust = "Confiance";
35 GroupCalendar_cAbout = "A propos";
37 GroupCalendar_cUseServerDateTime = "Use server dates and times";
38 GroupCalendar_cUseServerDateTimeDescription = "Turn on to show events using the server date and time, turn off to use your local date and time";
40 GroupCalendar_cChannelConfigTitle = "Config canal de donn\195\169es";
41 GroupCalendar_cChannelConfigDescription = "Le canal de donn\195\169es du calendrier est utilis\195\169 pour envoyer et recevoir les events entre joueurs. Toute personne pouvant joindre le canal pourra voir vos \195\169vents s\'ils le veulent. Pour garder votre calendrier priv\195\169 vous devriez utiliser un mot de passe pour le canal.";
42 GroupCalendar_cAutoChannelConfig = "Configuration de canal automatique";
43 GroupCalendar_cManualChannelConfig = "Configuration du canal manuelle";
44 GroupCalendar_cStoreAutoConfig = "Stockage auto. configure les donn\195\169es depuis les notes du joueur";
45 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfigPlayer = "Nom du joueur :";
46 GroupCalendar_cApplyChannelChanges = "Appliquer";
47 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfigTipTitle = "Configuration canal Automatique";
48 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfigTipDescription = "Obtention automatique des configuration de canal depuis votre tableau de guilde. Vous devez obligatoirement \195\170tre dans une guilde et ce dispositif doit \195\170tre configur\195\169 par un officier de la guilde pour pouvoir l\'utiliser .";
49 GroupCalendar_cManualConfigTipDescription = "Vous permet de saisir manuellement les informations de canal et de mot de passe.";
50 GroupCalendar_cStoreAutoConfigTipDescription = "Permet \195\160 un officier de guilde de stocker la configuration du canal dans la note des joueurs s\195\169lection\195\169s dans le tableau de guilde.";
51 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfigPlayerTipDescription = "Le nom du joueur dans le tableau de guilde ayant les donn\195\169es de configuration du canal.";
52 GroupCalendar_cChannelNameTipTitle = "Nom du canal";
53 GroupCalendar_cChannelNameTipDescription = "Le nom du canal de chat qui sera utilis\195\169 pour envoyer et recevoir les donn\195\169es des \195\169ents des autres joueurs";
54 GroupCalendar_cConnectChannel = "Connecter";
55 GroupCalendar_cDisconnectChannel = "D\195\169connecter";
56 GroupCalendar_cChannelStatus =
57 {
58 Starting = {mText = "Status: D\195\169marrage...", mColor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0.3}},
59 Connected = {mText = "Status: Canal de donn\195\169s connect\195\169", mColor = {r = 0.3, g = 1, b = 0.3}},
60 Disconnected = {mText = "Status: Canal de donn\195\169es non connect\195\169", mColor = {r = 1, g = 0.2, b = 0.4}},
61 Initializing = {mText = "Status: Initialisation du canal de donn\195\169es", mColor = {r = 1, g = 1, b = 0.3}},
62 Error = {mText = "Error: %s", mColor = {r = 1, g = 0.2, b = 0.4}},
63 };
65 GroupCalendar_cConnected = "Connect\195\169";
66 GroupCalendar_cDisconnected = "Deconnect\195\169";
67 GroupCalendar_cTooManyChannels = "Vous avez d\195\169j\195\160 rejoint le nombre maximum de canaux (10)";
68 GroupCalendar_cJoinChannelFailed = "N'a pas joint le canal pour une raison inconnue";
69 GroupCalendar_cWrongPassword = "Le mot de passe est incorrect";
70 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfigNotFound = "Donn\195\169es de configuration non trouv\195\169es dans le tableau de guilde";
71 GroupCalendar_cErrorAccessingNote = "N'a pas pu retrouver les donn\195\169es de configuration";
73 GroupCalendar_cTrustConfigTitle = "Config Confiance";
