vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 DHUD_HexTable = {
2 ["0"] = 0,
3 ["1"] = 1,
4 ["2"] = 2,
5 ["3"] = 3,
6 ["4"] = 4,
7 ["5"] = 5,
8 ["6"] = 6,
9 ["7"] = 7,
10 ["8"] = 8,
11 ["9"] = 9,
12 ["a"] = 10,
13 ["b"] = 11,
14 ["c"] = 12,
15 ["d"] = 13,
16 ["e"] = 14,
17 ["f"] = 15
18 }
20 -- hexcolor to rgb
21 function DHUD_hextodec(hex)
23 local r1 = tonumber(DHUD_HexTable[ string.lower(string.sub(hex,1,1)) ] * 16);
24 local r2 = tonumber(DHUD_HexTable[ string.lower(string.sub(hex,2,2)) ]);
25 local r = (r1 + r2) / 255;
27 local g1 = tonumber(DHUD_HexTable[ string.lower(string.sub(hex,3,3)) ] * 16);
28 local g2 = tonumber(DHUD_HexTable[ string.lower(string.sub(hex,4,4)) ]);
29 local g = (g1 + g2) / 255;
31 local b1 = tonumber(DHUD_HexTable[ string.lower(string.sub(hex,5,5)) ] * 16);
32 local b2 = tonumber(DHUD_HexTable[ string.lower(string.sub(hex,6,6)) ]);
33 local b = (b1 + b2) / 255;
35 return {r,g,b}
36 end
38 -- decimal to hex
39 function DHUD_DecToHex(red,green,blue)
40 if ( not red or not green or not blue ) then
41 return "ffffff"
42 end
44 red = floor(red * 255)
45 green = floor(green * 255)
46 blue = floor(blue * 255)
48 local a,b,c,d,e,f
50 a = DHUD_GiveHex(floor(red / 16))
51 b = DHUD_GiveHex(math.mod(red,16))
52 c = DHUD_GiveHex(floor(green / 16))
53 d = DHUD_GiveHex(math.mod(green,16))
54 e = DHUD_GiveHex(floor(blue / 16))
55 f = DHUD_GiveHex(math.mod(blue,16))
57 return a..b..c..d..e..f
58 end
60 function DHUD_GiveHex(dec)
61 for key, value in DHUD_HexTable do
62 if ( dec == value ) then
63 return key
64 end
65 end
66 return ""..dec
67 end
69 -- table copy
70 function DHUD_tablecopy(tbl)
71 if type(tbl) ~= "table" then return tbl end
72 local t = {}
73 for i,v in pairs(tbl) do
74 t[i] = DHUD_tablecopy(v)
75 end
76 table.setn(t, table.getn(tbl))
77 return setmetatable(t, DHUD_tablecopy(getmetatable(tbl)))
78 end
80 -- telos mobhealth support
81 function DHUD_MobHealth_PPP(index)
82 if( index and MobHealthDB[index] ) then
83 local s, e;
84 local pts;
85 local pct;
87 s, e, pts, pct = string.find(MobHealthDB[index], "^(%d+)/(%d+)$");
88 if( pts and pct ) then
89 pts = pts + 0;
90 pct = pct + 0;
91 if( pct ~= 0 ) then
92 return pts / pct;
93 end
94 end
95 end
96 return 0;
97 end