scratch – Blame information for rev

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
66 office 1 var helpers = require('./helpers');
2 // --- Lexer
4 /**
5 * YAML grammar tokens.
6 */
8 var tokens = [
9 ['comment', /^#[^\n]*/],
10 ['indent', /^\n( *)/],
11 ['space', /^ +/],
12 ['true', /^\b(enabled|true|yes|on)\b/],
13 ['false', /^\b(disabled|false|no|off)\b/],
14 ['null', /^\b(null|Null|NULL|~)\b/],
15 ['string', /^"(.*?)"/],
16 ['string', /^'(.*?)'/],
17 ['timestamp', /^((\d{4})-(\d\d?)-(\d\d?)(?:(?:[ \t]+)(\d\d?):(\d\d)(?::(\d\d))?)?)/],
18 ['float', /^(\d+\.\d+)/],
19 ['int', /^(\d+)/],
20 ['doc', /^---/],
21 [',', /^,/],
22 ['{', /^\{(?![^\n\}]*\}[^\n]*[^\s\n\}])/],
23 ['}', /^\}/],
24 ['[', /^\[(?![^\n\]]*\][^\n]*[^\s\n\]])/],
25 [']', /^\]/],
26 ['-', /^\-/],
27 [':', /^[:]/],
28 ['string', /^(?![^:\n\s]*:[^\/]{2})(([^:,\]\}\n\s]|(?!\n)\s(?!\s*?\n)|:\/\/|,(?=[^\n]*\s*[^\]\}\s\n]\s*\n)|[\]\}](?=[^\n]*\s*[^\]\}\s\n]\s*\n))*)(?=[,:\]\}\s\n]|$)/],
29 ['id', /^([\w|\/|\$][\w -]*)/ ]
30 ]
33 /**
34 * Tokenize the given _str_.
35 *
36 * @param {string} str
37 * @return {array}
38 * @api private
39 */
41 exports.tokenize = function (str) {
42 var token, captures, ignore, input,
43 index = 0,
44 indents = 0, lastIndents = 0,
45 stack = [], indentAmount = -1
47 // Windows new line support (CR+LF, \r\n)
48 str = str.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n");
50 while (str.length) {
51 for (var i = 0, len = tokens.length; i < len; ++i)
52 if (captures = tokens[i][1].exec(str)) {
53 // token format: [tokenType, capturedToken, startIndex, endIndex]
54 token = [tokens[i][0], captures, index, index + captures[0].length - 1];
55 str = str.replace(tokens[i][1], '');
56 index += captures[0].length;
57 switch (token[0]) {
58 case 'comment':
59 ignore = true;
60 break;
61 case 'indent':
62 lastIndents = indents;
63 // determine the indentation amount from the first indent
64 if (indentAmount == -1) {
65 indentAmount = token[1][1].length;
66 }
68 indents = token[1][1].length / indentAmount;
70 if (indents === lastIndents || isNaN(indents)) {
71 ignore = true;
72 }
73 else if (indents > lastIndents + 1){
74 throw new SyntaxError('invalid indentation, got ' + indents + ' instead of ' + (lastIndents + 1));
75 }
76 else if (indents < lastIndents) {
77 < lastIndents) { input = token[1].input;
78 < lastIndents) { token = ['dedent'];
79 < lastIndents) { token.input = input;
80 < lastIndents) { while (--lastIndents > indents){
81 < lastIndents) { stack.push(token)
82 < lastIndents) { }
83 < lastIndents) { }
84 < lastIndents) { }
85 < lastIndents) { break
86 < lastIndents) { }
87 < lastIndents) { if (!ignore)
88 < lastIndents) { if (token)
89 < lastIndents) { stack.push(token),
90 < lastIndents) { token = null
91 < lastIndents) { else
92 < lastIndents) { throw new SyntaxError(helpers.context(str))
93 < lastIndents) { ignore = false
94 < lastIndents) { }
95 < lastIndents) { return stack
96 < lastIndents) {}