74 GroupCalendar_cTrustConfigDescription = "Confiance d\195\169signe qui vous autoris\195\169s \195\160 vous ajouter des \195\169vents. Cela ne limite pas qui peut voir les \195\169ventsde votre calendrier. UTilisez un canal de donn\195\169es avec mot de passe pour restreindre l\'acc\195\168s \195\160 votre calendrier.";
75 GroupCalendar_cTrustGroupLabel = "Confiance:";
76 GroupCalendar_cEvent = "Event";
77 GroupCalendar_cAttendance = "Assistance";
79 GroupCalendar_cAboutTitle = "A propos de Group Calendar";
80 GroupCalendar_cTitleVersion = "Group Calendar v"..gGroupCalendar_VersionString;
81 GroupCalendar_cAuthor = "Designed and written by Baylord of Thunderlord";
82 GroupCalendar_cTestersTitle = "Beta Testers";
83 GroupCalendar_cTestersNames = "Agnosbear, Airmid, Allaric, Andrys, Chaz, Deathwave, Drizztt, Fizzlebang, Mistwalker, Ragdzar, Saracen, Thoros, Usps and Zya";
84 GroupCalendar_cSpecialThanksTitle = "Special thanks for their extraordinary support to";
85 GroupCalendar_cSpecialThanksNames = "Agnosbear, Fizzlebang, Mistwalker and SFC Alliance";
86 GroupCalendar_cGuildURL = "";
87 GroupCalendar_cRebuildDatabase = "Reconstruire la base de donn\195\169es";
88 GroupCalendar_cRebuildDatabaseDescription = "Reconstruit la base de don\195\169es de votre personnage. Cela devrait r\195\169soudre les probl\195\168mes pour les personnes qui ne voient pas tous vos \195\169vents, Mais il y a un l\195\169ger risque que certaines r\195\169ponses d\'assistance d\'\195\169vent soient p\195\169rdues.";
90 GroupCalendar_cTrustGroups =
91 {
92 "Quiconque ayant acc\195\168s au canal de donn\195\169es",
93 "Les autres membres de votre guilde",
94 "Uniquement ceux list\195\169s en dessous"
95 };
97 GroupCalendar_cTrustAnyone = "Confiance envers tous ceux ayant acc\195\168s au canal";
98 GroupCalendar_cTrustGuildies = "Confiance envers les membres de la guilde";
99 GroupCalendar_cTrustMinRank = "Rang Minimum:";
100 GroupCalendar_cTrustNobody = "Confiance uniquement \195\160 ceux list\195\169s ci-dessous";
101 GroupCalendar_cTrustedPlayers = "Joueurs additionels";
102 GroupCalendar_cExcludedPlayers = "Joueurs exclus"
103 GroupCalendar_cPlayerName = "Nom du joueur:";
104 GroupCalendar_cAddTrusted = "Confiance";
105 GroupCalendar_cRemoveTrusted = "Retirer";
106 GroupCalendar_cAddExcluded = "Exclure";
108 CalendarEventViewer_cTitle = "Voir Event";
109 CalendarEventViewer_cDone = "Fini";
111 CalendarEventViewer_cLevelRangeFormat = "Niveaux %i \195\160 %i";
112 CalendarEventViewer_cMinLevelFormat = "Niveauxs %i et +";
113 CalendarEventViewer_cMaxLevelFormat = "Jusqu\'au niveau %i";
114 CalendarEventViewer_cAllLevels = "Tous niveaux";
115 CalendarEventViewer_cSingleLevel = "Niveau %i uniquement";
117 CalendarEventViewer_cYes = "Oui! Je participe \195\160 cet \195\169vent";
118 CalendarEventViewer_cNo = "Non. je ne participe pas \195\160 cet \195\169vent";
120 CalendarEventViewer_cResponseMessage =
121 {
122 "Status: Aucune r\195\169ponse envoy\195\169e",
123 "Status: Attente de confirmation",
124 "Status: Confirm\195\169 - Accept\195\169",
125 "Status: Confirm\195\169 - En attente",
126 "Status: Confirm\195\169 - Rejet\195\169",
127 };
129 CalendarEventEditorFrame_cTitle = "Ajout/Modif Event";
130 CalendarEventEditor_cDone = "Fini";
131 CalendarEventEditor_cDelete = "Effacer";
133 CalendarEventEditor_cConfirmDeleteMsg = "Effacer \"%s\"?";
135 -- Event names
137 GroupCalendar_cGeneralEventGroup = "General";
138 GroupCalendar_cDungeonEventGroup = "Dungeons";
139 GroupCalendar_cBattlegroundEventGroup = "Battlegrounds";
141 GroupCalendar_cMeetingEventName = "R\195\169union";
