vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("ItemBonusesFu")
3 L:RegisterTranslations("zhTW", function() return {
4 ["Easy access item bonuses."] = "簡易模式", -- Desc
5 ["Item Bonuses"] = "Item Bonuses", -- TEXT
6 ["IB"] = "IB", -- SHORT_TEXT
7 ["Display none"] = "不顯示", -- DISPLAY_NONE
8 ["Show label text"] = "顯示標籤文字", -- SHOWLABEL
9 ["Brief label text"] = "顯示簡短標籤文字", -- SHORTDISPLAY
10 ["Show Colored text"] = "顯示彩色文字", -- COLORED
11 ["BonusScanner N/A"] = "掃瞄物品屬性", -- BONUSSCANNER_MISSING
12 ["Attributes"] = "屬性", -- CAT - ATT
13 ["Resistance"] = "抗性", -- CAT - RES
14 ["Skills"] = "技能", -- CAT - SKILL
15 ["Melee and ranged combat"] = "近戰與遠戰", -- CAT - BON
16 ["Spells"] = "法術", -- CAT - SBON
17 ["Life and mana"] = "生命與法力" --CAT - OBON
18 } end)