vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 Release note on adding zhTW (Traditional Chinese) localization.
3 Written by Janus Ng []
5 I have added zhTW localization on Druid Bar v.3.14 for a while. In the mean time, World of Warcraft has updated a few times to v.1.9.2 and Druid Bar has released v.3.2 and v.3.21 as well.
7 I have merged my existing code to the v.3.21. I have cleaned up the code in DruidBar_GetShapeshiftCost() function and put the localizaltion code into a proper place (localization.lua) instead. Furthermore, the DruidBar.lua and localization.lua files were incorrectly encoding in ISO latin 1. I have promoted them to utf-8.
9 I have successfully tested my version in World of Warcraft 1.9.2. Everything works fine. However, I am unsure about the newly added searching strings for mana regeneration items are matching the in game wordings, since I don't have any of those item in the character I am playing with. If they were not matching, I will correct them later. Nonetheless, I prefer to release this version first as it will ease the merging problems if Druid Bar releases another revision before my verification.