142 GroupCalendar_cBirthdayEventName = "Anniversaire";
144 GroupCalendar_cAQREventName = "Ruines d'Ahn'Qiraj";
145 GroupCalendar_cAQTEventName = "Temple d'Ahn'Qiraj";
146 GroupCalendar_cBFDEventName = "Profondeurs de Brassenoir";
147 GroupCalendar_cBRDEventName = "Profondeurs de Blackrock";
148 GroupCalendar_cUBRSEventName = "Profondeurs de Blackrock (Upper)";
149 GroupCalendar_cLBRSEventName = "Profondeurs de Blackrock (Lower)";
150 GroupCalendar_cBWLEventName = "Repaire de l'Aile Noire";
151 GroupCalendar_cDeadminesEventName = "Les Mortemines";
152 GroupCalendar_cDMEventName = "Hache Tripe";
153 GroupCalendar_cGnomerEventName = "Gnomeregan";
154 GroupCalendar_cMaraEventName = "Maraudon";
155 GroupCalendar_cMCEventName = "Coeur de Magma";
156 GroupCalendar_cOnyxiaEventName = "Repaire d'Onyxia";
157 GroupCalendar_cRFCEventName = "Gouffre de Ragefeu";
158 GroupCalendar_cRFDEventName = "Souilles de Tranchebauge";
159 GroupCalendar_cRFKEventName = "Kraal de Tranchebauge";
160 GroupCalendar_cSMEventName = "Monast\195\168re Ecarlate";
161 GroupCalendar_cScholoEventName = "Scholomance";
162 GroupCalendar_cSFKEventName = "Ombreroc";
163 GroupCalendar_cStockadesEventName = "La Prison";
164 GroupCalendar_cStrathEventName = "Stratholme";
165 GroupCalendar_cSTEventName = "Le Temple Englouti";
166 GroupCalendar_cUldEventName = "Uldaman";
167 GroupCalendar_cWCEventName = "Cavernes de Lamentations";
168 GroupCalendar_cZFEventName = "Zul'Farrak";
169 GroupCalendar_cZGEventName = "Zul'Gurub";
170 GroupCalendar_cAQEventName = "Ahn'Qiraj";
172 GroupCalendar_cABEventName = "Arathi Basin";
173 GroupCalendar_cAVEventName = "Alterac Valley";
174 GroupCalendar_cWSGEventName = "Warsong Gulch";
176 GroupCalendar_cZGResetEventName = "Zul'Gurub Resets";
177 GroupCalendar_cMCResetEventName = "Molten Core Resets";
178 GroupCalendar_cOnyxiaResetEventName = "Onyxia Resets";
179 GroupCalendar_cBWLResetEventName = "Blackwing Lair Resets";
180 GroupCalendar_cAQRResetEventName = "Ahn'Qiraj Ruins Resets";
181 GroupCalendar_cAQTResetEventName = "Ahn'Qiraj Temple Resets";
183 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteCooldownEventName = "Transmute Available";
184 GroupCalendar_cSaltShakerCooldownEventName = "Salt Shaker Available";
185 GroupCalendar_cMoonclothCooldownEventName = "Mooncloth Available";
186 GroupCalendar_cSnowmasterCooldownEventName = "SnowMaster 9000 Available";
188 GroupCalendar_cPersonalEventOwner = "Private";
190 GroupCalendar_cRaidInfoMCName = GroupCalendar_cMCEventName;
191 GroupCalendar_cRaidInfoOnyxiaName = GroupCalendar_cOnyxiaEventName;
192 GroupCalendar_cRaidInfoZGName = GroupCalendar_cZGEventName;
193 GroupCalendar_cRaidInfoBWLName = GroupCalendar_cBWLEventName;
194 GroupCalendar_cRaidInfoAQRName = "Ahn'Qiraj";
195 GroupCalendar_cRaidInfoAQTName = GroupCalendar_cAQTEventName;
197 -- Race names
199 GroupCalendar_cDwarfRaceName = "Nain";
200 GroupCalendar_cGnomeRaceName = "Gnome";
201 GroupCalendar_cHumanRaceName = "Humain";
202 GroupCalendar_cNightElfRaceName = "Elfe de la Nuit";
203 GroupCalendar_cOrcRaceName = "Orc";
204 GroupCalendar_cTaurenRaceName = "Tauren";
205 GroupCalendar_cTrollRaceName = "Troll";
206 GroupCalendar_cUndeadRaceName = "Mort-vivan";
207 GroupCalendar_cBloodElfRaceName = "Elfe de Sang";
208 GroupCalendar_cDraeneiRaceName = "Draenei";
210 -- Class names
212 GroupCalendar_cDruidClassName = "Druide";
213 GroupCalendar_cHunterClassName = "Chasseur";
214 GroupCalendar_cMageClassName = "Mage";
215 GroupCalendar_cPaladinClassName = "Paladin";
216 GroupCalendar_cPriestClassName = "Pr\195\170tre";
217 GroupCalendar_cRogueClassName = "Voleur";
