scratch – Blame information for rev 75

Subversion Repositories:
Rev Author Line No. Line
75 office 1 #!/usr/bin/env node
3 /**
4 * yaml2json cli program
5 */
7 var YAML = require('../lib/Yaml.js');
9 var ArgumentParser = require('argparse').ArgumentParser;
10 var cli = new ArgumentParser({
11 prog: "yaml2json",
12 version: require('../package.json').version,
13 addHelp: true
14 });
16 cli.addArgument(
17 ['-p', '--pretty'],
18 {
19 help: 'Output pretty (indented) JSON.',
20 action: 'storeTrue'
21 }
22 );
24 cli.addArgument(
25 ['-i', '--indentation'],
26 {
27 action: 'store',
28 type: 'int',
29 help: 'Number of space characters used to indent code (use with --pretty, default: 2).',
30 }
31 );
33 cli.addArgument(
34 ['-s', '--save'],
35 {
36 help: 'Save output inside JSON file(s) with the same name.',
37 action: 'storeTrue'
38 }
39 );
41 cli.addArgument(
42 ['-r', '--recursive'],
43 {
44 help: 'If the input is a directory, also find YAML files in sub-directories recursively.',
45 action: 'storeTrue'
46 }
47 );
49 cli.addArgument(
50 ['-w', '--watch'],
51 {
52 help: 'Watch for changes.',
53 action: 'storeTrue'
54 }
55 );
57 cli.addArgument(['input'], {
58 help: 'YAML file or directory containing YAML files or - to read YAML from stdin.'
59 });
61 try {
62 var options = cli.parseArgs();
63 var path = require('path');
64 var fs = require('fs');
65 var glob = require('glob');
67 var rootPath = process.cwd();
68 var parsePath = function(input) {
69 if (input == '-') return '-';
70 var output;
71 if (!(input != null)) {
72 return rootPath;
73 }
74 output = path.normalize(input);
75 if (output.length === 0) {
76 return rootPath;
77 }
78 if (output.charAt(0) !== '/') {
79 output = path.normalize(rootPath + '/./' + output);
80 }
81 if (output.length > 1 && output.charAt(output.length - 1) === '/') {
82 return output.substr(0, output.length - 1);
83 }
84 return output;
85 };
87 // Find files
88 var findFiles = function(input) {
89 if (input != '-' && input != null) {
90 var isDirectory = fs.statSync(input).isDirectory();
91 var files = [];
93 if (!isDirectory) {
94 files.push(input);
95 }
96 else {
97 if (options.recursive) {
98 files = files.concat(glob.sync(input+'/**/*.yml'));
99 files = files.concat(glob.sync(input+'/**/*.yaml'));
100 }
101 else {
102 files = files.concat(glob.sync(input+'/*.yml'));
103 files = files.concat(glob.sync(input+'/*.yaml'));
104 }
105 }
107 return files;
108 }
109 return null;
110 };
112 // Convert to JSON
113 var convertToJSON = function(input, pretty, save, spaces, str) {
114 var json;
115 if (spaces == null) spaces = 2;
116 if (str != null) {
117 if (pretty) {
118 json = JSON.stringify(YAML.parse(str), null, spaces);
119 }
120 else {
121 json = JSON.stringify(YAML.parse(str));
122 }
123 } else {
124 if (pretty) {
125 json = JSON.stringify(YAML.parseFile(input), null, spaces);
126 }
127 else {
128 json = JSON.stringify(YAML.parseFile(input));
129 }
130 }
132 if (!save || input == null) {
133 // Ouput result
134 process.stdout.write(json+"\n");
135 }
136 else {
137 var output;
138 if (input.substring(input.length-4) == '.yml') {
139 output = input.substr(0, input.length-4) + '.json';
140 }
141 else if (input.substring(input.length-5) == '.yaml') {
142 output = input.substr(0, input.length-5) + '.json';
143 }
144 else {
145 output = input + '.json';
146 }
148 // Write file
149 var file = fs.openSync(output, 'w+');
150 fs.writeSync(file, json);
151 fs.closeSync(file);
152 process.stdout.write("saved "+output+"\n");
153 }
154 };
156 var input = parsePath(options.input);
157 var mtimes = [];
159 var runCommand = function() {
160 try {
161 var files = findFiles(input);
162 if (files != null) {
163 var len = files.length;
165 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
166 var file = files[i];
167 var stat = fs.statSync(file);
168 var time = stat.mtime.getTime();
169 if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
170 if (!mtimes[file] || mtimes[file] < time) {
171 mtimes[file] = time;
172 convertToJSON(file, options.pretty,, options.indentation);
173 }
174 }
175 }
176 } else {
177 // Read from STDIN
178 var stdin = process.openStdin();
179 var data = "";
180 stdin.on('data', function(chunk) {
181 data += chunk;
182 });
183 stdin.on('end', function() {
184 convertToJSON(null, options.pretty,, options.indentation, data);
185 });
186 }
187 } catch (e) {
188 process.stderr.write((e.message ? e.message : e)+"\n");
189 }
190 };
192 if (! {
193 runCommand();
194 } else {
195 runCommand();
196 setInterval(runCommand, 1000);
197 }
198 } catch (e) {
199 process.stderr.write((e.message ? e.message : e)+"\n");
200 }