vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

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Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1  
3 function FlightTime_OnLoad()
4 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST");
5 this:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED");
6 this:RegisterEvent("VARIABLES_LOADED");
7 this:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_OPENED");
8 this:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_CLOSED");
10 SlashCmdList["FLIGHTTIME"] = FlightTime_Slash_Handler
12 SLASH_FLIGHTTIMEE2 = "/flighttime"
14 Saved_GameTooltipOnShowFunction = GameTooltip:GetScript("OnShow")
15 GameTooltip:SetScript("OnShow",FT_ShowTooltip)
17 taxiMapIsOpen = 0
18 end
20 function FT_ShowTooltip()
22 --[[
23 FT_ChatMsg("---------")
24 local kids = { GameTooltip:GetChildren() };
25 for _,child in ipairs(kids) do
26 FT_ChatMsg(child:GetName())
27 end
28 FT_ChatMsg("---------")]]--
30 if (taxiMapIsOpen == 1) then
31 copperCost = 0
32 silverCost = 0
33 goldCost = 0
34 if (GameTooltipMoneyFrameCopperButton:GetText()) then
35 copperCost = GameTooltipMoneyFrameCopperButton:GetText()
36 end
37 if (GameTooltipMoneyFrameSilverButton:GetText()) then
38 silverCost = GameTooltipMoneyFrameSilverButton:GetText()
39 end
40 if (GameTooltipMoneyFrameGoldButton:GetText()) then
41 goldCost = GameTooltipMoneyFrameGoldButton:GetText()
42 end
43 totalCost = copperCost + (silverCost * 100) + (goldCost * 10000)
44 --FT_ChatMsg("Total Cost: " .. totalCost)
46 TtText = GameTooltipTextLeft1:GetText()
47 numTaxiSpots = NumTaxiNodes()
48 taxiNode = 1
50 while (taxiNode <= numTaxiSpots) do
51 if (TaxiNodeCost(taxiNode) == 0) then
52 FT_startPoint = string.gsub(TaxiNodeName(taxiNode), "(%,.*)", "")
53 end
54 taxiNode = taxiNode + 1
55 end
57 taxiNode = 1
58 while (taxiNode <= numTaxiSpots) do
59 if (TaxiNodeName(taxiNode) == TtText) then
60 FT_endPoint = string.gsub(TaxiNodeName(taxiNode), "(%,.*)", "")
61 pointString = FT_startPoint .. "_to_" .. FT_endPoint
62 if (FTDB[pointString]) then
63 Flight_Time = FT_ConvertTime(FTDB[pointString])
64 else
65 Flight_Time = "Unknown"
66 end
67 if (FT_startPoint ~= FT_endPoint) then
68 --FT_ChatMsg(FT_startPoint .. " to " .. FT_endPoint .. ": " .. Flight_Time)
69 GameTooltip:AddLine("ETA: " .. Flight_Time,1,1,1)
70 GameTooltip:SetHeight(GameTooltip:GetHeight() + 15)
71 end
72 end
73 taxiNode = taxiNode + 1
74 end
77 end
80 if (Saved_GameTooltipOnShowFunction) then
81 Saved_GameTooltipOnShowFunction()
82 end
85 end
87 function FlightTime_OnEvent(event)
88 if (event == "VARIABLES_LOADED") then
89 FT_LoadVars()
90 -- FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime Loaded! Type /ft or /flighttime for more info")
92 elseif (event == "PLAYER_CONTROL_LOST") then
93 FT_onFlight = 0
94 FlightTime:Show()
95 --[[FT_ChatMsg("Leavin on a jet plane")
96 if (UnitOnTaxi("player")) then
97 FT_onFlight = 1
98 FT_startTime = GetTime()
99 FlightTime:Show()
100 else
101 FT_onFlight = 0
102 end]]
103 -- check to see if they are on a griffon
104 elseif (event == "PLAYER_CONTROL_GAINED") then
105 if (FT_onFlight == 1) then
106 FT_endTime = GetTime()
107 FT_totalTime = FT_endTime - FT_startTime
108 FT_onFlight = 0
109 FlightTime:SetAlpha(0)
110 if (FTDB[pointString] == nil) then
111 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime: Saved data going from " .. FT_startPoint .. " to " .. FT_endPoint)
112 end
113 FTDB[pointString] = FT_totalTime
114 FlightTime:Hide()
115 end
116 -- check to see if they were just on a griffon
117 elseif (event == "TAXIMAP_OPENED") then
118 taxiMapIsOpen = 1
119 elseif (event == "TAXIMAP_CLOSED") then
120 taxiMapIsOpen = 0
121 end
122 end
124 function FT_ChatMsg(msg)
126 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffffffff" .. msg);
127 end
128 end
130 function FlightTime_UpdateTime()
131 if (UnitOnTaxi("player") and FT_onFlight == 0) then
132 FlightTime:SetAlpha(1)
133 FT_onFlight = 1
134 FT_startTime = GetTime()
135 end
137 if (FT_onFlight == 1) then
138 if (FTDB[pointString]) then
139 FT_FormatDisplay(0)
140 timeRemaining = FTround(FTDB[pointString] - (GetTime() - FT_startTime),0)
141 if (timeRemaining < 0) then timeRemaining = 0 end -- don't display negative seconds
142 minutes = math.floor(timeRemaining/60)
143 seconds = timeRemaining - (minutes*60)
144 seconds = tostring(seconds)
145 if (string.len(seconds) == 1) then
146 seconds = "0" .. seconds
147 end
148 if (FTDB["display"] == 1) then
149 dispString = FT_endPoint .. " - " .. minutes .. ":" .. seconds
150 else
151 dispString = minutes .. ":" .. seconds
152 end
153 FlightTime_Text:SetText(dispString)
154 else
155 FT_FormatDisplay(1)
156 FlightTime_Text:SetText("Recording Flight Times");
157 end
158 end
159 end
161 function FT_ConvertTime(totalSeconds)