218 GroupCalendar_cShamanClassName = "Chaman";
219 GroupCalendar_cWarlockClassName = "D\195\169moniste";
220 GroupCalendar_cWarriorClassName = "Guerrier";
222 -- Plural forms of class names
224 GroupCalendar_cDruidsClassName = "Druides";
225 GroupCalendar_cHuntersClassName = "Chasseurs";
226 GroupCalendar_cMagesClassName = "Mages";
227 GroupCalendar_cPaladinsClassName = "Paladins";
228 GroupCalendar_cPriestsClassName = "Pr\195\170tres";
229 GroupCalendar_cRoguesClassName = "Voleurs";
230 GroupCalendar_cShamansClassName = "Chamans";
231 GroupCalendar_cWarlocksClassName = "D\195\169monistes";
232 GroupCalendar_cWarriorsClassName = "Guerriers";
234 -- ClassColorNames are the indices for the RAID_CLASS_COLORS array found in FrameXML\Fonts.xml
235 -- in the English version of WoW these are simply the class names in caps, I don't know if that's
236 -- true of other languages so I'm putting them here in case they need to be localized
238 GroupCalendar_cDruidClassColorName = "DRUID";
239 GroupCalendar_cHunterClassColorName = "HUNTER";
240 GroupCalendar_cMageClassColorName = "MAGE";
241 GroupCalendar_cPaladinClassColorName = "PALADIN";
242 GroupCalendar_cPriestClassColorName = "PRIEST";
243 GroupCalendar_cRogueClassColorName = "ROGUE";
244 GroupCalendar_cShamanClassColorName = "SHAMAN";
245 GroupCalendar_cWarlockClassColorName = "WARLOCK";
246 GroupCalendar_cWarriorClassColorName = "WARRIOR";
248 -- Label forms of the class names for the attendance panel. Usually just the plural
249 -- form of the name followed by a colon
251 GroupCalendar_cDruidsLabel = GroupCalendar_cDruidsClassName..":";
252 GroupCalendar_cHuntersLabel = GroupCalendar_cHuntersClassName..":";
253 GroupCalendar_cMagesLabel = GroupCalendar_cMagesClassName..":";
254 GroupCalendar_cPaladinsLabel = GroupCalendar_cPaladinsClassName..":";
255 GroupCalendar_cPriestsLabel = GroupCalendar_cPriestsClassName..":";
256 GroupCalendar_cRoguesLabel = GroupCalendar_cRoguesClassName..":";
257 GroupCalendar_cShamansLabel = GroupCalendar_cShamansClassName..":";
258 GroupCalendar_cWarlocksLabel = GroupCalendar_cWarlocksClassName..":";
259 GroupCalendar_cWarriorsLabel = GroupCalendar_cWarriorsClassName..":";
261 GroupCalendar_cTimeLabel = "Temps:";
262 GroupCalendar_cDurationLabel = "Dur\195\169e:";
263 GroupCalendar_cEventLabel = "Event:";
264 GroupCalendar_cTitleLabel = "Titre:";
265 GroupCalendar_cLevelsLabel = "Niveaux:";
266 GroupCalendar_cLevelRangeSeparator = "\195\160";
267 GroupCalendar_cDescriptionLabel = "Description:";
268 GroupCalendar_cCommentLabel = "Commentaire:";
270 CalendarEditor_cNewEvent = "Nouvel Event...";
271 CalendarEditor_cEventsTitle = "Events";
273 GroupCalendar_cGermanTranslation = "Traduction allemande: Palyr de Silver Hand";
274 GroupCalendar_cFrenchTranslation = "Traduction fran\195\167aise: Kisanth de Dalaran (EU)";
275 GroupCalendar_cChineseTranslation = "Chinese translation by Aska of Royaltia (HK)";
277 CalendarEventEditor_cNotAttending = "Ne viens pas";
278 CalendarEventEditor_cConfirmed = "Confirm\195\169";
279 CalendarEventEditor_cDeclined = "Declin\195\169";
280 CalendarEventEditor_cStandby = "En attente";
281 CalendarEventEditor_cPending = "En suspens";
282 CalendarEventEditor_cUnknownStatus = "Inconnu %s";
284 GroupCalendar_cChannelNameLabel = "Nom de canal:";
285 GroupCalendar_cPasswordLabel = "Mot de passe:";
287 GroupCalendar_cTimeRangeFormat = "%s \195\160 %s";
289 GroupCalendar_cPluralMinutesFormat = "%d minutes";
290 GroupCalendar_cSingularHourFormat = "%d heure";
291 GroupCalendar_cPluralHourFormat = "%d heures";
292 GroupCalendar_cSingularHourPluralMinutes = "%d heure %d minutes";
