vanilla-wow-addons – Blame information for rev 1

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
1 office 1 assert(CandyDice)
2 assert(CandyDice.defaults)
3 assert(BabbleSpell)
5 L=BabbleSpell
8 CandyDice.defaults["ROGUE"] = {
9 [L["Slice and Dice"]] = {
10 colors = {"0000ff"}, --fgcolor, bgcolor as hex strings. No names because these get registered with PaintChip
11 cooldown = false, -- scan this ability for a cooldown?
12 buff = true, -- scan buffs for this?
13 -- TODO: add a debuff scanner?
14 -- TODO: Item CDs
15 },
16 [L["Blind"]] = {
17 colors={"212121"},
18 cooldown=true,
19 buff=false,
20 },
21 [L["Stealth"]] = {
22 colors = {"000000"},
23 cooldown = true,
24 buff = false,
25 },
26 [L["Kidney Shot"]] = {
27 colors = {"magenta"},
28 cooldown = true,
29 buff = false
30 },
31 [L["Vanish"]] = {
32 colors = {"ffffff"},
33 cooldown = true,
34 buff = true
35 },
36 [L["Kick"]] = {
37 colors = {"000000"},
38 cooldown = true,
39 buff = false
40 },
41 [L["Adrenaline Rush"]] = {
42 colors = {"ff0000"},
43 cooldown = true,
44 buff = true
45 },
46 [L["Blade Flurry"]] = {
47 colors = {"ffff00"},
48 cooldown = true,
49 buff = true
50 },
51 [L["Evasion"]] = {
52 colors = {"aa00ff"},
53 cooldown = true,
54 buff = true
55 },
56 [L["Sprint"]] = {
57 colors = {"00ff00"},
58 cooldown = true,
59 buff = true
60 },
61 [L["Feint"]] = {
62 colors = {"c0c0c0"},
63 cooldown = true,
64 buff = false,
65 },
66 [L["Gouge"]] = {
67 colors = {"FFCC66"},
68 cooldown = true,
69 buff = false
70 },
71 [L["Distract"]] = {
72 colors = {"FFCC66"},
73 cooldown = true,
74 buff = false
75 },
76 [L["Premeditation"]] = {
77 colors = {"FFCC66"},
78 cooldown = true,
79 buff = false
80 },
81 [L["Preparation"]] = {
82 colors = {"FFCC66"},
83 cooldown = true,
84 buff = false
85 },
86 [L["Cold Blood"]]= {
87 colors = {"87CEFA"},
88 cooldown = true,
89 buff = true,
90 },
91 -- Crusader - not in Babble spell, needs to be localized manually some day
92 ["Holy Strength"] = {
93 colors = {"ffff00"},
94 cooldown = false,
95 buff = true
96 },
97 }