162 totalSeconds = FTround(totalSeconds,0)
163 if (totalSeconds < 0) then totalSeconds = 0 end -- don't display negative seconds
164 minutes = math.floor(totalSeconds/60)
165 seconds = totalSeconds - (minutes*60)
166 seconds = tostring(seconds)
167 if (string.len(seconds) == 1) then
168 seconds = "0" .. seconds
169 end
170 dispString = minutes .. ":" .. seconds
171 return dispString
172 end
174 function FlightTime_Slash_Handler(msg)
175 argv = {};
176 for arg in string.gfind(string.lower(msg), '[%a%d%-%.]+') do
177 table.insert(argv, arg);
178 end
180 if (argv[1] == "forcehide") then
181 if (FTDB["forcehide"] == 0) then
182 FTDB["forcehide"] = 1
183 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime display de-activated, data to new Flight Path's will still be recorded")
184 else
185 if (UnitOnTaxi("player")) then FlightTime:Show() end
186 FTDB["forcehide"] = 0
187 FT_ChatMsg("Flight display activated")
188 end
189 elseif (argv[1] == "color") then
190 if (argv[2]) then
191 if (argv[2] == "blue") then
192 FTDB["color"] = argv[2]
193 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime background color set to " .. FTDB["color"])
194 elseif (argv[2] == "green") then
195 FTDB["color"] = argv[2]
196 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime background color set to " .. FTDB["color"])
197 elseif (argv[2] == "yellow") then
198 FTDB["color"] = argv[2]
199 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime background color set to " .. FTDB["color"])
200 elseif (argv[2] == "red") then
201 FTDB["color"] = argv[2]
202 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime background color set to " .. FTDB["color"])
203 else
204 FT_ChatMsg("Invalid color: " .. argv[2] .. ". Example: '/ft color blue'")
205 end
206 else
207 FT_ChatMsg("You must specify a color! Example: '/ft color blue'")
208 end
209 elseif (argv[1] == "bgtoggle") then
210 if (FTDB["bgtoggle"] == 0) then
211 FTDB["bgtoggle"] = .5
212 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime background disabled")
213 else
214 FTDB["bgtoggle"] = 0
215 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime background enabled")
216 end
217 elseif (argv[1] == "display") then
218 if (FTDB["display"] == 0) then
219 FTDB["display"] = 1
220 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime now displaying Destination and time remaining")
221 else
222 FTDB["display"] = 0
223 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime only showing time remaining")
224 end
225 elseif (argv[1] == "notify") then
226 if (FTDB["notify"] == 0) then
227 FTDB["notify"] = 1
228 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime will no longer display when recording data")
229 else
230 FTDB["notify"] = 0
231 if (UnitOnTaxi("player")) then FlightTime:Show() end
232 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime will now display when recording data")
233 end
234 else
235 if (argv[1] == nil) then
236 FlightTime_Help()
237 else
238 FT_ChatMsg("Invalid command: " .. argv[1] .. ". Type /ft for more info")
239 end
240 end
241 end
243 function FlightTime_Help()
244 FT_ChatMsg("FlightTime Commands");
245 FT_ChatMsg("----------------------------------");
246 FT_ChatMsg("/ft forcehide - toggles display during flight (times are still recorded)");
247 FT_ChatMsg("/ft color green|yellow|blue|red - sets background color");
248 FT_ChatMsg("/ft bgtoggle - toggles display of background");
249 FT_ChatMsg("/ft record - toggles display when data is being recorded for the first time");
250 FT_ChatMsg("/ft display - toggles short or long display of time left");
251 end
253 function FTround( num, vdp )
254 local vdp = vdp or 2
255 return tonumber( string.format("%."..vdp.."f", num ) )
256 end
258 function FT_FormatDisplay(recording)
259 if (FTDB["forcehide"] == 1) then FlightTime:Hide() end
260 if (recording == 1) then
261 if (FTDB["notify"] == 1) then FlightTime:Hide() end
262 end
263 if (FTDB["color"] == "blue") then
264 FlightTime:SetBackdropColor(0,0,1,FTDB["bgtoggle"])
265 elseif (FTDB["color"] == "green") then
266 FlightTime:SetBackdropColor(0,1,0,FTDB["bgtoggle"])
267 elseif (FTDB["color"] == "red") then
268 FlightTime:SetBackdropColor(1,0,0,FTDB["bgtoggle"])
269 else --yellow
270 FlightTime:SetBackdropColor(1,1,0,FTDB["bgtoggle"])
271 end
272 end
274 function FT_LoadVars()
275 if (FTDB == nil) then
276 FTDB = {}
277 end
279 if (FTDB["forcehide"] == nil) then
280 FTDB["forcehide"] = 0
281 end
282 if (FTDB["color"] == nil) then
283 FTDB["color"] = "blue"
284 end
285 if (FTDB["bgtoggle"] == nil) then
286 FTDB["bgtoggle"] = .5
287 end
288 if (FTDB["display"] == nil) then
289 FTDB["display"] = 1
290 end
291 if (FTDB["notify"] == nil) then
292 FTDB["notify"] = 0
293 end
295 pointsArray = nil
296 pointsArray = {}
297 end