293 GroupCalendar_cPluralHourPluralMinutes = "%d heures %d minutes";
295 GroupCalendar_cLongDateFormat = "$day. $month $year";
296 GroupCalendar_cLongDateFormatWithDayOfWeek = "$dow $day. $month $year";
298 GroupCalendar_cNotAttending = "Ne viens pas";
299 GroupCalendar_cAttending = "Viens";
300 GroupCalendar_cPendingApproval = "Attente d\'approbation";
302 BINDING_HEADER_GROUPCALENDAR_TITLE = "Calendrier de groupe";
305 -- Tradeskill cooldown items
307 GroupCalendar_cHerbalismSkillName = "Herboriste";
308 GroupCalendar_cAlchemySkillName = "Alchimie";
309 GroupCalendar_cEnchantingSkillName = "Enchantement";
310 GroupCalendar_cLeatherworkingSkillName = "Travail du cuir";
311 GroupCalendar_cSkinningSkillName = "Skinning";
312 GroupCalendar_cTailoringSkillName = "Couture";
313 GroupCalendar_cMiningSkillName = "Minage";
314 GroupCalendar_cBlacksmithingSkillName = "Forge";
315 GroupCalendar_cEngineeringSkillName = "Ing\195\169nierie";
317 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteMithrilToTruesilver = "Transmutation : Mithril en vrai-argent";
318 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteIronToGold = "TTransmutation : Fer en Or";
319 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteLifeToEarth = "Transmutation de la Vie en Terre";
320 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteWaterToUndeath = "Transmutation de l'Eau en Non-mort";
321 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteWaterToAir = "Transmutation de l'Eau en Air";
322 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteUndeathToWater = "Transmutation du Non-mort en Eau";
323 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteFireToEarth = "Transmutation du Feu en Terre";
324 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteEarthToLife = "Transmutation de la Terre en Vie";
325 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteEarthToWater = "Transmutation de la Terre en Eau";
326 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteAirToFire = "Transmutation de l'Air en Feu";
327 GroupCalendar_cTransmuteArcanite = "Transmutation d'arcanite";
328 GroupCalendar_cMooncloth = "Etoffe lunaire";
330 GroupCalendar_cCharactersLabel = "Character:";
332 GroupCalendar_cConfirmed = "Accepted";
333 GroupCalendar_cStandby = "Standby";
334 GroupCalendar_cDeclined = "Declined";
335 GroupCalendar_cRemove = "Remove";
336 GroupCalendar_cEditPlayer = "Edit Player...";
337 GroupCalendar_cInviteNow = "Inivte to group";
338 GroupCalendar_cStatus = "Status";
339 GroupCalendar_cAddPlayerEllipses = "Add player...";
341 GroupCalendar_cAddPlayer = "Add player";
342 GroupCalendar_cPlayerLevel = "Level:";
343 GroupCalendar_cPlayerClassLabel = "Class:";
344 GroupCalendar_cPlayerRaceLabel = "Race:";
345 GroupCalendar_cPlayerStatusLabel = "Status:";
346 GroupCalendar_cRankLabel = "Guild rank:";
347 GroupCalendar_cGuildLabel = "Guild:";
348 GroupCalendar_cSave = "Save";
349 GroupCalendar_cLastWhisper = "Last whisper:";
350 GroupCalendar_cReplyWhisper = "Whisper reply:";
352 GroupCalendar_cUnknown = "Unknown";
353 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfirmationTitle = "Automatic Confirmations";
354 GroupCalendar_cEnableAutoConfirm = "Enable automatic confirmations";
355 GroupCalendar_cMinLabel = "min";
356 GroupCalendar_cMaxLabel = "max";
358 GroupCalendar_cAddPlayerTitle = "Add...";
359 GroupCalendar_cAutoConfirmButtonTitle = "Settings...";
361 GroupCalendar_cClassLimitDescription = "Use the fields below to set minimum and maximum numbers for each class. Classes which haven't met the minimum yet will be filled first, the extra spots will be filled in order of response until the maximums are reached.";
