vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 -- AddonMenu (Satrina@Stormrage)
2 -- An embedded library to support addon configuration menus in the SELF menu
3 -- See AddonMenu.txt for usage
5 local version = 1.6
7 if not AddonMenu or (AddonMenu.version < version) then
9 local prevAddonMenu = AddonMenu
11 AddonMenu = {
12 version = version,
13 debug = nil,
15 --------------------
16 -- User functions --
17 --------------------
19 --
20 -- AddMenuItem
21 -- Add text as a menu option to the addon menu callback will be invoked when the user selects it
22 --
23 AddMenuItem = function(self, name, callbackFunc, submenu)
24 self:Init()
25 if not submenu then
26 table.insert(UnitPopupMenus["ADDON_MENU"], 1, name)
27 else
28 if not UnitPopupMenus[submenu] then
29 if self.debug then
30 ChatFrame1:AddMessage("AddMenuItem: Adding submenu |cff00ff00"..submenu.."|r")
31 end
32 table.insert(UnitPopupMenus["ADDON_MENU"], 1, submenu)
33 UnitPopupButtons[submenu] = { text = TEXT(submenu), dist = 0, nested = 1 }
34 UnitPopupMenus[submenu] = { "CANCEL" }
35 end
36 table.insert(UnitPopupMenus[submenu], 1, name)
37 end
38 if self.debug then
39 ChatFrame1:AddMessage("AddMenuItem: Adding menu item |cff00ff00""|r")
40 end
41 UnitPopupButtons[name] = { text = TEXT(name), dist = 0 }
42 self:InsertCallback(name, callbackFunc)
43 end,
45 -------------------------------------------
46 -- Users should not call these functions --
47 -------------------------------------------
49 --
50 -- AddonMenuName
51 -- Return the localised text for the addon menu name
52 --
53 AddonMenuName = function(self)
54 -- if (GetLocale() == "deDE") then
55 -- return "GermanText"
56 -- elseif (GetLocale() == "frFR") then
57 -- return "FrenchText"
58 -- else
59 return "Addons"
60 -- end
61 end,
63 --
64 -- InsertCallback
65 -- Insert a callback into the hook table
66 --
67 InsertCallback = function(self, item, callbackFunc)
68 for index,entry in pairs(self.callbacks) do
69 if == item then
70 return
71 end
72 end
73 table.insert(self.callbacks, {name = item, func = callbackFunc})
74 end,
76 --
77 -- UnitPopup_OnClick
78 -- If the menu item clicked is in the hook table, call its callback
79 -- Otherwise call the global UnitPopup_OnClick
80 --
81 UnitPopup_OnClick = function()
82 for index,entry in AddonMenu.callbacks do
83 if (this.value == then
84 entry.func()
85 return
86 end
87 end
88 AddonMenu.unitPopupOnClick()
89 end,
91 --
92 -- UnitPopup_ShowMenu
93 -- Override the original function with a copy of itself, making two small changes to support a third level of nesting.
94 -- Very ugly.
95 -- Unless we're in the self menu and above the first level of nesting, though, just passthrough
96 --
97 UnitPopup_ShowMenu = function(dropdownMenu, which, unit, name, userData)
98 if (which == "SELF") and (UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL > 1) then
99 -- Init variables
100 dropdownMenu.which = which;
101 dropdownMenu.unit = unit;
102 if ( unit and not name ) then
103 name = UnitName(unit);
104 end
105 = name;
106 dropdownMenu.userData = userData;
108 -- Determine which buttons should be shown or hidden
109 UnitPopup_HideButtons();
111 -- If only one menu item (the cancel button) then don't show the menu
112 local count = 0;
113 for index, value in UnitPopupMenus[which] do
114 if( UnitPopupShown[index] == 1 and value ~= "CANCEL" ) then
115 count = count + 1;
116 end
117 end
118 if ( count < 1 ) then
119 return;
120 end
122 -- Determine which loot method and which loot threshold are selected and set the corresponding buttons to the same text
123 dropdownMenu.selectedLootMethod = UnitLootMethod[GetLootMethod()].text;
124 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_METHOD"].text = dropdownMenu.selectedLootMethod;
125 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_METHOD"].tooltipText = UnitLootMethod[GetLootMethod()].tooltipText;
126 dropdownMenu.selectedLootThreshold = getglobal("ITEM_QUALITY"..GetLootThreshold().."_DESC");
127 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_THRESHOLD"].text = dropdownMenu.selectedLootThreshold;
128 -- This allows player to view loot settings if he's not the leader
129 if ( ((GetNumPartyMembers() > 0) or (GetNumRaidMembers() > 0)) and IsPartyLeader() ) then
130 -- If this is true then player is the party leader
131 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_METHOD"].nested = 1;
132 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_THRESHOLD"].nested = 1;
133 else
134 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_METHOD"].nested = nil;
135 UnitPopupButtons["LOOT_THRESHOLD"].nested = nil;
136 end
138 -- If level 2 dropdown
139 local info;
140 local color;
141 local icon;
143 dropdownMenu.which = UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE;
144 for index, value in UnitPopupMenus[UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_VALUE] do
145 info = {};
146 info.text = UnitPopupButtons[value].text;
