vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 --DeShift AddON by Leleth--
3 -- Basically tries to react to some errors
4 -- For example: Trying to Starfire, while sitting around in Cat-Form, having no target selected will
5 -- Stand you up on first press
6 -- Shifting to humanoid form on second
7 -- Selecting the nearest target on third
8 -- Cast Starfire
10 --Trying to Bash while in CatForm will
11 --Bring you to Humanoid Form
12 --Bring you to Bear Form
13 --Bash
15 local current_argument = "";
17 function DeShift_OnLoad()
18 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("You gain DeShift AddOn by Leleth")
19 _,lclass = UnitClass("player")
20 if (lclass == "DRUID") then
21 isDruid = true
22 end
23 this:RegisterEvent("UI_ERROR_MESSAGE")
24 end
26 function DeShift_OnEvent()
27 DeShift_Loop()
28 end
30 function DeShift_Loop()
31 local i = 1;
32 while(getglobal("arg"..i) ~= nil) do
33 current_argument = getglobal("arg"..i);
34 if _CheckFor( Wantstandup) then
35 SitOrStand()
36 return
37 end
38 if _CheckFor( Wanttarget) then
39 TargetNearestEnemy()
40 return
41 end
42 if _CheckFor( Wantspeak) then
43 if isDruid then
44 Shapeshift(humanoid_form)
45 return
46 end
47 end
48 if _CheckFor( WantHumanoidSkill) then
49 if isDruid then
50 Shapeshift(humanoid_form)
51 return
52 end
53 end
54 if _CheckFor( WantHumanoidSkillTwo) then
55 if isDruid then
56 Shapeshift(humanoid_form)
57 return
58 end
59 end
60 if _CheckFor( WantBearSkillOne) then
61 if isDruid then
62 Shapeshift(bear_form)
63 return
64 end
65 end
66 if _CheckFor( WantBearSkillTwo) then
67 if isDruid then
68 Shapeshift(bear_form)
69 return
70 end
71 end
72 if _CheckFor( WantCatSkillOne) then
73 if isDruid then
74 Shapeshift(cat_form)
75 return
76 end
77 end
78 if _CheckFor( WantCatSkillTwo) then
79 if isDruid then
80 Shapeshift(cat_form)
81 return
82 end
83 end
84 i = i+1;
85 end
86 end
89 function _CheckFor(TheString)
90 if (TheString ~= nil) then
91 if ((string.find(current_argument, TheString) ~= nil)) then
92 return true
93 else
94 return false
95 end
96 else
97 DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("DeShift Error: Compare String is Nil value. Check the localisation.lua for errors!")
98 return false;
99 end
100 end