363 GroupCalendar_cViewByDate = "View by Date";
364 GroupCalendar_cViewByRank = "View by Rank";
365 GroupCalendar_cViewByName = "View by Name";
366 GroupCalendar_cViewByStatus = "View by Status";
367 GroupCalendar_cViewByClassRank = "View by Class and Rank";
369 GroupCalendar_cMaxPartySizeLabel = "Maximum party size:";
370 GroupCalendar_cMinPartySizeLabel = "Minimum party size:";
371 GroupCalendar_cNoMinimum = "No minimum";
372 GroupCalendar_cNoMaximum = "No maximum";
373 GroupCalendar_cPartySizeFormat = "%d players";
375 GroupCalendar_cInviteButtonTitle = "Invite Selected";
376 GroupCalendar_cAutoSelectButtonTitle = "Select Players...";
377 GroupCalendar_cAutoSelectWindowTitle = "Select Players";
379 GroupCalendar_cNoSelection = "No players selected";
380 GroupCalendar_cSingleSelection = "1 player selected";
381 GroupCalendar_cMultiSelection = "%d players selected";
383 GroupCalendar_cInviteNeedSelectionStatus = "Select players to be invited";
384 GroupCalendar_cInviteReadyStatus = "Ready to invite";
385 GroupCalendar_cInviteInitialInvitesStatus = "Sending initial invitations";
386 GroupCalendar_cInviteAwaitingAcceptanceStatus = "Waiting for initial acceptance";
387 GroupCalendar_cInviteConvertingToRaidStatus = "Converting to raid";
388 GroupCalendar_cInviteInvitingStatus = "Sending invitations";
389 GroupCalendar_cInviteCompleteStatus = "Invitations completed";
390 GroupCalendar_cInviteReadyToRefillStatus = "Ready to fill vacant slots";
391 GroupCalendar_cInviteNoMoreAvailableStatus = "No more players available to fill the group";
392 GroupCalendar_cRaidFull = "Raid full";
394 GroupCalendar_cInviteWhisperFormat = "[GroupCalendar] You are being invited to the event '%s'. Please accept the invitation if you wish to join this event.";
395 GroupCalendar_cAlreadyGroupedWhisper = "[GroupCalendar] You are already in a group. Please /w back when you leave your group.";
396 GroupCalendar_cAlreadyGroupedSysMsg = "(.+) is already in a group";
397 GroupCalendar_cInviteDeclinedSysMsg = "(.+) declines your group invitation.";
398 GroupCalendar_cNoSuchPlayerSysMsg = "No player named '(.+)' is currently playing.";
400 GroupCalendar_cJoinedGroupStatus = "Joined";
401 GropuCalendar_cInvitedGroupStatus = "Invited";
402 GropuCalendar_cReadyGroupStatus = "Ready";
403 GroupCalendar_cGroupedGroupStatus = "In another group";
404 GroupCalendar_cStandbyGroupStatus = "Standby";
405 GroupCalendar_cDeclinedGroupStatus = "Declined invitation";
406 GroupCalendar_cOfflineGroupStatus = "Offline";
407 GroupCalendar_cLeftGroupStatus = "Left group";
409 GroupCalendar_cPriorityLabel = "Priority:";
410 GroupCalendar_cPriorityDate = "Date";
411 GroupCalendar_cPriorityRank = "Rank";
413 GroupCalendar_cConfrimDeleteRSVP = "Remove %s from this event? They can't join again unless you add them back manually.";
415 GroupCalendar_cConfirmSelfUpdateMsg = "%s";
416 GroupCalendar_cConfirmSelfUpdateParamFormat = "A newer copy of the events for $mUserName is available from $mSender. Do you want to update your events to the newer version? If you update then any events you've added or changed since logging in will be lost.";
417 GroupCalendar_cConfirmSelfRSVPUpdateParamFormat = "A newer copy of the attendance requests for %mUserName is available from $mSender. Do you wnat to update your attendance requests to the newer version? If you update then any unconfirmed attendance changes you've made since logging in will be lost.";
418 GroupCalendar_cUpdate = "Update";
420 GroupCalendar_cConfirmClearWhispers = "Clear all recent whispers?";
421 GroupCalendar_cClear = "Clear";
422 end