148 -- Set the text color
149 color = UnitPopupButtons[value].color;
150 if ( color ) then
151 info.textR = color.r;
152 info.textG = color.g;
153 info.textB = color.b;
154 end
155 -- Icons
156 info.icon = UnitPopupButtons[value].icon;
157 info.tCoordLeft = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordLeft;
158 info.tCoordRight = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordRight;
159 info.tCoordTop = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordTop;
160 info.tCoordBottom = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordBottom;
161 -- Checked conditions
162 if ( info.text == dropdownMenu.selectedLootMethod ) then
163 info.checked = 1;
164 elseif ( info.text == dropdownMenu.selectedLootThreshold ) then
165 info.checked = 1;
166 elseif ( strsub(value, 1, 12) == "RAID_TARGET_" ) then
167 local raidTargetIndex = GetRaidTargetIndex(unit);
168 if ( raidTargetIndex == index ) then
169 info.checked = 1;
170 end
171 end
173 if ( UnitPopupButtons[value].nested ) then
174 info.hasArrow = 1;
175 end
177 info.value = value;
178 info.func = UnitPopup_OnClick;
179 -- Setup newbie tooltips
180 info.tooltipTitle = UnitPopupButtons[value].text;
181 info.tooltipText = getglobal("NEWBIE_TOOLTIP_UNIT_"..value);
182 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL);
183 end
184 return;
185 end
187 -- Add dropdown title
188 if ( unit or name ) then
189 info = {};
190 if ( name ) then
191 info.text = name;
192 else
193 info.text = TEXT(UNKNOWN);
194 end
195 info.isTitle = 1;
196 info.notCheckable = 1;
197 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
198 end
200 -- Show the buttons which are used by this menu
201 local tooltipText;
202 for index, value in UnitPopupMenus[which] do
203 if( UnitPopupShown[index] == 1 ) then
204 info = {};
205 info.text = UnitPopupButtons[value].text;
206 info.value = value;
207 info.owner = which;
208 info.func = UnitPopup_OnClick;
209 if ( not UnitPopupButtons[value].checkable ) then
210 info.notCheckable = 1;
211 end
212 -- Text color
213 if ( value == "LOOT_THRESHOLD" ) then
214 -- Set the text color
215 color = ITEM_QUALITY_COLORS[GetLootThreshold()];
216 info.textR = color.r;
217 info.textG = color.g;
218 info.textB = color.b;
219 else
220 color = UnitPopupButtons[value].color;
221 if ( color ) then
222 info.textR = color.r;
223 info.textG = color.g;
224 info.textB = color.b;
225 end
226 end
227 -- Icons
228 info.icon = UnitPopupButtons[value].icon;
229 info.tCoordLeft = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordLeft;
230 info.tCoordRight = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordRight;
231 info.tCoordTop = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordTop;
232 info.tCoordBottom = UnitPopupButtons[value].tCoordBottom;
233 -- Checked conditions
234 if ( strsub(value, 1, 12) == "RAID_TARGET_" ) then
235 local raidTargetIndex = GetRaidTargetIndex("target");
236 if ( raidTargetIndex == index ) then
237 info.checked = 1;
238 end
239 end
240 if ( UnitPopupButtons[value].nested ) then
241 info.hasArrow = 1;
242 end
244 -- Setup newbie tooltips
245 info.tooltipTitle = UnitPopupButtons[value].text;
246 tooltipText = getglobal("NEWBIE_TOOLTIP_UNIT_"..value);
247 if ( not tooltipText ) then
248 tooltipText = UnitPopupButtons[value].tooltipText;
249 end
250 info.tooltipText = tooltipText;
251 UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info);
252 end
253 end
254 PlaySound("igMainMenuOpen");
255 else
256 AddonMenu.origShowMenu(dropdownMenu, which, unit, name, userData)
257 end
258 end,
260 --
261 -- Initialisation
262 --
263 Init = function(self)
264 if not self.initialised then
265 if self.debug then
266 ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format("AddMenuitem: Initializing version |cff00ff00%.1f|r", self.version))
267 end
268 if prevAddonMenu then
269 if self.debug then
270 ChatFrame1:AddMessage(string.format("AddMenuitem: Migrating data from AddonMenu version %.1f", prevAddonMenu.version))
271 end
272 if prevAddonMenu.unitPopupOnClick then
273 self.unitPopupOnClick = prevAddonMenu.unitPopupOnClick
274 else
275 self.unitPopupOnClick = getglobal("UnitPopup_OnClick")
276 end
277 if prevAddonMenu.origShowMenu then
278 self.origShowMenu = prevAddonMenu.origShowMenu
279 else
280 self.origShowMenu = getglobal("UnitPopup_ShowMenu")
281 end
282 self.callbacks = prevAddonMenu.callbacks
283 prevAddonMenu = {}
284 else
285 self.callbacks = {}
286 self.unitPopupOnClick = getglobal("UnitPopup_OnClick")
287 self.origShowMenu = getglobal("UnitPopup_ShowMenu")
288 UnitPopupButtons["ADDON_MENU"] = { text = self:AddonMenuName(), dist = 0, nested = 1 }
289 table.insert(UnitPopupMenus["SELF"], table.getn(UnitPopupMenus["SELF"]), "ADDON_MENU")
290 UnitPopupMenus["ADDON_MENU"] = {}
291 end
292 UnitPopup_OnClick = self.UnitPopup_OnClick
293 UnitPopup_ShowMenu = self.UnitPopup_ShowMenu
294 self.initialised = true
295 end
296 end
297 }
298 end